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    2020学年【人教版英语】Unit 1 My name’s Gina教学设计.doc

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    2020学年【人教版英语】Unit 1 My name’s Gina教学设计.doc

    2020学年人教版英语精品资料 Unit 1 My names Gina. Period Three: Section B (1a-1f )Teaching aims1Master the English numbers 09;2Mastering the daily life of some common digital practical significance(Such as :110,120,119,114,121 ect . ).3Fill in mail list。Language points1.Required to master the following sentence:Whats your telephone number? Its.2Required to master the following vocabularies:zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine.Difficulties:English correspondence in digital。Teaching stepsStep . Warming-up and revision 1 .Lead in: Good morning, boys and girls. Shall we continue our lessons? Could you please tell me what we learnt in section A? Yes. We learnt to ask others names and introduce our names to others. Shall we have a review first? 2 Revision (1)Review the ways of greetings a. In starter units, we learnt some ways of greetings; do you still remember what they are? b. Yes. There are some ways. Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! How are you? Hi! and Hello! (2)Review asking names and introducing our names In section A, we learnt to ask others names and introduce our names to others. 3 Presentation T: Please tell me how to say it in English? (Show the Ss the number cards, one by one)Ss: Its one. Ss: Its two. Step II. Section B 1a 1Listen and repeat a. Open your books at page 4Would you please do activity 1a? b. I will play the tape. And for the first time, please just listen. c. OK. This time, I would like you to read after the tape. d. Lets try it again. e. Can you read the numbers one by one? 2Translation game a. Lets play a translation game. I will say numbers in Chinese and please translate them into English. First who would like to have a try? b. Very good! I would like you to translate the numbers one student by one. c. Now this time I will give you a challenge task. The first student says one number in English and then he / she says a different number in Chinese. He will call a second student translate it into English. And then the third goes on. Step III: Section B 1b 1Listen and repeat a. Just listen to the conversations for the first time. b. Listen and repeat the number. 2Listen and write the telephone number a. Listen to the conversations for the third time and write the telephone numbers. b. I think most of you have finished it. Lets check them together. 3Read the tape script a. Lets read the tape script of 1b together. b. I would like some of you to read in class. Who would like to have a try? Step IV: Section B 1c 1Look and read a. Look at the conversation in activity 1c and can you read it together? b. Who would like to read it in class? 2TaskMy friends phone numbers a. I think most of you want to know your friends phone number. b. Would you please ask your friends and try to write them on your notebooks? I will give you five minutes to finish the task. Lets see who will get the most phone numbers. c. Time is up! How many phone numbers did you have? Please read them to one of your friends. Step V: Section B 1d 1Listen Listen to the conversations for the first time. 2Listen and match a. Listen to the conversations for the second time and match the names with the telephone numbers. b. Listen to the conversations for the third time and check them by yourselves. 3Check the answers Step VI: Section B 1e 1Listen Listen to the conversation for the first time. 2Listen and complete a. Listen to the tape and complete the phone numbers. b. Listen to them again and check the answers. 3Check the answers Lets check the answers together. 4Read the tape script a. Read the tape script together. b. Who would like to read in class? Step VII: Section B 1f Write your phone number on a piece of paper and put it in a bag. Then take out a piece of paper and find the owner.TaskMy friends phone number book. In last period, you finished your friends name list and this time you know how to ask others their phone numbers. Could you please make your friends phone number book? Please ask your friends about their phone numbers and fill in the chart. Example: Whats your phone number.? Its.Step VIII: Summarize Lets summarize what we learnt in this period. Step IX: Homework (1) Read and remember the numbers we learnt .(2) Bring some photos of your friends or your relatives telephone numbers, car numbers and get ready to introduce to the classmates. Blackboard design : Unit 1 My name's Gina . Section B (1a -1f) What's your telephone number ? It's 281-9176.


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