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    2013年七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Why do you like pandas Section B 课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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    2013年七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Why do you like pandas Section B 课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

    Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?,Section B,Chant:,What animals do you like? I like pandas. I like pandas. Why? They are quiet. They are quiet. What animals do you like? I like koalas. I like koalas. Why? They are cute. They are cute. What animals do you like? I like dolphins. I like dolphins. Why? They are clever. They are clever,Its raining cats and dogs. 倾盆大雨 Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌 Every dog has its day. 每个人都有得意的一天。 as busy as a bee 忙得团团转,Remember them!,friendly,How to describe animals?,shy,gentle,aggressive,dangerous,rude,cruel,quiet,playful,noisy,fast,slow,lazy,busy,beautiful,ugly,furry,spotted,It has long nose, sharp teeth and big ears.,elephant,Its from Africa.,Its smart.,Its yellow and brown.,It likes eating leaves.,It is pretty long.,Its the giraffe.,It has long neck.,They are very cute.,People from all the countries love them.,They are black and white.,This is their favorite food.,Pandas,Hes kind of scary.,He likes eating small animals.,We can find some in Fujian.,He is a tiger.,Shes not big but very fun.,She likes swimming.,She likes eating fishes.,penguin,1. smart _ 3. beautiful _ 5. lazy_7. small _ 2. friendly _ 4. cute _ 6. scary _ 8. shy _,e,f,e,b,f,d,a,c,1a. Match the description words with the animals.,1. smart _ 3. beautiful _ 5. lazy_7. small _ 2. friendly _ 4. cute _ 6. scary _ 8. shy _,e,f,e,b,f,d,a,c,1a. Match the description words with the animals.,1c. Listen again and fill in the chart.,interesting, really smart,lazy,beautiful, kind of shy,kind of cute,1d. Talk about the animals.,A: What animals do you like? B: I like elephants. A: Why? B: Because they are cute. What animals do you like? A: I like dogs because theyre friendly and smart.,What food do they like?,Pandas like bamboos. Koalas like leaves(树叶) Tigers like meat. Elephants like grass. Lions like meat. Giraffes like leaves. Penguins like seafood. Dolphins like fish.,What do pandas eat?,They eat _.,Where are pandas from?,They are from _.,bamboo,China,What do koalas like to eat?,They eat _.,Where are koalas from?,They are from _.,Australia,leaves,Where are giraffes from?,They are from _.,Africa,They eat _.,What do giraffes eat?,leaves,What do golden monkeys eat?,They eat _.,Where are golden monkeys from?,They are from _.,China,leaves,What do elephants eat?,They eat _.,Where are elephants from?,They are from _.,grass,Africa,What do lions like to eat?,They eat _.,Where are lions from?,They are from _.,meat,Africa,What do tigers eat?,They eat _.,Where are tigers from?,They are from _.,meat,India,What do bears like to eat?,They like to eat _.,Where are bears from?,They are from _.,meat,North of America,What do penguins like to eat?,They eat _.,Where are penguins from?,They are from _.,fish,South Pole,_ lions _ elephants _ pandas _ giraffes _ koalas _ tigers,2a. Check () the animals you think are in great danger.,_ What Is an Elephant? _ Come to Thailand _ Lets Save the Elephants _ Elephants Are Good Pets,2b. Listen and check () the best title for it.,Importance in Thailand first flag had _ symbol of _,2c. Read again and complete the mind map.,Facts and figures people _ many trees people kill them for _ today there are _ (over _ before),Abilities can play _ can also _ well can _ places with food and water,How to save them dont cut down so many _ dont _ things made of ivory _ is Thai Elephant Day,ELEPHANTS,a white elephant on it,good luck,soccer or music,draw,remember,cut down,ivory,3000 in Thailand,100,00,trees,buy,Mar. 13th,3a. Look the giraffe. Then fill in the blanks with the words in the box.,is Becky. Isnt she _? She is from _. She is twelve _old. I _ Becky _ she issmart and friendly. She _ in Blackwood Zoo.,beautiful,This,Africa,years,like,because,lives,3c. Write a description of a panda.,My favourite animal is a panda in the Beijing Zoo. I call him Beibei. She is black and white. She is very big but she looks kind of cute .,1. friendly adj. 友好的, 和蔼可亲的, 它是名词 friend的形容词形式, 常常和be动词连用, be friendly。如: The people in China are very friendly. 2. She likes to play with her friends and eat grass. 1) with prep. 跟, 同, 和在一起 如: I usually play chess with my father.,Language points,注意区别与and的用法: and通常用于连接主语 或宾语, 连接主语时, 如果有I, I通常放在 and 之后, 如: My father and I usually play chess together. 2) play with “和一起玩耍”, “玩”, 如: I often play with my pet dog. Dont play with water!,3. Elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost. 大象能长时间行走而且从不迷路。 walk for a long time 长时间行走 lost 意为“迷路的,走失的”,此处为形容词,常 和系动词 be, get 等构成短语来表“迷路,走失”; 还常直接用于名词前作定语修饰名词。 e.g.: Bad luck! My keys are lost. 倒霉,钥匙丢了。 the lost tourists 迷路的游客 a lost pen 遗失的钢笔,4. (be) in danger 表示“面临危险” e.g. : Firefighters are often in great danger. 反义词 (be) out of danger “脱离危险” e.g. : The person in hospital is out of danger. 5. students from Thailand 泰国学生,其中的介词from 的使用是英语 中的一种习惯用法。 e.g.: reporters from CCTV 央视记者 the music from the movie Titanic 电影泰坦尼克号的音乐,6. We must save the trees and not buy things made of ivory. 我们必须拯救树木拒买象牙制品。 made of 表示“由 制造” ,能看出原材料 made from “由 制造” ,不能看出原材料 made in 表示“在哪里制造” e.g.: The boat is made of wood. 这条船是木头制造的。 The paper is made from wood 纸是木头做的。 This product is made in China. 这个产品是中国制造。,I. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。,1. -What a_ do you like?-I like dogs best. 2. Class begins. Please be q_.,答案: animals “dogs”为复数形式。,答案: quiet 因为“开始上课了”,所 以“请安静”。,3. There are many green l_ on the tree in summer. 5.We have Chinese, math, English and o_ subjects.,答案: leaves 树上有很多叶子, 故leaf用 其复数leaves。,答案: other “其他的”。,4. The g_ have long necks. Many people want to see them.,答案:giraffes 有长脖子且首字母以g开头 的, 本单元所学的只有giraffe, 关键词necks, them表明“长颈鹿”为多个。,. 单项选择。,1. He is _. He is very good at math. A. busy B. lazy C. clever,解析:从后一句“他擅长数学”看, busy“忙” lazy“懒”不合适, 故选C“聪明的”。,C,2. _ doesnt she go with you? Because she has much homework to do. A. What B. Why C. When,解析:回答用“because”引导, 则问句应 询问原因。,B,3. Where do lions come_? A. from B. in C. into,解析:come与三个选项搭配的含义如下: come from 意为“来自” come in 意为“进来” come into 意为“进入”,A,4. Lets _ the pandas first. A. seeing B. to see C. see,解析:“让某人做某事”为let sb. do sth., 所以let 之后的动词须用原形。,5. _ are koalas from?Australia. A. When B. What C. Where,解析: Australia表示地点,对地点提问用Where。,C,C,6. My mother doesnt like _. A. run B. swimming C. skating,解析: like可以加两种形式: like to do sth. 或like doing sth, swim应双写m加ing, 即swimming。,C,7. I like this story-book because its very_. A. cute B. interesting C. smart,解析:cute和smart修饰人或动物, 一般不修饰没有生命的东西; “我”喜欢的原因是“故事书”有趣。,B,8. The koala gets up and _ at night. A.eats leaf B.eat leaf C.eats leaves,解析: and 表示并列, 故应用动词eats, leaf应该用复数leaves。,C,9. Look!The dolphins _ in the water. A. is swimming B. are swimming C. swim,解析:标志词“Look!”表明句子要用现在 进行时态; 主语“The dolphins”为复数形式。,B,10. _ she _ during the day? Yes, she does. A. Does; sleep B. Do; sleep C. Are; sleeping,答案:回答用助动词does; 故问句也应用 助动词does帮助构成一般疑问句。,A,Homework,Write a description of another animal.,A description of an animal,name,nationality,hobby,Age,what to eat,where to live,appearance,others,personality,保护动物,人人有责。,Thank You!,


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