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1、精心整理 精心整理 五年级英语期中测试 2008、10 班级姓名成绩 听力部分 30 分 一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容,将其序号填入括号内。10 分 () 1.A.some? B.song C.sing () 2.A.parent? B.picture C.play () 3.?A.pumpkin B.slide C.lamp () 4.?A.building B.behind C.bathroom () 5.?A.chicken B.kitchen? C.change () 6.?A.house? B.horse C.mouse () 7.A.down B.dance C.door () 8.?A.floor B.follow C.flower () 9.?A.tomorrow B.model C.together () 10.?A.mask B.make C.mouth 二、听录音,选出正确的答句。5 分 ()1.?A.Yes,itis.?。

2、错 匪 介 褪 杂 预 蜀 豫 迁 痕 募 窘 黔 唬 焰 墟 鸯 剔 宇 厘 瓢 挤 恨 徒 燥 座 僳 皂 馏 页 勉 缺 小 学 四 年 级 英 语 U n i t 3 S p o r t s D a y 小 学 四 年 级 英 语 U n i t 3 S p o r t s D a y Lets chant Sing, sing, sing a song Draw, draw, draw 。

3、锦江区 2017 年学业质量监测小学四年级 (数学 ) 卷 姓名_ 班级_ 考场号 _ 贴条形码区 (正面朝上切勿贴出虚线框外) 注 意 事 项 1. 答题前先将姓名、班级、考场号填写清楚。 2. 选择题用 2B铅笔将对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 3. 非选择题使用黑色字迹签字笔书写, 笔迹清楚。 4. 保持卡面清洁 , 严禁折叠 , 严禁做标记。 一、 活用知识 , 认真填空。 1、在括号里填上适当的分数或小数。 2、七百三十二点七八写作( ),0.36 读作( )。 3、在里填上“ ”、“”或“=”。 7. 37.03 5.02450. 20.4 0.4980.5 4-1.84+1.6 4、在( )里填上合适的小数。。

4、,Unit 3 My friends Part B,http:/v.ku6.com/show/czR7ZJg0ApKTsRMMggsZZg.html,Lets sing a song!,Friend,Tom,strong,thin,Tom,Jerry,Short fair,Long hair,Lily,Lucy,I like sports!,Liu Xiang,I like play computer games!,Little Tommy,I like science!,Uncle Jack,I like music!,Wang Lihong,I like painting!,Xiao Mei,Lets play a game!,I have a friend. HisHer name is.HeShe likes .,Two people in a group.Choose one of the 5 person you like。

5、 母爱深深 鄱阳街小学四年级 易子耀 “世上只有妈妈好,有妈的孩子像块宝.每次听到这首歌时,我就很感动,觉得自己很幸福。因为我有一个美丽能干的妈妈,比起那些没有父母的孤儿,或父母不在身边的留守儿童来说,我真觉得我是蜜罐里泡大的孩子。 拥有今天的幸福生活是妈妈做出巨大的牺牲换来的。从小我就跟爸爸在武汉生活,而妈妈却远在600多公里外的巴东工作生活。以前每次为了来看我,路上都要颠簸十几个小时。

6、精选资料欢迎下载 1 创举创造 -建设有中国特色的社会主义,是一个伟大的() 。 -中国人不仅勤劳勇敢,而且富有()精神。 2 节省节俭 -我们要把()下来的钱支援灾区人民重建家园。 -()是一种美德。 3 坚定坚强 坚决 -赵华是个()的孩子,受了委屈,从不轻易落泪。 -运动员们迈着()的步伐,走进了比赛场。 -我们同坏人坏事要作()的斗争。 4 杰出突出 -这篇文章重点() ,读了以后印象深刻。 -李春是古代()的桥梁建筑师。 5 美丽美妙 -那些()的诗句深深地打动了我的心。 -杭州是一座()的旅游城市。 6 发明发现 -李时珍()。


8、小学四年级英语,Unit 4: What would you like? A. Lets learn,教学目标:,知识目标:能够听、说、认读单词 rice fish beef soup noodles vegetable juice bread milk chicken hot dog hamburger 能力目标:能够在实际情景中应用。 句型:Can I have some _ please。 Sure. Here you are.,自学指导,1、学生认真读单词,注意不会读的画出来。 2、听录音注意单词的读音,学生跟读。 3、教师领读。 4、让学生相互对读并纠正错误读音。教师检查。,学句型 Can I have some rice. please? Sure. Here you are.,当堂训练,一把下单词和相对应的图片。

9、崇明县2011学年度第一学期小学四年级数学期终试卷 参考答案及评分标准 第一部分(共44分) 1直接写出得数(6) (每题1分) 1260 240 44 39 2计算下面各题,并用加法或乘法交换律进行验算(9%) 1403 9116 2700000 每题3分,其中横式得数1分,竖式1分,验算1分 3.递等式计算,能简便运算的要简算(21) 所有能简算而未简算,但结果正确的题目,每。

10、小学四年级英语,Unit 4: What would you like? A. Lets learn,教学目标:,知识目标:能够听、说、认读单词 rice fish beef soup noodles vegetable juice bread milk chicken hot dog hamburger 能力目标:能够在实际情景中应用。 句型:Can I have some _ please。 Sure. Here you are.,自学指导,1、学生认真读单词,注意不会读的画出来。 2、听录音注意单词的读音,学生跟读。 3、教师领读。 4、让学生相互对读并纠正错误读音。教师检查。,学句型 Can I have some rice. please? Sure. Here you are.,当堂训练,一把下单词和相对应的图片。

11、小学四年级数学 (马芯兰实验课本) 第八册 相交与平行,教学课件制作 罗芳小学 潘凤琴,相交,(1) (2) (3) ( 4),垂直,相交成直角的两条直线互相垂直,更多资源xiti123.taobao.com,高一语文 高一英语 高一数学 高一物理 高一化学 高一政治 高一历史 高一地理 高一生物,平行,(1) (2) (3),(4),同一平面内,不相交的两条直线互相平行。,两条平行线被第三条线所截, 想一想有什么结论?,5,同位角相同, 内错角相同。,更多资源xiti123.taobao.com,。

12、See you.,Goodbye.,Bye-bye.,We are going to the park.,现在进行时:,我们要去公园。,主语 + be + doing,My name is Susan Song. You can call me Susan.,称呼,Whats your name?,What about you?,My name is You can call me,His / Her name is You can call him / her,This is Kitty Li.,You can call her _.,Kitty,Shes a st_dent.,u,pupil,student n_mber :,u,号码,fifteen,room number telephone number ID card number,Ask and answer:,Whats your student number?,My student number is ,His / Her student number is,Who is 。

13、lesson4 第四课,How many people Are there in your family?,How,怎样,Many,很多,许多,there,在那里,在那边,people,人,人们,How many people are there in your family?,你家里有几口人?,How many are there? 某处有多少。,There is/are,me,My brother,My mother,My father,My grandma,My grandpa,小乐,Xiaoles family 小 乐 的 家,me,My brother,My mother,My father,My grandma,My grandpa,小乐,How many people are there in xiaoles family?,family,家庭,人,人们,people,beach,海滩,How many people are there On the beach?,The。

14、Do better everyday!,Unit 6 Im short and fat.,small,Big,The horse is big!,The horse is small!,Our Body,eye,ear,nose,mouth,hand,Look, the rabbit has big ears. And small eyes.,Look, the dogs have big ears. And small eyes.,Long,Short,Look, everyone. I have a rabbit.,Oh, it has long ears and a short tail.,Wow! It has a big mouth and a long tail.,Look at the monkey.,Wow! It has a big mouth,Wow! The mouse has big ears!,Lets chant,An elephant has big ears. A cat has small ears. A monkey has a lo。

15、He sits at the desk.,在书桌旁,at the table,He is making a funny mask.,funny fun,1. Where does Martin sit?,2. What is he doing?,3. What does his grandma ask?,She asks: Is it nice?,ask answer,4. What does his grandma do?,She puts on the mask.,put on,take off,laugh,Fill in the blanks in the follow passages according to Look and read:,A: My _ is Jill. Im Kittys new _. Im _ years old. I live _ our school. I _ to school every day. I like _. I _ play _. I can _。

16、,What day is today?,Lesson 4,看图说话,run,跑步,Tuesday,on,星期二,在,Monday,on,Wednesday,on,Thursday,on,星期四,jump rope,run,jump rope,Tuesday,Monday,星期四,Thursday,Wednesday,复习,系动词:,I 是am很特殊,单数第三人称是is,复数和You 都用 are,am is are,The girls are piaying vollyball.,现在进行时:,主语+系动词+动词的现在分词,play with a yo-yo .,Li Dong is playing with a yo-yo.,Li Dong,ing,Li Shan is jumping rope.,jump rope,ing,Li Shan,The boys are playing basketball.,play basketball,ing,The boys,jump 。

17、Do better everyday!,Unit 6 Im short and fat.,small,Big,The horse is big!,The horse is small!,Our Body,eye,ear,nose,mouth,hand,Look, the rabbit has big ears. And small eyes.,Look, the dogs have big ears. And small eyes.,Long,Short,Look, everyone. I have a rabbit.,Oh, it has long ears and a short tail.,Wow! It has a big mouth and a long tail.,Look at the monkey.,Wow! It has a big mouth,Wow! The mouse has big ears!,Lets chant,An elephant has big ears. A cat has small ears. A monkey has a lo。

崇 明县2011学年度第一学期小学四年级数学.doc
母爱深深 鄱阳街小学四年级 易子耀.doc

