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    短文改错1:,One day, the workers of the park paintd the park stool and saved the post on the stool. But after a moment the post was blew away by the wind. And after a while Mr. Brown came and he didnt know there was paint on the park stool. Then he sat down in it and began to read the papers. When he want to go and stand up, he found there was paint adhered on his clothes. Then Mr. Brown went home quickly and wore another clothes and take the clothes which was adhered with the paint to the dry cleaner and wash it. He thought it was so a bad day.,短文改错2:,Its a finny day. Two painters went to park painted the chairs. At last, they put a notice wtited: “It is painted; dont sit down!” But the wind made the notice flied. Mr. Brown went to the park in the afternoon. Becuae the bus was not come. So he decided went to the park wasted the time. He was so careless that he sit to the painted chair. The paint was covered the cloth. So Mr. Brown had to set the cloth to the washing shop. He think . He was very badly. He felt so unhappy.,根据图画写短文,1.命题解析 2.题目分析方法 3.写作方法 4.范文评析,4/11/2008,根据图画写短文,成于图表的短文一般可分为三类:叙述类,说明类和议论类。叙述类可包括根据图表写出的日记;说明类可包括个人生平,履历、通知或交代某些注意事项的留言条,根据路线图给人指路和对图表中数字进行客观的分析解释等;议论类则可指分析图表中所给数字,并就这些数字所反映出的事实做出个人评价。,认真观察、挖掘细节,细致的观察是写作的基础。题目所给的图画有一幅与多幅之分,但不论几幅,写作短文时总离不开这几个要旨:1、恰当的观察点; 2、有关背景,环境等情况的清楚交代; 3、明确突出的中心思想; 4、清晰的思想脉络; 5、详略得当的材料处理。这一切都建立在细致的观察上。,题目分析步骤1:,发挥想象,仔细分析,题目给出单幅图画要求考生加以评论的不多见,要求说明的倒可能会有,这时需考生调动的是已有的常识,根据一定的逻辑方式加以组织成文以清楚明了为准。如果给出单幅图要求写一篇叙述性的短文,如故事,事情恐怕就会麻烦一些,因为这里需要调动的考生的想象力和逻辑分析的能力。想象力是写作时不可或缺的一种能力。它可以把看似相对独立的几个画面联系起来,当然,我们说的想象并非天马行空,它应当受到逻辑的约束,是用来填充画外人情人理的细节的。,题目分析步骤2,写作步骤与要领1,审清题目,根据要求选择适当的表达方式和文体。如要求中只提到采用短文形式,则考生便可自主做宽范围的选择。如题中有特殊要求,如“作简单评论”,考生则需要从评的角度考虑问题。在确定了表达方式以后,还要注意选择适当的文体。不同的文体有不同的要求。如正式的信函形式要求有信头、信内地址,呼语,文末根据对象不同有Yours sincerely或Yours faithfully及本人签名等,而普通朋友之间的信函可不写信内地址,称呼可直接写成诸如“Dear John”样的形式,信末可写成Yours sincerely 或Yours 即可,如果亲密朋友,则会更简单一些。而文体选择合适与否,格式是否正确,也是评分标准中的一条,不能忽视。,写作步骤与要领2,要注意图表内信息的连接方式。图表中的信息之间虽会有内在的联系,但在表格中的体现形式去是各自独立的,因此考生在写作时却不可照表硬搬,逐字翻译,否则写出来的短文会像一盘散沙,没有凝聚点,混乱滞涩。考生应学会灵活地使用连接词、指示代词等,适当地根据自己的需要和文章的进展调整信息出现的顺序。由于题目通常有词数的限制,因此在表格内容比较丰富,有些信息可能不具备提及的重要性时,可适当地删减其中的一些以满足题目的要求。,仔细观察下列一组图画,请以“歌德的作品”为题写一篇短文。词在120左右。给出词:歌德Goethe,Goethes Works The father had a good stock of books, some easy while some abstract. He loved reading. The son, instead, loved playing in the garden. One day, the son went to his fathers reading room and asked for books. “Want to read, Yeah?” Let me see, errhere, Robinson Crusoe. A fairly good story,” the father said. “No, I want some thick books, like the works of Goethe,” replied the son. The father watched his son out to the garden curiously, wondering what was going on. On the boys head topped three books of Goethe. After a while the father walked into the garden, only to find out his son stepping on the books and reaching for the fruit on the tree.,请根据表格用英语写一篇6月2日的日记。 注意:1、日记须包括表格中所有的内容,可以适当增加细节,使日记连贯。 2、词数100左右。,A Page from a Students Diary June 2nd Saturday Fine It was a very nice day. Our class went to the People Park. We took the school bus at the school gate at 8:00 a. m. About 8:30 we arrived there. It is a very large and beautiful park. Many people spend their weekends there because there are a lot of trees, a very large man-made lake and many modern recreational facilities. In the morning, we rowed small boats and swam together, and then we had our picnic among the trees. In the afternoon, we walked along the lake bank, talking and laughing. We took some photos there. We had a very good time there. We returned at 5:00 p.m. and got home safely.,评 析 表格中的内容实际上是组成文章的几个要点,如时间、地点、方式、事件等,所以照表格内容顺序写短文是不可能的,必须另外找一个陈述的顺序。本文以时间为顺序,将所给要素有机地结合起来,使得全文条理清楚,井井有条。,请对下图做一简要说明,词数100120。,Prices vs. Sales As is shown in the graph, people buy fewer shoes as the price of shoes goes up. On the contrary, a decrease in the price causes an increase in demand. Business firms look for the perfect price at which the largest profits can be made. If the price of the shoes goes up to $ 50, the consumers will not buy all of 5000 shoes. The producers will have a surplus of 2000 shoes and they can only get $ 50,000. If the price of the shoes is lowered to $ 10, as many as 5000 shoes can be sold. Still, only $ 50,000 is made.,评 析 本文第一段是对图表所反映出的事实作概述,第二段引用数字做具体说明,结构比较清晰。 As is shown. As (can be) seen from the table (graph, picture, illustration). As (has been) proved. 等是英译图表时常使用的表达法。,请对所给图表进行简要说明,并做适当评论。词数100120。,给出词:人口爆炸population explosion ;曲线 curve,Growth Curve for Human Population of the World We hear a great deal about the human population explosion, and a glance at the graph reveals why. We see that human beings in their first million years did not increase their total number greatly it must have taken hundreds of thousands of years to break the first million mark. Records exist only for the past few centuries, but it is clear that the first documented doubling of population took two centuries (16501856); the second doubling a little less than one century; and today it doubles in only 30 years!,评 析 因题目中要求做适当评论,所在对图表做说明时,就必须先找到一个突破点。本题显然倾向于让考生以人口爆炸问题为议论中心,因此在落笔时就不妨先把论点摆出来,再援引图中所给的具体数字作依据,使文章产生强烈的震撼力和说服力。,


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