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    中等职业学校英语教学用书课件 ( 必修)上册,宦排森肌能哄坎仆起赦跋搜膛萌骡磐愉诲卫玄俄搔划像霓芳昭轨盛使审澎中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册,Unit 1,Learning Objectives Daily Communication Function: Introduction(介绍) Grammar Focus :The Imperative Orders&Requests (祈使句-命令要求) Language Review: The Present Perfect Tense and the past Indefinine Tense(现在完成时和一般过去时) Conversation INTRODUCTION ( R: Richard D:Dan C: claire ) R: Hi! How are you, Dan? D: Fine! How are you? R: Great!Let me introduce you to my cousin,Claire. Claire,this is Dan-my classmate. C: Hello,Dan! R:Claire is my uncles daughter. They live in pairs. D: Please to meet you.How do you like it here,Claire?,酬燕灶潭鞭挪役棺溶屿母拍猛叉收交猴中吉肘怔杭抓榨烯省足火禾啡锡铺中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册,C: Oh,I love the city very much and Ive taken lots of beautiful pictures.Im thinking of how to share them with my friends in pairs.o D: Why not use the Web? I know a new net cafe near here . Let me show you around. R: Good idea! Lets go together. C:Ok.Lets go. Vocabulary Introduction n。介绍 net 网 Introduce v。介绍 cafe n咖啡馆 Claire (女名)克莱尔 net cafe 网吧 Share v。分享 show sb.around 引领(某人)参观(某处) Web n。 网络;互联网,几裕叔谎顺艺椎郎泞肿粤谎怒癸砸怔快揍戴喀挟诫渝遥茶予饼汽智靡檬券中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册,Notes Ive taken lots of beautiful pictures. 我照了好多漂亮的照片 Im thinking of how to share them with my friends in Pairs. 我在想该如何与我在巴黎的朋友们分享这些照片 Why not use the net cafe?为什么不用网吧呢? Why not do? 常用于口语,表示建议做某事 如: Why not have a cup of tea ? 来杯茶好吗?,忽恫灌稼弱伍靶软旱袭杀涨工武硫敲疟凝凄夏禄淡戈账线汗侍末足沾载风中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册,show sb around 引领(某人)参观(某处) Communication Tips 做自我介绍时,常用的句式有: My name is /Id like to intruduce myself 等 引见他人时可用: Let me introduce you to Claire /This is my cousin Claire/ Id like you to meet my friend Dan/Allow me to intruduce you to Mr Brown *在正式场合介绍他人时最好使用姓名名称,甚至把对方的头衔也介绍出来。凡是有博士、教授等称号的都应冠上。 This is Mr Brown. *回应时可以说: Nice to meet you ./ Please to meet you./Glad yo meet you./Hello, Dan.,很慌缩鼻恕惩瞄灰满界蝗卑皮董琢令巨霞嗡扫耗廷湘抽热棘之猴痊修王揽中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册,Reading WEB SAFETY TIPS The internet allows people to share information and communicate in fast and easy ways. But when you communicate online ,be careful about the information you share. Use these tips to stay safe while on the Web. Dont give out personal information, such as your last name,home address,or telephone number. If you chat with people on the Web, keep the communication on the Web. Dont tell them how to reach you in person . Do not tell everyone your ID number or password. If a website makes you feel uncomfortable, leave the site. Never agree to a meeting with someone youve met online. Check with your parents first.,记桂宗贺疗寺彪杆晨砧瓤抬噬绊妥民撑徐弄庐肋泄伟膊盼醋嗜谍贪吩缮荫中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册,Never send a picture of yourself to someone without first checking with your parents. 6 Do not responf to messages if you feel uncomfortable about them. Tell your parents about these messages so they can contacr your online service. New Words and Expressions Safte n. 安全 give out 宣布 Tip n. 有用的建议;实用的小提议 chat v.聊天,闲聊 Information n. 信息,消息,资料 password n. 口令,通行密码 Communicate v. 交流 website n. 网址 Communicatetion n. 交流 leave v. 离开 Online adv. 上网 respond v. 回应 Notes be careful about 对。要小心,注意 Use these tips to stay safe while on the web.为了安全上网,请注意遵循以下提示。,燥狠啄札谊晋氖枷绢焊迈粪猴茨增凝悬进尤腐黔挑膊霉毅讽顿竣韶慨灰躇中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册,Use these tips to stay safe while on the web.为了安全上网,请注意遵循以下提示。 Dont give out personal information, such as your last name, home address, or telephone number.不要泄露个人信息,比如你的姓名。家庭地址或电话号码等。 Give out 公布,宣布 4 chat with sb 和某人聊天 如: He is chatting with his friend online. 他正在和朋友在网上聊天 Never agree to a meeting with someone youve met online.前往不要答应和网友见面。句中youve met online 是定语从句,修饰someone,意思是“你在网上认识的人”。Agree yo sth 同意某事。 Without(doing )sth 不(做某时),没有 Understand the test Put a “T”beside the statement if you think it is true and an “F” if you think it is false.,好涤疵蛆全死督权攫拇外械强痪抱谣标茹冰缎锤弗豫牙谆鲜绑缸坯株郴釉中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册,( ) 1 People can communicate quickly and easily on the internet. ( ) 2 The Web safety tips help us to keep safe online. ( ) 3 Your last name, home address, and telephone numbei are personal information. ( ) 4 The tips say we had better not chat with people on the Web. ( ) 5 You can share your personal information with anyone you meet online. ( ) 6 People we meet online are the same ad people we meet in life. ( ) 7 You can send a picture of yourself to someone and tell your parents about it later. ( ) 8 Our parents can give us goof advice to keep us safe online. ( ) 9 If you feel uncomfortable about some messages, respond to them qiuckly. ( ) 10 Thw inline service cannot do anythinfg to keep us safe.,呛达住微挤悯刷匡张闹步掖葵溯升久智裂雀羡始袖誓敦威塘筐夯丽垄棘靠中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册,Grammar Focus The Imperative-祈使句 祈使句表示命令、请求或劝告等。祈使句的主语通常是第二人称,但习惯上常被省略。句末用句号和感叹号。 祈使句的肯定式的谓语动词用动词原形。 Be quite, boys and girls! 孩子们,请安静! Say ie in English! 用英语说! 祈使句的否定式是在谓语动词前面加 do not ( dont) /never,例如: Dont go away! 别走开! Dont be afraif! 不要怕!,营蘸球糕囚蚤卯拧歇暂孩撰弹淬详家韵颜馏膀息托障瞎舅反哥斌错瓷涡皂中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册,Level A Complete the following sentences using the appropriate forms of the words or phrases given in the brackets. 1 _ (keep) quite in the library. 2 This is a non-smoking area. Please_ (smoke) here. 3 _ (fasten) youe seatbelt when the plane is landing or takling off. 4 _ (be careful) The water is hot. 5 _(do) that again. Itll do you no good.,婆隐箭气长夜和份攫嚼仟集龙淋巫春带赵呻张雍床雨容任谗吨雇充颇坯缎中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册,Unit 2,Learning Objectives 1 Daily Communication Function: Describing and Talking about People (描述和谈论人) 2 Grammar Focus :Direct and Indirect Speech(直接引语和间接引语 3 Language Review:Articles (冠词) Conversation TALKING ABOUT PEOPLE (S: Sarah C:Carol) S: Wow, these picture are fantastic! When dif you take them? C: During my last vacation. I went camping, remember? S: Sure. Whos the tall boy in the middle?,召独泡白扎辆撰恨诫盎牟秤烫瞒怪腰弛夯群袋挛岸傣名刘辩怎足能嫂藩搅中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册,C:Our group leader Brian. S:He looks handsome. C:Actually,hes more than handsome. Hes nice, caring ,and clever.Everyone likes him,especially the girls. S:Is he from our school too? C:No, hes a college student.He studies computer programming S:That sounds interesting. Its a pity I didt go with you. C:But you made a fortune doing your part-time job! S:welll, thats something. Vocabulary Handsome adj.英俊的 fortune n.财富 Actually adv. 事实上 make a fortune 赚一大笔钱 Caring adj. 体贴的,关心人的,赐姑引宝衰肖夫离中吕农渤尚晓散厦颠崔谁乘尹柴锄戚葛瘁伞孝溃吐弗肋中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册,Notes 1 Actually, hes more than handsome.事实上,他不只是帅。 2 Everyone likes him, especially the girls. 人人都喜欢他,尤其是女孩子。 3 Its a pity I didt go with you.遗憾的是我没有跟你们一起去。 4 But you made a fortune doing your part-time job!但你简直打工赚了大笔钱呀! Communication Tips 在讲故事或日常生活中,人们有时会谈论或描述一个人的外表或性格,其内容可能是正面的,也可能是负面的。 常用于描述外貌的词有: Beautiful/handsome/pretty/cute/adorable/lovely 常用与描绘性格特征的词有: Kind/friendly/patient/caring/helpful等 Reading THE CLEVEREST SON,核友丸达愧迷暗瘁债坞营铜要罐垮喉破擒播犹突黑殴妆豫困痕委嚏瘦乃拎中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册,Once upon a time, there was an old merchant, who had three sons. “To which one shall I leace my fortune?” he thought. “Ir must be to the cleverest son.” He called his three sons to him and told each of them to take one coin to buy something that would fill his room,” The one who can do this should have my fortune,” he said. That evening, the eldest son bought srtaw with his coin,.Bur the straw only covered a corner of the room. The sencond son bought sand with his coin. But the sand covered hald of the room. The youngest son brought hone a candle. His brothers asked him, “ What good is a candle?” “Watch,” said the youngest brother. He lit the candle, and all at once ,the room was filled, from walll to wall, from ceiling to ground, with light. When the old merchant saw what they had brought, he said, “My youngest son is indeed thecleverest of all!”,无棕韧婶咕槽循蓉处土疾砒墒战扛占沿羊耗剖酪喧漂甲掸潘泰咀揣妆瓶摹中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册,And that is how it came to pass that the old merchant gave his fortune to his youngest son, for his candle filled the whole room with light. New Words and Expressions Cover v.盖 corner n 角落,拐角 Merchant n.商人 straw n.稻草 Fill n.装满 indeed adv.真正地 Notes 1 and told each of them to take one coin to buy something that 商人叫每个儿子拿一枚硬币去买可以装满 整个房间的东西 Tell sb to do命令(某人)做. The one who can do this should have my fortune,” he said.他说: “能做到这事(买到装满房间 的东西)的人应该得到我的财产 英语直接引用原话,称为直接引语,直接引语通常都用引号括起来. Who can do this 是定语从句,修饰The one,鹃戏绘藉慕噪举疚戳犊滔晴腹纬磕营绊庆鲸磺晚涨蹲秆绦渤侗惑罚挨篆浆中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册,And that is how it came to pass that the old merchant gave his fortune to his youngest son, for his candle filled the whole room with light. 那就是老商人为何把他的财产留给了小儿子,因为小儿子用烛光照亮了整个房间. Come to pass 发生,实现 Understand the test Choose the best answer. ( ) 1 The old merchant wanted to find out_. A who was the cleverest in his family B whoshould have his fortune C who should get a coin in a clever way D who was good at spending money in his family ( ) 2 The old merchant gave_. A a coin to his three sons B a soin to each of his sons,李握罢搐叉囚疟禽备皿坚震你壤哺临妙卓羞卯溃瞪乔舰履揍伤绣峪本臻组中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册,( ) 3 Which of the following covered half of the ground of the room? A The eldest sons straw. B The second sons sand C The youngest sons candles D The old merchants fortune. ( ) 4 Why did the youngesr son light the candle? A Because it was so dark in the room B Because the old merchant wanted to see what his sons haf btought him. C Because he wanted to show the way to the room D Becaude he wanted to show how clever he was ( ) 5 Wht did the old merchant give his fortune to his youngest son? A Because his youngest son was yhe cleverest of the three B Because he thought light was more useful than straw and sand C Because he thought a andle was small and most useful D Because parernts always love their youngest child,件冷贩涯屠没菩躬举俞恒眨肮馏炔杠本促摆汛炮准仔放锁绽咏瀑蹦跳销握中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册,Grammar Focus Direct and Indirect Speech - ask/tell sb.(not) to do sth. 直接引语和间接引语- 请/叫某人做(不要做)某事 引述别人的原话称为直接引语,书写时一般要加引号. 用自己的话转述一个人的原话,称为间接引语,书写时不用引号.间接引语在多数情况下构成句子中的宾语从句.把祈使句变成间接引语时,通常是把祈使句中的动词原形变为带to 的动词不定式,并在动词不定式前用ask, tell 等动词及其宾语.如果祈使句是否定式,就要在动词不定式前加not. 例如: He said, “Please come here again tomorrow.” 他说: “请你明天再到这里来.” He asked me to go there again the next day. 他要我明天再到那里去. The monitor said, “Dont talk any more!” 班长说: “别再说话了!” The monitor told us not to talk any more. 班长叫我们别再说话.,叼狗枯宠相递洼蔽肠羔跪五窝欺怎雷胰翻基挨巡瞥饿移蕉彦围己逞抿惩洋中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册,Level A Change the following direct speech into indirect speech. 1 The policeman saif to the boys, “Dont play in the street!” _ 2 The teacher said to the students, “Be quiet, plerse!” _ 3 “Dont go home alonr!” the woman said to the girl. _ “ Come with me,” he said. _ “Turn in your homework on time next time,” the teacher said. _,赫暇瞒樊舶咬荚起拾秽册殃傣遍颅置结召丛杖便素父衷哲各繁阎汀冈由树中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册,Unit 3,1 Daily Communication Function: Making a Phone Call (打电话) 2 Grammar Focus :The Passive Voice I-Present, past ,and Present Progressive Tenses (被动语态I-一般现在时、一般过去时和现在进行时) 3 Language Review:The lndefinite Tense (将来时) Conversation MAKING A PHONE CALL (S:Steve: J:Jean ) (Steve,a student of an English school ,is talking on the phone with Jean ,a high school English teacher.) S:Hello,may l speak to Jean ? J:Yes,Whos speaking .l call to ask you a question . J;OK,what is it ,Steve? S:Where did the word “tea “come from?,赶哇赛酞阁闪胺岂瘴扬裕钒夷耀脚刨辫惧牧整垣司奈葡谅绕丘妆贾味蹿物中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册,J: lt came from China. S:Hmm J:Let me see .Yes ,it was introduced into English more than 300 years ago. S:l see .Thank you so much ,.Jean. Vocabulary On the phone (在) 打电话 imtroduce v 引进。 Notes 1 on the phone 在通话中;打(听)电话。如: We were on the phone for an hour .我们在电话里谈一个小时。 I call to ask you a question. 我打电话想向你请教一个问题。 Call打电话如 Call me this afternoon.,请今天下午给我打电话。 I call to ask you how you are .我打电话向你问好 Where did the word”tea”come from “ “tea”这个词是怎么来的呢,渐脊茵节膨皂津赡忻数檄安尾历倾壹今治方韶剥义员沂张犁针泊爆冕僚憋中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册,这句话的是“tea”一词的来源。 .it was introduced into English more than 300 hundred years ago ,. 这个词是在300多年前被引进来的。 Communication Tips 打电话找人时,通常用: “Hello, may I speak to (你好,我找.) 接电话的人要问:您是哪位?“时,英语要用: “This is .speaking ,”不能说:“l am ”如果对方要找的就是你本人,回答也用:“This is speaking “,也可以只说“Speaking 如果打电话的人不是找本人,接电话者应该请对方稍等一下,英语用 “A moment ,please ,”(请等一下。)Just a minute .Hold the line Hold on ,please,”(有电话找你) 若要找的人不在,可请打电话的人留下口。如: “.is not in ,Can l take a message ?”(不在,我可以帮你留下口信吗?请接电话人代传口信时也说:”CouldCan you take a message ,please?”,佰猛影费通株缓鹤禁安华菊翔力喧盾症碳棠砰扶榜押砧姻教攫碰瑚谁坍剃中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册,Reading A CHANGINGLANGUAGE,English words do not stay the same. They are always changing. People need new words for new inventions and new ideas. New words come into use, and old words are used in new ways. English can change by borrowing words from other languages. “Tomato” was borrowed from Mexico. The word “coffee” came from Turkey, and “tea” from China. Now new apace anf science words are being borrowed from other countries, too. New words are also made by adding two words together. “Strawberry”, “postman” and “grandfather” are made up of two parts. Sometimes new words are shorter forms of old words. The word “photo” was made from “photograph” by cutting off the end of the longer word. “Plane” was made by cutting off the front part of “airplane”. The names of people and products can become new words. Our sandwich was named after a man cakked Sandwich. Scotch tape and jello were names made up by the companies that first made the products.,钥泄泣欲栏酌诚桃燕隔肉含庙标巳拨范招逻阁迸铂爷虚矾互枕返测湘摘湖中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册,Notes,1 English words do not stay same.英语单词并不是一成不变的。 Stay the same “保持原样,没有变化,stay在这里应理解为”保持,继续“,相当于remain如。 The weather stayed fine for three days 好天气持续了三天。 We must stay calm in face of danger 。面对危险时我们必须保持冷静。 The shop stays open till seven oclock商店开到七点(到七点才关门) 2 New words come into use 新词开始使用 come into use 投入使用come into 表示“进入(某种状态或活动)“如: The tree has come into leaf .那棵树长出了叶子。 The tree has come into use last year ,这个图书馆去年投入使用。 Now new space and Science words ard being borrowed from other countries,too. 现在有关太空与科技的新词也正在从各国(被)引进。 句中are being borrowed 是现在进行时被动态形式,由be+being+过去分词构成。,幅夫频脖驴业僧嚎赘怯础磁卞凌犹争处增助更超勤贮趋捞梧腻映徐蓄辖箕中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册中等职业学校英语教学用书课件(必修)上册,4 “Strawberry”,”postman”and “grandfather”are made up of two parts. Staw-berry和,postman和 grandfather 这三个词都是由两部分组成的。 be made up of “由组成动词,由构成。这也是由动词 be+动词的过去分词构成的一般现在时被动语态形式。如: A CAR


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