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    Unit Unit 3 3 Animals are our friendsAnimals are our friends Lesson 18 Friendships between animalsLesson 18 Friendships between animals 同步练习 根据汉语意思填空 1. We should value the _(友谊)between us. 2. They have _(警告)us not to do this matter again. 3. What is the _(关系)between you and Danny? 4. She said she was _(真正地)sorry about that matter. 5. How many kinds of _(昆虫)are there in the world? 介词填空 1. Take more exercise and youll stay h_. 2. This story has t_ many peoples hearts. 3. There is a lot of food here and the animals can find something to eat e_. 4. You are always telling us the same thing. Do you have d_ ones? 5. I feel t_ sorry about that matter and I want to make an apology. 英汉互译 1. 他们过去常在这里做游戏。 They _ _ _ games here. 1 2. 李鸿通过唱歌学汉语。 Li Hong learns Chinese _ _. 3. 你们成为朋友多长时间了? How long _ _ _ friends? 4. 为了生存,我们应该互相帮助。 _ _, we should help each other. 5. 不要吵了,该上课了。 Dont _ _, its time for class. 句型转换 1. They have a very good relationship.(改为感叹句) _ _ good relationship they have! 2. We learned some interesting animals last week.(改为否定句) We _ _ _ interesting animals last week. 3. The egret helps the rhino stay healthy.(改为反意疑问句) The egret helps the rhino stay healthy, _ _? 4. She read that story in todays class.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ that story in todays class? 5. The ending of that story is very happy.(改为同义句) That story _ _ _ ending. 2 从 阅读理解 When I take a walk around Washington Square Park, I often see many people walking with their dogs. It is still true that the dog is the most useful and faithful animal in the world, but the reason why people keep dogs have changed. They used to keep dogs in order to keep safe, but now they keep them as friends, because the city can be a lonely place. For a child, a dog is a playmate (玩伴) when he has no little friends to play with. For young couples, a dog is their friend when they feel lonely at home. For old couples, a dog is their child when their real children have grown up. Now you can see the reason why people keep dogs. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。(10分) 1. Does the writer think a dog is the most useful and faithful animal? _ 2. Do many Americans keep dogs as pets? _ 3. Why did people keep dogs before? _ 4. Why does a child like keeping a dog? _ 5. Why do seniors (年长) love to keep dogs? _ 答案和解析 3 根据汉语意思填空 1. friendship 2. warned 3. relationship 4. truly 5. insects 介词填空 1. healthy 2. touched 3. easily 4. different 5. truly 英汉互译 1. used to play 2. by singing 3. have you been 4. To survive 5. make noise 句型转换 1. What a 2. didnt learn any 3. doesnt it 4. Did she read 5. has a happy 从 1. Yes, he / she does. 2. Yes, they do. 3. They kept dogs to keep safe before. 4. Because a dog is a playmate when he has no little friends to play with. 5. Because dogs are their children when their real children have grown up. 4


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