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    幼儿园童话剧剧本 童话剧 大海的女儿 剧本 幼儿版.doc

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    幼儿园童话剧剧本 童话剧 大海的女儿 剧本 幼儿版.doc

    幼儿园童话剧剧本 童话剧 大海的女儿 剧本 幼儿版 导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“童话剧 大海的女儿 剧本 幼儿版”资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对92to.com的支持! 儿童英语童话剧大海的女儿剧本132旁白:在碧蓝色的海底里,有一座雄伟而壮丽的宫殿,里面住着龙王、龙母和他们的美人鱼公主。今天是龙王的生日,大家都高兴的聚在一起为龙王庆祝。全部小朋友:Lets welcome the king and the queen. 龙王:hahahahahaha, Im so happy today. 龙母:My daughter, come on. 美人鱼公主们:Father, mother, Im coming. Father, mother, long live the king.龙王:haha,thank you, my dear daughter. 龙母:Where is the little mermaid? 扮作人鱼公主的小朋友们:Little mermaid, little mermaid. 小美人鱼:Father, mother, Im coming.Sorry, Im late. 龙王:Its OK.全部小朋友:Your Majesty, today is your birthday, we have preapred a great activity, please enjoy. 龙母:Let the great dance begin.全部小朋友:Let the great dance begin. 扮演海螺的小朋友跳舞。旁白:海螺献出了优美的舞蹈为龙王助兴。龙王:haha, good, good, very good, give rewards to everyone.全部小朋友:Thank you, Your Majesty. 旁白:龙母也让女儿们借着龙王的兴致提出自己的要求。 龙母:My daughter, your father is so happy, if you have any dream, tell us. 龙王:Yes, tell us.人鱼公主1:Father, Ill marry a handsome man. 人鱼公主2:Father, I want to be a lovely girl. 人鱼公主3:I want to have a friend.人鱼公主4:I want to be happy every day. 人鱼公主5:I want pretty clothes.旁白:有的女儿希望更美丽,有的想要更多的衣服,可唯有小女儿希望上岸去看另一个世界。小美人鱼:I very want to be sixteen, so that I can go to the land.其他人鱼公主:Oh my little sister, dont go there. 人鱼公主1:The land is not as good as you said. 小美人鱼:Really? Why?人鱼公主2:All the beaches are surrounded with rubbish and smells bad.人鱼公主3:The land is becoming dirtier and dirtier. 旁白:姐姐们知道岸上的人们乱扔垃圾,已经变得越来越脏了。龙王:Yeah, what you say is very serious. 龙母:Listen, whats wrong.? 旁白:忽然,一阵狂澜,大量的垃圾涌入海洋。 扮演垃圾的小朋友们:haha, I am so happy, I am so happy.(重复)旁白:慌乱中,小美人鱼跌倒在岸边晕了过去,垃圾们欢呼跳跃,海底顿时沸腾起来。 扮演垃圾的小朋友们的舞蹈。旁白:而此时,岸上的人们却继续投着垃圾,善良正直的王子赶来阻止。 王子:Stop. 侍卫:Stop.王子:Stop do it.Stop throwing rubbish.岸上的臣民们:We are so sorry. Please forgive us. Well never throw it again. 王子:OK.侍卫:Prince, look, there is a mermaid.Shes one little girl. Wow,she is so beautiful.岸上的臣民们:Oh,she is going to die.王子:Wake up, wake up. Go and get some clean water. 某臣民:Here you are. 王子:Thank you.旁白:士兵发现了美人鱼,善良的王子救了她。美人鱼的侍女:Little mermaid, Little mermaid, Little mermaid, Little mermaid, wake up, wake up. 小美人鱼醒来。 小美人鱼:What happened? Where am I?王子:You are not in the sea, you are on the beach. You are the one I take care.侍卫:Our prince save you.小美人鱼:Prince? Thank you,thank you. 美人鱼的侍女:This is the little mermaid.王子和臣民们:Little mermaid, welcome, welcome to the beautiful land.小美人鱼:Beautiful land? Not my home. 旁白:小美人鱼想到自己的家被垃圾侵占了,非常的伤心。 王子:Im so sorry. We make your home so dirty. But you dont worry, well clean it up. 小美人鱼:Thank you!王子:Please go back to the sea,or your parents will be worried.Next time we meet, there will be a beautiful sea. 众人:Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye. 旁白:王子下令把所有的垃圾清理掉。 小美人鱼:Thank you,prince. Ill be back. 王子:Welcome, waiting for you. 旁白:王子将美人鱼送回了家,美人鱼看到王子保护海洋,非常的感动。她决心回到岸上和王子一起保护这个家。龙宫内遭到垃圾的侵袭,海洋生物们都非常的焦急。 小美人鱼和王子:Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye.龙王:What happened? What happened? Where to throw the rubbish?龙宫内的众人:Where to throw the rubbish? 人鱼公主1:Mommy, Im afraid. 龙母:My baby, dont be afraid.人鱼公主2:Mother, father, how can we live with them? 龙宫内众人:How can we live with them?龙母:Dont cry, my kids.But where is the little mermaid? 龙宫内众人:Where is the little mermaid? Little mermaid小美人鱼:Father,mother, Im here.龙母:Oh, my dear daughter,are you OK?小美人鱼:Yes, Im all right.The prince on the land saved me.龙王:Oh, he is so kind.小美人鱼:Yes. And he also persuade them not to throw rubbish.龙王:Oh,yes?小美人鱼:Yes,my dear father and mother, I want to go to the land to protect our home.龙宫内众人:Oh, no, my little sister.Thatll be so painful. 旁白:父母和姐姐们一再阻拦,他们知道鱼变成人是件非常痛苦的事情。可小美人鱼为了上岸去保护环境却异常的坚决。小美人鱼:I know, I know. But Im prepared. 龙王和龙母:To be a girl? 小美人鱼:Yes, to be a girl! 龙母:But its painful.小美人鱼:Mother, Im not afraid. Father, mother, please. 龙王:My dear daughter, are you sure? 小美人鱼:Yes, Im sure.龙王:Fairy(海仙女的名字) out, Fairy out. 海仙女:Your Majesty.龙王:Little mermaid wants to be a gorl, please help her. 小美人鱼:Fairy, please.海仙女:OK.But I should tell you first,its not easy to become a girl. I have to tell you its very painful. 小美人鱼:I m not afraid. 龙母:Oh, my dear daughter.小美人鱼:Mother,please. Come on, Fairy. 海仙女:OK, little mermaid.旁白:小美人鱼接过药水一饮而尽,她承受的是巨大的痛苦。但她坚信要用自己所有的力量来保护自己的家园 龙宫内的人鱼公主们:Oh, my sister. Oh, my sister.旁白:美人鱼痛苦的挣扎着,她需要褪去身上的每一片鱼鳞,龙王和姐姐们注视着、怜惜着这弱小的生命何以承受巨大的痛苦。而小美人鱼明白,每一片鱼鳞的褪去都是她一份爱家的勇气和力量。经历过无数的痛苦折磨后,凭借着自己的勇气,美人鱼终于变成了一个女孩儿。 小美人鱼的舞蹈。小美人鱼:Goodbye, my father. Goodbye, my mother. Goodbye, my sister.龙宫内众人:Goodbye, litte mermaid.旁白:在王子的影响下,岸上的人们终于发现他们无法生活在污染的环境中。王子:My people, if everyone stops throwing rubbish, the world will be cleaner and cleaner. Lets do it together. 众人:Lets do it. Lets do it.小美人鱼:Prince, I come back.众人:Welcome, you are coming back.王子:What a beautiful leg.众人:What a beautiful leg.王子:This girl, who is she?小美人鱼:I am the mermaid,you see, now Im a girl. 众人:Wow, girl小美人鱼:Yes, Im a girl. Ill help you.王子:Thank you, welcome.众人:Welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome 百度搜索“就爱阅读”,专业资料,生活学习,尽在就爱阅读网92to.com,您的在线图书馆 8


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