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    我公司在购买乙公司、丙公司的股份之前,与他们不存在关联方关系。2DIC病人发生广泛出血的机制C开发无形资产时发生符合资本化条件的支出(2)根据附件2:20×1年1月1日,乙公司可辨认净资产公允价值为l 250万欧元;欧元与人民币之间的即期汇率为:1欧元=88元人民币。20×1年度,乙公司以购买日可辨认净资产公允价值为基础计算发生的净亏损为 300万欧元。乙公司的利润表在折算为母公司记账本位币时,按照平均汇率折算。其他相关汇率信息如下:20X 1年12月31目,l欧元-9元人民币;20×1年度平均汇率,l欧元=885元人民币。我公司有确凿的证据认为对乙公司的投资没有减值迹象,并 自购买日起对乙公司的投资按历史成本在个别资产负债表中列报。10(×) 肝脏组织有丰富的单核吞噬细胞,肝脏功能障碍时机体清除凝血物质的能力降低;肝功能障碍时肝脏产生抗凝血酶、蛋白C和纤溶酶原的能力降低,均可使血浆凝血活性相对增强。借:未分配利润 648答案 C【解析】:C140万元时间: 月 日 编写人:七年级英语备课组 审稿人: 班级_ 姓名_ Unit 1 My names Gina. Section A Period 1 (1a-2c)【学习目标】1.主动与人打招呼并介绍自己,学会问候他人并结交新朋友。Whats your name? My names Gina. / Im Jenny. / Nice to meet you.2.掌握形容词性物主代词my, your, his, her的用法及be动词的使用。Whats your/his/her name? My/his/her name is【知识铺垫】一、英汉互译。1.紫色_ 2.棕色 _ 3.ruler _ 4. BBC_ 5. 拼写 _6.蓝色_ 7. too _ 8.Ms._ 9. 颜色_ 10. 遇见_【新知学习】1. 听歌曲“Good morning!”并跟唱借此了解本单元的学习目标。2. 模仿歌曲和图片中的问候语,互相问候。3. 小试牛刀(看图片完成1a)!4. 比一比谁的听力好。听录音完成1b然后在小组内核对答案并练习句子 -Whats your name? - My name is-5.找朋友(听录音2a2b)按要求找到对应项。6.对对练。A:Whats your / her/his name? B:My/Her/His names. A: Im/She is /He. B:Nice to meet you!【课堂作业】一、用am, is, are将下列句子填补完整。1. -I _ Peter Hunt. -What _ your name?2. His name _ Bill White.3. -How _ you? -I _ fine.4. -What color _ it? -Its black.二、单选。( ) 1. _ name is Tina, _ am a girl. A. I my B. My I C. My my D. I I ( ) 2. This is _ ruler. A. I B. my a C. a my D. my( ) 3. -Hello, nice to meet you. - _ . A. Thank you B. The same to you C. Nice to meet you, too. D. Dont say so.( ) 4. Good morning! My name _Jack. - Good morning! I _Gina. A. is; is B. am; am C. is; am D. am; is( )5. 向别人介绍自己的时候,你应该说 _。 A. Im. B. Whats your name? C. How are you? D. Hello!三、从方框中找出相应的答语。A. Its a dog.B. Im fine, thank you.C. Hello, Li Lei.D. Good morning, Miss Wang.E. Thank you.F. Its red.G. My name is Tom Smith.( )1. Good morning, class. ( )2. Whats your name?( )3. Whats this?( )4. Hello, Tom!( )5. Sit down, please.( )6. What color is it?( )7. How are you?时间: 月 日 编写人:七年级英语备课组 审稿人: 班级_ 姓名_ Unit 1 My names Gina. Period 2 (2d-3c)【学习目标】 掌握句型:-Whats your/his/her name? - My/His/Her name is-Are you Helen? -Yes, I am. / No, Im not.【知识铺垫】根据汉语提示完成句子。1.我的名字叫Gina. _ name _ Gina. 2.他的名字叫Tom. _name _ Tom.3.她的名字叫 Mary. _ name _ Mary. 4.我是吉姆,他是Ben. _ Jim _ is Ben.【教材解读】1.用所学句型介绍自己和他人。2.Grammar focus3. Pair work:Look at 3b, complete the conversation and practice it with your partner. 4. Make a surveyMy name is Her name is He is【课堂作业】一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.This is _(I) ruler. 2. _(he) name is Alan. 3._(you) jacket is yellow. 4.Its _(she) pen. 5._(she)name is Jenny. _(he)name is Jack. _(I)name is Tony.二、句型转换,每空一词:1. My name is Dale.(划线部分提问) _ _ name?2. She is Gina.(同义句) _ _ _ Gina。3. Im Mary. (变成一般疑问句并作肯定回答) _ _ Mary? _, I _.时间: 月 日 编写人:七年级英语备课组 审稿人: 班级_ 姓名_Unit 1 My names Gina. Period 3 Section B( 1a-1f)【学习目标】 1.掌握四会单词和句型:zero, telephone, phone, number, telephone/phone number.-What's your/her/his phone number? -It's 5352375.【知识铺垫】默写09的英文形式。.0_ 1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_ 6_ 7_ 【教材解读】1. Listening practice 2. Presentation: -whats your/his/her phone number? - Its 3. Listening practice(1)Listen and match the names with the telephone numbers.(2)Listen again. Complete the phone numbers in 1d.4. Game time: 【课堂作业】一、用数字或英语表示下列电话号码. 1、281- 9467_ 2、267-3180 _ 3、one five six three one eight _ 4、four nine eight zero seven _二、补全对话。Jim: Hello. (1)_ ?Li Lei: Hello. My name is Li Lei. And whats your name?Jim: (2)_. Nice to meet you.Li Lei: (3)_ .Jim: (4) _ ?Li Lei: Its 37916542. (5)_ ?Jim: It is 37246510. 时间: 月 日 编写人:七年级英语备课组 审稿人: 班级_ 姓名_Unit 1 My names Gina. Period 4 Section B( 2a-2c)【学习目标】能辨别英文中的姓氏与名字,了解中英文中姓名之间的区别。【知识铺垫】一、根据句意和汉语提示完成句子。1.This is my _ (朋友). 2.Whats her _(最后的)name?3.Mike and Bob are in _ (中国). 4.Her _ (第一)name is Alice.【新知学习】1.中英文名字的区别以及书写。2. Practice the following dialogue in pairs.-Whats your first name? - My first name is _. -Whats your last name? - My last name is _. 3.Reading(1). Read the messages and Circle the first names and underline the last names. (2). Match the names with the telephone numbers. Then find three pairs of friends in the name list.【课堂作业】一、单选:( )1. Her name is Gina Smith? -Gina is her_ name. A. last B. first C. family ( )2. Whats your telephone number? - _ 7084563. A. Im B. My is C. Its D. its( )3. Whats his last name? -His last name is _ . A. Tom B. Jack C. Green D. Alan( )4. My _ is Gina Smith. A. last name B. telephone C. friend D. number二、补全对话Mary: Hi, my name is Mary. Whats your name?Alan: Hi, my name is Alan. _1_Mary: Nice to meet you, too. _2_Alan: My last name is Miller.Mary:_3_Alan: My phone number is 229-6537.Mary: Whats your teachers name?Alan: _4_Mary: Whats her telephone number?Alan: _5_A.Her name is Li Ping.B.Nice to meet you.C.Its 555-6786.D.Whats your last name.E. Whats her telephone number?时间: 月 日 编写人:七年级英语备课组 审稿人: 班级_ 姓名_Unit 1 My names Gina. Period 5 Section B ( 3a-self check)【学习目标】1.能根据信息卡提供的信息,描述他人的电话号码、姓氏及名字。2.能制作自己的信息卡,并能简单地描述自己的信息。【知识铺垫】用英语从0默写到9【教材解读】1.Lead in and presentation-Whats your name? -My name is -Whats your first/last name? -My first/last name is -What your phone number? - Its2. Read 3a.and Writing3. Self check【课堂作业】连词成句。(注意大小写和标点符号)1. Kim, name, hello, is, my _.2. his, what, name, is, first _?3. last, Green, name, is, his _.4. family, what, your, is, name _?5. phone, her, is, number, 3751266_ _.时间: 月 日 编写人:七年级英语备课组 审稿人: 班级_ 姓名_Unit 2 This is my sister. Period1 (Section A 1a2c)【学习目标】1.掌握四会单词: family,these, those, they,who等; 2.学会初步运用句型介绍他人 This/That is . These/Those are Whos he/ she? He/ She is . Who are they? They are.【知识铺垫】默写下列单词。1.这个_2.那个_3.这些_4.那些_5.他_6.她_ 7.谁_ 8.朋友_【新知探究】Step1、对号入座1a Step2、 观察句型,学生讨论 this, that, these, those的用法。介绍别人用句型:1._ (指近处)2._ (指远处)_是this的复数, 指“这些”, _是that的复数,指“那些”。 these、those作主语时,后面的谓语动词用复数形式_(am,is are).Step3、听一听,练一练1b-1cStep4、我听得最准确。2a-2bStep5、Pairwork【课堂作业】一、 句型转换1. These are my friends.(变为单数句) 2. That is his brother.(变为复数句) 3. She is my friend. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) 二、完成下列句子。1.这是我的朋友。This _ my _.2.那些是我的姐姐们。_ are my _ 3.那是你的哥哥吗?_ _your brother?4.Tom是你的弟弟吗?_ Tom _ brother?5.这些是我的父母。These _ my _.时间: 月 日 编写人:七年级英语备课组 审稿人: 班级_ 姓名_Unit 2 This is my sister. Period 2 (Section A 2d3c)【学习目标】1学习并掌握与家庭成员有关的词汇。2学会询问别人的家庭成员,向别人介绍自己的家庭成员。【知识铺垫】(1) 默写单词:1.姐妹 2.(外)祖父母 3. (外)祖父 4.父母亲 5.兄弟 6.家庭 7.(外)祖母 _【新知探究】Step 1. 看图片分角色扮演2d). Read the conversation to find out the difficulties, then discuss in groups。(2)Read again,check your problem.。(3)Read after the tape.(4)Role-play the conversation. Step 3. Grammar summarySentences patterns:This is Thats these are Those areWhos he/ she? Hes /ShesWhore they? Theyre Step 4. Grammar practice(1)3a Complete the conversation and practice it with your partner.(2)3b Make sentences with words in the three boxes.【课堂作业】一 、用所给词的适当形式填空1.That is_(I) sister.2.Those are her_(friend).3._(that) are my parents.4. Is_(these) your key?5.John_(be) his brother.二、 句型转换1.That is her brother. (改为复数) _ 2.This is my aunt.(改为一般疑问句) _ 3.Is Paul your brother? (肯定回答) _ 日期:2013年 月 日 备课人:七年级英语备课组 审核人: 学生姓名:_ 班级:_Unit3 Is this your pencil ? Period 1(1a-2c)【 学习目标 】  1. 熟练掌握dictionary,pencil box等学习用品的英文表达法;2.学习基本句型: -Is this/that your pencil? -Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. -Are these/ those his books? -Yes, they are. / No, they arent.体会一般疑问句的用法,学会询问物品的主人。我能行!3.学会正确使用形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。 【 知识铺垫 】 汉译英1.铅笔_ 2.钢笔_ 3.书包 _4.一块橡皮_5.直尺_6.词典_ 7.英语书_ 8.铅笔盒_9.这些书_ 10. 那些钢笔_【 教材解读 】 Task 1. 认真观察图片,独立完成1a 。Task2. 读1b中对话(从左至右)总结一般疑问句的特点。 以be动词,助动词或情态动词开头,可以用Yes/No来回答的疑问句叫_ 。一般疑问句的结构为:_ ,_或_+主语+_.?Task3. 默读语法,完成下面的试题。 -Is this/that? 这/那是 ? 回答时,代词选用 it 。-Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. -Are these/ those? 这/那些是? 回答时,代词选用 they 。-Yes, they are. / No, they arent. 物主代词是表示所有关系的代词,分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词两种。前者相当于形容词置于名词前做定语。后者不能用于名词前,说话时要加重语气。如:This is my book.= This book is mine.Task4.:用所给词的适当形式填空。1.This is _(you) pencil and that pencil is _ ( I ) 2.Is this_(she) schoolbag? No, it isnt. 3. _(he) dictionary is in the classroom. 4.These books_( be) mine and those _( books)are yours。Task5.Listening listen 1b2c and do.Task6. Practice the dialogue and role play. 【 课堂小结 】1. 我学会了:2. 我的疑惑:【 课堂作业 】一、句型转换1This is my pencil(改为一般疑问句)_2Is that her sharpener?(做出肯定回答)_3Is this your ID card?(做出否定回答)_4Are those your books?(做出肯定回答)_二、单项选择。( )1_. Is this your bag? A. Excuse me B. Thank you C. How are you( )2Is this his pencil? _AYes, I amBNo, it isn't CYes, it's my pencil( )3Is this _ dictionary? Ayour Byou C. yours( )4Whats this in English? Its a _. Aorange BeraserCdictionary 2013年 月 日 备课人:七年级英语备课组 审核人: Unit3 Is this your pencil ? Period 2(SectionA2d-3c) 班级:_姓名:_【学习目标】1.能够运用句型 “Is this/that? Are these/those?” 询问物品的归属并回答。2.进一步理解并使用名词性物主代词。【知识铺垫】 填写下表单 数复 数主 格宾 格形 代名 代主 格宾 格形 代名 代第一人称我我的我们我们的第二人称你你的你们你们的第三人称他她它他的她的它的他们她们它们他们的她们的它们的【教材解读】Step 1.Warming-up四人一组使用下列句型寻问物品的主人:A: Excuse me, is this /that your ? B: Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. Its his/ herA: Here you are.(给你) B: Thank you.Step 2. Conversation(2d) (1)Read the conversation and find out the difficulties, then discuss in groups.点拨:What about? 怎么样? 后跟名词、代词和动词ing形式。 thank sb. for 为某事而感谢某人 Thanks for your help= thank you for helping me.(2)Read again,check your problems.(3)Role-play the conversation Step 3Grammar practice(1) Complete the questions and answer each picture(3a). (2) Read the questions and complete the answers (3b).【课堂作业】一、句型转换1This is a pencil(改为一般疑问句)_2This is a key(对划线部分提问)_3Is that a sharpener?(做肯定回答)_二、补全对话A: Hello! B: 1_A: Nice to meet you,too! B: 2_A:3_? B: Oh, it's a watchA: 4_? B: No, it isn'tIt's his watchA: Thank you B: 5_Unit3 Is this your pencil ? Period 3 (Section B 1a1d)2013年 月 日 备课人:七年级英语备课组 审核人: 班级:_姓名:_【学习目标】1.掌握四会词汇: baseball, watch, computer, game, ring, ID card, notebook, ring, bag2.学习并运用新句型How do you spell it ?【知识铺垫】一、填写下表单 数复 数主 格宾 格形 代名 代主 格宾 格形 代名 代第一人称我我的我们我们的第二人称你你的你们你们的第三人称他她它他的她的它的他们她们它们他们的她们的它们的二、默写下列单词和句子。1.棒球_ 2.戒指_ 3.劳驾_4.拼写_ 5手表_ 6.笔记本_7.学生证_ 8.电脑_9.词典 _10. 游戏_【教材解读】Step 1.Word learning 看图片学习单词Step2 Conversation learningA: Whats this? B: Its a watch.A: How do you spell it? B: W-A-T-C-H. Step 4. Listening practice1b【课堂作业】句型转换1.This is a key in English(划线提问) in English?2.Is that your telephone number?(改为陈述句) _ _ _ _ _?3.spell,do, how, you, it (连词成句)_?4. Sorry, are you Miss Zhao? ( 改 错) 年 月 日 编写人:七年级英语备课组 审稿人: 班级_ 姓名_Unit4 Wheres my schoolbag ? Period 1 (Section A 1a-2c)【学习目标】 1.掌握四会单词和短语:where, table, bed , sofa ,chair ,on, under, bookcase.2.能够正确使用介词on, in, under描述物品所在的位置。【知识铺垫】英汉互译: 1.桌子 _ 2.sofa_ 3.椅子_ 4.bookcase_ 5.钥匙_ 6.在桌子下面_ 7.在沙发上_ 8.在你的书包里_【新知学习】Task1. 看图片学习目标语言 A:Where are my books? B: They are on the sofa.Task2. Pair work-同桌合作编对话Ta


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