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    Traditional Chinese Wedding,Six etiquettes(礼仪),Proposal (纳采),Birthdates (问名),Engagement (纳吉),Wedding gifts (纳征),Arranging the wedding(定期),Wedding Ceremony(迎亲),When an unmarried boy's parents find a potential daughter-in-law. They then located a matchmaker whose job was to assuage the conflict of interests and general embarrassments on the part of two families largely unknown to each other when discussing the possibility of marriage.,Proposal,If the selected girl and her parents did not object to the proposal, the matchmaker would match the birthdates in which Suan Ming is used to predict the future of that couple-to-be. (Suan Ming is Chinese fortunetelling technique in which the foreteller could predict peoples future by only using either ones date of birth including year, month, date, and time, or hand pattern. Ancient Chinese people believed that the date of birth determines your future; a good birth date could bring luck not only to his/her own self, but also to his/her family. Stereotype people still believe that is true) If the result of Suan Ming was good, they then would go to the next step, engagement.,Birthdates:,At this point the man's family let the matchmaker to present their sons birth date to the ladys family which is called betrothal letter .,Engagement,纳吉:这时候,男方父母将自己儿子的生辰八字交给媒人带给女方,这就是“过大贴”、“换鸾书”,也称为“通书”。 实际上就是订婚的意思。,The groom's family will then send an elaborate array of food, cakes, jewelry and religious items to the bride's family.,Wedding gifts,The essential Bride Price of traditional Chinese wedding 中式传统婚礼必备聘礼,Before wedding ceremony, two families would decide a wedding day through consultation according to Chinese Almanac to make sure the day is good for wedding ,which is in order to assure their good future would not be affected by choosing a bad day of wedding.,Arranging the wedding,It is a ceremony before the bridegroom go to pick up his bride. When the bridegroom is arrived, there is a little boy waiting for the bridegroom with a cup of tea in his hand. Generally ,the bridegroom will give a red paper containing money . However ,the friend of the bride will not allow the bridegroom to come in easily unless he agrees some terms Then, the bride will kneel down to say goodbye to her parents while the bridegroom just bow to them. After saying goodbye to the brides parents ,the bride should be covered with red scarf and get into a sedan .and there will be some happy music .Then these people will escort the bride to the bridegrooms home. In front of the grooms house ,they will stop . Then , a child with an orange in her hand will come . The bride should touch the orange ,which can bring longevity . After that , a blissful (有福气的)old person will come to help the bride cross a brazier(火盆) , but her feet can not touch it. This means that inauspicious(不吉祥的) things will be driven out .,Wedding Ceremony,Actual Wedding Ceremonies: Equivalent to exchanging vows in the west, the couple would pay respect to the great heaven and earth, pay respect to their parents and other elders, and pay respect to each other. OK, lets show you the part. M: Now, bride and bridegroom ,please come here and kneel down. M: First, bow to the great heaven and earth! M: Second, bow to the great parents! M: Bridegroom and bride bow to each other! Now , the ceremony is over. please send the bride to the bridal chamber (洞房).,1、祭祖:男方在出门迎娶新娘之前,先祭拜祖先。 2、出发:迎亲车队以双数为佳。 3、燃炮:迎亲礼车行列在途中,应一路燃放鞭炮以示庆贺。 4、等待:新郎礼车至女方家时,会有一男童侍持茶盘等候新郎,新郎下车 后,应赏男孩红包答礼,再进入女方家。 5、讨喜:新郎应持捧花给房中待嫁之新娘,此时,新娘之闺中密友要拦住新郎,不准其见到新娘,女方可提出条件要新郎答应,通过后才得进入。 6、拜别:新人上香祭祖,新娘应叩拜父母道别,并由父亲盖上头纱,而新郎仅鞠躬行礼即可。 7、出门:新娘应由福高德劭女性长辈持竹筛或黑伞护其走至礼车,因为新娘子在结婚当天的地位比谁都大,因此不得与天争大。 8、礼车:在新娘上礼车后,车开动不久,女方家长应将一碗清水、白米撒在车后,代表女儿已是泼出去的水,以后的一切再也不予过问,并祝女儿事事有成,有吃有穿。 9、燃炮:由女方家至男方家的途中,同样要一路燃放礼炮。 10、摸橘:新娘子迎新车队到达新郎家时,由一位拿着橘子的小孩来迎接新人,新娘要轻摸一下橘子,并赠红包答礼。这两个橘子要放到晚上,让新娘亲自剥皮,意谓招来“长寿“。 11、牵新:娘新娘由礼车走出时,应由男方一位有福气之长辈持竹筛顶在新娘头上,并扶新娘进入大厅。进门时,新人绝不可踩门槛,而应横跨过去。 12、新娘进门前应从炭火盆上跨过去,表示洗去进门前的晦气和不祥,Thank you,Ultimately lets may the lovers finally got married!,


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