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    1 Unit 7 (满分 60 分) A卷 基础知识部分(满分25 分,每小题1 分) 一、单项选择(10 分) () 1. My mother is always worried _ my study . A. in B. of C. about D. to ()2. Mary doesn t like to go to the zoo, because she is afraid _ tigers. A. at B. of C. about D. to ()3. Must I hand in my homework today? No, you _ . A. mustn t B. cant C. may not D. neednt ()4. _ late for school again , Tom ! Sorry, I _ . A.Don t ; won t B. Dont be; won t C. Dont be; dont D. Dont ; will ()5. _ good time we had at the party last night ! Yes. It was _ exciting party that I would never forget it . A. What; so B. How; such C. What a; such an D. How a; so an ()6. _quickly the time passed! A. What B. How C. What a D. How a ()7. Miss Li , could you give me _ on English learning ? Certainly. First you should speak English every day. A.Any advices B. many advices C. some advice D. an advice ()8.Please _ . Theyre sleeping. A. be so noisy B. must talk C. be quiet D. no speak ()9. What do you think of the film last night? It was _.I enjoy it a lot. A.boring B. wonderful C. strange D. terrible ()10. _fine weather !Shall we have a picnic in the countryside? Good idea. 学 校 班 级 姓 名 考 号 装 订 线 2 A. What a B. How a C. How D. What 二、根据句意从括号中所给的词语中选择一个合适的词填入空白处(5分) 1.He seldom talks. I think hes a _ ( bored, boring ) man . 2.A crowd of people _ (was, were ) waiting for the doctor just now . 3.He s high up in the clouds _ ( taller, higher ) than a kite . 4.Daisy, _ ( open, opens ) the door . 5._ (How, What ) clever the girl is! 三、根据所给词的汉语意思写出单词的正确形式(5 分) 1. The country road is too _ ( 狭窄的 ) for the truck to drive past . 2. What s your _ ( 感受 ) after seeing the film ? 3. We are all _ ( 普通的 ) people , but we can do something special . 4. The traffic accident draw a large _ ( 人群 ) . 5. Not all the poems use _ ( 完整的 ) sentences . 四、根据所给词的适当形式填空(5 分) 1.Not worried about the _ .(high ) 2.Then I see him _ on the building site。( work) 3.What an _ poem it is!(interest) 4.She always _ and says “Good morning”(smile ) 5.Jeff _ his leg when he played basketball.(hurt ) B卷 阅读理解部分(满分35 分) 一、完形填空(10 分) _1_ Sun comes up, I start my day. I get my broom and I m _2_my way. I clean up things that people _3_, From dawn to dusk, I never stop. I sweep the streets, and make them _4_, And help _5_ our city green. 3 Night is falling, the sky is _6_. The only sounds are dogs that _7_. We drive along the streets all _8_ _9_thieves and those who fight. It s a dangerous job, but were brave. We help keep our city _10_. ( ) 1 A A B The C D An ( ) 2 A in B by C on D to ( ) 3 A drop B fall C give D make ( ) 4 A to clean B cleaned C cleaning D clean ( ) 5 A keeping B keep C kept D keeps ( ) 6 A black B late C dark D early ( ) 7 A shout B call C bark D cry ( ) 8 A night B day C minute D second ( ) 9 A Stop B To stopping C Stopping D To stop ( ) 10 A dangerous B safe C clean D green 二、阅读选择(5 分) Air Air has no smell, Air has no taste, But when the wind blows, You feel it in your face. Look at a kite, Or a plane in the air. How do they stay there? They ride on air. How does a balloon Rise in the air, And lift people up? It uses hot air. We need air to breathe, We need air to survive(生存 ) 。 And when we breathe it, It keeps us alive. ( ) 1. Do you think that we can see air?


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