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    中国酱油市场分析,Content 内容,Market Size and Segment 市场规模和细分 Soy Sauce Market Size 酱油市场规模 Soy Sauce Segment and Trend 酱油品类细分和趋势 Consumer Consumption and Habit 消费者消费习惯 Purchase behavior 购买行为 Cooking Habit and Attitude 烹调习惯和态度 Brand Competition and Image 品牌形象和竞争 Market Share of Brands 品牌市场份额 Brand awareness and Image 品牌知名度和美誉度 Key driver for overall liking ( sensory) 驱动喜好的主要因素(感官的),Market Size and Segment 市场规模和细分,MKT Size & Consumption市场规模和消费,年市场份额,Source: ACNielsen RA,Source: TNSofres CP,年人均消费,调味品中最大的品类,渗透率达97% 上海以其众多的人口和成熟的餐饮业而成为最大的市场 北京每年消费酱油量最多,而广州的人均花费最高。,Soy Sauce MKT Structure 酱油市场结构,消费量,消费金额,平均价格 (元/升),广州 北京 上海 生抽 5.9 7.4 5.9 老抽 6.3 7.9 6.1 酱油 10.0 3.6 3.4 风味 11.8 6.1 6.6,广州以生抽为主 上海仍以普通酱油为主,但逐渐转向生抽和老抽市场 北京也以普通酱油为主,预计也将和上海一样,逐渐转向生抽和老抽市场,Source: TNSofres CP,Segmentation of Soy Sauce 酱油市场细分,消费者给出的快速细分:,Guangzhou 广州 生抽, 老抽 & “蘸”的 (Sheng chou, lao chou & dipping),Beijing 北京 Sheng chou, lao chou & ordinary jiang you 生抽,老抽,酱油 Cooking & dipping/ mixing 烧菜的,蘸的/凉拌的,Shanghai 上海 Sheng chou, lao chou & ordinary jiang you 生抽,老抽,酱油 By class 按等级,Guangzhou 广州 By class 按等级 By taste 按口味,Shanghai 上海 炒菜的 & 沾的/ 凉拌 (Cooking & dipping/ mixing) 红烧的 & 沾的 (Stewing & dipping),Beijing 北京 By class 档次 (Premium users高档使用者) By acceptance level 可接受的水平 (大众消费者),其他细分准则:,Segmentation of Soy Sauce 酱油细分,酱油产品都以使用来细分 使用主要是指将酱油用作: 蘸/拌 炒菜(用法基于不同的烹调方法) 蒸 (GZ) 炖 (GZ, BJ) 红烧 (SH) 腌(所有城市,主要在北京) 一般炒菜(所有城市),Segmentation of Soy Sauce 酱油细分,Dipping 沾 用于蘸鱼,肉,海鲜,蔬菜,馄饨等. 食品可以是蒸过的或是煮过的,口味较淡 火锅 广州: 白灼,Steaming 蒸 在广州最普遍 在广州, 用最少的其他调味品,称为清蒸 如. 蒸鱼 ( 酱油通常在烧完后洒在表面), 蒸鸡, 蒸肉,Mixing 拌 (SH, BJ), 捞 (GZ) BJ, SH: 冷菜 (中式色拉) 如黄瓜, 海蜇, 猪肉, 鸡肉等. 夏天非常普遍 GZ: 炒面,并与酱油和油相拌,Segmentation of Soy Sauce 酱油细分,Stir frying 炒 通常是蔬菜炒肉 肉可以是事先腌过的 很多家庭主妇在炒蔬菜时基本上不加任何酱油,Braising (red stew, hong shao) 红烧 在上海非常大 食物 (代表性的是鱼和肉)将烧成半熟,然后加老抽,糖,等煮15-30分钟 (因此叫红烧).,Deep marinating 腌肉, 卤 中式风味的腌肉, 在北京很普遍 广州 卤水肉,卤水鸭等 (但现在有专门的卤水汁可代替酱油 ) 通常需要较深的颜色,Stewing 炖, 焖 和红烧相似,但须更常的时间 GZ: 焖 BJ: 炖 希望有较深的颜色,红烧/ 炖,焖 炒 冷菜/ 蘸/蒸,烹调方式,颜色 口味 颜色 口味 口味 颜色,包装,玻璃瓶 塑料瓶 桶装 袋装,- 老抽 (SH/GZ) - 酱油 ( BJ),- 酱油 (SH/BJ) ( 包括红烧/黄豆),- 酱油 (SH/BJ) - 老抽(SH/BJ),- 酱油 (SH/BJ) (包括黄豆和红烧),- 生抽 (GZ) - 酱油 ( BJ),- 酱油 (BJ),- 酱油 (BJ) - 生抽(GZ),- 生抽 (GZ/SH) - 酱油 ( BJ) - 风味酱油(SH) (- 包括宴会/辣味/ 蒸鱼豉油),-海天/ 淘大 -金狮,- 淘大 - 家乐,- 淘大/宽 - 海天 - 家乐/老蔡,- 老蔡/海鸥 - 金狮,-海天/之美斋 -Master/金狮,-海天/ 李锦记 -太太乐,- 淘大 家乐,-海天/ 淘大 -宽,更高档,酱油细分市场与品牌的联系,经济实惠,发展趋势-上海: - 普通酱油仍处主导地位 - 逐渐向老抽和风味酱油过度,9.3,12.8,75.0,70.5,61.2,55.0,10.2,11.2,13.9,14.7,5.5,5.5,8.7,8.7,16.2,21.6,SH'01,SH'02,SH'01,SH'02,生抽,老抽,酱油,风味酱油,量,金额,Source :Consumer Panel,结论和暗示,结论: 市场巨大,每个地区由于烹调方式不同而具有不同的是市场细分 整个品类向高档产品发展,特别是上海,北京随之,暗示: 必须重视的具有吸引力的市场 每个地区的每个细分市场需要不同的策略 GZ:开发高档产品 SH: 开发老抽生抽以提高形象和毛利 BJ: 为了品牌形象需要老抽生抽,但也得注重普通酱油市场以获得市场份额,消费者行为,渗透率: - 基本上每个人都使用酱油,但因城市和细分市场而不同 - 仍有空间提高生抽和老抽在东区和北区以及风味酱油在各区的渗透率,Source: Consumer Panel -Y2002,By Type of S. Sauce,By Package of S. Sauce,消费者的购买行为上海,每个家庭平均每年消费7.3L,34RMB的酱油, 用量较多的消费者为每年14.7L 购买频率: 酱油每两月一次, 老抽/风味酱油每四月一次 普通酱油使用者也购买其他酱油 , 平衡高档酱油和大众化酱油,不同的烹饪方法是用不同的酱油 每次购买,她们愿意花3元买普通酱油或者是风味酱油, 但愿意花8元买老抽 老抽通过提高渗透率获得市场份额, 但还有很大的空间继续发展. 同时, 酱油有着很高的渗透率, 但比去年有所减弱.,Switch Index,94,74,121,机会: 生抽和风味酱油用于冷菜, 凉拌和蒸菜,Source :Consumer Panel,购买频率: 每两月购买一次袋装酱油, 瓶装每四月一次, 桶装半年一次. 先买瓶装, 然后将袋装酱油罐入瓶装内, 然后买新瓶,在罐入 平衡方便和经济实惠 消费者愿意为买瓶装而多付出 - 塑料瓶: 轻, 容易携带, 并比玻璃瓶便宜 - 玻璃瓶: 跟高档/卫生/安全 桶装因方便, 经济实惠以及消费者忠诚度的提高而发展( 大包装, 价格便宜) 但也有人担心新鲜度的问题, 因为在家里会保存较长时间,机会 1. 1 L 桶装 2. 玻璃瓶, 高档酱油,Switch Index,109,95,94,消费者购买行为 上海,Source :Consumer Panel,消费者的情况-上海,重度消费者, 占人口的20%, 但消费了总量的40%, 占金额的37% 那些收入中等和较低的重度消费者仍然倾向于买袋装酱油, 但与去年相比, 使用老抽和玻璃瓶装酱油 中等和较低收入的中度消费者正向老抽和风味酱油转入, 从袋装向桶装转换 收入很低的 轻度消费者( 占人口的50%), 向玻璃瓶老抽/风味酱油转换,Source :Consumer Panel,重度消费者的消费行为上海,消费者比率- 酱油种类,消费者比率 包装,上海市场在不断变化, 75% 的消费者会使用至少两种种类和两个包装的酱油,Source :Consumer Panel,Consumer Purchase Behavior- BJ,Soy Sauce Type,Soy Sauce Package,Each BJ Household consume 10L and spend 38RMB BJ is similar as SH, dominated by Jiangyou with high penetration and loyalty BJ is forecast to follow SH to upgrade to Light/Dark SS although very low penetration now Different from SH, G.Bottle and barrel are much important than Pouch, even with Jiangyou Beijinese has less purchase frequency compared to SH, and with higher volume per time ( 2 bottle/ pouch per time, 1 barrel per time) due to less convenient of shopping environment compared to SH Opportunity for 1L bottle/ barrel,Source :Consumer Panel,不用翻,Heavy consumer Purchase Behavior- BJ,82% heavy user are regular only or regular + light buyer 31% heavy user are glass bottle exclusive user, Medium user are more duplicate user, who like to try different type of SS, easy to upgrade to other,% of buyer-Type of SS,% of buyer - Package,Source :Consumer Panel,不用翻,H/M/L User profile and What they use - BJ,Soy sauce used by H/M/L user,Heavy use use, 20% of population, but consume 50% of volume They are clearly skew to low income and big family, affordable is very important Regular soy sauce dominate heavy user basket Medium are more medium income Light are small family Medium and light user are easy to upgrade to dark/ light soy sauce Opportunity: 1. Target Medium user first with Dark/light soy sauce in Barrel/G.Bottle to build image 2. Sell affordable regular soy sauce in glass bottle to heavy user for vol/val share,Source :Consumer Panel,不用翻,Consumer Purchase Behavior- GZ,Soy Sauce Type,Soy Sauce Package,GZ consume less ( 6.6L)but spend most (44RMB) on soy sauce, esp. on Light soy sauce Less purchase frequency, less vol. purchase each time except Light soy sauce ( mainly 1 barrel or 1 bottle each time) about 50% user buy soy sauce in bottle and barrel, but 29% are exclusive Glass bottle only, and 12% barrel only No pouch in GZ, but still quite strong with Bulk with the cheapest price,Source :Consumer Panel,不用翻,Heavy consumer Purchase Behavior- GZ,Heavy user not only use light soy sauce, but also regular and Dark soy sauce Most of heavy user buy bottle and barrel More than half of light user are only use one type of soy sauce: either light or regular Soy sauce 55% of light user are exclusive one package user either Glass bottle or barrel,% of buyer - Type of SS,% of buyer - Package,Source :Consumer Panel,不用翻,Who: H/M/L User profile and What they use - GZ,Soy sauce used (Vol)by H/M/L user,Heavy user use is big family Heavy user is more light soy sauce in barrel,Source :Consumer Panel,不用翻,通路: - 上海以现代通路为主( over 90%) - 北京/广州的主要通路也是卖场和超市(占80%),Volume Based,Value Based,Source :Consumer Panel,结论 & 暗示,结论: 总体酱油的渗透率很高, 但老抽和生抽的渗透率不高 每年每个家庭的酱油花费在广州为50元以下, 北京和上海在40元以下 购买频率为每两个月一次( 上海北京为普通酱油, 广州为生抽), 其它较低 每次购买量大概为1升, 不包括风味酱油 在上海,大多数人会购买两种包装以上的酱油 在上海和北京, 重度消费者倾向于购买普通酱油, 中度和轻度消费者倾向于购买老抽和生抽,暗示: 在上海和北京, 开发老抽和生抽酱油具有很大的机会 每年的消费量很低, 具有很大的空间提高消费量, 有机会向高档酱油转换 有机会发展1L包装 有机会做各种酱油的联合促销 有更多的机会在中度和轻度消费群中提高酱油的档次,尤其在北京,烹调习惯及态度,食品结构 & 菜肴数量,北京,广州,上海,= 蔬菜,= 蔬菜,= 蔬菜,å 冬天品种较少,目的,-消除饥饿, 补充能量 -方便快捷 -消除饥饿 -方便 -营养/ 口味 -联结整个家庭,Source :H&A + quali.,烹调方式 & 使用的酱油,运用各种不同烹饪方式的家庭主妇比例:,运用不同烹饪方式的菜肴的比例:,生抽,老抽,生抽/ 风味酱油,酱油/老抽,酱油/老抽,生抽,生抽,老抽,生抽/ 风味酱油,酱油/老抽,酱油/老抽,生抽,Source :Consumer Panel,酱油市场细分: 运用,Dipping 沾着吃,Stir frying 炒,Braising 红烧,Stewing 炖, 焖,Steaming 蒸,Marinating 腌肉,Mixing 拌着吃,口味至关重要,颜色至关重要,颜色不能太深, 不然会覆盖食物的颜色, 酱油的口味是最重要的,必须给食物带来亮红色, 口味来自于其他调味品,如糖,对酱油的需求,Source : Knorr Brand Key Quali. 2003,Dipping 沾着吃,Stir frying 炒,Braising 红烧,Stewing 炖, 焖,Steaming 蒸,Marinating 腌肉,Mixing 拌着吃,广州: 生抽非常重要 (蒸, 炒, 也可用作其他各种用途) 老抽偶尔使用 蘸的酱油 上海 大众消费者: 酱油+ 生抽用于蘸食, 凉拌 高档消费者: 生抽+ 老抽或酱油, 有些使用较贵的蘸酱油 北京 大众消费者: 仅使用酱油, 或加一点生抽 高档消费者: 酱油/ 老抽+ 生抽 有些使用较贵的蘸酱油,不同城市不同使用方式:,Source : Knorr Brand Key Quali. 2003,酱油市场细分: 运用,口味至关重要,颜色至关重要,烹调方式和酱油的趋势上海,Volume Based,Value Based,更多的海鲜/蔬菜 更少的肉类,更多的蒸/炒 较少的红烧/焖,趋向老抽 更多的生抽/风味酱油 趋向瓶装和桶装,袋装酱油的消费群为50岁左右 塑料瓶酱油的消费群为40岁左右 塑料瓶酱油的消费群为30岁左右,More disposable income 由于营养过剩产生的新的健康问题 需要更多的健康饮食习惯 烹调的时间压力,使用较少酱油 ( 平均消费量: 在上海减少3.6% ) 花费更多 高质量,高档酱油 ( 每次购买的花费: 增长4.5% ) 较少的购买频率 ( 每年减少3.5% ),Sales Volume 000 Liter Growth Rate: -2.5%,Sales Value M. RMB Growth Rate: 2.5%,Average Price is 5.1% higher than year ago.,Source :Consumer Panel,Jiangyou still dominate the market in SH, but switch to Dark SS, as well Flavor SS Pouch is still popular in SH, but switch to Barrel as well G.B,Soy Sauce Switch Way:,Source :Consumer Panel,Censydiam Model For Cooking,Individual,Recognition,Withdrawing to Inner World,Going to Outer World,Fun/ Enjoy cooking,Finish the cooking duty,Belonging,Do for myself,Integration,Harmony and integrate,Calm down insecure, be recognition,Care & Nourish family,Show off cooking skill, show my value,Source : Palatex-Censydiam,Cook Segment and Needs,Fun/ Enjoy cooking,Harmony & integrate,Belonging,Show off cooking skill, show my value,Do for myself,Calm down insecure, be recognition,Finish the cooking duty,Care & Nourish,#1 15% Creating illusion of cooking,#2 27% Cooking for love,#3 14% Cook for survive,#7 11% Keeping all in balance,# 8 8% show off,# 5 4% Cook for appreciation,#6 7% cook for impress,#4 14% save face,Source : Palatex-Censydiam,Soy Sauce Current Position,Fun/ Enjoy cooking,Harmony & integrate,Belonging,Show off cooking skill, show my value,Do for myself,Calm down insecure, be recognition,Finish the cooking duty,Care & Nourish,#1 15% Creating illusion of cooking,#2 27% Cooking for love,#3 14% Cook for survive,#7 11% Keeping all in balance,# 8 8% show off,# 5 4% Cook for appreciation,#6 7% cook for impress,#4 14% save face,LKK,Laocai,Knorr,Haitian,Seagull,New LC,AMOY,Source : Palatex-Censydiam,City Culture & Attitude Difference,Source : Knorr Brand Key Quali. 2003 + other quali/,Chengdu,Shanghai,Beijing,GuangZhou,Enjoy Tasty Food - Top important: Money, more realistic, down to earth - Be pound of food culture ( rich and variable food) - Want to be a boss, even very small company - Put many effort on cooking, and many enjoy it - Great pleasure in eating than functional values - Emphasis on freshness and naturalness - Family oriented although kid is important - Self image: capable, great cook “ I feel good”,Traditional - Dream to be a powerful officer, more interesting in Politic rather than food - Food is not hot topic, less effort spent in cooking - More basic in cooking & eating, a routine and necessity - Ensure balance and naturalness - Kid preference influence me, but think more for whole family - Self image as a cook: not expert, but feel all right “ That is the best I can do”,Result Oriented - Dream to be excellent white collar, high income, great living stand - Famous to be Good at balance value and money, capable housewife - Modern and open to Western - Extremely kid oriented, kid success is their dream - See the functional role of meal: better performance now and future - Buy fresh food not only tasty but also helpful on nutrition - Put great effort on cooking, Self image: Ok to be a great cook” I try hard”,BJ,SH,不用翻,Conclusion & Implication,Conclusion: Stir fry is main cooking way, Cantonese is more steaming and SH is more braising Trend is more steaming and light taste Different need for different SS Color oriented for braising Taste oriented for steaming/Dipping Most of Chinese are family/kid oriented show the love: 27% or control and balance everything:15% or just finish the cooking job:14% Still 11% are very insecure cooking way, need to assurance,Implication: New innovation which can suit for new cooking trend: for steaming/ dipping SS less salty SS Target consumer who is caring and harmony need mother which is 42% Very few Chinese is food indulgence oriented, should LC target not only showoff housewife, but also target those who need secure super taste result,Brand Competition,Perceptual Mapping - Guangzhou,Dipping Mixing,Cooking,Low quality,High quality,Maggie,Master,LKK,Jammy Chai,Hai Tian,Knorr Amoy,Zhu Jiang,Cheap brands sold by hawkers, small corner shops,In GZ, quality is signaled by brand & price Almost all products in market are considered of at least average quality,Source : Knorr Brand Key Quali. 2003,不用翻,Perceptual Mapping - Shanghai,Dipping Mixing,Cooking,Low quality,High quality,Maggie Kikkoman,LKK,Seagull,Hai Tian,Lao Cai Amoy Knorr,Totole Banquet,Master,Jiang you in general,Lao chou in general,Sheng chou in general,Jiang you (have to cook before use),Source : Knorr Brand Key Quali. 2003,Perceptual Mapping - Beijing,Dipping Mixing,Cooking,Low quality,High quality,Maggie (described as “seafood soy sauce”),Mass users Jiang you in general e.g. Kun Pai, Jin Shi,Lao chou in general e.g. Amoy, LKK,Sheng chou in general e.g. Amoy, LKK,Premium Users Jiang you in general,Source : Knorr Brand Key Quali. 2003,不用翻,Perceptual Mapping Likely Scenario in the Future,Dipping Mixing,Cooking,Low quality,High quality,Expensive soy sauce eg Maggi, Master & Kikkoman (SH),Lao Chou for braising stewing Sheng chou for general cooking,Shen Chou for dipping/ mixing (older, less well-off people),Ordinary jiang you for braising, stewing (BJ/ SH),The market seems to be going to the direction of more distinctive use by type , and on the stage of upgrading,Source : Knorr Brand Key Quali. 2003,Brand Awareness (Feb. 17-Mar. 16),TOM Spontaneous Awareness Every Trial Most Often TVC Awareness Other Media Awareness Consideration (Top 2 Boxes),Shanghai Guangzhou Beijing,Knorr Laoca,Source : ATP Tracking,Brand Awareness,Shanghai Guangzhou Beijing,Knorr Laocai Amoy Haitian LKK,Knorr Amoy Haitian LKK,Knorr Kuan Amoy Haitian Jinshi,TOM Spontaneous Awareness Every Trial Most Often TVC Awareness Other Media Awareness Consideration (Top 2 Boxes),Source : ATP Tracking,Brand Image-SH (Feb 17-Mar 16),Laocai Knorr Haitian Amoy,Bring out Xian Give Dish color quickly Strong soy bean taste Is cooking expert Is innovation brand Made from natural ingredient Help kid smart Make whole family health Add nutrition to dish Good value for money Offer something unique Is better on cooking Is better for dipping Make dish more appetizing Are better quality than others,Source : ATP Tracking,Brand Image-GZ (Feb 17-Mar 16),Bring out Xian Give Dish color quickly Strong soy bean taste Is cooking expert Is innovation brand Made from natural ingredient Help kid smart Make whole family health Add nutrition to dish Good value for money Offer something unique Is better on cooking Is better for dipping Make dish more appetizing Are better quality than others,Knorr Haitian Amoy,Source : ATP Tracking,不用翻,Brand Image-BJ (Feb 17-Mar 16),Bring out Xian Give Dish color quickly Strong soy bean taste Is cooking expert Is innovation brand Made from natural ingredient Help kid smart Make whole family health Add nutrition to dish Good value for money Offer something unique Is better on cooking Is better for dipping Make dish more appetizing Are better quality than others,Knorr


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