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    精品文档 精品文档 小升初英语阅读理解20 篇 A One afternoon, Nancy and her little brother Ben are playing hide-and-seek( 捉迷 藏) on the street outside the post office. Nancy closes her eyes when Ben sees that the small door of the letter box is open. The postman takes all the letters out and goes into the post office. Ben climbs into the letter box and closes the door from the inside( 里面)。When he knows he can t go out, Ben is worried(担心) and cries. At the same time Nancy is looking for Ben, but she can t find him. Then she comes back to the letter box again and hears her brother crying out in it. She runs to tell the postman at once. With the help of the postman, Ben gets out of the letter box. “ Next time, if you want to hide in the letter box ,don t forget to stick a stamp on you.” says the postman with a smile. 判断正( T)误( F) ( )1. Ben and Nancy are playing at home. ( )2. Nancy doesn t see Ben go into the letter box. ( )3. Ben is very happy in the letter box. ( )4. The postman sticks a stamp on Ben. 选择正确的答案 ( )5. Nancy and her brother play hide-and-seek out side the post office A in the morning B in the afternoon C in the evening D on Sunday ( )6. The postman is when Ben is in the letter box. A near the letter box B also in the letter box C in the post office D watching the letter box ( )7. Ben climbs into the letter box and A closes the door of it B. Nancy closes the door C the postman closes the door D sleeps in the letter box ( )8. Why does Ben cry? A. Because he knows he can t go out. B. Because Nancy can t go out. C. Because the postman doesn t close the door. D. Because the postman sticks a stamp on him. ( )9. Ben gets out of the letter box A by himself B with the help of Nancy C and hides in the letter box again D with the help of Nancy and the postman B Jim is twelve years old, but he often thinks that he is a man. At home, when he takes a bath, he always asks his father to help him shave(剃胡子 ). Everytime, his father says that he is still a boy and doesn t need to have a shave. One day, he goes to 精品文档 精品文档 a barber s shop. At that time, the barber has nothing to do. When jim asks for a shave, the barber looks at him in surprise, lets him sit down to wait and then goes out. Jim waits and waits. After some time, the barber still doesn t come to him. Jim goes out and finds that the barber is standing outside and talking with a woman. At this time, Jim is really angry and asks the barber, “ What are you doing now? Why are you leaving me all the time? ” The barber looks back and answers, ” Well, I m waiting for your beard( 胡子) to grow.” 选择正确的答案 ( )1. Why doesn t Jim s father help him shave his beard? A. Because Jim has no beard. B. Because Jim s beard is short. C. Because Jim s beard is very long. D. Because Jim s father doesn t like him. ( )2. What is the barber doing when Jim goes into the barber s shop? A. He is shaving a man. B. He is sleeping in the shop. C. He is talking with a woman. D. He is doing nothing. ( )3. What does the barber ask Jim to do? A. He asks Jim to wait. B. He asks Jim to go back home. C. He asks Jim to go away. D. He asks Jim to wait for another barber. ( )4. Why does the barber talk with a woman and leave Jim along in the shop? A. Because Jim has no beard. B. Because Jim has no money. C. Because he doesn t like Jim. D. Because their talk is very important. C Mr Zhang had a very big shop. There were usually a lot of people coming to his shop to buy things. One day, it was already very late. He saw that there was no one in the shop, so he closed his shop and went home. He was very tired. But just as he went to bed, the telephone rang. A man asked, ” What time do you open your shop? ” Mr Zhang was too tired and he was unhappy about this phone, so he hung up without answering the man and went back to bed. A few minutes later, the man called him again, and again he asked the same question. Mr Zhang became very angry and shouted at the phone, ” You needn t ask me when I ll open the shop. I won t let you in!” “ But, sir,” said the man, ” I don t want to get in , I want to get out.” 判断正( T)误( F) ( )1. Mr Zhang opened up a big shop. 精品文档 精品文档 ( )2. One day, the telephone rang when Mr Zhang was going to sleep. ( )3. Mr Zhang was very happy to answer the telephone. ( )4. The man telephoned Mr Zhang twice because he wanted to buy sth. ( )5. The man was staying in the shop. D Mr Bean couldn t hear well. He was nearly deaf(聋子). But he didn t like people to talk about this. One day, he invited some friends to have a birthday party in his house. They sang and danced. Mr Bean laughed, too. Then he said, “ That is a very funny joke. But I know a funnier one. ” So he told his story. When the story ended, everyone laughed more happily than ever. Because Mr Bean s story was the same as his friend s. 选择正确的答案 ( )1. Mr Bean A couldn t see well B couldn t hear well C could see well D could hear well ( )2. Mr Bean s friends didn t at his birthday party. A tell jokes B play the piano C sing D dance ( )3. One of Mr Bean s frinds told a story. A sad B happy C funny D moving ( )4. Mr Bean told a story. A different B funnier C same D sad ( )5. Mr Bean is . A sad B funny C bad D clever E A man always goes to the same cafe at the same time every time every day and asked for two cups of coffee. He drinks them and then asks for two more. One day the assistant behind the cafe said to him, ” Why do you always ask for two cups of coffee each time? Why don t you get one big glass instead(代替)?”The man answered, “ Because I do not like to drink coffee along(独自). I drink with my friend. ” But a few days later the man came in and asked only for one cup of coffee.” Oh, ”said the assistant. ” Is your friend dead(死的)?”Oh, no.” said the man. “ He is very well. This coffee is for him. My doctor doesn t want me to drink coffee.” 判断正( T)误( F) ( )1. The man always goes to the same bar. ( )2. The man asks for two cups of coffee everyday. ( )3. The man doesn t like to drink coffee along. ( )4. The man s friend was dead. ( )5. The man s doctor doesn t want him to drink coffee. F One morning, Mr Black is driving his car in the countryside and looking for a hotel. When he sees an old man, he stops his car and says to the old man,” Excuse me, 精品文档 精品文档 can you tell me the way to a hotel? ” “ Yes, ” the old man says. “ I ll show you the way. ” He gets into Mr Black s car, and they drive about six miles(公里). When they come to a small house, the man asks Mr Black to stop the car.” This isn t a hotel, is it?” Mr Black says to the old man. “ No,” he answers. “ This is my house. Your hotel is six miles away from here. Turn around and go back 6miles, and then you ll see it.” 选择正确的答案 ( )1. Mr Black is in the countryside. A riding a bike B taking a bus C driving a car D taking a walk ( )2. Mr Black wants to A go fishing B find the small house C find a hotel D go sightseeing( 观光) ( )3. Mr Black to the hotel. A asks an old man the way B tells an old woman the way C knows the way D is on the way(在路上 ) ( )4. The old man the small house. A walks to B takes a bus to C takes a train to D takes Mr Black s car to ( )5. The small house is A a hotel B Mr Black s house C the old man s house D a snack bar G Mr King gives Mrs King 100 yuan, so Mrs King goes shopping. She gets on the bus and sits down next to an old man. Then she sees the old man s bag is open. There is 100 yuan in it. She quickly looks into her bag-the money isn t here now! Mrs King is sure that the old man is a thief.( 小偷). She decides to take back the money from the old man s bag and say nothing about it. She puts cautiously( 小心地 ) her hand into the old man s bag, takes the money and puts it into her own bag. When she gets home, she shows Mr King the beautiful dress she buys. “ How do you pay for it?” Mr King asks. “ With the money you give me, of course. ” “ Oh, What s that? ” he asks and points to the money on the desk. 选择正确的答案 ( )1. Mrs King goes shopping . A on foot B by taxi C by bike D by bus ( )2. There next to Mrs King. A are two old women B from her bag C is an old woman D is an old man ( )3. Mrs King goes shopping A with $100 B with 30 yuan C without(没有) taking her own money D with Mr King 精品文档 精品文档 ( )4. Mrs King gets 100 yuan A from the old man s bag B from her bag C from the thief D from the shop ( )5. Mrs King buys from a shop. A a nice wallet B a nice dress C a nice purse D a beautiful bag H Kobe is twelve years old. He likes playing football. But he doesn t listen to his teachers in class and never does his homework. So his teachers don t like him. It s Sunday today. Kobe gets up early. After breakfast , his mum asks him to do his homework. Kobe goes to his study. When his mum is busy with her housework, Kobe goes out with a ball quickly. Now lunch is ready. But Kobe s mum can t find him. When Kobe comes back, it s half past twelve. His parents are angry. After lunch. Kobe wants to go out to play again. His dad stops him and asks,” Did you finish your homework this morning?” “ No,” says Kobe. ” I can t do it” So his dad pulls his ears and says,” where are your ears? ” “ Oh! They are in your hands!” 判断正( T)误( F) ( )1. Kobe s hobby is playing football. ( )2. On Sunday morning Kobe gets up very late. ( )3. Kobe doesn t have lunch on Sunday. ( )4. On Sunday morning, Kobe s mother does her housework. ( )5. Kobe can do his homework, but he doesn t do it on Sunday. I Long long ago, there lived a young boy called David. He lived with his father. One mirning his father went out. Before he left, he said to his son, ” David, when I m away, stay near the door and watch it all the time(一直)!” He said this because there were a lot of thieves in their country. David sat down near the door. A few minutes later one of his aunts came. She asked, ” Where is your father?”He s out,” David answered. “ Oh,” said his aunt. “ I m going to visit your father. Go and tell him.” His aunt then went away, and David began to think, “ Father said, Watch the door all the time! and the aunt said, Go and tell your father. ” He thought and thought. At last, he had a good idea. He pulled the door down, put it on his back and went to look for his father with it. 选择正确的答案 ( )1. The young boy A lived with his mother B lived with his father C called Door D was very clever ( )2. Let watch the door. A. David s father; David B. David; his father C. David s aunt; David s father D. David s father; David s aunt 精品文档 精品文档 ( )3. There in their country. A was a thief B were many plicemen C were many thieves D were many doors ( )4. was/were going to visit . A . David; his aunt B. David s father; his aunt C. David and his father; his aunt D. David s aunt; David s father J Mother s Day is coming, so Rose and Mary want to buy something for their mother. Rose has seven hundred and fifty yuan, and Mary has four hundred and sixty yuan. Their mother is very busy, so they plan to buy a cell phone for her. Here is a list of the brands( 品牌), prices and sizes of mobile phones. Brand Price Size Amoi ¥600 88mm*48mm Nokia ¥1,100 96mm*48mm Philip ¥500 94mm*42mm NEC ¥1,300 98mm*51mm Motorola ¥1,000 95mm*40mm 选择正确的答案 ( )1. Why do Rose and Mary want to buy something for their mother? A. Because Children s Day is coming. B. Because Mother s Day is coming. C. Because Father s Day is coming. D. Because Teachers Day is coming. ( )2. Rose and Mary have yuan. A. 2,000 B. 1,400 C. 1,210 D. 10,800 ( )3. Thay can t afford(买得起) a(an) mobile phone. A. NEC B. Nokia C. Motorola D. Philip ( )4. Their mother is . A very happy B a teacher C very beautiful D very busy K One day, an old woman is walking on the street. She sees a little boy trying to reach a doorbell. But the boy is so short that he can t reach the bell. The old woman is a kind person, so she says to the little boy, ” Let me help you.” Then she pushes( 按) the bell so hard that all people can hear the bell. The little boy looks up at her and says, ” Now let s run away. Come on!”And then the old woman knows what is happening. the naughty( 淘气的 ) boy runs away. 选择正确的答案 ( )1. An old woman is on the street. A taking a walk B riding a bike C playing with a child D doing some exercise ( )2. The little boy is . A playing on the street B trying to reach a doorbell 精品文档 精品文档 C skating on the street D helping his grandmother ( )3. The boy is so he . A fat; can t run fast B kind; wants to help the old woman C short; can t reach the bell D tall; can t come into the house ( )4. Pushes doorbell A. The old woman; the boy s B. The boy; the old woman s C. The boy; the D. The old woman; the ( )5. The old woman is so that she . A happy; helps the boy B kind; helps the boy C naughty; pushes the doorbell D old; can t reach the doorbell L A father takes his son to hospital. He wants the dentist to pull out a tooth for his son. After finishing it, the dentist asks the father to pay him forty yuan. “ What? Forty yuan ? Why? I should pay you only eight yuan for one tooth in common(通常).” The father is very angry. “ That s right,” says the dentist, ” But, when I pull out the tooth for your son, he cries so terribly that he frightens(恐吓) my other four patients away. So you should pay me another thirty-two yuan for it.” 选择正确的答案 ( )1. The boy s got . A a toothache B a headache C a stomach ache D a bad cold ( )2. There is something wrong with the boy s A one tooth B four teeth C five teeth D three teeth ( )3. The dentist asks the boy s father for A eight yuan B fourteen yuan C forty yuan D eighty yuan ( )4. The patient should pay for . A forty yuan; one tooth B eight yuan; five teeth C eight yuan; one tooth D forty yuan; four teeth ( )5. The boy cries so terribly that frightened away. A his father is B the dentist is C the nurse is D four patients are M It is nine thirty in the morning. Mr Green and his students are going out for a picnic. They re now in the park. The children are having a good time. Look, the girls in the beautiful dresses are Su Hai and Su Yang. They re twins. They re singing and dancing. Who s the girl under the big tree? She is Nancy. She is reading a storybook carefully. Where is Mr Green? He is playing games with Helen and other students. Liu tao and David are fishing near the river. Then a park keeper comes up to them. He points to a sign near the river. He says to the boys, ” Can t you see the sign over there? It says No fishing, please.”Liu Tao and David say sorry and leave there quickly. 选择正确的答案 精品文档 精品文档 ( )1. It s A half past ten in the morning. B nine thirty in the evening C half past nine in the morning D ten thrity in the morning ( )2. Mr Green and his students are . A in the zoo B at school C in the park D on the playground ( )3. The twins are . A reading a storybook carefully B singing and dancing C playing games with Mr Green D fishing near the river ( )4. Nancy is reading . A under the tree B on the grass C near the river D in the tree N It is a hot day in summer. A lion is wa


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