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    新标准英语第七册教材分析 一、教材的总体分析 本册教材包含十个新授模块和一个复习模块。每个模块又分为两个单元。Unit1主要是以课文(对话)的形式呈现本模块所要学习的语言功能与结构。Unit2则是围绕体现该语言功能与结构的核心句设置的小课文、若干任务型的练习和活动以及歌曲或者歌谣。本册教材涉及信件、发明、意外等十个话题。其中以一般过去时为呈现载体的有除了第一和第十模块以外的八个模块,占有百分之八十的比重,可见了解掌握和准确运用它是整个第七册的重点和难点。本册书的附录有两个单词表,表一是以模块顺序收录的67个四会单词,表二是以字母表顺序收录的115个单词,其中包括第一个单词表中的67个四会和需要三会掌握的48个单词。此外,本册书还选编了两个课外阅读故事,供教师和学生根据具体教学情况选用,不作统一的教学要求。每个模块一般使用3课时完成。第3课时根据实际情况复习和巩固该模块或者进行阶段测试。二、学生分析四年级的学生基本完成了由低年级向高年级的过渡,对英语学习的强烈好奇心和浓厚的兴趣逐渐被较强的好胜心和集体荣誉感所代替。我们应该抓住学生心理,尽早帮助他们确立正确的学习态度,养成良好的学习习惯,使他们从被动引导地学到积极主动地学。经过三年的英语学习学生们掌握了一定的英语语言知识,初步形成了一定的听、说、读、写的能力,有意注意和学习策略也得到了不同程度的发展,但是这也无形中拉开了学生之间的差异。因此在这一学年段应该更加有意识地进行分层次教学,不只在课堂教学中做到分层次,在作业和评估方面也可以尝试分层次,在各个方面多关注学习有困难的学生,避免差异的进一步扩大,努力做到面向全体。三、总体教学目标依据英语课程标准我从以下五个方面来确定本册教材的总体教学目标:(一)语言知识目标:学习115个单词。其中要求达到四会的单词67个,即教材第46、47两页单词表中所列的全部单词。要求达到三会的单词48个,即教材48、49两页单词表中所列非粗黑体的单词)。学习核心句子38个。(二)语言技能目标:依据英语课程标准四年级的技能目标应高于一级,接近二级要求。听:能在图片、手势的帮助下,听懂简单的录音材料和小故事;能听懂课堂活动中常用的指令和提问,并做出适当反应。说:能就所熟悉的个人和家庭等话题进行简短对话;能运用最常用的日常套语;能在教师的帮助下讲述简单的小故事。读:能正确朗读所学故事和短文;能借助图片读懂简单的故事和短文,并养成按意群阅读的习惯。写:能模仿范例写句子;能根据要求仿照范例为图片、实物等写出简短的标题或描述。(三)情感态度目标:有兴趣听英语、说英语、背歌谣、唱歌曲、讲故事、做游戏等;乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与,主动请教。(四)学习策略目标:积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务;主动向老师或同学请教;在词语和相应事物之间建立联想;在学习中集中注意力;积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流;注意观察生活或媒体中使用的简单英语。(五)文化意识目标:语言有丰富的文化内涵。接触和了解英语国家文化有益于对英语的理解和使用。依据英语课程标准、结合每个模块的主题和相关内容,本学期我们应在教学中渗透如下的文化知识:知道主要英语国家的国旗(Module1);了解英语国家中重要的节假日(Module3);了解中外重要发明(Module4);了解世界上主要国家的重要标志物和著名建筑(Module5);了解中外著名的童话故事(Module6);了解简单的有关民乐和西洋乐器的知识(Module8);知道英语国家中最常见的饮料和食物的名称(Module10)。在英语课堂教学渗透这些文化知识要注意两点:一是适时,二是适量。Module 1:教学主题:Letters语言功能:Comparing cultures阅读和写一封英文信。核心句子:It was my birthday on Saturday. We were at Buckingham Palace.单词:soon不久tell告诉 still仍April4月dancing舞蹈also也American美国人Module 2 : 教学主题:Past Actions语言功能:Talking about past activities.描述过去的行为。核心句子:Yesterday I cleaned my room. I washed my trousers.Then I helped my mum.单词:yesterday昨天clean打扫 finish完成 wash洗 dirty脏的Module 3:教学主题:Holiday/weekend.语言功能:Describing the past.谈论过去没有发生的事或行为。核心句子:Lingling didnt get up at half past six. And she didnt walk to school. She didnt learn English and Maths.单词:learn学习 National Day国庆节Module 4:教学主题:Inventions.语言功能:Talking about the past inventions.谈论人类过去的发明。核心句子:Chinese people invented paper. Chinese people invented printing. I printed this newspaper.单词:invent发明paper纸important重要的 printing印刷术 print印刷bicycle自行车Module 5:教学主题:Culture visits.语言功能:Describing visits. 描述参观、游览的经历。核心句子:We went to the Great Wall. We saw lots of mountains. We ate apples. We had a good time.单词:wentgo去the Great Wall长城sawsee看见ateeat吃hadhave享受boughtbuy买climb爬mountain山worewear穿ice-skating滑冰fell overfall over摔倒hurt受伤learntlearn学习skate滑冰fall over摔倒Module 6:教学主题:Chinese story.语言功能:Telling stories.讲述一个故事。核心句子:This old woman didnt have food. The bad man didnt help people. The magic paintbrush didnt make gold. It made a snake.单词:gold金子food食物tooktake拿走mademake制作 angry生气的 only只away离开saidsay说Module 7:教学主题:Incidents.语言功能:Talking about the past activities. 就过去发生的事提问和回答。核心句子:Did you fall? No,I didnt. Did you see a scary thing? Yes, I did.单词:break弄坏cry哭monster怪物ranrun 跑Module 8:教学主题:Events.语言功能:Describing events.描述过去发生的事件。核心句子:When did they come? They came last Wednesday. What did she play? She played the flute.单词:camecome来last刚过去的wonwin赢得 gold金制的 cup奖杯 practice练习 win赢得Module 9:教学主题:Accidents.语言功能:Describing accidents.描述一次事故。核心句子:We were hungry and thirsty. So we bought a watermelon. What happened? Sam fell off the bike. And I fell on the watermelon.单词:happen发生 putput放 ride骑 thirsty口渴的 watermelon西瓜 fell offfall off从跌落 knee膝盖 cutcut切,割 finger手指 Module 10:教学主题: Illness.语言功能:Describing illness.描述病情。核心句子:Whats the matter? Ive got a stomach ache. What did you eat yesterday? I ate chocolate biscuits.单词:matter麻烦事medicine药 toothache牙疼 fever发烧英语(新标准)一起第七册M1题目Module 1 Letter题材(主要)内容Amy收到了朋友Lucy的一封来信,信中谈及了两国的文化差异,并出现了相应的照片,带入了过去时态当中。教学目标语言知识目标功能阅读并学写一封信。语法结构、句子本模块重点学习询问某人的居住地,主要句型结构是:Where does she live? She lives in London. 词汇能够听说认读的单词和短语:soon tell still April dancing was were 能够听说读写的单词和短语:letter tell live London write Saturday American Russian fun world 语言技能目标语句能够听说认读的语句:Its from my friend ,Lucy.This is a picture of Zara and me Amy painted a picture.能够听说读写的语句:Where does she live ?She lives in London . It was my birthday on Saturday .We were at Buckingham Palace .学习策略培养学生对英语中信件的兴趣,对本模块出现的信件格式有所掌握。文化意识了解书信的格式。情感态度使学生能用英语来介绍自己新认识的朋友。任务使学生能用书信的形式给家人及朋友写信并且写出自己的感受。Module 1 Unit1 Lucy lives in London.一、教学目标与要求1、知识目标: 掌握重点单词(letter, photo, Buckingham Palace, soon, tell, about)和重点句型。2、能力目标: 能阅读和书写一封英文信。3情感态度目标:能用书信的形式给家人及朋友写信,写出自己的感受。二、教学重难点教学重点:重点单词和重点句型。教学难点:书信格式及书信常用短语及句型的把握。 三、准备:Words card、radio四、教学过程Step 1 warm-up (热身并导入)Free talk T: Good morning, class. This term Ill be your new English teacher. My first name is Liu. You can call me Miss Liu . May we can go well on each other. Ok, now ,you should stand up to say your name and something else one by one.S: my name is T: 现在咱们谈论一下,你们暑假都去了哪些地方?认识了那些新朋友?S: .Today we will learn Module1 Unit1 Lucy lives in London.Look at the blackboard; these are your new words.Step 2Presentation and practice1、单词学习:T:The first word is letter. Class, read after me. 出示几个指头就读几遍。One by one Two by twoI speak English,you speak Chinese.Wonderful! You did a good job.Listen to the tape (第一遍整体感知) Listen again, when you hear the new words and speak loudly.(听到新单词用升降调每个读两遍)Listen and repeat.Let the students work in groups to learn the new words.展示:小老师到前面去先领读class, read after me.小老师检查:one by one,大组,小组One group to show read the word One group read and translate.(老师能随即调控,指出错误,给出分数。)2、课文教学:T: Can you read the text by yourselves? No, lets listen and repeat.Work in groups to learn and understand the text.两个组展示课文,一个组展示只读,一个组展示读和翻译The students read the text translate. Then I read the text, they translate.One group to show read the text.One group read and translate.(可分角色,可齐读,可分读)Step 3 Summary (总结并点评)T: What did we learn today?小老师到前面领读The important words and text.Today we learn the new words.Class, read after me.Are you clear?We learn the text. Lets read together.You did a very good job today.Step 4 Homework1、Remember the words2、Listen to the tape and repeat the text.Step 5 Blackbored design.M1 U1 Lucy lives in Londonsoon Where does she live ?tell She lives in London .It was my birthday on Saturday .We were at Buckingham Palace .课后反思:Module 1 Unit2 Ive got a new friend.一、教学目标与要求1、知识目标:掌握重点单词(still、April、dancing、also、American、Mexico、traditional、Indian、favourite)和重点句型。2、能力目标: 能用英语来介绍自己新认识的朋友,注意书信格式。3情感态度目标:能说出自己的喜好。二、教学重难点教学重点:重点单词和重点句型教学难点:动词过去式及过去时态 三、准备:radio四、教学过程Step 1warm-up (热身并导入)T:你们有没有外国朋友?平时都怎么与他们交流?S: .Today we will learn Module2 Unit2.Look at the blackboard, these are your new words.Step 2Presentation and praetise1、单词学习:Listen to the tape (第一遍整体感知) Listen again, when you hear the new words and speak loudly.(听到新单词用升降调每个读两遍)Listen and repeat. Let the students work in groups to learn the new words.展示:小老师到前面去先领读class, read after me.小老师检查:one by one,大组,小组One group to show read the word One group read and translate.(老师能随即调控,指出错误,给出分数。)两个小组展示课文:One group to show read the text.One group read and translate.(可分角色,可齐读,可分读)Step 3 Summary (总结并点评)T: What did we learn today?小老师到前面领读The important words and text. Today we learn the new words.Class, read after me. Are you clear?We learn the text. Lets read together.You did a very good job today.Step 4Homework1.Remember the words2.Listen to the tape and repeat the text.Step 6 Blackbored design. M1 U2 Ive got a new friend.April dancing I am wearing tradional Indian clothes . was were Here is a photo of Lingling and me .课后反思:英语(新标准)一起第七册M2题目Module 2 Past Actions(过去的行为)题材(主要)内容大明讲述了昨天他做的事情:打扫了房间,完成了作业,洗了脏裤子,并且帮助了妈妈。妈妈很开心,表扬了大明。教学目标语言知识目标功能语法(结构、句子)描述过去的活动及状态。本模块重点学习规则动词的一般过去时,主要句型结构是:Yesterday, I/you/he/she did sth.词汇能够听说认读的单词和短语:yesterday finish dirty paint trousers finished phoned能够听说读写的单词和短语:clean wash cook(cooked)(B4) noodles(B2) watch(watched)(B3) help(helped)(B4) 语言技能目标语句能够听说认读的语句:I finished my homework.Ms Smart phoned Grandma. Amy painted a picture.能够听说读写的语句:I cleaned my room.I washed my trousers. I helped my mum.Mr Smart cooked noodles.学习策 略培养学生对所学内容形成初步的总结和归纳能力,对本模块出现的诸多-ed的发音规律做一个总结。文化意 识了解英国的孩子是如何在家完成作业和家务劳动的。情感态 度使学生有兴趣在家中帮助家长完成力所能及的家务活。任务使学生能够运用过去式将一天中自己帮助家长干的家务活记录下来,并尝试写日记。Module 2 Unit 1 I helped my mum.一、教学目标与要求1、知识目标(1)让学生初步感知过去时,了解过去时的基本特征,规则动词后面加“ed”的形式。(2)能初步运用句型Yesterday I verb+ed .作描述,并区分规则动词加“ed” 之后的不同发音。2、能力目标:能够描述自己昨天发生的事情或者他人发生的事情。 3、情感目标:培养学生良好的学习、生活习惯,乐于帮助父母做一些力所能及的家务活。二、教学重点1.短语: cleaned my room 、 washed my trousers 、finished my homework、 helped my mum.2.句型: Yesterday I verb+ed .三、教学难点:1、在表示过去时,规则动词后面加“ed”.2、动词过去时的不同发音。四、课前准备:课件、CD-ROM、单词卡片。五、教学过程 Step 1 Warm up a) Say and do the actions. 课件逐句出示以下短语,边做动作,边说短语do my homework、listen to music 、wash my socks play football 、play the violin 、 wash my face 、clean my room、 play computer games 、 watch TV.b) Free talk(1) I watch TV every day. What do you do everyday?与学生进行真实的表达。(2)通过今天与昨天的日期的对比,引出新单词“yesterday”.T: What day is today? S: Today is Tuesday. (课件对比昨天与今天的日期)T: Yesterday was Monday. 引出新单词:yesterdayStep 2 Presentation and practice 1、Yesterday I did many things. Do you want to know? 借助于课件展示3幅老师的照片,并且标注昨天的日期。先由教师描述这3幅图片,给学生对于过去时有一个初步的感知。Yesterday I played the computer games. /d/Yesterday I cleaned my room. /d/Yesterday I washed my socks. /t/Pay attention here. I add the letters “ed”通常情况下,表示这件事情是发生在过去,需要在动词的后面加上ed.学生跟读单词、短语以及句子,尤其提醒学生注意最后一组washed /t/,并及时纠正学生“ed”的发音。Say the 3 sentences in pairs.2、运用课件将warm up 阶段出现过的动词短语后面加上ed,再呈现给学生,让学生尝试着读出来。Please read these phrases again, but pay attention the letters “ed”Eg.listened to music、washed my socks、played football、 played the violin、washed my face、cleaned my room、played computer games、 watched TV 、cooked. 及时纠正学生的发音 /d/、/t/.3、教师提出问题:Yesterday I did these things. What did you do yesterday?教师与学生之间进行交流中可能会出现一些不规则的动词过去式,可以在黑板上列出来,告诉学生这是一个special word,并进行简单的教读。在引导学生认读句子I did my homework.的同时引出新单词finish(可在黑板上板书dodid、 finish à finished 、Yesterday I finished my homework. )结合学生的实际情况进行问答:T: Did you finish your homework? Im sure you finished your homework yesterday.4、Game: Mime and say. 双簧游戏找一名学生与自己进行配合,学生在前面表演动作,老师在后面说句子 Yesterday I -ed. E.g. I watched my trousers. Play this game in the group. 5、Presentation of the text. 播放CD-ROM(1)Watch the CD-ROM(2) The second time, listen, point and find the words ending in “ed”E.g. washed, helped, cleaned, etc.让学生从老师准备好的板书内容中找出过去时的动词词组,并贴到黑板上,构成板书。学生领读动词词组及句子。(3)听读课文。Step 3 Consolidation and extension1、Play a game: boys against girls.The all class say the sentences. The boy and the girl do the actions. Lets have a look who is the first.运用课件分组展示过去时的句型2、Yesterday Lingling did many things. Can you guess?课件展示玲玲的图片,以及一些动作,让学生猜,玲玲昨天都做了哪些事情?For example: Maybe she helped her mum.课件展示“笑脸”与“哭脸”进行判断学生是否正确。但这部分内容中涉及转换物主代词her,需要多给学生纠正。3、Watch the screen. There are 4 pictures here. Now lets guess what Sam did yesterday.给学生Sam的图片,让学生任意猜,他可能做的事情,学生猜对了就呈现出这幅图片,并呈现一个新的语篇,并引导学生进行复述。Hi, Im Sam Yesterday I washed my face at 6 oclock. I played chess at 10 oclock. I played football at 3 oclock. And I watched TV at 8 oclock.T: Here is a short passage written by Sam. Lets read together. But pay attention the pronunciation of “ed”. Can you describe what you did yesterday? Just like this?First discuss in your group.Step 4 Summary:回顾本节的主要知识结构:过去时。让学生归纳出,在描述发生在过去的事情,需要在动词的后面加上“ed”Step 5 Homework1、Listen,point and repeat the dialogue on page 62、Describe what your family or your friends did yesterday.Step 6 Blackboard designM2 U1 I helped my mum /t/Yesterday I finished my homework. /t/cleaned my room. /d/ washed my trousers. /d/课后反思:Module 2 Unit 2 Amy painted a picture一、教学目标与要求1、知识与能力目标(1)词汇 能够听说读写的单词cook(cooked)、noodles、watch(watched)、help(helped)能够听说认读的单词paint 、phoned (2)句子能够听说读写的句子Mr Smart cooked noodles.能够听说认读的句子Ms Smart phoned Grandma.Amy painted a picture.2、情感态度目标:帮助学生体会父母一天的工作是十分忙碌的,教育学生爱父母,做力所能及的家务劳动。二、教学重点及难点:动词的过去式的表达以及ed的不同发音。三、课前准备:几张教师的照片、蜡笔小新的VCD或图片、录音机四、教学过程 Step 1 Warm up Game : Amy says复习动词词组 clean my room、wash my clothes、finish my homework、phone my mother、paint a picture、 cook noodles.师生谈话,引入新课。Step 2 Presentation and practice 1、出示教师的照片,介绍教师昨天做的事情。T: Yesterday, I cleaned my room. I washed my clothes. I cooked noodles.2、学习单词 cooked(1)复习cook ,引导学生试读cooked, 启发学生发现动词过去式规则变化的规律。(2)引导学生结合生活实际使用语言。T: What did your mother cook yesterday? Ss: My mother cooked学习单词 painted, phoned(1)利用老师昨天做事情的照片边谈论边学习新单词。(2)猜图游戏。T: Guess, what did she paint yesterday?/ Whom did she phone yesterday?Ss: She painted She phoned3、学习课文。听音连线,理解课文内容。(1)出示两组图片:第一组:Mr Smart Ms Smart Sam Amy 的头像第二组:画画、打电话、看电视、下面条 的图片T: Who are they? Ss: T: What did they do yesterday? Listen and match.(2)反馈答案,认读词组。(3)听音跟读对话,小组朗读。(4)选词填空,巩固重点词。 painted cooked phoned helped watched Yesterday, Mr Smart _ noodles. Tom _ him. Ms Smart _ Grandma. Sam _ TV. Amy _ a picture.(5)语音归类。感受ed 的不同读音。引导学生回忆已经学过的动词过去式的规则变化,帮助学生按照 ed 的读音分为 /t/ /d/ /id/ 三类。/d/:phoned、cleaned、listened、played/t/:cooked、fininshed、watched、washed、helped/id/:painted4、欣赏Activity 3, 巩固重点句型。Step 3 Consolidation and extension1、记忆力游戏:找六个同学到讲台上,每人描述自己昨天做过的一件事。全班同学认真听、仔细记,最后进行复述,比一比看谁的记忆力最好。例如:A: I watched TV yesterday. B: I cooked noodles. Ss: Yesterday, A watched TV. B cooked noodles2、小小侦察员。出示一张小新的房间的图片。仔细观察房间里的东西,猜测昨天小新可能做过什么事情。回忆周末的一天,爸爸妈妈都做了什么事情。补充句子,完成小短文。 Last weekend, my mother _.She _. My father _. He _.3、情感教育T: Your parents did lots of things yesterday. They were very busy. They did these things for the family. Are they good parents? Can you help them? Help our parents do some housework.Step 4 Summary引导学生总结一般过去时态的特征,正确使用动词过去式,总结表示过去的时间状语。Step 5 Homework1、Listen and repeat the dialog.2、Tell your friends what your family did yesterday.Step 6 Blackboard designM2 U2 Amy painted a picture. /d / / t/ /id/ phoned cooked painted cleaned washed played fininshed listened watched helped课后反思:英语(新标


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