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1、Revision -复习,Miss ye,Milkman,This is my ,Hello.,driver,fireman,postman,policeman,Hello,What colour can you see in the class?,He is a postman .,tall,short,比一比:,Who is tall? Who is short?,old,young,tall,short,Homework:,下课后认真复习前5个单元的单词,句型。,。

2、Unit 4 Do you like pears?,orange,I like oranges.,Orange, orange, an orange,watermelon,watermelon, watermelon, a watermelon,I like watermelons.,pear,pear, pear, a pear,I like pears.,peach,peach, peach, a peach,I like peaches.,strawberry,strawberry, strawberry, a strawberry,I like strawberries.,grapes,I like grapes.,Pear, pear, I like pears,Peach, peach, I like peaches,Orange, orange, I like oranges,Watermelon, watermelon, I like watermelons.,peach,orange,apple,orange,pear,watermelon,w。

3、,义务教育课程标准实验教科书,Unit6 Happy birthday!,执教者:梁洁晶,Sing a song: Happy birthday,How many gifts?,Ten (gifts),How many balloons?,Four (balloons),How many cakes?,One (cake),How many cars?,Three (cars),How many boats?,Five (boats),How many planes?,Two (planes),How many pigs?,Four (pigs),How many cats?,Six (cats),How many rabbits?,Eight (rabbits),How many ?,How many ?,How many hot dogs?,Guessing game,How many hamburgers?,How many chickens?,How many cakes?,This is for you!,This is for you。

4、Unit 5 Lets Eat,B Lets Learn &Lets do,McDonald,Story:,Coke,I like Coke.,tea,I like tea.,coffee,I like coffee.,milk,I like milk.,juice,I like juice.,water,I like water.,Coke,tea,Taste the tea.,(品茶),coffee,(闻咖啡),Smell the coffee.,(请拿牛奶给我看看),Show me the milk.,milk,juice,Drink the juice.,(喝果汁),water,Pour the water.,(倒水),.,Game: Look and guess.,.,Game: Whats missing?,coffee,water,juice,milk,water,juice,tea,coffee,juice,water,.,Listen to the tape and read “ Lets Learn ” f。

5、Animals I like,Miss Ye,?,I like peach. Yummy,yummy.,It is a,monkey.,It is a elephant,n,Elephant,elephant,go,go,go.,What is it ?,1,2,3,4,It is an elephant.,It is a monkey.,It is an,elephant.,It is a,panda,Hello,I am a panda. I see a,Who is coming?,It is a,tiger,Tiger,tiger I like tiger.,Tiger,tiger I dont like tiger.,I see a . I like,。

6、Unit3,What Colour is it?,a bag,Olympic Symbol (奥林匹克标志),blue,red,I have a blue _.,Its a black pen.,a black pen, a black pen.,What colour is it?,Its,Its red.,Its a red sharpener.,A yellow crayon,A red pencil,A blue sharpener,A black pen,yellow,Yellow,yellow I like yellow .,red,blue,green,yellow,black,green,Olympic Symbol (奥林匹克标志),Rainbow,Rainbow,Rainbow purple rainbow blue, rainbow green and yellow too. Rainbow orange rainbow red, rainbow smiling over head.,colours,What col。

7、Unit 3 People I like,Miss Ye,Lets do some actions!,Fly like a bird,Swim like a duck,Jump like a rabbit,Walk like a bear.,Lets have a free talk!,Lets chant!,Old,old , How old are you? Ten,ten, Im ten.,I have a friend. She is ten,too. Whos she?,Whos she? Shes Xiao Wanzi.,Her names Xiao Wanzi.,Her,/:e/,her hat,her hair,her eye,her mouth,her hand,A:Whats her name?,B:Her names.,Whos he?,Hes Liu Xiang.,His names Liu Xiang.,big pig is in the box.,Hes /i:/,eating a sweet 。

8、Lets chant!,Work and play,Lets sing,Welcome to my classroom!,A,Lets learn,apple,a,hand,ant,a,boy,b,beef,b,ball,Lets chant,b, b, b, /b/, /b/, /b/, boy.,b-o-y,boy,boy.,b, b, b, /b, /b/, /b/,.,car,c,cake,c,cat,Lets chant,c, c, c, /k/, /k/, /k/, car.,c-a-r,car,car.,c, c, c, /k/, /k/, /k/, .,doctor,d,d,duck,desk,Lets chant,d, d, d, /d/, /d/, /d/, doctor.,d-o-c-t-o-r,doctor,doctor.,d, d, d, /d/, /d/, /d/, .,egg,elephant,bed,e,room,classroom,Lets c。

9、Unit 3 How many?,one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,eleven,twelve,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen,twenty,How many can you see? I can see,How many can you see? I can see,How many do you have?,How many do you have?,How many do you have?,How many can you see?,你有多少?,I have ,你能看见多少?,I can see,Guess!,How old is he?,eleven,Guess!,How old is she?,twenty,Guess!,How old is he?,fifteen,Guess!,How old is he/she?,five,。

10、Unit 3 How many?,How many can you see?,I can see,How many can you see?,I can see,plane,How many can you see?,I can see,How many can you see?,I can see,How many can you see?,I can see,kite,Its beautiful.,。


12、第七单元测评 一、给加点字选择正确的读音,画“” 。(6 分) 蜗 牛(w w )戳 穿(chu chu ) 懦 弱(x nu ) 坦 克(t nt n ) 履 带(l l ) 宫殿 (d ndi n) 二、看拼音,在括号里写词语。(8 分) sh n w i lu n ch n 大显一团 hw i xi nt 二一并论 三、选字填空。(6 分) 功攻 战()立()()击 ()劳成() ()打 四、想一想,填一填。(6 分) 我发现这些词语都富有感情色彩,第一行词语是_,第二行词语是_,上下两行词语还 互为 _。 五、选词填空。(8 分) 夸奖夸耀夸大 1大家都 ()他进步快。 2虚心的人从不在别人面前()自己。 虽然居然依然 3在环境优美的。


