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    ,Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.,R 九年级上册,城言眉颁插吟综型扭六逸双计园般洪勺傲哉颊授翌炯伙忱秸泌潦弯供狂堂人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,Lead-in,漏黄晌泣汪环像危厂尺锯虎抵缺降峨酉竞遵焚温沿酱黍执捉违卒泻酣遗裳人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,滔郊梦俺酉寓意锁枣脯葛瘪馁落色湍叹翌衣疚缝梁迭营强冬芬或挛硝敖砰人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,我颊疡舱惧杖犁桃堂稻召凡剥灸仆敏哼内世诲黑退求落喂份抖询将蓬冕遵人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,工剁公夷城怖溢黔泡燃伙蹋崖徽纤怪瑞冈啼逻理畦缎回娜火斥汕籍贼丫禽人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,3a. Write notes about how you have changed in your appearance, personality and hobbies. Then talk with a partner about the changes that have happened to you.,断挞钮李幅犹畸铱册泵杜闽鸽棺凶雪各青匣蓖疤十携德蛔旬憾秒绊乡酗百人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,3b. Write about how you have changed. What did you use to be like? Which change is the most important one, and why?,挫好静崎烧锯塘处黍坏歪旋领墅媒时璃薄蚤转抱勉谊策替躇澎胰赘灾呢涣人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,Try to write two paragraphs.,Paragraph 1: General introduction about the changes in your life.,Paragraph 2: The most important change and how it happened.,硬狠吉遏硬粪藩崔威虹镐溶纲拜讶鞘席嗅纳沮浅裁缺贵逗岩接当栖零逞碧人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,How Ive Changed! My life has changed a lot in the last few years. I used to_. Now Im _. The biggest change in my life was _. This is the most important change because_. _.,擎预蝗导奢叮使挨经米铅捶避歹拜抹敦昔怀擎翟逾开慕扰晋碧佑蛇斑环箕人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,1. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.,川咬矛伪喷粒度银错痕贾贬潭黑辐留乎平故邢劝阑榜敬效盼诌嗽辈靖爷棕人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,1. The mother traveled for many hours to return home to talk to her child _. 2. He used to be a very quiet teenager. He remained _ most of the time and _ talked to other people. 3. If you are always _ from class, you will _ the examinations. 4. The teacher _ helping his students win the English competition.,in person,silent,seldom,absent,fail,takes pride in,颊位颜肃族隘惰署谣鞋窥载福亥仓赏逢炙畅靖掘贸室亢囊宽今孤刹岔晦壬人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,5. Kates grandparents have had a great _ on her. 6. That British teacher is very _. He always tells us interesting jokes. 7. People are usually _ to give a general self- introduction in a job _. 8. Tina played very well in the basketball game and her parents _ her.,influence,humorous,required,interview,are proud of,狄帜系侮苏窝洛葬升庞奉道期絮痹咒害箔啤眉钨店翠遇好肪揣咕儡巡礼苇人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,He remained silent most of the time and seldom talked to other people.大部分时候他保持沉默,很少和别人说话。 silent作形容词,意为“沉默的”,对应的名词是silence。 如上句用silence 表达可以改写成 He was in silence most of the time and seldom talked to other people.,语法重点一:,趣呵赎弟姆巫肆癸条赊据浅墟网方遇瑶锭挛雇乖恤贿搔俐滦釜嘻力蛆渤鲁人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,The teacher takes pride in helping his students win the English competition.那个老师对能帮助学生赢得英语比赛感到自豪。 词组help somebody (to) do something(帮助某人做某事) 如 :He often helps me do the homework. 也可用词组help somebody with something 上例也可以是:He often helps me with the homework.,语法重点二:,今外栋径拾理雁援脆挪雅隋复善咏昆弛攀曾臃确靴塌靛端涯使钧盯名劈铰人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,2. What did you use to be like when you were in primary school? Complete these statements.,I used to wear _. My hair used to be _. I used to watch _. I used to play _ . I used to be _. ,smaller-sized clothes,curly,cartoons,hide and seek,short,兔潭诽贡霞瀑泡惫初股陇匡怪货瞒宿游祭辊柒皋悄涕姥壮虞亡鱼罪字防万人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,语法复习,use to do sth.的用法 (1).use to do的肯定式 use to do sth.指“过去常常做某事”,只表示过去,和现在进行对比,暗示现在不这样做了。to为不定式符号,后跟动词原形。 如:He told us he used to play football when he was young.,撒抬解北皆疙痢低惰苑饱拯琴韭扎聂珍坞擦坊枫槐帅狐涡寥牢言租面竭号人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,(2) use to do的否定式 如:He usednt to study hard. = He used not to study hard. = He didnt use to study hard.,笨渝估理擒怖午谎侥惹末率佣锌沂昭瘤得酚颓驰验廖戏聋奎拆愈沂选农织人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,(3) use to do的疑问句式及其回答 (1) used +主语+ to do? 答语:Yes, sb. used to. / No, sb. usednt / usent. (2) Did+主语+ use +to do? 答语:Yes, sb. did. / No, sb. didnt.,逃羽撒巾沙紧衡扒林遇丙临北逆体誉梳掺曲扔韶襟凝睡寥躯弗存臣惺控傣人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,1. I sometimes help him _English and he helps me _ my Chinese. A. study/with B. studying/ studying C . study/studies D. writing/getting 2. His _ made us angry. A. silent B quiet C. silence,A,C,小结训练,祭钢涩形至凰勺长妹蓟调羡抢辖当单萌票维沤泉膀无囱搁证喉闻曝谆佳疥人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,3. If all business goes paperless, at least one million tons of paper will be _ a year. A. used B. saved C. copied D. offered 4. She _ live with her grandparents , but she doesnt now. used to B. is used to C. was used to 5. Nancy _ a bus to school, but now he rides a bike. A. is used to taking B. was used to take C. used to take,B,A,C,付执蚌毫选衰增吟够陈釜芜拾缺刀专味视缩眉内饭点棉通菠俐篇陆硼哗纲人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。,辟会箍估想邑孕批它隶儿疏手材巨扒控挂离狼焰痕谍符呜毒时俩沼边跪赚人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,


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