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    Chapter 3 Encyclopaedia,沙湾中学,Do you know anything about an encyclopaedia?,An encyclopaedia is a book or a set of books giving information about every branch of knowledge, or about one particular subject, with articles in alphabetical order. an encyclopaedia of music a childrens encyclopaedia,What is an encyclopaedia?,Disscussion,Some encyclopaedias give information on one subject. In which of the following encyclopaedias will you look for information on these topic? Write the number for each topic.,Elephants b. Sound c. The Stone Age d. Opera e. Pianos f. Light g. Qin Shihuang h. Trees,What are these encyclopaedias about?,dinosaur,Diplodocus,is very long eats plants has small teeth walks slowly does not fly or swim,Tyrannosaurus Rex,is very big eats meat has sharp teeth runs fast does not fly or swim,eats fish drinks a lot of water has a lot of teeth lives near lakes runs but does not fly,is very huge eats meat has a lot of sharp teeth runs very fast has strong arms has long sharp paws does not fly or swim,Why did dinosaurs come to an end?,How do we know about dinosaurs' stories?,We know the dinosaurs stories from dinosaur fossils: bones, eggs, teeth, footprints, nest, skeletons,fossils of footprint,skeleton,What do you know about?,If you have read some stories about dinosaurs; try the following quiz,Now you can find dinosaurs A. in zoos. B. in museum C. anywhere 2. The statement “_” is NOT true. A. Dinosaurs once lived on Earth. B. Some dinosaurs cold fly. C. All dinosaurs were very big. 3. Which two words do you use to describle the dinosaurs eating meat? A. fierce B. gentle C. harmful D. small,1. DANNY : Did dinosaurs live on Earth before people? MAY : Yes, they _ (lived) much earlier than people.,Find words in the articles to complete the following.The words must be similar in meaning to the words in brackets.The first one is done as an example.,existed,1st reading,2. DANNY : Were all dinosaurs _ (angry and frightening)? MAY : No, many were_ (kind). 3. DANNY : What happened to dinosaurs? MAY: They all _ ( became dead ) suddenly.,fierce,gentle,died out,May made some notes about the articles in the encyclopaedia, but some of the facts in them are wrong. Read the articles and correct Mays notes where necessary. Follow the examples.,1. Dinosaurs They lived on Earth more than sixty thousand years ago. b. Some were small; others were huge. c. All of them were fierce. d. Some died suddenly.,2nd reading,( ) 1.Some dinosaurs were all bigger than elephants. ( ) 2.Long ago, people probably ate dinosaurs . ( ) 3.Dinosaurs were probably not friendly to each other. ( ) 4.Dinosaurs probably all died of disease.,Here are some statements about some things in the articles. If you agree with them, write A(I agree).If you do not agree, write D(I disagree).,A,D,A/D,3rd reading,A/D,Synopsis by paragraph,P1 : Dinosaurs were once the dominant form of animal life on Earth. They came in all shapes and sizes. Some could fly.,Synopsis by paragraph,P2 : Some dinosaurs were harmless plant eaters, others are harmful meat eaters.,P3: They all died suddenly. No one knows why.,Learn to read: Listen and follow. Pay attention to these words.,1. exist: (v.) 2. human beings (n.) 3. even 4. gentle (adj.) 5. plant 6. fierce; 7. die out 8. fossil 9. skeleton: (n.) 10. footprint: (n.),Lets talk like speakers on TV,Pair work: (Talk about the articles like speakers on TV) Make dialogues and talk about the article from the encyclopaedia.,You can begin like this : A: Is that a picture of dinosaurs? B: Yes, they existed much earlier than human beings . A: What did they look like ? B: Some dinosaurs were as small as chickens,others A: Could they fly ? B: A: What did they eat? B: A: ,Homework: Make an encyclopaedia of dinosaurs of your own.,Words & Phrases for today:,存在 多于 六千万年 人类 一些另一些 象小鸡一样小 甚至 温顺的 食草 凶猛的 灭绝,1 exist 2 more than 3 sixty million years 4 human being 5 some others 6 as small as chickens 7 even 8 gentle 9 eat plants 10 fierce 11 die out,


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