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1、Unit8 Dolls,Free talk,My friend is a girl/boy.,Her name is 她的名字是 She can,His name is 他的名字是 He can ,U,n,o,D,8,i,t,s,l,l,(Story time),My doll,I have a lovely doll. Shes my friend. Her name is Lucy. She can sing.,She can with(用)her_.,nose 鼻子,ears 耳朵,eyes 眼睛,mouth 嘴巴,Lets learn.,listen 听,see 看,sing 唱歌,smell 闻,hair 头发,Listen, speak and do.,If I say Touch your eyes, you do it and say Eyes, eyes, eyes!,Lets,play,Lets think,What do you think of this d。

2、How much,Unit 7,Numbers,twenty,shoes,socks,Guess and say,Its twenty yuan.,Can I help you?,Buying things,Story time,umbrella,看动画连线,The are ¥ .,Lets listen and find,The are ¥ .,The is ¥ .,听录音找价格,twenty- eight,How much in all? (一共多少钱?),( ),( ),Its only nineteen yuan.,only,只有,Well done !,做得好!,How much are they?,How much are they?,How much is it?,Read and find,自读课文找出询问价格的句子,Theyre five yuan.,Theyre four yuan.,Its only nineteen yuan.,Can you ask?,Read。

3、,义卖,义卖是指义务将自己的东西卖出去,用得来的钱做慈善或公益事业,无偿捐献给需要帮助的人或地区。,Charity sale,一件来自汶川地震 爱心义卖 的T恤,Charity sale,Lets chant,Id like a book. How much is it,please?,Its five yuan.,What would you like?,Lets chant,Id like a . How much is it,please?,Its yuan.,What would you like?,Lets chant,Id like the balls. How much are they,please?,What would you like?,Theyre ten yuan.,Lets chant,Id like the How much are they,please?,What would you like?,They&#。

4、How much?,Can you say?,Can you say?,Lets guess,How much is it?,Its yuan.,¥ 10,Its ten yuan.,Where did I buy it? 我是在哪里买的呢?,Lets guess,Charity fair,Charity fair,Try to say,Lets learn,umbrella,an,Tip:说出吆喝的语气哦!,Try to say,Look! This umbrella is nice.,Try to say,Tip:说出吆喝的语气哦!,Look! This umbrella is ,Lets learn,Lets learn,Lets learn,Lets learn,socks,Lets chant,two new socks.,look very nice!, ,Socks, socks,Try to say,Wow! These socks are very .,Tip。

5、,Unit 7 How much?,a fan 一把扇子,an umbrella 一把伞,shoes 鞋子,socks 袜子,20,twenty,thirty,forty,fifty,30,40,50,fifty,40,What would you like?,Id like a/some,GUESSING GAME,How much is it?,Its ,three yuan.,How much is it?,Its only,10,8,How much are they?,How much is it?,How to ask?,当买的东西是复数或者是多件时,用How much are they?,当买的东西是单数或者是不可数时,用How much is it?,4 yuan,8 yuan,How much is it?,Its ,How much are they?,Theyre ,10,20,How much is it/are they?,Its/Theyre,25,37,10,。

6、,Unit 6 At the snack bar,Story time,Lets know each other,你能用英语恰当地向老师介绍你自己吗?,I like,Name,I can/cant,I have ,Sing a song,Do you like purple grapes?,Lets play,Brain Storm,你能说出和下列单词同类的词吗?,What other food do you know?,food,Lets learn,food,a hamburger,rice,a sandwich,noodles,Lets learn,a cup of tea,a cup of coffee,a glass of juice,a glass of milk,cup 通常指带柄的瓷杯,用来喝茶、咖啡等,glass通常指玻璃杯,用来饮酒、喝水等。,Fun time,火眼金睛 如果你会,就站起来,大声说出。

7、,Unit 6 At the snack bar,Story time,What similar words can you say? (你能说出多少同类词?),apple,hot dog,milk,Brain storm,Unit6 At the snack bar,car,cap black,What can you see at the snack bar? I can see,food,Anything else?还要别的东西吗?,many,any,+ thing ,anything,Lets learn,food,hamburger,rice,sandwich,noodles,some,some,a,a,Lets learn,a cup of tea,a cup of coffee,a glass of juice,a glass of milk,cup 通常指带柄的瓷杯,用来喝茶、咖啡等,glass通常指玻璃杯,用来饮酒、喝水等。,Lets guess.,1.Whats 。

8、Unit 5 Our new home (Period 1 Story time),What similar words can you say? 你能说出多少同类词?,Brain storm,in,school bag,Wheres my? Its. Where are my? They are.,Lets talk!,The tree is the birds home. (家),Unit 5 Our new,home,Watch the story and circle what they are looking for? 看课文动画,圈出她们寻找的物品。,Watch and circle.,Where is my bag?,Listen and choose,A: Its in the,B: Its in the,C: Its in the,bed + room,bedroom,合成词:指的是由两个或以上的英文词构成的单词。,Where are my skirts?,L。

9、Sing and answer,How many Indian boys are there in the song?,在歌曲里有多少个印第安人?,Sing and answer,Sing and answer,How many Indian boys are there in the song?,在歌曲里有多少个印第安人?,Ten,one,three,two,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,twelve,eleven,Revision:,歌曲,Unit3,How many?,Story time,Ask and answer(用身边的物品),Tip: 用How many 来询问别人拥有多少物品。,toy cars,thirteen,西方人眼中的数字13 中国人一向相信好事成双,所以认为6,8等双数是吉利数字,13只是个普通数字而已。 西方人却以1,3等单数。

10、Unit2 Lets make a fruit salad,a mango,a grape,a banana,a pineapple,Do you have a/an/any?,Lets guess,你可以用这个句型提问。,Watch and circle 看动画,圈出 人物头像。,Watch and circle 看动画,圈出 水果。,Read and match 自读课文, 给人物和 水果连线。,Read Story time,1.Listen and repeat. (跟读,模仿语音语调。) 2.Read after the teacher. 3.Read by yourselves. (自读课文。) 4.Choose your favourite role to read. (选你最喜欢的角色读。) 5.Read in roles. (读你选的角色。),Slimming salad 瘦身沙拉,Beauty salad 。

11、4A Unit 1 Lets make a fruit salad,Have a guess!猜一猜,I am a kind of fruit, yellow outside and white inside with small black seeds. What am I? 我是一种水果,外面黄色,里面白色,并且有小黑籽。我是什么呢?,banana,How to say “你喜欢香蕉吗?“,Do you like these fruits? 你喜欢这些水果吗?,grape,banana,mango,pineapple,Its a fruit salad.,Wash, peel and cut(into cubes). 洗、去皮、切(块状)。,1,2,3,Buy some fruit and a packet of salad. 买些水果和一包沙拉酱。,Mix the fruit cubes with some salad.把水果。

12、Unit 1 I like dogs (Period 1),self-introduction 自我介绍 1. My name is. 2. I am. years old. 3. I like . and . 4. I have a / an . I like it very much.,What animals are on the farm?,animals,lets play a game!,Are they on the farm, too?,Yes or No?,Do you like them?,Lets talk,Are they on a farm?,Who are they?,Where are they?,What are they going to talk about? 他们将要谈论些什么呢?,Try to say,Look at these toy animals, boys and girls.,Wow!,Tick,( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),( 。

2014年秋四年级英语上册 Unit2 Lets make a fruit salad课件2 译林版.ppt
2014年秋四年级英语上册 Unit3 How many课件5 译林版.ppt
2014年秋四年级英语上册 Unit5 Our new home课件2 译林版.ppt
2014年秋四年级英语上册 Unit6 At the snack bar课件3 译林版.ppt
2014年秋四年级英语上册 Unit6 At the snack bar课件6 译林版.ppt
2014年秋四年级英语上册 Unit7 How much课件3 译林版.ppt
2014年秋四年级英语上册 Unit7 How much课件4 译林版.ppt
2014年秋四年级英语上册 Unit7 How much课件5 译林版.ppt
2014年秋四年级英语上册 Unit7 How much课件6 译林版.ppt
2014年秋四年级英语上册 Unit8 Dolls课件2 译林版.ppt
2014年秋四年级英语上册 Unit1 I like dogs课件3 译林版.ppt
2014年秋四年级英语上册 Unit2 Lets make a fruit salad课件1 译林版.ppt

