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    第I卷(共105分)第一部分英语知识应用(共两节,满分55分)第一节单项填空(共10小题;每小题15分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1Oh,my God! I've just broken the vase that my mother likes best _It cant be helpedAThats fine BAll right CNever mind DNot at all2Paul fell down and broke his wrist,_ was a pityAwhich Bwhat Cthat Dit3. I must admit you _ but I'm afraid the answer is still noAwill try Btry Chave tried Dhad tried4Lora,you _ leave all your books on the floor like this!Awouldnt Bmustnt Cneednt Dmay not5MrBlack is willing to do _ MrsBlack tells him to doAwhichever Bhowever Cwhatever Dwhenever6While reading an interesting story book in my room,_.Athe light suddenly went out Bthe doorbell rangCsomeone was shouting outside DI heard someone shouting outside7Is Tom still smoking? NoBy next Saturday he _ for a whole month without smoking a single cigarette.Awill go Bwill have gone Cgoes Dhas been going8Shanghai is the first city in the world _ a high-speed maglev train,from the city to Pudong AirportAbuilding Bhaving built Cto have built D. built9Mother was busy washing dishes _ Father was watching TVAuntil Bif Csince Dwhile10I was worried about my math,but MrBrown gave me an A.ADont worry about it BCongratulations! Thats a difficult courseCMrBrown is very goodDGood luck to you!第二节完形填空(共两篇,满分40分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。第一篇(共10小题;每小题1分,满分l0分)Professor Williams lived alone and he was very 11 He used to arrive at the university to give a lecture and find that he had forgotten to bring his notesOr he would lose his spectacles and be unable to see the 12 He could never find any chalk to 13 with,and he often forgot the time and would ramble(漫谈)on for hours because he had 14 his watch at homeBut the most 15 thing of a11 about him was his 16 His overcoat was rarely 17 ,as most of the buttons were 18 His shoes were usually untied because he had lost the lacesHe must have lost his comb as well because his hair was always standing onHis trousers were 19 by an old tie instead of a beltHe was a chain smokerHe would smoke 20 in classCigarette ash was liberally scattered over his waistcoat11Ahard-working Bwarm-hearted Cgood-tempered Dabsent-minded12Ablackboard Bfloor Cceiling Dwindow13Asign Bdeliver Cwrite Daddress14Aput Bplaced C1eft Dforgotten15Aexciting Bamazing Cattractive Ddelightful 16Aappearance Bact Cbehavior Dconduct17Atied Bfastened Cironed Dpacked18A1osing Bfalling Cmissing Dhanging19Arounded up Bstuck together Cput together Dheld up20Aeven Bfrequently Cconstantly Dcontinuously第二篇(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分)A Wonderful Christmas GiftAnn and her mother had lived in a small cottage as long as Ann could 21 Christmas was so closeAnn wished she could get a new 22 with lace as a wonderful Christmas giftBut Ann did not want to ask her Mom for a new dressShe knew how hard her mom worked to 23 both ends meetMaybe she could make a 24 maybe Santa Claus would comeIt was not just gift that 25 AnnIt was her motherNowadays she was working overtime and looked 26 and worn outThe days passed and soon it was Christmas EveAnn went to bed with a 27 heartShe knew that there would be 28 gifts for her RingRingAnn jumped,hearing alarmShe suddenly remembered its Christmas dayWithout much hope she looked 29 there were any gifts for herWonder of wonders! There lay a beautiful packet 30 with a red ribbonAnn 31 opened the packageIt was a pretty frock with attractive laceThe material was soft and silky 32 the hard material of the dresses she usually woreShe checked the gift carefully to 33 who gave her the frockSuddenly a small piece of paper fell outAnn 34 started to read the note“Dear Ann,This frock is gifted to you for being a good girlHope you continue to do good things and help your mother Yours, Santa Claus”Ann felt that there was something 35 about this noteShe 36 the note carefully. Then it struck herShe realized this 37 is her mother'sHer mother had worked overtime to 38 money to buy this expensive siftAnn was happy beyond 39 She knew that she is the 40 girl to have such a wonderful mother as a wonderful Christmas gift.21ArememberBimagine Cthink Dspeak22Apacket Bhat Cdoll Ddress23AearnBmake Cput Dget24ApromiseBdecision Cplan Dwish25A. worried BdiscouragedCashamed Dsurprised26Ahappy Benergetic Cpale D. miserable27A1ight Bheavy Ctired D. cheering28Afew Bsome Cno Dany29Aif Bthough Cas Dbecause30Aattached Btied Cpacked Dcarried31Apatiently Bcalmly Cexcitedly D. quietly32A1ike Bunlike Cdislike D1ikely33Apoint out Bbring out Chand out Dfind out34Acarelessly Bnervously Ceagerly Ddisappointedly35Afamiliar Bsimilar Cstrange Dunique36A1ooked intoBmade use of Cwrote down Dtook away37Adress BhandwritingCnote Dpacket38Aoffer Bwin Cspend Dsave39Areach Bpraise Cwords Dpower40Abest Bpoorest Cgreatest Dluckiest第二部分阅读理解(共25小题;每小题2分。满分50分) 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 AJenny found her old bicycle at the back of the garageIt was a lot smaller than she rememberedWhen she sat on it and put her feet on the pedals,her knees nearly touched her chin. She then asked her dad for a new bicycle“Well,Im sorry,but I cant afford a bicycle now,“said Dad“Why dont you work and earn some money? You can save up for a bicycle yourself”Jenny began to workThat day she earned five dollars for cutting the grass and ten dollars for mowing the lawn for her dadThat night Jenny went on the computerShe wrote“Gardening and HouseworkTen dollars an hourCall Jenny at 23 Roseville Lane“She decorated the page with pictures of cleaning and gardening equipmentShe printed it fifty timesThen she posted the pages through all the doors on her streetThat week,Jenny was very busy! Lots of people had jobs to do,but they didnt have time to do themSo they called JennyEvery day,Jenny rushed home from schoo1She did her homework quickly,and then she went out to workAt the end of the weekshe had$65! She told her father“Thats enough for a second hand bicycle.”he said“Yes,but if I work for one more week,I might have enough money for a new bike,“said Jenny“In two more weeks,I could buy a really good bicycle! I think that's what I'll do. I want to have the best bicycle in the class,because I earn it myself!”Jennys dad hugged her“I think you learned something importantWe appreciate things a lot more when we earn themWhen we get something without earning it,we do not realize its true value”41What was the problem with Jennys old bicycle?AIt was broken BIt was too dirtyCJenny didn't like itDIt was too small42Why didnt Jennys dad buy her a bicycle?AHe wanted to teach her a lessonBHe was too busyCHe had just bought Jenny a birthday present.DHe didnt think it was a good idea43How much money did Jenny earn on the first day?A10 B5 C65D1544How did Jenny tell her neighbors about her new business?AShe mailed letters to them BShe delivered messages by handCshe sent them an emailDShe talked to all her neighbors45We can infer from Jennys words at the end of the story that she was _Apleased because she had learnt a useful lesson Bgrateful to her father for his adviceCoptimistic about making more money Ddisappointed because she couldnt afford a new bicycleBWhen another old cave is discovered in the south of France,it is not usual newsRather,it is art ordinary eventSuch discoveries are so frequent these days that hardly anybody pays heed to themHowever,when the Lascaux cave complex was discovered in 1940,the world was amazedPainted directly on its walls were hundreds of scenes showing how people lived thousands of years agoThe scenes show people hunting animals,such as bison or wild catsOther images show birds and,most noticeably,horses,which appear in more than 300 wall images,by far outnumbering all other animalsEarly artists drawing these animals accomplished a monumental and difficult taskThey did not limit themselves to the easily accessible walls but carried their painting materials to spaces that required climbing steep walls or crawling into narrow passages in the Lascaux complexUnfortunately,the paintings have been exposed to the destructive action of water and temperature changes,which easily wear the images awayBecause the Lascaux caves have many entrances,air movement has also damaged the images insideAlthough they are not out in the open air, where natural light would have destroyed them long ago,many of the images have been destroyed and are barely recognizableTo prevent further damage,the site was closed to tourists in 1963,23 years after it was discovered46What can be the best title for the text?AWild Animals in Art BHidden Prehistoric PaintingsCExploring Caves RespectfullyDDetermining the Age of French Caves47The underlined phrase“pays heed to”in Paragraph 1 probably means _Adiscovers Bwatches Cnotices Dbuys48According to the text,which animals appear most often on the cave walls?ABirds BBison CHorses DWild cats49Why was painting inside the Lascaux complex a difficult task?AIt was completely dark inside BThe caves were full of wild animalsCPainting materials were hard to findDMany painting spaces were difficult to reach50.According to the text,all of the following have caused damage to the paintings except_.Atemperature changes Bair movementCwater DtouristsCMost city parks are places where you can escape from big,ugly structures of metal and stoneThe Manhattan High Line is differentRaised 25 feet above the ground,this massive metal structure once supported a rail lineThe line opened in 1934 but it was hardly used after the 1960s,and much of it was torn downHowever,one stretch remained in a region of ManhattanThe railway structure was ugly and everyone knew that at some time,it would have to be removedBut the High Line was not destroyedIn factnow the old rail line serves as one of the most peaceful places in the cityThe idea to change the rail line into a park came from Joshua David and Robert HammondIn 1999,they attended a community meeting to decide the fate of the High LineDavid and Hammond were the only people at the meeting interested in saving the historical structure. Later on,when they asked railway officials to take them up to look at the High Line,they saw a mile and a half of wild flowers growing in the middle of the city,and they realized that the High Line had potential to become a parkThere was growing interest in improving urban centers,and so the project quickly gathered funds for constructionThe first section of the High Line opened in 2009 and immediately became popular with tourists and locals alikeEach part of the park has a different atmosphereSome areas are like balconies with wonderful city viewsOther sections have wide lawns and walkways planted with wild flowersOnly the final section remains the way it has been for the last fifty yearsa railway line overgrown with weeds51What is the text mainly about?AA park BA train lineCCity transportDA historical monument52Which of the following is NOT true about the High Line?AIt is above ground level BOnly part of the line remains.CIt is now a popular parkDTrains still use the line.53Why did David and Hammond want to save the High Line at first?AThey thought it would make a good parkBThey wanted to reopen the train lineCThey thought it had historical valueDThey were interested in improving the city.54Why were people easily persuaded by David and Hammonds idea?AThey wanted to make cities nicer placesBThey wanted to see the wild flowers too.CThey realized the High Line was important.DThey knew that funds were available55We can infer from the last paragraph that the park is _.Apopular with tourists Bsimilar to what it used to beCvarious in its design D1ike natural countrysideDOn March 15Dunes View Middle School held a contest for school bandsStudent bands tried out for the opportunity to perform at the school picnic,which will be held at the end of JuneThe winner of the contest was the band called Four Square.“Were very proud that we won the contest and are excited to perform at the picnic,” says Peter Zandt,who plays guitar in the band“And since we hope to perform someday at other local places,like restaurants and parks,this will be a great first step.”The contest was the creation of music teacher MrLopez and drama teacher MsCho. The two thought of the idea while discussing recent years' school picnics“The picnic is one of the biggest events of the year,but it has become a bit formulaic,"said MsCho“The activities are the same every year .We thought that a performance by a student band would make the school picnic more interesting and fun”MrLopez,MsCho,and three other teachers judged the contest,which took place in the gym. To see if the bands could present a wide range of musical skills,the teachers asked them each to prepare two songs:one song with original words,and another in which students played instrumental music onlyThe judges finally chose the band Four Square as the winner of the contestFour Square is a rock band with an unusual twist:it includes a violin player! The members of Four Square write their own songs and practice three times a week after schoo1Students and teachers agreed that the band competition was:a big successAll are looking forward to the school picnic in June56What can be the best title for the article?AFamous Band Visits Schoo1 BTeachers Give Music LessonsCStudents Have Fun at School PicnicDSchool Holds Student Band Contest57The underlined word“formulaic”in


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