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    八年级下期末备考资料黄新建名师工作室 动词短语have a cold, have a stomachache, have a sore throat/back, have a nosebleed, have a fever, lie down, get an X-ray, take ones temperature, take risks, take ones temperature, take breaks, get off, be used to doing, used to do, shout for help, thanks to, get into trouble, put some medicine/a bandage on get hit on the head, clean up, cheer up, give out, come up with, put off, hand out, call up, care for, try out, fix up, give away, take after, set up, make a difference,put up, help out, raise money, run out of, give up, learn about, go on a different journey, come true, be able to, take out the rubbish, fold clothes, sweep the floor, help out with sth, pass sb sth/pass sth to sb. lend sb. sth/ lend sth to sb. borrow sth from sb, hate to do sth, do chores, provide sb with sth/ provide sth for sb. teach sb to do sth, depend on, take care of, have free time, allow sb. to do sth, hang out with sb, call sb. up, surprise sb. look through,be angry with sb. work out, get on well with sb, hang over, refuse to do sth, offer to do sth. mind sb. doing sth. worry about sth. copy ones homework, give sb. pressure, have a fight with sb. compete with sb. compare sb with sb. cutout, explain to sb. give back sth to sb. be stressed out, be worried about, push sb. hard, continue to do, get into a fight with sb, go off, rain heavily, pick up, beat against, fall asleep, die down, break sth apart, have a look,make ones way to, be shocked, take down, turnintoget married, shine bright, fall in love with sb, try to do, decide to do, remind sb of sth, work on doing, continue to do, finish doing, be interested in, give up doing sth, come out, make a plan, plan to do, lead sb to be lost/get lost, made of, feel free to do sth, as far as I know, run along, risk ones life, challenge oneself, take in air, achieve dreams, succeed in doing sth, prepare sth for sb, walk into sb, fall over, be awake, die from, cut down, full of, hurry up, belong to, finish doing, grow up, in two weeks, give up, run towards, cut down, wake up, go somewhere different, have/has been to, have/has gone to, have/has been in, put up, encourage sb. to do sth, bring back, check out, clear out, give away, do with, part with, search for, regard as, stay at the same, be interested in, consider doing sth, 其它短语right away, without thinking twice, an old peoples home, an animal hospital, on the sand,future dream job, a strong feeling of satisfaction, the look of joy, by oneself, at the age of, at the same time, disabled people, as soon as, all the time, in a mess, in order to do sth. so that, in future, family members, free time activities, after-school classes, until midnight, a big deal, in ones opinion, instead of, a piece of wood, in silence, at first, once upon a time, a little bit, instead of sth(doing), as soon as, not until, so that, sothat neither of, on the ground, in the face of, asas, in the world, at birth, up to, a symbol of China, in fact, because of, or so, science fiction, country music, ever since, one another, pop music, tea set, a couple of, thousands of, on the one hand, on the other hand, all year around,sweet memories, yard sale, bread maker, board game, soft toy, as for, to be honest, no longer, so far, close to, according to, 专项训练 一、单项选择。 1. You look really tired._?I didn't sleep well last night. I had a headache.A. How about you B. What should you doC. What's the matter D. How are you feeling now2. There is something wrong with my _,so I can't eat anything. I am sorry to hear it, you need to drink some hot water.A. foot B. neck C. stomach D. head3.Oh, I feel terrible. I have a bad You should see a dentist.A. throat B. toothache C. cold D. cough4. Don't play with a knife, you may _ Thank you!A. cut you B. cut me C. cut yourself D. cut myself5. I dont feel well, it seems that I have a fever. You should A. take your temperature B. take my temperatureC. take myself temperature D. take yourself temperature6.Why is the woman so popular? Because she often helping others.A. think about B. thinks about C. care about D. cares about7.Tom,I have working out the math problem.Don't worry. Let me help you.A. matter B. trouble C. experience D. risk8. My son is old enough to now. Thats great!A. wear him B. wear himself C. dress him D. dress himself9. Do you hate to get out of bed in winter, Miss Wang? No, I am used early.A. get up B. to get up C. to getting D. to getting up10. On my way to school I saw a dog _on the road. Maybe a car hit it, its poor.A. lie B. lies C. lay D. lying11.I failed in the English exam. ,you will be better at English one day.A. Give up B. Cheer up C. Give out D. Look up12. He a million yuan to the people in the earthquake. He is a man of kindness.A. give away B. give out C. gave away D. gave out13. Oh, dear. Look at this mess in your room . Sorry, mom. I'll _ A. clean up B. clean it up C. clean it D. clean up it14. Jimmy gave away all of his bikes and his money _,he was so worried! Dont worry! Lets help to raise money for him.A. run out B. run out of C. ran out D. ran out of15. My son can do his homework _ Thats great! So you can relax.A. by myself B. myself C. by himself D. himself16. Excuse me, you tell me the way to the nearest post office? Sorry, I am new here. A. may B. could C. should D. must17. Fang Zhongyong write poems at the age of five. How clever he was!A. can B. could C. might D. is able to18.I have been driving my car for four hours in this way. You _a rest right away.A. had B. need to have C. have D. to have 19. Everybody should spend time _his parents. Yes, respecting parents is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation.A. care for B. to care C. to care for D. caring for20. I _get up early when I was a high school student. Why not keep on getting up early?A. am used to B. was used to C. used to D. use to21.These days kids have enough _ from school. What should we do? I think we should give them much more free time to relax instead of more homework.A. independence B. stress C. joy D. trouble22. Mom often asks me to do chores but never asks my brother to do! What should I do? I think its _ to you. Youd better talk with your mother.A. fair B. nice C. unfair D. unhappy23. Oh, dear. Look at this _in your room. Sorry, mom. I'll clean it upA. thing B. mess C. matter D. rubbish24. _ you live in one house with your parents, you should share the housework. Maybe you are right. A. When B. Since C. As soon as D. Although25. Did Jack copy your homework again? Yes, he copies my homework _.A. in time B. all the time C. on time D. at that time26. Could I _ your book, Mary? Yes, but dont _ it to others. A. borrow, lend B. lend, borrow C. borrow, keep D. lend, keep27. Can Jack and Mary do these chores? _ of them can, I think. They hate doing them.A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. All28. Could you please _ me that book? Sure, here you are!A. borrow B. get C. pass D. provide29. China has _ some money for the poor old people! Great!It shows China is becoming richer and richer. A. got B. offered C. provided D. made30. Could you please go out for dinner, Mary? _. I have to go shopping with my parents.A. Yes, I can. B. Sure, I can C. Thanks. D. Sorry, I cant31.I played ping-pong yesterday and I have a sore back now. Why lie down and rest? A. not you B. dont C. dont you D. not to32.How are you your classmates? Very well, and we never fight. A. going on with B. getting on with C. get along with D. get on with33.Why are you so angry with your parents? Because they dont allow me_ in my free time. Its unfair. A. hang B. to hang C. hang out D. to hang out34.Why not tell her the good news now? Oh, no, I want her. A. surprise B. to surprise C. help D. to help35.What do you think of newspapers? I think they can much useful information every day. A. provide us B. offer us C. provide with us D. offer to us36.Many students dont realize the importance of study they leave school. Yes, they are too young to realize it. A. when B. until C. while D. after37.Lets go dancing, shall we? I have a sore back, lets go for a walk . A. instead B. too C. either D. neither38.Why are most children have _pressure? Because their parents always compare them others. A. too many, to B. too much, with C. too many, to D. too much, with39.May I borrow your dictionary? Sure, but please _ as soon as possible. A. return it B. give back it C. return it back D. give it40.Whats wrong with the boy? He found hard to get on with his teachers. A. this B. that C. him D. it41.What were you doing the rainstorm? I was waiting for the bus at the bus stop. A. in front of B. at times C. at the time of D. at that time42.Why are you late for school again, Jack? I am so sorry, Miss Liu. My alarm didnt this morning. A. go away B. go on C. go down D. go off43.I called you last night, why didnt you ? Sorry. When you called me, I was taking a shower. A. pick up it B. pick it up C. pick out it D. pick it out44.Could you please tell us on the street at 8 yesterday evening? A traffic accident, its so terrible that I didnt fall asleep. A. what happened B. what happens C. what was happening D. what is happening45.What was your mother doing you arrived home yesterday afternoon? She . A. makes dinner, when B. is making dinner, while C. was making dinner, when D. was making dinner, while46.What were you doing when the teacher ? We were talking and the teacher was angry. A. comes in B. came in C. came into D. comes into47.What do you think of the program I am a singer? It is interesting many people enjoys watching it.A. so, that B. such, that C. so, as D. such, as48.Nowadays, more and more kids dont _ the importance of study.As a teacher, what we should do is the most important! A. learn B. realize C. catch D. miss49.What happened on September 11,2001 in America? The World Trade Center was by terrorists. A. written down B. put down C. taken down D. cut down50.Why were you late again? I was making way here, I met a friend of mine and we chatted. A. When B. While C. As soon as D. As51. Whats the matter? I feel a little bit _after a long illness. A. well B. fine C. weakD. stupid52. Which singer do you like best? Wang Fei. I think her _is very special. A. sound B. voice C. noiseD. cry53. What are you going to do tomorrow? Im going for a picnic in the park _it rains tomorrow. A. when B. because C. ifD. unless54. The red dress _you. You look beautiful in it. Thank you! A. puts B. tries C. fits D. dresses55. Wheres Mary? Oh, just now she was scared of snakes so she _herself behind the door. A. hurt B. hid C. enjoyed D. cut56. What do you think of the song “See you again”?A little sad! It _ me of the famous actor Paul. A. asks B. provides C. advises D. reminds57. Did you read English this morning, Jack? Yes. _ I got to school, I practiced it more times. A. Before B. Until C. As soon as D. While58. When will Mary get to the station? Im not sure, but she will call you as soon as she _. A. arrives B. arrived C. was arriving D. will arrive59. Hows your dog now, Mary?She was dead last week. Im_ sad _I dont want to eat anything. A. too; to B. such; that C. enough; to D. so; that 60. What will happen _ we finish our homework? I think the teacher will be angry with you! A. if B. unless C. When D. While61. Why did the boys shout with _? Because they won the football match. A. pressureB. fairnessC. silenceD. excitement62. Is it cold outside? Yes, and its windy. Youd better wear a _coat. A. strangeB. wide C. thickD. deep63.What do you think of your English teacher?She is very good at teaching _shes worked for few years.A. even thoughB. so that C. because D. if64. Work hard and I believe you can _, Jack! Thank you, Mr. Huang. A. riskB. offerC. compareD. succeed65.What does your wife do?She works in the library. Her duties (责任) _cleaning desks and tidying books. A. provideB. developC. includeD. begin66. Would you mind opening the window? I want to _some fresh air. Of course not. A. take onB. take in C. look afterD. look at67. When did you _ up this morning? I was already _at 5:30 am, but I got up at 7:00 am.A. wake; awakeB. wake; wake C. awake; wakeD. awake; awake68.I think Li Ping can understand what I said _ of all.


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