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    2011年中考英语介词重庆市江津第六中学 付林1.(重庆市) I go to school _ bus every morning. A. in B. on C. at D. by 2.(滨州)-I joined the League _ may, 2009. What about you ? -Ive been a League member _ three years. A. in; for B. on; in C. on; for D. in; since 3.( 山东菏泽) Sometimes most of us probably are angry _our friends, parents or teachers. A. to B. with C. at D. for4.(浙江湖州) A terrible earthquake happened in Japan _ march . 2011. A. to B. on C. in D. at 5.(杭州) She had to sell the house even though it was _her own wishes. A. above B. on C. against D. for 6.(南宁) The boy has breakfast _ home A. on B. from C. in D. at7.(聊城) Well have dinner at Qianxilong Restaurant, which is famous _ its seafood. A. of B. to C. for D. as 8.(烟台)-Can a plane fly _ the Atlantic Ocean ? -Yes, but it needs to go _ the clouds for hours. A. across; through B. through; across C. across; across D. through; through 9.(南京市) Would you like some coffee?Yes, and please get me some milk, too. I prefer coffee _ milk. A. to B. with C. then D. of10. (安徽) I hear our teacher will be back _ three weeks' time.     A. at                  B. in                  C. for                D. after 11. (上海) Wushu is becoming more and more popular _ foreigners. A. among B. for C. in D. to 12. (上海) If you are able to get tickets tomorrow, please tell me _ phone. A. at B. by C. on D. through 13.(泰安) -Your sweater looks nice, is it made of wool ? -Yes, and its made _ Shanghai. A. by B. in C. for D. from 14.(济南) Taiwan is part of China. It is _ the southeast of our country.A. to B. on C. in D. at15.(浙江舟山) My parents usually take a walk _ dinner to keep healthy.A. at B. of C. during D. after 16.(浙江丽水) We couldn't finish our work so early your help.A. without B. with C. for D. by17.(贵州铜仁) What does your English teacher look like? Shes tall and thin _ long hair.A. have B. has C. there is D. with18(湖南邵阳) -My old friend White is going to visit me. -We havent seen each other _ five years . A. since B. after C. for 19.(四川德阳) How do you study for a test? - _ working with friends.A. ByB. WithC. On20.(浙江台州) Shanghai Disneyland has started to be built and it will be open _ five years. A. in B. for C. from D. before 21.(浙江绍兴) Hundreds of students came to Shaoxing to work _ the World Chair Games in 2010. A. at B. with C. for D. on 22.(枣庄) I like music that I can dance _. A. from B. by C. with D. toA.1个表 B.2个表 C.3个表 D.4个表23.(浙江金华)  We couldn't finish our work so early _ your help. A.  without      B.  with       C.  for         D.  by题解 凝血酶时间试验是在受检血浆中加入标准化的凝血酶后,测定受检血浆发生凝固所需要的时间,以反映凝血第三阶段(纤维蛋白生成阶段)和抗凝血的功能,在DIC时,由于高凝过程消耗了大量纤维蛋白原,而在继发性纤溶亢进阶段又会生成大量FDP而抑制凝血过程,故DIC时,凝血酶时间测定常延长。若患者未用过肝素,血浆纤维蛋白原含量无明显降低,凝血酶时间延长则提示患者血浆纤溶降解产物含量增多。24.(济宁) -Could you please provide us _ some information  about the students health ?-Of course, its my pleasure.A. to               B. of           C. from            D. with盈余公积 7225.(浙江) My parents usually take a walk _ dinner to keep healthy.A. at               B. of    C. during               D. after嵌入衍生的确认和计量”中的内容确定的,由于该混合工具不是划分为“以公允价值计量且其变动计入当期损益的金额资产”(P389图23-1),所以不需要分拆。26.(广州) Guess, how much does it cost?I think it costs _15 and 20 dollars. A. from B. between C. among D. with 27.(广州) When did your uncle arrive _ China?11() 妊娠三周开始孕妇血液中血小板及凝血因子I、V、X、(a未增高,只有在产科意外时才增高,所以凝血酶含量未增高)等逐渐增多;而AT-、t-PA、u-PA常降低;胎盘产生的纤溶酶原激活物抑制物增多。机体血液渐趋高凝状态,表现为高凝血及低纤溶状态,到妊娠末期这种状态尤为明显。应激时机体常表现为血液凝固性和纤维蛋白溶解活性增高。儿茶酚胺可增加血小板及某些凝血因子的数量,又可作用于血管内皮细胞,使其释放纤溶酶原激活物。酸中毒可损伤血管内皮细胞,内皮下的胶原纤维等暴露,促发凝血因子的激活,启动内源性和外源性凝血系统,引起DIC的发生。另一方面,由于血液pH降低,使凝血因子的酶活性升高;相反,酸性环境下,体内肝素的酸性功能基团如羧基、硫酸基等作用减弱,故其生理性抗凝血活性减弱;血小板聚集性加强,使血液处于高凝状态等,同时聚集后的血小板释放促凝血因子增加,易引起DIC。He got to Guangzhou _the morning of the 16th of April. A. at; in B. in; in C. to; on D. in; on28(广州) The food _my country is quite different_ that here. 继续涉入资产次级权益 l 000万元A. in; like B. to; from C. from; to D. in; from理由:甲公司确认的主营业务收入应该只是相对于总的销售收入70%的部分,另外的30%的部分应作为戊公司的销售收入。贷:以前年度损益调整 7200参考答案:答案 C15: DABCC 610: DCAAB 1115: ACBCD 1620: ADCAA 2125: CCADD 2628: BDD固定资产累积折旧 37.52011年6月23日整理


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