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    留学专搜雅思微吧UNIT 1 Transport and Travel搭乘交通工具及旅行LISTENING 1 Train Announcements 火车站广播Vocabulary接下来听到的广播中, 用到了1-6所列出的单字和片语,请从(A)(F)中选出一个意思最接近的选项。1 calling at (A) Stopping2 standing at (B) operating3 running (C) to be sorry4 reduce (D) to lower the number 5 aplolgise (E)waiting6 Inconvenience (F) trouble causedListening Warm-Up请根据广播内容,判断下面句子是否正确,如果符合广播内容,请在T(true)做记号,如果不符合,请在F(false)做记号。1. Information about four different platforms is being given. (T)(F)2. Two of the trains are delayed. (T)(F)Task 1请根据广播内容选出一个正确答案。1. The next train at Platform 3 is from_.(A) Bath(B) Swindon(C) Paddington2. The train bound for Oxford is standing at_.(A) Platform1(B) Platform2(C) Platform33. The train arriving at Platform 2 will arrive at_.(A) 14:35(B) 14:50(C) 14:534. The rain Paddington was due to arrive at_.(A) 13:55(B) 14:50(C) 14:535. _had caused the problem between Reading and Oxford.(A) A train failure(B) The weather(C) A shortage of trainsTask2请根据广播内容,填写完成下面的表格。FromTOPlatformTimeDelayBath Spa15:20Rdading115:05OxfordSouthampton CentaralTaunton Task 3下面这段文字,是广播最后一段的内容,请再听一次广播,在空格内填入遗漏的部分。Because of the recent _ , regular local services between Reading and Oxford have been reduced to_ trains per hour. These will be running at _ and _Minutes past every _ , First Great Western would like to_ for any inconvenience caused.Tea Time英国车票的计费方式,比台湾复杂许多,随着出发地、出发时间、出发日期、乘车路线不同,车票的名称和费用也跟着不同。 比方Saver Return (来回票,价格比单程分开购买便宜),使用期限是一个月, 而且视目的地不同,会限制星期一到五不能搭乘上午九点三十分之前的班车;Super Saver 周六和周日都不能使用;Standard Open Return 是出发时间不限、一个月内有效的来回票;First Open Return是可以搭乘头等车厢(First class)、出发时间不限的一个月有效来回票。LISTENING 2 At a BR Ticket Counter 购买火车票Vocabulary接下来听到的对话中,用到了15所列出的单字和片语,请从(A)(E)中选出一个意思最接近的选项。1. return ticket (A) to receive2. available (B) to get off a train and take another one3. accept (C) can be bought or obtained4. change trains (D) a ticket to go some where and to come back5. platform (E) a place to stand on when waiting for a trainListening Warm-Up请根据对话内容回答问题。Q:Where would the passenger like to travel to?A:_Task 1请根据对话内容,选出一个正确的答案。1. What type of the ticket does the passenger buy?(A) Saver Return(B) Super Saver(C) Standard Open Return2. How much is the ticket?(A) 7.20(B) 17.20(C) 20.20(D) 27.203. How does the passenger pay for the ticket?(A) By cash(B) By credit card(C) By traveler s cheque(D) Not stated in the conversation 4. What time will the passenger arrive in Cambridge?(A) 11:35(B) 11:52(C) 13:01(D) 13:525. What will the passenger have to do at Kings Cross?(A) Leave the station(B) Change trains(C) Go to Platform 13(D) Not stated in the conversationTask 2请根据对话内容,判断下面的句子是否正确,如果符合对话内容,请在T(true)做记号,如果不符合,请在F(false)做记号。1 The passenger bought a return ticket. (T)(F)2 The passenger received a copy and receipt of her payment. (T)(F)3 The next train leaves Cambridge at 11:52. (T)(F)4 The 11:52 train doesnt stop at Kings Cross. (T)(F)5 The passenger needs go to Platform 11 before 11:52. (T)(F)Task 3下面是对话前半部分的内容, 请再听一次对话,在空格内填入遗漏的部分。 Station Employee: _!Passenger: Hello, Id like to get_ to Cambridge. What kind of tickets are available?SE: Saver Return, Standard Open Return and First Open Return. P: Whats the _one?SE: Thats Saver Return. 27.20.P: All right, then Saver Return, please. Do you accept this credit card?SE: sure .Please _ here.Thank you. Heres your copy and receipt.P: Urm, what time is the next train?SE: _.LISTENING 3 Phoning for Direcitons 打电话问路Vocabulary 下面是一些与英国交通有关的词汇,请将这些字填入文章的空格处,每个字限用一次。double-decker out ofcatch acrossnorthbound underground (or tube)get off changeTake the _tube to Victoria and then _to the Jubilee Line. _ at Green Park and then, when you come _the _station , go_ to the opposite side of the road where you can then _ a Number 107 _bus. Get off at Hyde Park Corner .My flat is only three minutes walk from there.Listening Warm-up 请根据对话内容,判断下面的句子是否正确,如果符合对话内容,请在T做记号,如果不符合,请在F做记号。1. Mike is going to meet Paula at her flat. (T)(F)2. Mike has also talked to Paulas mother. (T)(F)Task 1对话中提到了好几处交通工具,请按照Mike搭乘的先后顺序为它们编号。请注意,下面列出的交通工具,有些Mike并没有搭乘或在对话中并没有提到。_take a taxi_take the Piccadilly line_take the express train_go on foot_take a bus_take the Northern LineTask 2 请根据对话内容,选出一个正确的答案。1. What is Paulas surname?(A) Kempt(B) Sent(C) Kent(D) Davison2. Where is Mike now?(A) The airport(B) Paddington(C) An underground station(D) Central London3. Where must Mike change lines?(A) Piccadilly(B) Leicester Square(C) Paddington(D) Camden4. What colour is the Northern Line? (A) Blue(B) Black(C) Grey(D) Dark5. What is the last station Mike must go to?(A) Piccadilly(B) Leicester Square(C) Paddington(D) CamdenTask 3下面是对话最后一部分的内容,里面有七个错误的地方,请再听一次对话,将错误更正。Paula: Yes. At Camden, get off and go down the escalator and out of the ticket gates. Go straiht, walk down the road for about five minutes, and you will see a bus stop. From there, drive bus 135 and get off at Sues Park .My office is next to that stop.LISTENING 4 On a BUS 搭公车Vocabulary接下来听到的对话中,用到了14所列出的句子和表现法,请从(A)(E)中选出一个意思最接近的选项。1. This is not bound for (A) short way of saying “pence” south Wimbledon. (B) By chance do you know.?2. let me know (C) This doesnt return from South Wimbledon.3. p (D) tell me4. Do you happen to know? (E) This doesnt go to South Wimbledon.Listening Warm-Up请根据对话内容回答问题。Q: Where is this bus bound for?A: _ Task 1请根据对话内容,选出一个正确的答案。1. Where would the passenger like to go?(A) South Wimbledon(B) Wimbledon(C) Not stated in the conversation2. Can the passenger go directly to her final destination?(A) Yes(B) No(C) Not stated in the conversation3. How much is the fare to Wimbledon?(A) 19 pence(B) 90 pence(C) 92 pence4. What does the passenger have to do at the Wimbledon bus stop?(A) See the blue building(B) Take the 92 bus(C) Pay the fare5. How long does it take to her final destination?(A) 19 minutes(B) 90 minutes(C) Not stated in the conversationTask 2请根据对话内容,判断下面的句子是否正确,如果符合对话内容,请在T做记号,如果不符合,请在F做记号。1. The passenger got on a bus at South Wimbledon. (T)(F)2. The bus driver didnt know where the 92 bus was bound for. (T)(F)3. The fare is 90 pence to South Wimbledon. (T)(F)4. There is a bus stop in front of the blue building. (T)(F)5. The passenger got off at Wimbledon. (T)(F)Task 3下面是对话全部的内容,请再听一次对话,在空格内填入遗漏的部分。Passenger: To South Wimbledon, please.Driver: _ not for South Wimbledon. You need the _ from Wimbledon.P: Right, then_ is it to Wimbledon?D: _, please.P: Would you please let me know when we get to Wimbledon?D: Sure.(several minutes later)D: Wimbledon!P: Thank you. Urm, do you _ where to take the 92 from?D: See the blue _over there? The 92 goes from just in front.P: Great .Thanks.Tea Time一般来说,在伦敦搭地下铁会比较快到达目的地,但是因为公车停滞不前靠站比地铁多,所以比较方便,公车的车身是红色的,有上下两层,所以种为double-decher。现在伦敦街上还看得到旧式的公车,偶尔inspector(查票员)会在车上查票,所以下车之前最好不要的把车票丢掉。UNIT 2 Accommodation and housing住宿及找房子LISTENING 1 Phoning an Agency for a Flat Share 打电话给房屋中介找分租公寓Vocabulary接下来听的对话中,用到了15所列出的单字和和片语,请从(A)(E)中选出一个意思最接近的选项。1. estate agent (A) to travel regularly a long distance Between ones home and work 2. flat (B) modern conveniences such as washing machines and microwaves3. commute (C) money paid regularly for the use of a room4. rent (D) a business which buys and sells houses, Property and land5. mod cons (E) another word for “apartment”Listening Warm-Up请根据对话内容, 判断下面的句子是否则正确, 如果符合对话内容,请在T做记号,如果不符合,请在F做记号。 1. The customer is looking for an unfurnished flat. (T)(F)2. The customer is busy tomorrow. (T)(F)Task 1下面列出的单字或片语,如果有在对话中出现,请在前面打勾做记号。_furnished flat_bus_toilet_walking distance_inclusive_exclusive_TV_radio_microwave_cats_dogsTask 2请根据对话内容,选出一个正确的答案。1. What type of accommodation is the customer looking for?(A) A room with furniture(B) An entire flat(C) A flat without mod cons(D) A flat where cats are allowed2. What is the job of the customer?(A) A university student(B) A university lecturer(C) An estate agent(D) Not stated in the conversation3. What is the rent limit for the customer?(A) 100 per week with bills(B) 100 per week without bills(C) 100 per month with bills(D) 100 per month without bills4. Which of the following is mentioned as a mod con?(A) A TV(B) A microwave(C) A DVD(D) An answer phone5. Where will they meet tomorrow?(A) At the University of Brighton(B) At the University of Sussex(C) At the flat(D)Not stated in the conversationTask 3请根据对话内容,判断下面的句子是否正确,如果符合对话内容,请在T做记号,如果不符合,请在F做记号。1. The customer knows the Brighton area well. (T)(F)2. The customer has a specific area where she would like to live. (T)(F)3. The customer would like to pay the rent separately from the bills. (T)(F)4. The customer is allergic only to cats. (T)(F)5. The viewing will be held tomorrow afternoon. (T)(F)LISTENING 2 Flat Hunting 找公寓Vocabulary接下来听到的对话中,用到了15 所列出的单字和片语,请从(A)(E)中选出一个意思最接近的选项。1. sitting room (A) a place where you can light a fire inside a building2. fireplace (B) the room in the house where people gather and watch TV; also called a lounge3. modern (C) a heater which heats up at night (whenEnergy is cheaper ) and gives out heat later when needed. 4.microwave (D) a word to describe something which is new or which has a new style5.storage heater (E) a thing used for cooking or reheating food quicklyListening Warm-Up请根据对话内容回答问题。Q: Does Robert like the flat?A: _Task 1请根据对话内容,在下面(A)(C)三则房屋出和且的广告中,选出最符合Robert 要求的一个。Task 2请根据对话内容, 选出一个正确的答案。1. When did they meet?(A) On Sunday morning(B) On Sunday afternoon(C) On Saturday morning(D) On Saturday afternoon2. What does Robert like about the sitting room? (A) There is a fireplace (B) There is a fireplace and large windows.(C) There is a new fireplace.(D) There are large windows and sliding doors.3. Which of the following is not in the kitchen?(A) A microwave(B) Cups and dishes(C) A cooker(D) A dishwasher4. Which of the following best describes the flats bathroom? (A) Modern with a separate toilet (B) Modern with a toilet (C) Old but clean (D)Fully tiled5. How big is the smaller bedroom? (A) 12 feet by 11 feet(B) 11 feet by 7 feet(C) 8 feet by 7.5 feet(D) 8feet by 7 feetTask 3 下面是公寓的平面图,请在标有底线的空格处,写出代表这个地方的名称。LISTENING 3 Where Do You Live? 你住在哪?Vocabulary下面有一些英国住宅的名称和图片,请将图片名称配对,在每个名称前面填入正确的图片号码。_ terraced house_ semi-detached house_ detached house_ castle_ mansion_ flat_ bungalow_ thatched cottageListening Warm-Up请听三个人的独白,并根据他们所说的内容, 判断下面的句子是否正确,如果正确,请在T做记号,如果不正确,请在F做记号。1. The speakers all live with other people. (T)(F)2. The speakers all live in different kinds of accommodation. (T)(F)Task 1请根据三个人的独白内容,从15的选项中,选出最符合说话者的描述。Speaker 1 _Speaker 2 _Speaker 3 _1. A housewife living in the countryside2. An elderly woman living alone3. A housewife living in the city4. A middle-aged married man5. A single man in his twentiesTask 2请根据三个人的独白内容,完成下面的表格。Speaker 1Speaker 2Speaker 3Type of Place (house/ flat etc)WhereCamden/NorthLondon/2nd FloorOld or New?Quite new/Eight years oldLiving withHow many bedrooms?Favourite room/PlaceSitting room/Fireplace/Relaxing placeGardenSmall front and back garden/Many flowers rosesTask 3请再听一次Speaker 1 的独白,在空格处填入正确的字。Speaker 1 lives in a _- bedroomed _ in London .She moved there _ years ago and now lives with her husband whos called _and their two sons, Jim whos _and Toby whos one-and-a-half. Theres a _back garden, a large kitchen but a small bathroom and second bedroom. In the _, in the autumn and _,her family like to relax in front of their fireplace. The only thing they dont like is the_ from all the _. Tea Time在英国,房租通常是每个礼拜支付一次,这种付款方式要比每个月支付一次要来得常见。房屋租赁有许多种不同方式, 包括furnished(含桌子、床、电视、洗衣机等家具和电器用品)、unfurnished (不包括家具);厨房、浴室是否共用、房租包含水电互斯费(inclusive)或不含(exclusive),依照不同的要求租金也跟着不同。此外,在签约的时候,必须预付四周的房租做为deposit(押金),通常在退租的时候可以全部领回。另外,要求预先看房的时候,可以用viewing 这个字。LISTENING 4 Who Would You Like as a Flatmate? 你要找谁当室友Vocabulary接下来听到的对话中,用到了15 所列出的单字和片语,请从(A)(F)中选出一个意思最接近的选项。1. landlord


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