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    山东省实验中学2014届高三第一次模拟考试 英语试题 (20143)第I卷(选择题 105分)第一部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分55分)第一节单项填空(共l0小题;每小题l.5分,满分10分)从A B C D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑1.What about_lecture yesterday?Well,_ most boring one indeed. A.;the B. the;a C. the; the D.;a2.The haze or smog was so serious that the winter running_.Some students complained as they ranA. could have cancelled B. should have cancelledC. must have been cancelled D. ought to have been cancelled3. It will be about 100 days_the College Enhance Examination comes.A. when B. as C. before D. since4.Word came that Chinese sports delegation has won 9 medals in the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi,Russia,_the 12th of the medal list.A. ranking B. ranked C. to rank D. having ranked5. Last night on my way home I saw an old lady driving a BMW car at_I thought was a dangerous speed.A. that B. which C. what D. how6.Mum,shall I watch the TV program Happy Camp today?_.You have so much homework to do!A. Forget it B. Not at all C. Go ahead D. Thats right7. Camacho,the former Chinese football coach,_ in China between 2011 and 2013A. have worked Bworked C. had worked D. works8. It was March 14th2013_Xi Jin ping was elected chairman of the Peoples Republic of ChinaA. in which B. that C. until D. when9._at the door before you enter the office,or youll be considered impoliteA. Knocking B. Knocked C. Knock D. To knock10. Our English teacher is wearing a gold watch,_are made of small diamondsA. whose the hands B. of which hands C. the hands of which Dthe hands of whom第二节完型填空(共两篇:第一篇短文10小题,每小题1分:第二篇短文20小题,每小题1.5分;满分40分)阅读下面两篇短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并从答题卡上将该选项涂黑。AHow can you stop smoking?It is not easy to stop smoking,but millions have 11 to quit and so can you Here are a few suggestions.Prepare yourself . Decide on a day to quit Dont choose a day that you know is going to be stressful,such as the day of an exam. Make a list of all the 12 you will get from stopping smoking.Then 13 your last packet of cigarettes.Be 14 . Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette, 15 yourself that you are a non-smokerReread the list of benefits you wrote earlierBreak the habit Instead of smoking a cigarette,do something else. Go for a walk,clean your teeth drink some water,clean the house;in fact,do anything to keep your mind and 16 your hands busy.Relax. If you start to feel nervous or stressed,do not reach 17 a cigarette .Try some deep breathing instead. Do some relaxation exercise every time you feel stressed.Get help if you need it. Arrange to stop smoking with a fiend so you call talk about your problems,or Join a stop-smoking group .If you feel 18 ,you might like to talk to a doctor or chemist about something to help you,like nicotine chewing gum.Keep trying. Do not be disappointed if you have to try several times before you stop smoking. If you 19 and have a cigarette,do not feel ashamed .Just try again. You will succeed 20 .12. A .values13. A give away14. A addicted15. A prepare16. A especiallyl7. A out18. A desperate19. A stick20. A eventuallyB. triedB. benefitsB. take awayB. accustomedB. informB. speciallyB. satisfiedB.continueB. constanlyB. cOnstamlvC. wantedC. resultsC. throw awayC. determinedC. threatenC. normallyC. arbitraryC. weakenC.occasionallyD. expectedD. profitsD. keep awayD. depressedD. remindD. certainlyD. consciousD.insistD. normallyBHave you ever not wanted to do something so badly? Well,thats how I 21 about joining Madcaps,a mothers and daughtersclub assisting charity. 22 ,my feeling changed finally. Now I believe if you adopt an 23 attitudeyou might just 24 enjoying it.Six months ago,my mom told me the club asked us to work as 25 at Saint Vincent de Paul Homeless shelterThat meant I had to 26 in the dirty homeless shelter for at least 20 hours.The first lime we went there,a lady led us to the kitchen where we 27 my five fellow Madcaps classmates- they also wore the same mark .Since Im usually 28 awkward, I had never talked with any of them .Worse still,my mom was asked to help outside the kitchen,leaving me totally 29 to serve food with them. Soon large numbers of homeless families 30 in like rushing riverA little girl,around 5 years old,walked up to me I 31 her a sandwich. She took it and joined her family quicklyAs she walked away,I 32 she was wearing a coatClearly too big for her,hanging 33 on her thin body, and couldn t help thinking how much I had 34 with herIt suddenly struck me that how 35 I am.After that moment I had a 36 of heart Now I love Madcaps and dont miss one meeting I have 37 awkwardness when communicating and have many friends. And this year I am sure I will do more than the 38 20 hours of charity.So that is how I have made a 39 by doing one thing I do not want to do .If you have an open 40 about things you can accomplish more and become a well-rounded(全面的)person.21. A heard22. A otherwise23. A optimistic24. A keep up25. A members26. A wander27. A ran into28. A painfully29. A afraid30. A joined31. A awarded32. A discovered33. A neatly34. A compared35. A eager36. A relief37. A remembered38. A allowed39. A difference40. A studyB. worriedB.HoweverB. accurateB. give upB. volunteersB. stayB. cared aboutB. sociallyB. doubtfulB. brokeB. showedB. guessedB. broadlyB. connectedB. luckyB. lossB. realizedB. requiredB. promiseB. planC. feltC. ThereforeC. aggressiveC. end upC. friendsC. teachC. looked forC. naturallyC. aloneC. droppedC. handedC. suspectedC. tightlyC. coveredC. calmC. surpriseC. overcomeC. includedC. sacrificeC. mindD. broughtD. BesidesD. passiveD. take upD. clerksD. serveD. passed byD. hopelesslyD. patientD.pouredD. boughtD. concludedD. looselyD. competedD. miserableD. changeD. ignoredD. finishedD. conclusionD. question第二部分 阅读理解(共25小题;每小题2分,满分50分)阅读下列5篇短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AAshok Gadgil has spent the past three decades helping people in needand he has no plans to stop .On May 2, Gadgil won the$100000 Lemelson-MIT Award for Global Innovation. Each year,the honor is given to an inventor who has improved the lives of people in developing countries. Gadgils inventions have helped more than 100 million people around the world.Gadgil is a professor and physicist at the University of California. When hes not teaching,he works to find solutions to global problems such as energy efficiency and water safety. “I chose to focus on problems where my knowledge of science could help,”he saidIn the 1980s he came up with a program to make energy-efficient light bulbs more affordable for people in developing countries. Then in the 1990s,Gadgil designed his first lifesaving invention,UV Waterworks .The device kills deadly disease carrying germs(病菌)from drinking water. It costs just one cent to clean five liters of water .Gadgil was inspired to find an inexpensive solution to the clean water crisis after more than 10,000 people in his home country of India died from an outbreak of Bengal cholera,in 1993 The disease is spread through contaminated food and drinking water .So far,the invention has provided safe drinking water to more than five million people in poor areas.As a professor,Gadgil encourages his students to stay positive about finding solutions to hard problems.“Be optimistic when you try a hard problem”he says. “Its when you solve a large problem that you can have a big impact on the world”41. Gadgil was given Lemelson-MIT Award for_.A. his teaching experience B. his new physical researchC. his vast knowledge D. his helpful inventions42. What call we learn about UV Waterworks?A. It's Gadgils first invention B. Its used to clean waterC. it was designed for his home country D. It saved 10,000 people in total43 The underlined word “contamninated”in Paragraph 3 means_.A. wasted B. consumed C. polluted D. canned44. According to the last paragraph,Gadgil encourages his students_.A. to learn lessons from failuresB. to find problems in peaceful lifeC. to make inventions to help poor peopleD. to be confident when facing diffculties45.Which of the following can best describe Gadgil?A. Caring and optimistic.B. Independent and positive.C. Powerful and strict.D. Responsible and sensitive.BGlobal warming happens when greenhouse gases trap heat and light from the sun in the earths atmosphere, which increases the temperature. This is like when heat is trapped in a car. On a hot day, the car gets hotter when it is out in the parking lot. This is because the heat and light from the sun can get into the car, by going through the windows,but it cant get back out. This is what the greenhouse effect does to the earth .The heat and light can get through the atmosphere, but it cant get out As a result,the temperature rises.Sometimes the temperature can change in a way that helps us. The greenhouse effect makes the earth appropriate for people to live on Without it,the earth would be freezing,or it would be burning hot. It would be freezing at night because we would not get the suns heat and light .During the day, especially during the summer,it would be burning because the sun would be up with no atmosphere to filter(过滤)it,so people,plants,and animals would be exposed to all the light and heat.Although the greenhouse effect makes the earth able to have people living on it,if there gets to be too many gases,the each can get unusually warmer, and many plants,animalsand people will die. Plants would die because they would not be able to take the heat .This would cause us to have less food to eat,and it would also limit the food that animals have. With less food for the animals that we need to survive we would even have less food. Gradually,people,plants,and animals would all die of hungerPeople are doing many things to try to stop global warming .One thing is carpoolingdriving with someone to a place that you are both going to. Another thing is being more careful about leaving electrical devices turned on. Now,more people are even riding buses or bikes to lower the amount of greenhouse gases in the air .Although adults do many things to help stop global warming,kids call do just as much.46. By the example given in Paragraph l, the author wants to_.A. explain how global warming happensB. show his feeling in a car in hot summerC. tell us cars are causes of greenhouse gasesD. say that I there are greenhouse gases in every car47. The underlined wordit” in Paragraph 2 refers to_.A. light B. greenhouse effect C. temperature D. heat48. What is the effect of at mosphere?A. IT only traps the heat of the sun.B. It does great harm to humans.C. It makes the earth neither to hot nor too cold.D. It prevents all the light from the sun shining on the earth.49. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?A. lf there is greenhouse effectall the plants will dieB. Human beings are likely to disappear from the earthC. Crops can t take in the heat lf there is greenhouse effectD. Although greenhouse effect is necessaryToo much of it will cause us to die.50. What will the author most probably discuss in the paragraph that follows?A. What kids can do to help stop global warming.B. Who should be responsible for the environmental problems.C. What global warming is doing to the environment.D. Why cars and buses pollute the air a lotCWater runs downhill from mountaintops to streams to rivers to oceans. But downhill isnt the only way that water moves .A new study measures how water travels from country to country for human consumption. This flow isnt the type we usually think about .These scientists looked at the water used to grow and make the products which get shipped from nation to nation as imports or exports. They call this a flow of“virtual water(虚拟水)”.We typically think about water as the liquid that flows from a tap. However,92of the water used by people goes into growing crops,according to water researcher Arjen Hoekstra. He recently studied the hidden travels of virtual water used in products made from things like crops and meats .These products are shipped around the world.For exampleconsider a sugary soft drink. Hoekstra estimated that to produce one half-liter of the drink requires between 170 and 310litersofthewaterabout 95is used to grow and process the ingredients(原料).Another 4goes into the packaging and labeling. In Hoekstras calculation, when one country produces a half-liter of soda and sells it abroad,it exports as much virtual water as would fill a large refrigeratorAccording to Hoekstras new report,dry countries like Israel and Kuwait,both in the Middle East,get the majority of their virtual water from other countries,through imported products. More surprisingly,some wetter countries,like the Netherlands and the United Kingdom,also get the majority of their virtual water from other places. That means that most of the water used to grow or produce the products and food consumed in those countries came from other countries. In the United States most of the virtual water used comes from American sources .In China even less of the water associated with its products51. What is the best title for the passage?A. Crops and Virtual Water B. Import and Export of WaterC. Benefits of Virtual Water D. Waters worldwide travels52. The first paragraph is intended to talk about_.A. how water flows B. what virtual water isC. where virtual water exists D. why water is imported and exported53. The example of a sugary soft drink in Paragraph 3 is given to show_.A. how drinks are made B. how virtual water is usedC. how virtual water is exported D. how drinks are shipped54.In which countries does most part of virtual water come from outside?A. lsrael and America B. America and the NetherlandsC. China and the United Kingdom D. Kuwait and the Netherlands55. The passage is most probably a_.A. science news report B. book reviewC. newspaper advertisement D. science fiction storyDHow to deal successfully with a child showing outstanding musical ability? Its not always clear how best to develop and encourage his gift. Many parents may even fail to recognize and respond to their childrens need until discouragement explodes into uncooperative(不


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