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    the terrorist,2013-xinjiang,恐怖主义定义,9.11 New York,Perpetrators of terrorist are on the unarmed personnel organized use of violence or threat of violence, by certain objects in terror, to achieve certain political ends. Some organizations or individuals in the international community take kidnappings, assassinations, bombings, air piracy, hostage-taking and other terror, begging for the achievement of their political objectives or to a specific request of the ideas and actions. Incidents of terrorism mainly by the extreme left and extreme right-wing terrorist groups, as well as extreme nationalist , racist organizations and parties are organized.,发生恐怖主义的类别 (略谈),Left-wing · Right-wing 左翼 · 右翼 Resistance movements 抵抗运动 Religious 宗教 ( Christian · Hindu · Islamic · Jewish ) ( 基督教 · 印度教 · 伊斯兰 · 犹太 ) Single-issue terrorism 单一问题的恐怖主义 ( Eco-terrorism · anti-abortion ) ( 生态恐怖主义 · 反堕胎 ) Ethnic · Narcoterrorism 种族 · 毒品恐怖主义,不同时代的恐怖主义,Beginning of the 19th century, as European countries have entered the capitalist, led to a widening, caused by underlying intellectual discontent, followed by left-wing ideas underlying intellectual has been widely spread, with the collapse of the Paris Commune and anarchism's active, various terrorist activities with the European countries came alive, even the other side of the Atlantic, the United States is not immune. 19世纪初,由于欧洲各国已经进入资本主义,导致贫富差距扩大,引起了底层知识分子不满,随之而来左翼思想在底层知识分子得到了广泛传播,随着巴黎公社的覆灭和无政府主义的活跃,各种恐怖活动随之欧洲各国活跃起来,连大西洋另一边的美国也未能幸免。,不同时代的恐怖主义,After in the 1920 of the 20th century due to the outbreak of the economic crisis in European countries, Governments have to deal with domestic issues, after the second world war, with Europe and the United States to improve underlying the public life of the country through various policy, terrorism has also disappeared.,到了20世纪20年代后由于欧洲各国爆发经济危机,各国政府不得不面对国内各种问题,在二战之后,随着欧美各国通过不同政策来提高本国底层民众生活,恐怖主义也随之消失了。,不同时代的恐怖主义,20世纪60年代以后,全球对石油需求不断扩大,恐怖主义活动又开始日益频繁,在西欧、中东、拉丁美洲和南亚等地区蔓延。,In the 1960 of the 20th century, the growing global demand for oil, and increasingly frequent terrorist activities again, in Western Europe , and the Middle East , and Latin America and South Asia area.,恐怖主义现状,First, organizations International 组织联系国际化。,Second, younger members成员分子年轻化。,Thirdly, diversification of terror恐怖手段多样化。,IV, target expanded袭击目标扩大化。,The September 11 attacks 9·11事件,The September 11 attacks, were a suicide attacks by al-Qaeda upon the United States on September 11, 2001. On that morning, 19 al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four commercial passenger jet airliners . The hijackers intentionally crashed two of the airliners into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City , killing everyone on board and many others working in the buildings. 当天上午,19基地组织的恐怖分子劫持了四架商业客运喷气客机。劫机者故意使飞机撞向纽约市的世界贸易中心,造成飞机上全员死亡与大厦内许多工作人员死亡。 Both towers collapsed within two hours, destroying nearby buildings and damaging others. 两小时内两座大楼倒塌,摧毁了附近的建筑物等。 There were no survivors from any of the flights. 飞机上没有任何幸存者。,Osama bin Laden本拉登,Osama bin Laden is the founder of the Islamic extremist organization al-Qaeda , most widely recognized for the September 11 attacks on the United States. 本拉登是极端主义组织的创始人, 因对美国的9.11恐怖袭击事件所被人熟知。,terrorists !,Terrorism is not far away from us!,公交恐怖,July 21, about 54 bus bound for sleep mountain (license number AS2035) from East to West to the panjiawan bus stop on Renmin West Road Xichang road intersection stopping suddenly exploded, 1 dead, 1 seriously, 9 were slightly injured; all compartments on both sides of the glass breaking, part of the deformation of seat. Around 8 o'clock in the morning on the same day, another bus 54 (license number AS1822) from East to West to West Renmin road and Changwon road intersection when an explosion, causing the death of 1 person, 4 people were injured.,巴楚暴力恐怖,April 23, in cases of serious violence and terror in bachu County in Kashi, Xinjiang, killing 15 policemen, cadres at sacrifice.,新疆和田暴力恐怖事件,Xinjiang hetian mobs attack police stations, robbery, 18th in the vicious killing hostages, killing at least 4 people were killed, including 2 hostages, several of the mob were killed the attack.,世界反恐,At present, the world has more than 60% of the countries on the establishment of the anti-terrorist unit. These forces of the main task is to deal with exceptional cases of violence, such as hostage-taking, terrorist violence such as aircraft. Below is a brief description of ten elite anti-terror forces in the world.,目前,全球已有60%的国家成立了反恐怖部队。中国特警装备精良,技能高超,令犯罪分子闻风丧胆。除此,几个有代表性的国家的反恐怖力量也是恐怖组织的“天敌”。,世界主要反恐部队,the Chinese special forces 中国特种部队 “Delta“-United States anti-terrorism forces. “三角洲”美国反恐部队 “Black soldier“-Russia Alpha anti-terrorist unit. “黑兵”俄罗斯阿尔法反恐部队 “The devil”-United Kingdom Royal ATU “魔鬼”英国皇家反恐部队 “The black guy“-France anti-terrorist forces. 黑小子”法国反恐部队,China's counter-terrorism,观看短片,Yes! I do it ! !,Thank you !,


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