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1、Module 6 Films and TV Programmes,Do you know him?,What kind of film do you like best?,romantic film,thriller,comedy,adventure film,musicals,martial arts film,Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon,李安导演的卧虎藏龙,自2001年上映以来,它的成本是一千七百万。在美国的票房达到了一亿两千八百万,占总票房60%,美国以外票房是八千五百万占总票房40%,总票房是两亿一千三百万。此外,卧虎藏龙还获得了许多大奖,分量最重的则是奥斯卡金像奖、最佳外语片、最佳摄影、最佳艺术指导和最佳音乐奖。,Ang Lee,Do you know who directs the。

2、Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits,Introduction/Vocabulary and reading,They are running,shadowboxing,The teachers are playing basketball,The teachers are playing table tennis,They are having a relay race,They are having a tug-of-war,The students are playing football,The students are doing exercises,illness,While talking about illness, what kind of illness can you think of?,Discussion,Choose the sentences that are true for you. Discuss with your classmates You can speak freely.,What。

3、Module 6,The Internet and Telecommunications,How can we acquire the latest news?,Thinking,newspaper,magazine,television,radio,How can we acquire the latest news?,media,Notebook computer,Palmtop computer,Desktop computer,monitor 监视器,screen 屏幕,CD-ROM只读存储器,earphone 耳机,keyboard 键盘,mouse 鼠标,hard disk 硬盘,LCD 液晶显示器,screen屏幕,显示器 monitor,is the part of the computer that looks like a television,the part of monitor that you look at,mouse鼠标,something you use to click on things 。

4、Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab,2019/9/10,To know some metals and their reactions with some substances To learn how to do an experiment To be able to retell the main points in the text To build up the love for science,Goals,2019/9/10,potassium,sodium,calcium,magnesium,aluminium,zinc,iron,copper,2019/9/10,1.The Different Uses of Metals 2.The Reaction of Metals 3.The Reaction of Metals with Oxygen,Choose the best title for Passage A.,Scanning,2019/9/10,Read Passage A again and answer the que。


