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    书面表达 基础技巧讲解,写作技能 如何写好简单句 当一个句子只包含一个主谓结构时称为简单句。 句子的两个主要组成部分是主语和谓语, 谓语都是由动词构成的。 动词在句子中起着极其重要的作用,可以说是句子的核心。在英语中,各类动词后有不同的结构,从而构成不同的句型,抓住动词及它们引起的各种句型,就会对英语句子有一个总的概念。,Summary:简单句的五种基本句型: 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._,主语S+系动词lv+表语P,主语S+不及物动词vi,主语S+及物动词vt+ 宾语 o,主语S+谓语vt+ 间接宾语InO+ 直接宾语DO,主语S+谓语vt+宾语O + 宾补OC,1 The little baby smiled. 2. Lily knows French. Everybody laughed at that ugly boy. 3. My grandmother told me a story. 4. The food is / tastes very delicious. 5. The news made us surprised.,即时练习连词成句 1.at,red,face,news,her,turned,the 2.we,bus,catch,so as to,got,first,up,the,early 3.a,made,she,dress,beautiful,me 4.first,my,made,homework,me,do,my mother 5.found,with,family,to,it,your,very,I,pleasant,be,Her face turned red at the news.,We got up early so as to catch the first bus.,She made me a beautiful dress.,My mother made me do my homework first.,I found it very pleasant to be with your family.,写作技能 简单句型的高级形式 简单句其实也可以不简单, 若将简单句与非谓语动词短语、形容词短语、同位语、独立主格结构等巧妙地合在一起, 不但可以表达更丰富的内容,而且可以使句子变得更精彩,充分显示你的英语表达实力。 以下各句摘自近几年各省市高考写作范文的 高级简单句,请欣赏:,1.同位语:I want to have a pen friend, 我想有一个笔友,希望是一个二十出头且兴趣相 投的女孩子。 点评:同位语中又有两个并列的介词短语修饰)(全国) 2.形容词短语: ,Thomas Edison was a great scientist and inventor. 出生于美国的托马斯·爱迪生是一个伟大的科学家和发明家。(湖南),hopefully a girl in her early twenties and with interests similar to mine.,Born in America,3.不定式短语: ,we need to do sports. 为了学习好,我们需要体育运动(辽宁) 4.现在分词短语:In this picture, a mother bird stays in her nest in a big tree, . 在这幅图中,一个鸟妈妈待在一棵大树的鸟巢里,观看她的鸟仔飞走。(北京),In order to study well,watching her babies flying away,5.过去分词短语: ,mobile phones and the Internet are faster and much more convenient. 与信件和公用电话相比,手机和网络更快也更方便(广东) 6.介词短语: ,he encourages us to think by ourselves. 他鼓励我们独立思考,而不是马上告诉我们答案。(湖南),Compared with letters and public phones,Instead of giving us answers immediately,写作技能 简单句的扩展 句子的扩展,就是在名词前后加上前置或后置定 语,在动词、形容词或者副词前后加上适当的状 语,或增加修饰整个句子的状语,等等, 目的是使结构形式更饱满、内容表达更加清楚、语言表达更生动。 练习句子的扩展,有助于循序渐进地实现由句到段的过渡。,【例1】对The man was famous. (主语+系动词+表语)一句进行扩展,可得到以下一些句子: a. The man was a famous student. (划线部分为定语) b. _ ,the man was very famous_ (划线部分为状语),named Mike,At the age of seventeen,because of being good at playing the piano,【例2】对The student jumped. (主语+谓语)一句进行扩展: a.The student jumped.(划线部分为定语) b. ,the naughty student jumped .(划线部分为状语),naughty,Hearing the good news,with joy,【例3】Chinese are making China more powerful. (主语+谓语+宾语+宾补)一句进行扩展 a. Chinese are making China more powerful.(划线部分为定语) b. ,hard-working and open-minded Chinese are making full of resources more powerful .(划线部分为状语),Hard-working and open-minded,full of resources,With time going on,than before as expected,对比学习下: 1.Students buy books. (至少要含非谓语、介词短语和从句等作定语) The diligent students in our class often buy some books written in English on science, which are really well worth buying. 2.Students work.(至少要含非谓语、介词短语和 从句等作状语) In order to improve their school subjects, students work hard in the classroom so that they forget to go out after class.,写作技能 简单句合并成并列句或复合句 有时为了使句子的连贯性更强,表达更为贴切、 自然,我们在两个或者多个简单句之间加上and, but,or(或者,否则),for(因为),while (而,却),when(就在这个时候)等并列连词, 就成为并列复合句。如: They were happy.They deserved their happiness. They were happy and they deserved their happiness.,【概念对比】并列复合句,(主从)复合句 在两个或者多个简单句之间加上when,after,as, because,where,which,who等从属连词,使简单句变成复合句,从而扩展成高级句子。 1.I forgot to post the letter. I wrote it yesterday.(改为含定语从句的复合句) I forgot to post the letter which I wrote yesterday.,2.He missed the first bus. He came to school late. (改为含状语从句的复合句) Because he missed the first bus, he came to school late. He missed the first bus, so he came to school late.,写作技能 如何写好并列句(一) 并列连词的意义与作用 由两个或两个以上的简单句并列连接起来的句子叫并列句。 并列句的基本句型是:“简单句+并列连词 (或连接副词)+简单句”。 要写好并列句,首先必须了解每个并列连词的意义和功能。,furthermore,besides,in addition,moreover,also, likewise,not only.but (also).,并列或递进(此外,而且),however,nevertheless, still,in contrast,while,对比(但是;然而),otherwise,not.but., either.or.,选择(或者,否则,不然的话),consequently,therefore, thus,accordingly,then,neither,结果(因此,所以),否定选择(也不),即时练习请选择用的并列连词填空 1.I dont agree with you, does my partner. 2.Find out where they are going this evening ask if we may join them. 3.He was very seriously ill; doctors have almost given up hope of his recovery. 4.They go to concerts of pop music they really like it.,nor/neither,and,therefore,for,5.She cant hope to pass the exam in December, shell have to wait till June. 6.He broke the rules of the school; _ he had to leave. 7. is your answer wrong _ mine is. 8. You must work harder; you will be put into another class. 9.Tom was rich his brother was very poor.,so,therefore,Not only,but also,otherwise,while,1 认真分析两个被连接起来的简单句之间内在的 逻辑关系, 2 选择恰当的并列连词,才能真正写出好的并列句。 请认真研读以下句子,分析其逻辑关系。 试试看,如果如何正确翻译,写作技能,如何写好并列句(二) 辨清不同功能的并列连词,.翻译句子 1.昨天我生日。很多同学送给我礼物。 2.书籍增长了我们的见识,开拓了我们的视野。,It was my birthday yesterday, so many classmates gave me presents.,Books not only enrich our knowledge but (also) widen our vision.,3.地震中有10人死亡,3 000多人无家可归。 4.兄弟俩很不同。一个喜欢看书,另一个热衷运动。 5.宠物通常很脏,甚至有的会伤人。,Ten people were killed in the earthquake, and more than 3,000 people were left homeless.,The brothers are very different:one likes reading while the other is crazy about sports.,Pets are usually dirty and some might even hurt people,写作技能,利用复合句提高句子档次 复合句是使结构复杂化的一个方法,可以 借助于它表达比较复杂的内容。可使文章更有逻辑性,也提高了文章的档次。 【注意】不要将汉语一一对译成英语,一定要注意所写复合句符合英语句子结构的特点及复合句中句子成分的完整。,如“到车站时,他发现火车已经走了” When arrived at the station, he found the train had already left. 即时练习把下列每组句子转换成复合句 1.In the town there was only one school. I studied there for six years. In the town there was only one school where I studied for six years,2.I have spare time.I will go to see you. 3.He got up very early this morning.He could catch the first bus. 4.You study hard.You will pass the exam.(only if),If I have spare time,I will go to see you.,He got up very early this morning so that he could catch the first bus.,Only if you study hard will you pass the exam.,写作技能 如何使用高级词汇和做到句式多样化 1.注意使用词组、习语来代替一些单词以增加文采。 make use of代替use,catch sight of代替see 2.使用一些很有“洋味”的单词。 Thank you for sharing the time with us. (用share而不用spend),The noise nearly drove me mad. (用drive而不用 make) Tom had his leg broken last week. (用have.done而不用broke his leg) 3.避免重复使用同一单词或短语。 对比 I like reading while my brother likes watching TV. I like reading while my brother enjoys watching TV. 英文写作中,如能做到句式多样,则能突显出运用 语言的实力,提高文章的档次,但如何做到句式多样化?,4 改变句子的开头方式。可以把状语置于句首等 原We met at the school gate and went there together early in the morning. 改Early in the morning we met at the school gate and went there together. 5. 学会运用特殊句式 Only in this way can we achieve our goal. It was Ah Fu who had saved my little sister bravely.,6.学会使用复合句、分词状语、感叹句、with的复 合结构、it句型等多种句式。 原We had to stand there to catch the offender. 改What we had to do was to stand there, trying to catch the offender. 原He often sleeps.The windows are open. 改He often sleeps with the windows open. ,如何使用高级词汇和做到句式多样化 1.注意使用词组、习语来代替一些单词以增加文采。 2.使用一些很有“洋味”的单词。 3.避免重复使用同一单词或短语。 4 改变句子的开头方式。可以把状语置于句首等 5. 学会运用特殊句式 6.学会使用复合句、分词状语、感叹句、with的复 合结构、it句型等多种句式。,即时练习按要求改写下列句子 Our teacher came into our classroom.A lot of students followed him.He had a book in his hand. (1)简单句: (2)并列句: (3)复合句:,Followed by a lot of students,our,teacher came into our classroom,book in hand/with a book in his hand.,Our teacher came into our classroom,with a book in his hand/book in hand,and a lot of students followed him.,Our teacher who was followed by a lot,of students came into our classroom,with a book in his hand/book in hand.,翻译重组的基本方法 一、合并法 合并法是把若干个短句合并成一个长句。 汉语强调意合,结构较松散,因此简单句较多; 英语强调形合,结构较严密,因此长句较多。 所以汉译英时要根据需要注意利用连词、分词、介词、不定式、定语从句、独立结构等把汉语短句连成长句 -没有农业,人类便不能生存,社会生产也就不能继续下去。 But for/Without agriculture, human could not exist, nor could social production continue.,写作技能,二、正译法和反译法 正译,是指把句子按照与汉语相同的语序或表达方式译成英语。 反译则是指把句子按照与汉语相反的语序或表达方式译成英语。 反译往往更符合英语的思维方式和表达习惯,比较地道。,-政府应致力于降低房价,让百姓买得起房。 正译:The government should make efforts to bring down the prices of houses so that people can afford them. 反译:The government should make efforts to bring down the prices of houses so that houses are available(to people).,三、倒置法 在汉语中,定语修饰语和状语修饰语往往位于 被修饰语之前; 在英语中,许多修饰语常常位于被修饰语之后,因此翻译时往往要把原文的语序颠倒过来。 -改革开放以来,中国发生了巨大的变化。 Great changes have taken place in China since the introduction of the reform and opening policy.,四、插入法 把难以处理的句子用破折号、括号或前后逗号 插入译句中,即用同位语、插入语或定语从句来处理一些解释性成分。 -在某种程度上,成功源自自信,而成功也会增强自信。 To some extent, success results from self- confidence while it also helps enhance self confidence.,翻译重组的基本方法 一、合并法 合并法是把若干个短句合并成一个长句。 所以汉译英时要根据需要注意利用连词、分词、介词、不定式、定语从句、独立结构等把汉语短句连成长句 二、正译法和反译法 反译则是指把句子按照与汉语相反的语序或表达方式译成英语。反译往往更符合英语的思维方式和表达习惯,比较地道。,三、倒置法 在英语中,许多修饰语常常位于被修饰语之后,因此翻译时往往要把原文的语序颠倒过来。 四、插入法 把难以处理的句子用破折号、括号或前后逗号 插入译句中,即用同位语、插入语或定语从句来处理一些解释性成分。,即时练习请用以上翻译重组的技巧翻译下列句子 1.他仍然没有弄懂我的意思。(正反译) 2.我们需要大量有丰富经验的志愿者。 3.我们觉得帮助他人是我们的职责。,He still could not understand me.(正译),Still he failed to understand me.(反译),We need a number of volunteers who have rich experience.,We feel it our duty to help others.,4.不保护环境,我们就将没有干净的饮用水。 5.我们可以通过经常锻炼和保持健康的饮食来强身健体。 6.我想知道讲座是否有录音。如果有,我可以借 吗?(插入法),If we do not protect the environment, we will have no clean drinking water.,We can build up our body by taking regular exercise and keeping a healthy diet.,I wonder if the lecture was recorded. If so, can I borrow a tape?,7.我的家乡位于北江河畔,是个风景秀丽适合居住的城市。 8.如果您能考虑我的建议,我将感激不尽。,My hometown, a beautiful city located on the Beijing River, is a place suitable for living.,Ill appreciate it very much if you could consider my advice.,写作技能 让句子靓起来的十一招 对低级句型的改造可以迅速达到给我们的句子润色, 让我们的句子靓起来的目的。 1.强调句 可以轻松地将时间、地点、原因、方式等类型的状语 从句转变为强调句。 -直到我回家我才意识到我把包落在办公室了。 It was not until I arrived home that I realized I had left the bag in the office.,2.倒装句 只要句中有介词短语或状语从句,便可将其提前,变成倒装句。 -只有当他告诉我真相时,我才意识到我误解他了。 Only when he told me the truth did I realize that I had misunderstood him.,3.with的复合结构 可以将状语从句或并列句中的其中一个分句变成with的复合结构。 - 他有很沉重的思想负担,感觉压力很大。 With heavy burden on mind, he felt greatly stressed.,4.巧妙地使用非谓语动词 可以将状语从句或并列的动词简化为非谓语动词。 -穿着恰当,面试官会对你有很好的印象。 Dressed in a proper way, youre more likely to leave a good impression on the interviewers.,5.恰到好处地使用被动句:使语言简洁生动 主语除nothing, anything, everything等不定代词之外,在主语不清晰或不重要的情况下更应使用被动语态。 -Something must be done to stop factories pouring waste water directly into rivers. 6.高级定语从句 若定语从句中的动词带有介词,只需将介词移至先行词后。 -We came to a place to which they had never paid a visit before.,7.进行时态 和always,constantly连用表达感情色彩的副词。 -I am always feeling terrible when I take a bus. 8.what引导的名词性从句将动宾结构转化为此结构 -你给我的不仅仅是一份圣诞节礼物,还是一颗满含爱意的心 What he gave me was not only a Christmas present but also a heart full of love.,9.“数词+名词”变为“as many as+数词+名词” -As many as ten years ago,my hometown used to be covered by forests. 10.适当使用插入语 如I guess ,however, in a way, certainly , in my opinion , probably, generally speaking , believe it or not, besides , whats more等。,11.把简单句改成复合句 适当的时候把两个简单句改成“too.to.”或者“so.that.”等高级一点的复合句。 -I was very tired.I couldnt keep up with them. I was so tired that I couldnt keep up with them. I was too tired to keep up with them.,即时练习使用上述技巧,合并或改写下列句子 1.I realized the importance of English when I entered senior high school.(强调句) 2.We can live a happy life only by this means. (倒装) 3.He fell asleep.The lights were still on.(with 结构),It was when I entered senior high school that I realized the importance of English.,Only by this means can we live a happy life.,He fell asleep with the lights on.,4.When I heard that,I was much moved.(非谓语动词) 5.They carried out a survey among 260 students. (被动语态) 6.I felt discouraged when I failed my exams.(时 态表强调),Hearing that, I was much moved.,A survey was carried out among 260 students.,I was always feeling discouraged when I failed my exams.,7.They were faced with many problems.They didnt lose leart.(非谓语动词) 8.It was getting dark.And it began to rain.(插 入语) 9.He worked very hard.He made great progress in his study.(改为复合句),Faced with many problems,they didnt lose heart.,It was getting dark.What was worse,it began to rain.,He worked so hard that he made great progress in his study.,10.He offered me a piece of advice that I should cheer up and start all over again.(用what结构) 11.I got on a bus.There were already too many people on it.(定语从句),What he offered me was a piece of advice that I should cheer up and start all over again.,I got on a bus on which there were already too many people.,让句子靓起来的十一招 1.强调句 可以轻松地将时间、地点、原因、方式等类型的状语 从句转变为强调句。 2.倒装句 只要句中有介词短语或状语从句,便可将其提前,变成倒装句。 3.with的复合结构 可以将状语从句或并列句中的其中一个分句变成with的复合结构。,4.巧妙地使用非谓语动词 可以将状语从句或并列的动词简化为非谓语动词。 5.恰到好处地使用被动句:使语言简洁生动 主语除nothing, anything, everything等不定代词之外,在主语不清晰或不重要的情况下更应使用被动语态。 6.高级定语从句 若定语从句中的动词带有介词,只需将介词移至先行词后。,7.进行时态 和always,constantly连用表达感情色彩的副词。 8.what引导的名词性从句将动宾结构转化为此结构 9.“数词+名词”变为“as many as+数词+名词” 10.适当使用插入语 11.把简单句改成复合句,写作技能 怎样写好文章的开头 文章开头非常重要,因为好开头可以吸引读者、抓住读者的注意力,提高文章的质量。文章常见的开头形式大致有以下几种: 1.开门见山,揭示主题 2.以交待人物、事情、时间或环境开头 3.回忆性的开头 5.介绍环境式的开头 6.交待写作目的的开头,范例 1.Tibet,known as“the Roof of the World”,belongs to the Peoples Republic of China and it is located in the southwest of China. 2.The day before yesterday my class went on a bus trip to Mount Yang. 3.I remember my first trip to Mount Yang as if it were yesterday. 4.In this article I shall draw your attention to the subject of pollution control.,概括性的开头,以交代人物,事物,时间或环境开头,回忆性的开头,交待写作目的的开头,怎样写好文章的结尾 结尾-概括全文内容,进一步强调或肯定文章中心思想,与主题句相互呼应,使读者对文章的主题有深刻的印象或思考。写好英语文章的结尾最常用的方法有: 1.重复中心思想,达到再次肯定和强调的效果。 2.得出结论,即在文章最后,用几句话概括全文内容,并进一步肯定文章的中心思想或作者的观点。 3.使用格言,谚语或习语总结全文,既言简意赅又有更强的说服力。 4.用反问结尾,虽然形式是问句,但意义却是肯定的,具有明显的强调作用,引发读者思考。,范例 1.If you have something to do, try to do it yourself, for that is the safest way to permanent success. Remember the famous saying “God helps those who help themselves”. 2.With all these benefits, it is no wonder that sports have become more popular with people than ever. 3.So,what can we benefit from wealth if we dont have health?,使用格言,谚语或习语总结全文,重复中心思想,以反问结尾,如何写好段落 段落是文章的基本构成部分。 它由若干个句子组成,说明一个中心思想,或者从一个角度对文章的主题进行阐述。 段落的结构(特别是议论文的段落),大多由三部分组成:主题句、扩展句和结尾句。如下所示: 主题句(Topic Sentence) 扩展句(1、2、3)(Supporting Details) 结尾句(Concluding Sentence),段落,1.主题句(Topic Sentence) 主题句或表明作者的观点态度,或指出作者的写作意图,或概括文章的内容,反映一段文章的中心思想,是段落发展的依据。 2.扩展句(Supporting Details) 段落的中心思想经主题句点出以后,接着就是一系列的扩展句,对主题句或举例说明,或详细解释。 写扩展句时切忌写和主题无关的句子。 3.结尾句(Concluding Sentence) 结尾句就是用一句话将一段文章的内容进行归纳总结。 结尾句须和主题句相呼应,或者说是主题句的再现。,However, this change has bad as well as good effects, especially dependence on the Internet. Firstly, as we lack enough practice, we are losing the beauty of hand written Chinese words which express the writer better while machine words all have the same looks. Secondly, our spelling becomes worse, if we rely on the machine too much. Last but not least, the PC screen does harm to our eyes. I prefer the old way of communication even though it is much too slow in the eyes of many people.,2006年广东高考英语写作题的参考范文-通讯工具变化所带来的负面影响,写作技能 如何在议论文中发


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