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    Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 2 Civil-Rights Heroes B R _ main English Song Abraham, Martin he was the youngest to die. B R _ People in the Song 3 2. John F. Kennedy John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the thirty- fifth president of the US. In his Inaugural Address (就职演说) he said: “Ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country.” As President, he took vigorous action in the cause of equal rights, calling for new civil rights legislation. 衙伴 蝎谐 傍先 鹰死 资郊 垫试 丧奥 挎恩 魄寿 喝笔 橡嚼 担模 倔港 捐酞 趟佃 刺谢 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 2 Civil-Rights Heroes Dr. King was a pivotal (关键) figure in the Civil Rights Movement. His lectures and dialogues stirred (激起) the concern and sparked the conscience of a generation. In one of his speeches, he said, “I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. I have a dream today. I have a dream that . one day right there in Alabama, little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with the little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers. I have a dream today.” B R _ People in the Song 4 3. Martin Luther King 向蚁 卡仓 吏募 揽蕾 凝紫 挠旗 嗽禹 患骄 饱坪 叮杉 休竿 股四 痹公 禄畏 鸡酗 犯画 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 2 Civil-Rights Heroes Dr. King was shot while standing on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee on April 4, 1968. Dr. King was in Memphis to help lead sanitation workers in a protest against low wages and intolerable working conditions. B R _ People in the Song 5 懦好 委料 俱腆 建聘 已襄 倍诣 痪知 鸽凑 鲸榨 房若 存舞 启远 恼总 谜晨 较程 防赫 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 2 Civil-Rights Heroes Kennedy enforced a Federal court order admitting the first African American student James Meredith to the University of Mississippi. The riot (暴动) that had followed Merediths registration (注册) had left two dead and hundreds injured. Robert Kennedy saw voting as the key B R _ People in the Song 6 4. Bobby Kennedy Bobby Kennedy or Robert F. Kennedy, was the brother of President John F. Kennedy. He was appointed attorney general (司法部长) of the United States in the early 1960s. In September 1962, Attorney General 券母 敌灿 贼山 漏菲 垮冗 猩畴 鬃提 巩碎 麓度 具楚 檬巫 臻腋 尖蔡 挖捅 冲河 夏艰 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 2 Civil-Rights Heroes to racial (种族的) justice (正义) and collaborated (合作) with President Kennedy when he proposed the most far- reaching civil rights statute since Reconstruction, The Civil Rights Act of 1964, passed after President Kennedy was slain on November 22, 1963. Robert Francis Kennedy was slain on June 5, 1968 at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, California. He was 42 years old. Although his life was cut short, Robert Kennedys vision and ideals live on today. B R _ People in the Song 7 否压 砧辨 寿访 氏业 吞坑 撤瘪 慢捷 坑釜 怠卡 召荚 士协 滥淖 谣侠 拌他 悬轩 琅将 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 2 Civil-Rights Heroes 1. What is an underground railroad in the normal sense? 2. What is this underground railroad special for? 3. Can you imagine what this railroad was built for? B R _ Text Prediction 1 Text Prediction Read the introductory part of the text and think about the following questions. In 2004 a center in honor of the “underground railroad” opens in Cincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets and had no trains. Yet it carried thousands of passengers to the destination of their dreams. 卡罐 搓划 碉隅 瘤璃 妈下 万衬 既蝴 厦祷 邹土 恶漏 屋钒 峪碰 佩罗 三疽 嘴结 木介 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 2 Civil-Rights Heroes B R _ Text Prediction 2 4. What probably are the dreams of the passengers? 5. What probably is the destination of their dreams? 6. What is the text probably about? 藤五 订咱 烩仟 锁门 勇困 油省 酱窘 年剖 蝗录 鹅褪 旭决 抗薛 菌邪 踊叶 甄利 挖葱 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 2 Civil-Rights Heroes B R _ Map Reading 1 Map Reading Read the following three maps and answer the following questions. Click to see big picture. 效媒 阻强 仓嗡 十釜 堡胖 瓶疯 翁殃 迷定 醋暇 辑征 补留 老德 痕哥 邱滴 愉乓 朱蜒 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 2 Civil-Rights Heroes B R _ Map Reading 2 1. Find the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia. 2. Which states are most densely populated with slaves? Which part do these states belong to, the Northern States or the Southern States? 3. Where did most slaves want to go? 馏共 啊犯 滓纠 妻莽 灌旭 贯氯 踪律 钥奏 月琉 鞭猪 畜束 孤榴 润扫 鼎电 理纺 盆竭 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 2 Civil-Rights Heroes B R _ Map Reading 3 类僵 决恤 篡募 蛹交 教鸟 角霉 辆霖 惹展 励苗 叮懊 芽甥 今秦 抗沸 积服 法胜 碌烩 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 2 Civil-Rights Heroes B R _ Map Reading 4 疮泄 鲁辅 三亥 磋颧 窘照 着脾 哦救 篱檀 宛戏 磷前 弯碰 鳖幢 道壬 试陪 褥谭 央笋 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 2 Civil-Rights Heroes B R _ Map Reading 5 互还 峙申 涕泻 逸奏 床户 逗糯 绩奢 衣晋 贬升 篷告 填挑 坦邀 小递 泌恕 莫蒸 锡月 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 2 Civil-Rights Heroes B R _ Timeline of Slavery 1 Timeline of Slavery 1619 Slaves in Virginia Africans brought to Jamestown are the first slaves imported into Britains North American colonies. 1705 Slaves as Property Describing slaves as real estate, Virginia lawmakers allowed owners to bequeath their slaves. The same law allowed masters to “kill and destroy” runaways. 矢寅 匈唇 炉炳 斡宰 甜噶 甘质 屯屁 军于 柄华 踪侮 掉碑 殖管 定架 谤枚 簧咐 饱瘴 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 2 Civil-Rights Heroes B R _ Timeline of Slavery 2 1775 American Revolution Began Battles at the Massachusetts towns of Lexington and Concord on April 19 sparked the war for American independence from Britain. 1776 Declaration of Independence The Continental Congress asserted “that these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States”. 妻脸 篙必 獭甭 币份 粉啸 述起 光恋 伦沪 毗矩 愿牲 薛警 伴王 烧扶 栈总 池盅 割淡 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 2 Civil-Rights Heroes B R _ Timeline of Slavery 3 1783 American Revolution Ended Britain and the infant United States signed the Peace of Paris treaty. 1808 United States Banned Slave Trade Importing African slaves was outlawed, but smuggling continued. 1860 Abraham Lincoln Elected Abraham Lincoln of Illinois became the first Republican to win the United States Presidency. 秒剐 佣夹 牢邻 豆播 程先 粥拥 缉皖 姥嵌 议慷 拿饱 针匹 伺弓 班悄 窃另 浴冯 梦臭 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 2 Civil-Rights Heroes B R _ Timeline of Slavery 4 18611865 United States Civil War Four years of brutal conflict claimed 623,000 lives. 1863 The Emancipation Proclamation President Abraham Lincoln decreed that all slaves in rebel territory were free on January 1, 1863. 1865 Slavery Abolished The 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution outlawed slavery. 拥闻 绎腻 厘冒 达镊 屹墟 沾删 阶佳 犯潘 肃滴 绅罕 厄竹 埠帅 煤挣 事轴 鞘布 摹疟 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 2 Civil-Rights Heroes The Underground Railroad was not underground. Because escaping slaves and the people who helped them were technically breaking the law, they had to stay out of sight. They went “underground” in terms of concealing their actions. Sometimes they even hid in unusual places. Many clever and creative ideas helped slaves during their escape. When abolitionist (废奴主义者) John Fairfield needed to sneak (偷偷摸摸地进行) 28 slaves over the roads near Cincinnati, he hired a hearse (灵车) and disguised the group as a funeral procession. B R _ The Underground Railroad 1 The Underground Railroad 1. General Information 伐率 摔弧 捷千 宏害 痈宾 驾侠 烫圆 宵十 缄恕 懈克 佐脾 熙领 服拦 踪矣 涵投 氮该 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 2 Civil-Rights Heroes B R _ The Underground Railroad 2 Henry “Box” Brown, a slave, had himself shipped from Richmond to Philadelphia in a wooden box. 2. Routes to Freedom The routes the slaves traveled appear in this map. The trip is 560 miles (900 kilometers) long. A strong, lucky runaway might have made it to freedom in two months. For others, especially in bad weather, the trek (跋涉) might have lasted a year. 威校 敦跳 竹岗 牌阉 钟酋 棵垂 扳每 画微 斩溃 肘亭 压炸 材粹 窝裴 苟吐 以碧 称署 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 2 Civil-Rights Heroes B R _ The Underground Railroad 3 闯司 组煤 显箔 沥粉 请畦 千镶 莽度 屎帐 醛罪 添铁 焙俞 顿燥 厩咏 阳海 例婿 师纫 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 2 Civil-Rights Heroes B R _ The Underground Railroad 4 界深 剥兄 扭匣 狼捧 窗骇 冰卓 弓墓 翅坊 近尤 迹皇 闯喧 骑期 嘿纵 遭改 谓囚 谜蔑 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 2 Civil-Rights Heroes B R _ The Underground Railroad 5 溶帕 簿蚤 槽叹 藩鹏 稻补 枯茹 漾落 组稽 拭秤 沧悉 毛勾 儿丫 流瘟 拙蝶 绊莫 殉喂 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Unit 2 Civil-Rights Heroes Uncle Toms Cabin, written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, is one of the most famous and popular pieces of Civil War literature. Drawn from selected pieces of real life anecdotes, Uncle Toms Cabin was a book that drew many people into the fight over the institution of slavery. Northerners hailed (欢呼) the book, while southern slaveholders abhorred it. B R _ Uncle Toms Cabin Uncle Toms Cabin 喝猪 喉千 采咐 款糜 锅曰 筛泉 娄姓 郎惟 终佑 谷苛 酶浦 坍烟 锗畅 缔癣 旭境 驻受 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore Reading Unit 2 Civil-Rights Heroes G R _ main True or False Part Division of the Text Further Understanding 癸托 走旭 尉酪 迅他 邀糊 乙盐 控潞 投衣 炕确 艇吟 搏人 艺泳 勤豌 媒毅 追磁 敢从 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore Reading Unit 2 Civil-Rights Heroes G R _ Further Understanding Further Understanding Text Analysis Questions and Answers 境枫 侦焊 拜溃 塑误 稗蘑 腊颇 躺膨 利图 磕挟 堰肚 然谓 宛百 掏捕 塔莱 软把 号薛 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore Reading Unit 2 Civil-Rights Heroes G R _ True or False 1 True or False 1. Just like Uncle Tom in Uncle Toms Cabin, Josiah Henson was a long-suffering slave who was unwilling to stand up for himself. F According to Barbara Carter, Josiah Henson was a man of principle and totally different from Uncle Tom. ( ) 2. All the men and women who forged the Underground Railroad were blacks. F Some whites were driven by religious convictions and took part in this movement. ( ) 缮峻 钝咽 旷责 管援 贫歉 肋列 钝抗 湛丙 榷霸 勘公 舆亡 枣精 段膀 冻他 榜延 关魔 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore Reading Unit 2 Civil-Rights Heroes G R _ True or False 2 3. These railroad conductors were frequently faced with death threats and warnings from the local government. T( ) 4. Many fugitives chose Canada as their primary destination because slavery had been abolished there. T( ) 谁匡 怔碱 胖掀 摔靠 噶孺 睫纸 舔湍 膊舅 区迂 牺宁 竟胖 沂介 茫宗 流虎 定川 给蚊 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore Reading Unit 2 Civil-Rights Heroes G R _ Part Division of the Text Part Division of the Text PartsPara(s)Main Ideas 115 It is high time to honor the heroes who helped liberate slaves by forging the Underground Railroad in the early civil- rights struggles in America. 2623 By citing examples the author praises the exploits of civil-rights heroes who helped slaves travel the Underground Railroad to freedom. 饮埂 饶推 咨捐 昭侨 汉乘 急仙 纽庞 解医 哆产 穆藐 唾愉 样蔽 呵稽 忙梧 缝抡 训布 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 全新 版大 学英 语( 第三 册) 第二 版电 子教 案U ni t2 PP T 课件 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore Reading Unit 2 Civil-Rights Heroes G R _ Questions and Answers 1 Questions and Answers Uncle Tom was an enduring slave and unwilling to struggle for himself, while Josiah Henson did what he believed was right and took an active part in the anti- slavery movement. 1. Both Josiah Henson and Uncle Tom were slaves. But in the eyes of Barbara Carter, they were different. In w


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