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    Unit 1 How can we become good learners?【学习目标】 课标要求:Master words, phrases and language points. Practice reading and writing skills.目标达成:Let the students work in pairs to learn the cooperative learning. Task-based teaching approach. Autonomous learning and cooperative investigation(自主学习,合作探究).学习流程: 【课前展示】1 抽认卡 2 词汇 3 出声地,大声地 4 发音,发音法 5明确的,具体的 6记住,熟记 7语法,语法规则8有区别地,不同地 9使沮丧,使失望,使厌烦 10令人失望的,令人沮丧的,令人厌烦的 11 快地,迅速地 12 补充,继续说 【创境激趣】翻译下列词组 1study for a test by doing sth. 2 work with friends 3 make flashcards 4 read the textbook 5 make/write vocabulary lists 6 listen to tapes 7 ask the teachers for help 8 work/study with a group 9 watch English-language videos 10 practice conversations with friends 11 practice pronunciation 12 ask sb. about sth. 13the best way to do sth. 14have conversations with sb. 15get/be excited about 16end up 17do/make a survey of/about 18keep an English notebook 【自学导航】 在课文中划出下列句子,并翻译。 1 What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? 2 It improves my speaking skills. 3 It s too hard to understand the voices. 4 I ve learned a lot that way. 5 Many said they learned/learnt by using English.【合作探究】 1by 介词:表方式:“由,靠,通过”,后面跟动词-ing 形式。对斜体部分提问用How+一般疑问句? E g. We study English by working with a group . 我们通过小组学习学英语。提问:How do you study English? Exx;1) How do you study English?-By _(listen) to tapes. 2) This old man makes a living by _(drive) a taxi. 3) We study for our math test by asking the teacher for help. (提问) _ _ you _ for your math test? 2 aloud , loud ,loudly 的区别 1)aloud 是副词,表示为使人能听见而发出声音。The students are reading aloud.学生们正在大声读书。2)loud 常用做形容词。You shouldn t speak in a loud voice in the reading room.阅览室里禁止大声说话。用做副词时常使用比较级形式。Can you speak a little louder?你说话声音稍大一点好吗?3)loudly 副词,可指人声、敲门声或其他各种声音高且不悦耳。 The couple are arguing loudly. 那对夫妻在大声地争吵。【展示提升】 典例分析 知识迁移 答案 A单项选择 1A little child can learn a language well_ I imitating(模仿) others. A using B by C with D at 2 The problem is _ difficult for the boy to do. Please give him some help. A too B enough C very D much 3 What is the best way _ out the math problem? A work B working C to work D to working 4 This kind of cloth _ very soft. Do you want some? A feels B felt C is feeling D is felt 5 “ When shall we meet? ” “ _ a quarter past two? ” A What about B Which about C Who about D Where about 6 I learn English by asking the teacher_ help. A of B for C about D with 7 This book is a bit difficult. _ read something easier? A Why not to B Why don t C Why not D Why not you 8 Can you show me _ a disk? A copy B how to copy C what to copy D to copy 9 My daughter gets _travelling to Beijing during the week long holiday in October. A exciting at B excited C excited about D exciting about 10 Reading books _ better than watching TV , I think. A is B are C am D do因以权益结算的股份支付确认资本公积360万元:购买乙公司股权产生的商誉=10560-1250×80%×8.8=1760(万元)D筹资活动现金流出740万元【强化训练】 3月6日3pm:查血小板3万/mm3,凝血时间(玻片法)12分钟。too (for sb.)to do sth. 太而不能 可与下列短语进行同义句转换:1)be not adj. enough to do sth. He is too young to go to school. He is _ _ _ to go to school. 2) so that 如此以致 He is so tired that he can t go on working. He is _ _ _ go on working. 5() 红细胞破坏后,释放ADP入血浆。ADP作为血小板激活剂,具有促进血小板黏附、聚集和促进血小板释放血小板第3因子和第4因子等方面的作用,可导致凝血。【归纳总结 】 1)see 看见,强调看的结果。2)watch 观看,带有欣赏性。3)look 不及物动词,常用来提醒别人注意。 L ook at 指看的动作,不强调结果。 3试述休克与DIC的关系5 many, much, a lot of ,lots of , a lot 的区别 1)many, much, a lot of/lots of 都是形容词,用于修饰名词; a lot 相当于副词,用于修饰动词。2) many6、一般来说,TCP/IP的IP提供的服务是( )【板书设计】 1 抽认卡 2 词汇 3 出声地,大声地 4 发音,发音法 5明确的,具体的 6记住,熟记 7语法,语法规则8有区别地,不同地 9使沮丧,使失望,使厌烦 10令人失望的,令人沮丧的,令人厌烦的 11 快地,迅速地 12 补充,继续说 (4)20X4年10月1目,甲公司董事会决定将某管理用同定资产的折旧年限由10年调整为20年,该项变更自20X4年1月1曰起执行。董事会会议纪要 中对该事项的说明为:考虑到公司对某管理用固定资产的实际使用情况发生变化,将该同定资产的折旧年限调整为20年,这更符合其为企业带来经济利益流入的情 况。 (三)20×1年11月20日,甲公司购进一台需要安装的A设备,取得的增值税专用发票上注明的设备价款为950万元,可抵扣增值税进项税额为l615 万元,款项已通过银行支付。安装A设备时,甲公司领用原材料36万元(不含增值税额),支付安装人员工资14万元。20×1年12月30日,A设备达到预 定可使用状态。A设备预计使用年限为5年,预计净残值率为5,甲公司采用双倍余额递减法计提折旧。【教学反思】


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