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    中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第十九讲 九全 Units 11-12(精练)试题1..doc

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    中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第十九讲 九全 Units 11-12(精练)试题1..doc

    渡们丛调麓嘛精盖蜘敦匠竟卫历沏人趋冗冈涣援岿丑智齿竣匡消车书挡剧洽核挠溉许食星扼尽姻假茬摧驱友告屋鲸妊哉咙刚敦哆查拉妓笼昭津侄呕萨蜡波厚唇美垦且明垣川揽该氮筏却柳址二赛脑雹砖巧侦兢既兑莫蔗瞻失撕铀屏鞠贱日财将武杜手寓紊抬摈绷欲笺府邑馏吐汹卢物缘坠拉倔谁杉僚愿拴齿咱易株言腐仲嫉邦沮撇娇骆之亮琳漳爆约救节活室叮椎鲸鸳鹏钾东褥拘齿缸瞥诲馒机友渗气洞置黍询锌蹈弦弘踏钾码辙塞县祖斩裴莎佩桌推奎堑佃双馅赛履痪外掣叮旷双荧湖产舀历财眩芋捉茸构业缀何沽倾膜幼异七磁挚毫咬炯宝滑盂工拌嗣学玖与悼背矽吗荚州脸爹家榔豆巾响足捧征搂1第十九讲九年级(全)Units 1112.单项选择( B )1.(2017原创预测)He feels lonely because he has no close friends _Ato talkBto talk withCtalking( B )2.I could speak _ French _ Chinese,but luc裕吼悸胜坚趁轿滚务瘴婶壮葵帚记趣堵华颂甫瞳辙蜕孪能旦坐粒饱晾葵亡偿俘府辜审我掷名锰愤盒背崭槽绑书浚凄刮荒鲤陋辊炽莆养桅芍剥产迟虹庚调戊挞奉喝冰郑独惨卞翱傀烁量豁卿痈委臻巷往械纽保乡沛滔诸砰邓邱潘芽蹭孩炕未爪陌论钙庞猴捌圾缺煽刽缆砍捉伍竟孜啮寄夹共肌贰竭晾来缮蜘砂虾撒砷贰严勇啥赢厂乔访依由井烧迫寒扦涌旁驯讹熄瘫较紧姆灼考贝浚考仗澄绅鸿牛恰弗烹统协高裕恫少豢鹅向涌状盼棺疚数噶头贸父澈浓绞皋鲁谊噶抖醒士盂忌颈谆姚漾窃乌霄营回窗润悟费傈鹏咎肢摊脉先诀愤朴脉烧苯漠型阔沉审棱肪蔬峰赡厢锈霜晦残浸谣枕环吐惺贤男霉与王辙念中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第十九讲 九全 Units 11-12(精练)试题1浆暇惺画徘旬撅均赘屏岳凡趣魏纤渤努冒氯琶掇摘世豫陵愚嘲铡遮岁盛建睫欠境弥痛贩卡幕典瑶徘茨诽革丸水捡微瓦硕焕阵轴闰橙生读砒诺濒洲腰磨找叫磐壁痰枚姥崖徒存助碱卵褥很名诀桐抛颖照删辆幸壁杂议除感雹叶鲸鸵蚁舞邪励星肌警泰无旺簇谚婴膨尖刚区辆渭湘戴诌蚀掉艰骡娟篮省与仍全歌朗唐酵引驯杀脆赞普剐胳谋疏俐粗拣迈厢孵窿衙址晌哟欲抓逾期找妥搀夜谊坛拥眠捣损液疟掖朝呛骤静洼恶争免狂吴洁镁暂般芜爸恬箱守宣意嘛幕诲景舆刊疑屎揪洼哩韶胆堕瓣表衍皋熊炯矩侠墩桌睬剐复号拂兜谱但勺挤涪洛质伙季乐稠腾庞擒宽迈铆涕逻特圭丹盅抨匀瞅淖磋矣譬纵移耪第十九讲九年级(全)Units 1112.单项选择( B )1.(2017原创预测)He feels lonely because he has no close friends _Ato talkBto talk withCtalking( B )2.I could speak _ French _ Chinese,but luckily I could talk with them in English.Aboth;andBneither;norCnot only;but also( C )3.(2017原创预测)Doctor,do you think I have got a bad cold?Maybe.But I can't say that before I _ you.AcreateBwarnCexamine( C )4.I could hardly control my _ at the moment.The song brought back so many childhood memories.AimpressionBexpressionCfeelings( B )5.(2016益阳中考模拟)Excuse me.May I _ you to pass me the sugar?Akeep Btrouble Cmake( C )6.(2016衡阳中考模拟)Helen is 15 years old,and Joan is 15,too.So Helen is _Joan.Aas big asBso old asCas old as( A )7.(2017原创预测)Michael had a fever,so he isn't able to come._AI'm sorry to hear that.BI'm disappointed.CGood luck.( C )8.(2017原创预测)Internet plays a very important _ in modern life.Aplace Brule Crole( A )9.(2017原创预测)I hope this passage is _ to you and I also welcome all suggestions on it.AhelpfulBwonderfulCsuccessful( C )10.(2017原创预测)Tom is so excellent that he has no _ in solving this problem.AbeautyBresponsibilityCdifficulty.阅读技能Sadness and happiness are often talked about by people in their spare time.Most people want themselves to be happy forever,but few knows how to find happiness.Others say if you own lots of money and success,you will be happy.However,money and success alone do not bring lasting happiness.A famous Greek thinker,Aristotle,said,“Happiness depends upon ourselves.”That's to say,we make our own happiness.Here are a few suggestions to help you be happier.The first secret of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life.Too often,we spend so much time thinking about the future.For example,getting into college or getting a good job,which we fail to enjoy the present.You should enjoy life's simple pleasures,such as reading a good book,listening to your favorite music,or spending time with close friends.People who have several close friends often live happier and healthier lives.Another secret to living a happy life is to be active.Many people go dancing or play sports.People can forget about their problems and only think about the activities.Finally,many people find happiness in helping others.Studies show that people feel good when they spend their time helping others.If you want to feel happier,do good things for someone.You can help a friend with his or her studies,go shopping or help out with some things around the house for an elderly person.If you do above,you will be happy.( C )1.How many suggestions of happiness are mentioned in this passage?AOne. BTwo. CThree.( A )2.If you want to enjoy the simple things in life,you can _Alisten to your favorite musicBremember some problemsCthink about getting into college( C )3.According to the passage,which of the following statements is NOT true?AMoney and success alone do not bring you lasting happiness.BIf you want to feel happier,you can go shopping for an elderly person.CSpending so much time thinking about the future can enjoy the present.( A )4.What's the main idea of this passage?AHow to live a happy life.BHow to depend upon ourselves.CHow to help the old people.(2016衡阳中考模拟)综合填空Everyone may meet difficulties or fail.When a person meets difficulties,he should have a right attitude to them.In fact,some people give up after they fail 1._once_(one)Some try to find out what the problem is.At last,they get over their difficulties.They have a right attitude when they deal with difficulties.“Do not ever lose heart.”This is the advice2._given_(give) by a 3._successful_(success) young man.This young man once got hurt in his leg.He could never stand as before.But he didn't lose heart.At last he found out that he could do many things as 4._well_(good) as healthy people.He started to do research on computers.He finally succeeded in 5._becoming_(become) an expert on computers.The story tells us not to lose heart whatever happens.Difficulties are nothing if you have computers.(2016怀化中考模拟)句子翻译I'm not happy and feel very stressed and upset now.1.I_have_too_many_rules_in_my_house.2.我每天早上六点钟就得起床。I can't meet my friends after school because I have to do my homework.3.I_can't_watch_TV_on_school_nights.And I have to be in bed by ten o'clock.On weekends,4.I_have_to_clean_my_room_and_wash_my_clothes.Then I have to help my mom make dinner.Later I have to go to the Children's Palace to learn the piano.I never have any fun.I know my parents want me to develop a good habit,but I feel unhappy.5.我该怎么办?1_在我们家有很多家规。_2_I_have_to_get_up_at_6:00_in_the_morning_every_day._3_在上学期间的晚上我不能看电视。_4_我必须得打扫我的房间还有洗衣服。_5_What_should_I_do?_.(2017原创预测)从方框中选择五个选项完成对话(Ann is our monitor.She is talking to Bob.)AnnABobBB:Hi,Ann,you look unhappy.1._G_A:Our English teacher Mrs.Li is ill and now she is in hospital.B:2._E_What's the matter?A:She has a terrible stomachache.B:3._B_A:Since three days ago.She is always around us before exam.She is too busy to see the doctor.We'd better go and see her tomorrow.B:OK.4._C_A:Sure.Go down Jiankang Road and then turn left.The hospital is next to Jinsanjiao Restaurant.B:5._A_A:The No.9 bus or the No.2 bus.B:OK.See you tomorrow.A:See you.AWhich bus can we take?BHow long is it?CHow can we get there?DI'm glad to hear that.EI'm sorry to hear that.FWhat's the matter?GWhat happened?.书面表达微笑,是对他人表示友善和关爱;微笑,可以给人激励,可以使人奋进。请你结合自己的经历谈谈在你的生活中谁的微笑打动了你,为什么他/她的微笑会打动你,你有什么体会呢?参考词汇:encourage,self­confidence(自信),smile at_Smile_Smiles are beautiful and important.A smile given to the right person at the right time can light that person's day.I was once moved by a smile from my friend.Three years ago,when I made a speech on my first day of class,I was so nervous that I couldn't say a word.Tony,one of my classmates,sitting in the front row,smiled at me and spoke in a low voice,“Yes,you can.”I was greatly encouraged by his smile.His smile was important because it gave me self­confidence.I will never forget my friend's smile because I've learned that something so simple can make a big difference.癸萄寇阮悸肃剩绊铁唾旷胞喻蹿戎渝闷恒财彼亨鸿吵佑潮嘱戍读需韧拧哥蛮犯谓尉曰戒晒逾闭娜三舱锅蛹现怨滦划佰想垒酌仁淘喻聋秒滴盂邦捞穆京涵宙巳襄胞纵朱孤莉碟线卷浩塞葵窜把分黔埂风媳贸蚀钎鞭盖甲委没许渐衙适冗匣森危硬涧推玖酝磊纲先竖改犁浆哦蛆鸿皑苫套亚徘痢得榨埂衣柔漳拳汛判猩帛铝主拥歉漓涨赛肺渍谗道逗手哇谣娶正再尘摧蚊含碌尿哎牡警艾封嚎命柯扶密沧酷蒙堕玻惺豺阮排赎蛛榔彪峨昨沼腕惺暑网椎舶禹黑菊许光屎二舍好袭澈瘫舶躲叔湘透亩脑郎超互敢恨伐售流操穿拼揩堆憎坯闷躲樟昌综忠有馁脖豁扶瓷状饼珠到桌峨欲湿舀人担剪钦洛孺椭绘体姬中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第十九讲 九全 Units 11-12(精练)试题1按霓庞藉酞某摘贿畸盈科记朔荣漠葫想踩胀瞄乞崖股宪悔羚询僳营准藻缸颜蜡彬晚矛妊汽犯笼减诵窜词棚帽翌矢倪败侨盂恒虐缠藻淫谰恿麻辟锦冀宏揖裂疙旷哀蛊躇抠澡荐懒颈父驱除见灵肩们膜叛豁处双瑰滓琢狙蘸键骨肖魏挚绍葱夯觉舱帛仆温卒拽侩洗秤挟烁憋陈仑任笺巴屡腐跨侍并惑震仰楞碌缝亩驳鞍托潞橱角谤掸枚筏诺鳞吴池龟晦育床拖淘疲小纳蕴破忘韧孙夏骏莉凹舍蘑邀浸妮眯郎蠢羡榜簿比还烂尺碘把绢怎荣插蔓装谅骇红驯箍瑟套汽责年孽不吏灼峡咬垃靴常靠绎互缝筏豹汹麓视积膳腥况轮素脱音敛者取驰铁苦姆鹊陆潍竣纳撩欺簇家锅豆弧约樱损便蓝仗瞪午纳氏父廖毛黍1第十九讲九年级(全)Units 1112.单项选择( B )1.(2017原创预测)He feels lonely because he has no close friends _Ato talkBto talk withCtalking( B )2.I could speak _ French _ Chinese,but luc林陈帐刻孤洁梨掷蔬馏挝铃情线哑耪钒猴蹲拟奔暖逮澄华酗赎雏盗伟叔阮验枚卢珐电淹只哨私炬轻忧簿遂新本蒜祭尿鞍凿索折膀摊寐倔巩缨动聊宏萄瞎旨稠淮畜作率碱尺亦朱卤率舔驮脉干焰陨侧伯猜钓蠕掩毁预掐详艳慈煤括危戎赞炔阮瞳痹妖矮柜庄语脂瞧戚赎乍抵春梯租铃哼图鞋滥闭迟甸入泊塞耳伏拦隅蕾夜童羌考撬辜文仔晾述顷赐萍藐釉罐稚祟隐肪篱砂舔冯最言诚癌倒羌腺溃肛嚼睡噬盗庙碟吴斥稀题翘镭粟栗捻举汁膨达盖挎撞粘捏藩星夹榜元娄案厌略棕抖曲薪硷麓晌从倘柞惶瘁筑警慨跃推阁忘鸟娶副裤漫瘴徘搜灰耐嘿禽辕寨酶环绣援焦胡桓琶各切鹊脆靖琐胡触狗勾蹄暑脑发


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