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    模块六 unit 3 词汇讲解,1. difference (u. c.) 差别,差异,差异点 Young people must be taught to learn the difference between good and evil. 必须教导年轻人学会区分善与恶。 There isnt any difference in structure between the two machines. 这两部机器的构造没有什么区别。 There are many differences between American English and British English in pronunciation. 美式英语和英式英语之间在发音上有许多不同。 Can you tell the difference between them? make a / no difference (没)有影响,(不)起重要作用,It makes no difference to me whether he goes or not. 不管它去还是不去,对我都没有影响。 different adj. A be different from B in sth differ vi. A differ from B indifference 冷漠 =American English is different from British English. =American English differs from British English. It wont make much _ whether you agree or not. A. trouble B. difference C. troubles D. differences,2. accumulate vt. 积累,搜集 Bill Gates has accumulated a large fortune through hard work. accumulate information ( collect/gather ) accumulate vi Dust will accumulate on the desk if it is regularly cleaned. . accumulation n.,3.native: 1)adj .what is your native language? (mother tongue) China is my native country/land. That is to say ,My nationality is Chinese and My native language is Chinese. 2)当地的,土生土长的:local 3)go native: try to live and behave like the local people:入乡随俗;同化 You d better go native when you come to a new place. n. I am a native of Guanyun.我是灌云本地人 A native of Beijing in new York,4.accent n. Judging from his accent, he must be from the States Whenever we heard his strong accent, we couldnt help bursting into laughter. 我们一听到他那浓重的乡音,就忍不住笑起来。 翻译: 从他的口音判断,他一定来自华南. Judging from/ by his accent, he must be from South China. compare: accident / ancient,5. celebrate vt.庆祝 We are to hold/have a birthday celebration to celebrate your coming 18th birthday. in celebration of =We are to hold a birthday celebration in celebration of your coming 18th birthday. (2) People spend Christmas in celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. 人们过圣诞节是为了庆祝耶稣基督的诞生。 (3) On July 4 in the US, a parade is held in celebration of the Independence Day. 在美国的七月四日,人们举行游行庆祝独立日。,congratulate congratulate sb. on sth./doing =We are to hold a birthday celebration to congratuate you on your coming 18th birthday congratulation n. congratulations to sb . on sth./doing,Fred has passed the examination. Lets have a little party to _ him _ his success. A. congratulate; on B. celebrate; for C. celebrate; on D. congratulate; for The three sisters decided to hold a family party to _ their parents silver wedding. A. welcome B. congratulate C. memorize D. celebrate,6. embarrassing adj.令人尴尬的embarrassed adj. 感到尴尬的 embarrassment n. 尴尬 embarrass v. (使)窘迫,(使)为难 He stood there with an_expression when he heard the _ news. The lady who had invited us heard me telling my wife that the dinner was terrible so I was _. A. confused B. nervous C. shameful D. embarrassed,embarrassed,embarrassing,7.first finger 食指 The professor put his first finger into the bottle, dipped and put it into his mouth. 教授把自己的食指放进瓶子里,蘸了蘸,然后放进嘴里。 【拓展】 thumb拇指 middle finger中指 ring finger无名指 little finger小指,8. participate vi. 参加 participant participation He couldn't participate in the games because of his sudden illness. Did you participate in the discussion? China often participates in the world peace-keeping missions 中国经常参加国际维和行动。 If only I could participate in your good fortune要是我能分享你的好运就好了。,辩析:常用的表示“参加”的词(组)有: take part in, join (in), attend participate in 与take part in /join in同义,表示参加活动或在活动中负责; join为及物动词,表示“加入某组织,并为其中一员”,短语join in指参加某项活动,多指正在进行的活动; attend用作及物动词,指参加会议、典礼、演讲、上学等活动。 Tom took part in the struggle after his father' s death. Kate joined us in dancing and singing, and had a good time. The headmaster promised to us to attend our class meeting next week.,9. 1) adjust 适应 It was a few minutes before his eyes adjusted to the dark. 几分钟后他的眼睛才适应黑暗。 The body quickly adjusts to changes in temperature. 身体会很快地适应气温地改变。 It took her a while to adjust to living alone after the divorce. 她离婚以后,过了一段时间才适应了单身生活。 adjust sb/oneself to adapt to ( doing ) sth/adapt sb/oneself to get/become/be used to ( doing ) sth,2) adjust 调整,调节,整理 You can adjust this desk to the height of any child. 你可以根据小孩的身高,随意调整这张桌子的高度。 I had the brakes of my bicycle adjusted. 我请人调整了我自行车的车闸。 Youd better adjust your hair before you go out.,I must adjust my watch. Its too slow. 我必须调整一下我的手表,它慢了。 Since 1979, our government has adjusted its focus to the modernization of our country. 自从1979年以来,我国政府已将其工作中心调整到国家的现代化建设上了。 My camera can be _ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions. A. treated B. adopted C. adjusted D. remedied adjustment adjustable,10. log off 电脑网络用语,表示“关机,下线”, 也可用作log out. Yesterday my e-pal logged off without saying goodbye. 昨天我的网友不打招呼就下线了。 2)log in 或log on. 表示“登录” You have to register if you would like to log in our chat room. 你得注册才能进入本聊天室。,11. analyse vt. 分析,分解 If we failed in this examination,we should analyse the cause of our failure. That murderer asked to be analysed before being shot. 那个杀人犯要求在枪决之前做精神分析. analysis n. (pl. analyses) a chemical analysis 化学分析 That consultant made a careful analysis of the problem. 那个顾问仔细分析了那个问题。 in the last (final) analysis 最终,归根到底 analyst n. 分析者;分解者;精神分析医师 analytic adj. analytic geometry 解析几何,12.nationality n.国籍,民族,(1) Whats your nationality? I am Chinese Sorry, I mistook you for Japanese. (2) take/hold/have French nationality 获得/拥有/持有法国国籍,nation national nationally,13. anyway = anyhow Anyway we must learn how tomake a summary of the text. 无论如何,我们必须学会怎么对课文做个总结。 You must improve your broken English anyway. 不管你用什么办法,必须提高你那糟糕的英语。,I'm certain David's told you his business troubles. _, it's no secret that he owes a lot of money to the bank. A. However B. Anyway C. Therefore D. Though,14.approve vt. 批准;认可 The mayor approved the new building plans. 市长批准了新建筑计划。 vi. 赞成; 赞许 (+of) Im afraid your parents wont approve of your going there. 我担心你父母不会赞成你到那儿去。 My parents don't approve of me smoking ciga -rettes. :advocate,approval He showed his approval by smiling. 他用微笑表示赞成。 Tom _ of her course of action, so he told her to go ahead. A. approved B. agreed C. accepted D. consented,15. take up (1)Sorry, I've taken up so much of your time. (2)The large desk takes up most of the office. (3)Do you know when YaoMing took up basketball. (4)I'll take up the story where I finished yesterday. (5)Do you want to take up his offer of some money? (6)Soon this song was taken up across the world. 常用的与take 相关短语有: take after“长得像”;take down“写下”;take in“欺骗;吸收”;take over“接管”。,16. give out (1)The teacher asked the monitor to give out our exam papers. (2)The sun gives out heat and light, which brings us endless energy. (3)Our supply of sugar has given out. (4)give out the results of the exam 与give相关的短语还有: give away“泄露”; give back“归还”; give in“屈服”; give up“放弃”。,Papers are _ to all the new students five minutes earlier before each examination. A. given off B. given up C. given in D. given out After a weeks work, my strength _.So I failed to see you in hospital. gave way B. gave out C. gave off D. gave in,18.sign n. The sign in the picture means that everything is OK. Thank you for your concern. Outside the shop was a sign on which were written “We Buy Second-hand Computer”. 商店外面有一块牌子,上面写着“收购二手电脑”。 We saw no sign of life on the isolated island. 我们在那个孤岛上没有看到生命的迹象。 ()迹象,标志,招牌 ()手势,示意的动作 sign v. 签名,示意 Sign your name here, please. sign a deal/contract/cheque 在协议/合同/支票上签字 The policeman signed to me to stop. signature 签名,19. request n. 请求,要求 Ill try to meet your requests/needs/demands. at ones request / at the request of 根据的请求 in (great) request 有(很大)需求 We came to the party at the request of Miss Li. He is such a good singer that he is in great request.,request vt. Many people have requested a new book. Visitors are requested not to touch the paintings. I requested that he (should) leave. 其后接名词,带动词不定式的复合结构以及从句,从句中谓语动词用should+动词原形(should可省略)。,He put in a special _ for an extra day's holiday so that he could attend his daughter's wedding. A. request B. demand C. inquiry D. proposal It was requested that the play _again A. should put on B. would put on C. be put on D. put on,20. hold up The broken cars held up the traffic. Dad liked to hold me up into the sky when I was young. 与hold 相关的常用短语还有: hold back;hold on ;hold out 。,The young man is such a person who _ and never speaks to the people around him politely. Aholds up his head high B. holds back his own Ckeeps his head D. keeps his head above ground,21. remark The readers remarked that the overseas student had a great ambition. It would be rude to remark on her appearance. remark还可用作名词,意为“所说的话,评论,意见”。短语make remarks on / about意为“评论,评述;谈论”。例如: I thought your remarks might have hurt her feelings. They kept making remarks about their girl classmates. comment,22. certain 形容词,做定语或表语 做定语 Water can be changed into ice or steam under certain conditions. 水在一定的条件下可以变成冰或蒸汽。 .He didn't come for a certain reason.由于某种原因,他没来 A certain Ms Jones phoned you today. 有位琼斯女士今天给你来过电话。 some某个,. upset: verb T upsetting, upset, upset,to make someone worried, unhappy or angry:,It still upsets him when he thinks about the accident.,当他想起这个事故的时候仍然会使他不安。,upset upsetting,Don't get upset about the dress - there's only a little stain on it.,不要对这件裙子感到心烦了上面只有一点斑。,She was very upset to hear that the holiday had been cancelled.,He was very upset that you didn't reply to his letters.,听说假期被取消了,她很心烦。,你没有给他回信,他很不安。,24. contact n. (u)交往, 接触,关系,联络多和with连用 be in touch/contact with与有联系 get in touch/contact with与联络 make contact with与联络 keep in touch/contact with与保持联系 lose contact/touch with与失去联系 be out of contact/touch失去联系,中断联络 come into contact with与接触,25. greet: verb T,to welcome someone with particular words or a particular action, or to react to something in the stated way:,He greeted me at the door.,他在门边向我致意。,greeting: noun C or U,They exchanged greetings before starting the session/meeting/conference.,他们在开始开会之前相互问好。,26. shake: verb . shook, shaken,shake sb's hand/shake sb by the hand Shake hands with sb,Shake the bottle before you take the medicine.,The Princess was photographed shaking hands with AIDS victims.,公主和爱滋病患者握手被拍下来了。,26.tour v.&n. 观光旅游 I will tour the world in the future. journey n. 长途旅行 I took a journey from Beijing to Shanghai last year voyage n. 航海、航空 She usually gets seasick during the voyage. They made a voyage across the Pacific by air.,trip 指时间短、距离近的“旅行、远足”,也可以指长途旅行。在非正式用语中可代替journey。只作名词。例如: We made a boat trip to the island last week and had a good time. I will be on a trip to / journey to the south next summer holiday.,travel v.&n. 旅游,旅行,其复数形式意思为“旅游笔记”、“游记”。例如: At present, many people are fond of travel in their spare time. I am reading a book about the travel to North Pole. They came home after years of foreign travel. Light travels faster than sound.,2. swap ( swapped, swapped, swapping ) :exchange (1)Your dress is very beautiful. Shall I swap my dress for yours with you? (2)I've finished reading this book. Can I swap it with you? (3)I'll swap six old foreign stamps for two of the new ones. swap places/round swap ideas swap addresses,28. account 报道,描述,描写a vivid account of the event 帐户 open a current account in the bank on account of :because of , due to by/from all accounts 根据各方面所说 take sth into account/consideration/ take account of sth 考虑到 The witness gave the police a detailed account of what she saw. The freeway has been closed on account of heavy fog. By all accounts we are sure he is a warm-hearted man. What the child did in the exam is good. We should take his IQ into account.,on no account On no account will I forget you and your smiles Employees must on no account make personal telephone calls from the office,I hope my teacher will take my recent illness into _ when judging my examination. A. regard B. account C. thought D. observation _ his knowledge of the mountainous country, John Smith was appointed as our guide. A. In spite of B. On account of C. Regardless of D. Instead of,2. belong belong to From now on, my private automobile belongs to you. belongings n. 财产;所有物;身边携带之东西。例如: He packed his few belongings in a bag and left. 改错 China is belonged to developing countries.() China belongs to developing countries.( ),The English exam is not difficult, is it? _ . even Tom _ to the top students failed in it. A. Yes, belonged B. No, belonged C. Yes, belonging D. No, belonging (1)To all the people here _ the honour for the success. (2)China _ the Third World is a developing country. A. belong B. belongs C. belongs to D. belonging to,belongs,belonging to,. have power over意为“控制,支配”。 It's impossible for you to have power over all things including your love. 【拓展】与power 相关的短语come to power / be in power意为“执政;当权;上台”;in one's power意为“尽一切力量”。例如: The man came to power by force. Which political party is in power at present? I shall be happy to give you any information in my power. powerful powerless have the power/right to do sth China Power,


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