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    定远民族中学2017-2018学年度上学期期末考试卷高二英语注意事项:1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,每小题2分,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ASometimes sources of comfort can come from the most unexpected places. At least thats been the case for a grieving(悲痛的) mom and a dad in Tennessee whose 12-year-old daughter died on January 5. Just days after Taylor Smiths death, her parents found a sealed envelope containing a letter Taylor had written to her 22-year-old self-and its sunny, wise-beyond-her years tone appears to be a comfort to her parents.“To be opened by Taylor Smith on April 13, 2023 only unless said otherwise.” Taylor had printed on the envelope of the letter. “Sorry, baby, we opened it,” her father, Tim, said before reading it aloud with a quavering voice. “Dear Taylor, hows life? Life might be pretty simple in the past 10 years. I know Im late for you, but as Im writing this early, so: congratulations on graduating from high school! If you didnt, go back and keep trying. Get that degree! Do you have your own place yet? If we are in college, what are we majoring(主修) in? Right now I wanna be a lawyer.” The last heartbreaking line reads, “Well, I think thats all, but remember its been 10 years since I wrote this. Things have happened, good and bad. Thats just how life works, and you have to go with it.”Her father talks about his feelings of grief. “At the beginning I felt shocked and depressed, hoping that its not real, and hoping that every time I take a nap or go to sleep, I find out it wasnt real,” he says. “She liked doing quirky things and she liked doing meaningful things. She always created stuff. The fact that she wrote this letter wasnt surprise, but what she wrote was.”Tim Smith posted a message on his daughters Facebook page: “I just wanted to write this so that all of her friends would know that Taylor loved you all! Thanks for loving our daughter.”21.Taylor Smiths parents got great comfort when they .A. learned about their daughters college life from the letterB. knew that their daughter could live to 22 years oldC. found that their daughter wanted to be a lawyerD. found a letter that Taylor Smith had written to herself22.In which year did Taylor Smith write this letter to herself?A. In 2013 B. In 2023C. In 2011 D. In 200123.The word “quavering” in the second paragraph can be replaced by .A. confusing B. amusingC. trembling D. moving24.Why did Taylors father say that what Taylor wrote was a surprise?A. Because the letter itself surprised himB. Because Taylor said what would happen to her future life in advanceC. Because Taylor imagined her future lifeD. Because what Taylor wrote in the letter was beyond her ageBMini Book Excerpts (节选)BiographyWhen Salinger learned that a car park was to be built on the land, the middle-aged writer was shocked and quickly bought the neighboring area to protect it. The townspeople never forgot the rescue and came to help their famous neighbor.J. D.  Salinger:A  Life by Kenneth Slawenski(Random House,$27)Mystery“Youre a smart boy.  Bennys death was no accident, and youre the only who saw it happen. Do you think the murderer should get away with it ? ”The boy was starting stubbornly at his lap again.A thought suddenly occurred to Annika ,“Did you You recognized the man in the car , didnt you?”The boy hesitated, twisting his fingers ,“Maybe ,”he said quietly.Red Wolf by Liza Marklund(Atria Books, $25. 99)Short StoriesShe wants to say to him what she has learned , none of it in class. Some women are born stupid, and some women are too smart for their own good. Some women are born to give, and some women only know how to take. Some women learn who they want to be from their mothers, some who they dont want to be. Some mothers suffer so their daughters wont.  Some mothers love so their daughters wont.You Are Free by Danzy Senna (Riverhead Books,$15)HumorDo your kids like to have fun? Come to Fun Times! Do you like to watch your kids having fun? Bring them to Fun Times! Fun Times! s “amusement cycling” is the most fun you can have in the United States right now. Why spend thousands of dollars flying to Disney World when you can spend less than half to that within a days drive lf most cities?Happy And Other Bad Thoughts by Larry Doyle(Ecco,$14. 99)25.What did Salinger do for his town?A. He built a car park. B. He tried to protect its land.C. He wrote some good novels. D. He rescued many townspeople.26.The book You Are Free is mainly about .A. smart children B. happy daughtersC. different women D. suffering mothers27.Which book should readers choose, if they want to know something about Fun Times?A. Red Wolf.B. You Are Free.C. J. D. Salinger: A Life.D. Happy And Other Bad Thoughts.CRobots come in many shapes and sizes, but scientists in Zurich, Switzerland, have developed one new robot called Pleurobot, which looks and acts just like a salamander (火蜥蜴).To create the robot, scientists took hundreds of X-rays of real salamanders. They studied the images of these animals to see which joints (关节) and muscles the animals use as they move. Then the scientists built the Pleurobots skeleton to move just like the real thing. This makes the robots movements incredibly lifelike.According to experts, salamanders were among the first animals to develop a skeleton and nervous system that allowed them to travel on land. “By studying the modern salamander, we have a time window to the ancestors of all vertebrates(脊椎动物), including humans,” Auke Ijspeert, the designer of the robot, told scholastic News Online.Both people and salamanders have a spinal cord (脊髓). An injury to the spinal cord can result in the inability to move. Now, there is no cure for paralysis (瘫痪). Ijspeert hopes that the Pleurobot can help change that. Because these studies could help researchers develop new ways to help people who have been paralyzed by spinal cord injuries.Scientists think that the Pleurobot could also be used for search-and-rescue tasks too dangerous for humans. Because the robot is low to the ground and has a wide range of motion, it could be used to get into dangerous places, like fallen buildings, to look for survivors. Thanks to its waterproof suit, the robotic salamander could even participate in underwater missions.Experts are now working on a smaller, sturdier (harder to break) model of the Pleurobot. They expect this one to be even better suited for getting into small spaces to do dangerous work.28.What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?A. How real salamanders move.B. What the Pleurobot looks like.C. Why scientists invented the Pleurobot.D. How scientists designed the Pleurobot.29.What does the underlined word “that” in Paragraph 4 refer to?A. The shape of the spinal cord.B. The movement of robotic animals.C. The problem of spinal cord injuries.D. The way the brain controls the spinal cord.30.Which of the following can best describe the Pleurobot?A. Fashionable. B. Entertaining.C. Functional. D. Power-saving.31.The text is most probably _.A. a news report B. a research paperC. an advertisement D. an official documentDResearchers at Stanford University have developed a new material that can move heat out of buildings and into space. The researchers say the material can cool buildings even on hot days. The cooling material is a very thin sheet with many layers that could be placed on a roof like solar panels(板). However, instead of turning sunlight into energy as solar panels do, the material turns heat into infrared(红外线的)radiation.Shanhui Fan is an electrical engineering professor at Stanford University. He says that the panels have a layer of material that is like sand. The panels act like a mirror. They take heat out of buildings and reflect the light from the sun. And he says both the heat and sunlight arc sent 100 kilometers into outer space. "It's a structure that cools itself without electricity input, even under the sun. So, what it docs is basically radiate heat to outer space and also reflect the sunlight so it doesn't get heated up by the sun. Mr. Fan says it is like having a window into space. The heat is sent directly into space without increasing the air temperatureHe says buildings in developing countries that do not have electricity or air conditioning could use the panels. "In areas where electricity is out of reach for many people, there is a potential benefit for storing medicine or even food. In many of these situations, being able to reduce the temperature is important. And this would provide a way to do it.”The researchers say the main problem is creating actual cooling systems using the high-tech panels. They say it may be possible to develop a cooling spray(喷涂)that could be used on present solid structures. They believe the cooling spray technology could be developed in the next three to five years. They say as much as 15 percent of the energy used in the United States is spent providing power to air conditioning systems.32.What is the main idea of paragraph 1?A. Living on hot days is no longer a big problem now.B. Researchers are developing new solar panels on roofs.C. A new material is created to cool the buildings.D. The new material is a very thin sheet with many layers.33.According to paragraph2, how does the panel work?A. It takes in the heat and cools it down.B. It uses a mirror to reflect the sunlight.C. It has a window to let out the heat.D. It sends heat away right into space.34.Which of the following can best describe the advantage of the new panel?A. Convenient but impractical.B. Eco-friendly and energy-saving.C. Effective but expensive.D. Creative and cheap.35.What can you infer from the passage?A. The device of the new panel is still under research.B. Some people got benefits from producing the panels.C. It is impossible to solve the problem of creating actual cooling system.D. The new panels may save 15 percent of the energy.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。House SittingIn many countries of the world people do what is called house sitting. It means that if owners of the house are going away, they want someone to come into their home and look after the house and maybe pets while they are away.In Australia, many people travel. After people retire, they might buy a van and travel all over the country. 36.So if someone wants to travel or go away for some reason, they might want someone in their home to care for it and keep the gardens tidy. House sitters might have to care for pets. Also, quite a few people have swimming pools in their back yard and they need cleaning.37. I feel it is a great way of seeing the country, because you go and stay in a new city, get to meet new people, and have time to go sightseeing in a new area.38 There are websites where you find the advertisements by people who want to travel, and by replying to the advertisement, you can make arrangements to go and look after their home.There are some requirements to be a house sitter. You must be a trusted person, so that the home owner knows you will not steal anything. You must be able to go when the house owner wants you to go, so you need lots of free time.39. You need to be good with pets, able to care for cats and dogs, or other pets they may have.Some house sitting jobs are just for a few days or a couple of weeks while the house owners have a short holiday. Sometimes it is for much longer. We have had one house sit for six months, while the home owner travelled to Europe.40. Then you can travel to many different countries and stay there. One of the important things to get is references from the home owners where you have stayed. A reference is a written letter to say that you are trustworthy and have looked after their home well. You can show these letters to possible house sitting jobs and they know you will do a good job.A. I have done house sitting many times.B. Thousands of people do this all the time.C. It is also possible to do house sitting in other countries.D. Generally you have many opportunities to get a house sitting job.E. You must take a little care over what your description says about you.F. This is an international house sitting service for all city and country areas.G You must have a good car, so you can travel to different parts of the country.第三部分:完型填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从短文后所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Waking up one morning at the age of six, young Charles Mulli found his family missing. He soon realized that he had been_ by his poor parents and seven brothers and sisters.Mulli was forced to become to become a beggar(乞丐)in order to stay_ . But even in the middle of his poverty and despair, he still dreamed of being a (an) _ man someday.When Mulli turned 16, he walked for three days to Kenyas capital, Nirobi, looking for _ , In the years that followed, he took many difficult jobs. Mulli _ his money and bought a car. Which he began using as a taxi in 1971. Later, he invested(投资)many vehicles to start “Mullyways”, a _ company. Mulli then went on to become the _ of a rich oil company. All of his business was successful. These experiences made Mulli a millionaire. _ he didnt stop working hard. His life soon took another of _ children in Kenya, who _ him of his own childhood. One day he told his wife and children that he was to spend his life _ the street kids.Soon the Mulli House was filled with 100 orphans(孤儿), but that was just the beginning. In 1989, Mulli and his wife _ the Mulli Childrens Family, whose aim was to provide a _ . They provided children with food, cloth, medical care and education. Most importantly, they offered something these kids had never _ parents love. He side, “I believed we can change the world, one child at a time. As a child I wanted to be important, but where I am now is important for mankind.”41.A. allowed B. loved C. treated D. abandoned42.A. healthy B. safe C. alive D. happy.43.A. important B. wise C. honest D. creative44.A. food B. work C. home D. money45.A. wasted B. borrowed C. lent D. saved46.A. transport B. sport C. public D. medical47.A. trainer B. boss C. competitor D. worker48.A. But B. So C. Or D. Because49.A. fall B. break C. turn D. place50.A. disabled B. homeless C. talented D. careless51.A. reminded B. warned C. cured D. informed52.A. visiting B. watching C. teaching D. helping53.A. invited B. purchased C. established D. sold54.A. life B. school C. hospital D. shelter55.A. learned B. experienced C. im


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