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    2017春人教版英语必修三课后练:Unit 4 Astronomy:the science Section 3 课后 Word版含答案Unit 4 Section ? ?.单句语法填空 1(When the fire broke out,the people in the building lost their head and ran in all directions. 解析:考查动词短语。句意:当火灾发生时楼里的人们吓坏了四处逃窜。 2(I'm thinking of the test tomorrow. I'm afraid I can't pass this time. Cheer up! I'm sure you'll make it. 解析:考查动词短语。句意:我正在想明天的考试。恐怕这次我过不了关。振作点:我相信你一定能行。Cheer up:振作点: 3(Now that I've heard the music,I understand why you like it. 解析:考查固定搭配。句意:既然我听了这音乐我就明白你为什么喜欢它了。 4(The old photo called up my memory of the small forest during my childhood,through which flowed(flow) a clean stream. 解析:考查倒装句定语从句和动词时态。句意:这张老照片让我想起了童年的小树林一条清澈的小溪在其中流淌。flow流淌,该处用一般过去时。 5(Why don't you like your job? It's always being watched over by my director. 解析:考查动词短语。watch over监视,监督。句意:你为什么不喜欢你的工作,总是被我的领导监督。 6(Ann's ill,but with careful nursing she will pull through soon. 解析:考查动词短语。句意:安生病了但是在精心的护理下她很快会恢复健康。 7(Do you feel like going on a picnic this weekend? I couldn't agree more. I was thinking about how to relax myself. 解析:考查句子结构。句意:本周末你想去野餐吗,我非常同意我正想着怎样放松一下呢。I couldn't agree more.我很赞同。 8(He escaped being_killed(kill) in the big fire. 解析:考查非谓语动词与语态。escape后跟动名词作宾语该处具有被动含义故用being done。 9(It's said that the power plant is now twice as large as what it was. 解析:考查句子结构。倍数表达法为:倍数,as,形容词原形,as。 10(Since the house prices in the city may be as high as we can't imagine,I suggest that we rent an apartment to live in first. 解析:考查句子结构。句意:这个城市的房价既然高到我们很难想像的那样我建议我们先租套公寓住着。 ?.单句改错 1(He is very brave and always remains calm in the present of danger. presence解析:考查词形转换。句意:他很勇敢在有危险存在时总是保持镇静。根据前面的the可知此处是名词所以用presence。 Watch out ? cars when you cross the road. 2(for解析:考查固定用法。句意:过马路时注意车。watch out for密切注视当心,watch out为不及物动词短语不能带宾语。 3(Did you enjoy you at your brother's birthday party? yourself解析:考查反身代词。句意:你在你哥哥的生日聚会上玩得开心吗,enjoy oneself过得快活玩得痛快得到乐趣符合句意。 4(The fans all cheered up immediate when they saw the famous film star. immediately解析:考查词形转换。句意:那些粉丝看到那位著名的电影明星立刻高兴起来。此处应用副词修饰cheered up。 5(My back is so pain that I cannot stand upright any more. painful解析:考查词形转换。句意:我的背疼痛难忍以至于我直不起腰来。分析句子结构可知此处应用形容词作表语。 6(You won't get confused once you get ? hang of it. the解析:考查冠词。句意:一旦你掌握了要领你就不会对它感到困惑了。get the hang of掌握的要领了解的用法符合句意。 7(What we could cross the river without a boat remains a question. How解析:考查主语从句。句意:没有船我们应该如何过河仍然是个问题。根据句意并分析句子结构可知此处应该用How表示方式。 8(Our present school is twice large than the old one. larger解析:考查倍数表达法。句意:我们现在的学校是旧学校的两倍大。“倍数,比较级,than”表示倍数根据后面的than可知此处要用比较级。 9(I read a frightened story which took place in an old house. frightening解析:考查词形转换。句意:我读了一个可怕的故事这个故事发生在一座老房子里。frightening可怕的修饰物。 10(What is clear that he will come to the concert tomorrow. It解析:考查it作形式主语。句意:很明显他明天要去听音乐会。分析句子结构可知that引导的从句为真正的主语故用It作形式主语。 ?.阅读理解 (2016?河北石家庄高一联考) A special lecture began on Thursday morning,given by a teacher aboard a space module about 340 km above her students on earth,the first such attempt by Chinese. Female astronaut Wang Yaping,one of the three crew members of Shenzhou-? spacecraft,greeted about 330 primary and middle school students at a Beijing high school,through a live video feed system. “Hello,everyone. I am Wang Yaping. I will host the lecture today,” she said,smiling towards the camera,on board of the space module Tiangong-?. The students in her class included children from migrant(移动者,流动者) workers' families,of ethnic minorities(少数民族) and from Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan. They were gathering at the High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China in Beijing. More than 60 million students and teachers at about 80,000 middle schools across the country were also watching the live broadcast on TV. The first section of the class was all about weight. Nie Haisheng,commander of the crew,made a show of crossing his legs into a meditation(沉思) sitting posture in the air,which only a martial art(武术) master could do in the movies but was impossible for real people on the Earth.“Thanks to the weightless condition,we are all masters,” Wang joked. Then,she introduced the special scale on board of the orbiter,which was designed on basis of the Newton's second law of motion,for measuring the mass of an object through the net force and the acceleration. The lesson was aimed at making space more popular,as well as inspiring enthusiasm for the universe and science,according to Zhou Jianping,designer-in-chief of China's manned space program,who added that the lesson would also accumulate experience for similar larger activities. 语篇导读 本文是记叙文。全文讲述了中国宇航员首次太空授课的情况。 1(What's the best title for the passage? A(Chinese astronaut gives the first space lecture B(Students watch Shenzhou-? spacecraft C(What the conditions are like in space D(Ordinary people act like martial art masters 解析:A 主旨大意题。本文讲述了中国宇航员首次太空授课的情况。其他选项有的在文章中提到但不是全文重点讲述的内容。 2(The lecture given in space is intended for _. A(students from Beijing B(students from special areas C(students all over the country D(students interested in the space module 解析:C 细节理解题。从第三段最后一句可知这次讲课是面向全国师生的。 3(From the passage we can know that _. A(special training makes the astronauts stay in the air like martial art masters B(astronauts are experiencing weightless conditions when in space C(astronauts are showing to the students how they study and live in space D(the Newton's second law of motion proves to be wrong in space 解析:B 推理判断题。从第四段最后一句可知他们展现的是处于失重状态下的情形。 4(Why does astronaut Wang Yaping give the lecture in space? A(To show us what weightless conditions are like. B(To give a further explanation of weightlessness. C(To show it is not easy to stay in space at present. D(To make more of us interested in space science. 解析:D 推理判断题。从文章最后一段可知此次太空授课的目的是让更多人对太空科学感兴趣。 (2016?武汉部分重点中学高一联考)Do you keep getting fired,You say you don't have any idea why this keeps happening to you. It must be that all your ex-bosses were losers or that you just had bad luck,right,Hmm. That's probably not it. Take an honest look at your behavior and ask yourself if you might be to blame for your repeated job loss. Only after you do this can you take the actions necessary to change this pattern.5._ 6(_ Do you take pride in your work or do you not care how it turns out,If you are more interested in simply completing a project than in doing it well,you may have just found the root of your problem. Most bosses do not want to pay employees(雇员) whose work is poor.If you are careless or if you make a lot of mistakes,you will have to change your ways. You Aren't Completing Work on Time 7(_ As they say,time is money. Employees who can't complete work as quickly as required cause problems for their employers. Is this your problem? You can solve it by improving your time management(管理) skills. Learn how to perfect your work. You Don't Get Along with Your Co-workers Are you always getting into disagreements with your co-workers? 8._ As workers become distracted(注意力分散的) from their work,productivity declines. Obviously this concerns employers who will want to fire anyone responsible for the disagreement. 9._you don't even have to like them allbut if you don't want to keep getting fired,try to have good working relationships(关系)( A(Do you find it difficult to stick to deadlines? B(You Aren't Doing Your Work Well C(You Are Unwilling to Take on Difficult Projects D(Let's explore some things that may be causing you to keep getting fired. E(When employees don't get along with one another,workplaces suffer. F(You don't have to love everyone with whom you work G(If you are unable to manage your anger at work,your boss is likely to see you as a trouble. 语篇导读 本文是篇说明文。文章简要介绍了几种老板可能解雇你的原因。 5(解析:D 根据下文中的几个小标题可知此空应该是总结概括可能被老板解雇的原因。因此D项“让我们看看有哪些事情可能导致你总是被解雇”符合语境。 6(解析:B 从本段中的poorcarelessmistakes等关键词可以看出本段主要讲你的工作做得不好故选B项。 7(解析:A 根据本段的小标题可知本段主要讲无法准时完成任务。A项“你认为在最后期限前完成任务困难吗”与小标题相呼应故选A项。 8(解析:E 根据本段的小标题可知本段主要讲同事之间的相处故E项“当你和同事不能和谐相处的话工作场所就会变糟”符合语境。另外E项的句型也和该空后一句的句型相似。 9(解析:F 根据空后的“you don't even have to like them all”可知F项“你不必喜欢和你一起工作的每一个人”符合语境。 ?.语法填空 (2016?山西省实验中学高一质检) W:1._ do you think of the football match we 2._(watch) yesterday afternoon? M:Very 3._(excite). The two teams did very well in the match and it was really 4._ close game. W:I enjoyed it very much too. I have never seen a more interesting game so far this year. M:I had expected it to be a wonderful match because 5._ of the teams had excellent players. W:I'm sorry I missed the first part of it. M:You were late for the match? What for? W:I was filled with anxiety to see the match and fell 6._ my bike on the way. My leg hurt,7._ I had to ride my bike slowly.It took me quite some time before I got to the sports field. M:I'm sorry 8._(hear) that. How about your leg? It didn't hurt very 9._(serious)( W:M:You should have seen a doctor first. How long were you late for the match? What time was it when you got to the sports field? W:When I got to the sports field,10._ was already three twenty. M:Three twenty,Oh,you were twenty minutes late for the match. You missed a wonderful part of the match. W:Yeah. It was really a pity. 语篇导读 本文是关于足球赛的对话。对话双方都认为这场球赛非常精彩但对话一方因受伤而错过了比赛精彩的开头两人都为此感到遗憾。 1(What 解析:考查固定句型。你认为我们昨天下午看的足球赛怎么样,What do you think of ,64.24.8生活中的数3 P30-35你认为怎么样,为固定句型。 其中点在圆上的数量特征是重点,它可用来证明若干个点共圆,方法就是证明这几个点与一个定点、的距离相等。2(watched (5)直角三角形的内切圆半径解析:考查动词的时态。根据句中的yesterday afternoon可知应用一般过去时。 3(exciting 解析:考查词形转换。根据上文可知此处指足球赛令人很兴奋。exciting令人兴奋的。 4(a 解析:考查冠词。那是一场双方实力很接近的比赛。此处表示泛指且close的发音是以(2)顶点式:辅音音素开头的故用冠词a。 <0 <=> 抛物线与x轴有0个交点(无交点);5(both 当a越大,抛物线开口越小;当a越小,抛物线的开口越大。解析:考查代词。因为两队都有优秀的队员。both两者都。 6(off 解析:考查介词。在路上“我”从自行车上摔了下来。fall off从掉下来。 圆内接四边形的性质: 圆内接四边形的对角互补;7(so (二)空间与图形解析:考查连词。我腿疼所以我只好慢慢骑自行车。前后分句之间是因果关系故填so。 8(to_hear (1)二次函数的图象(抛物线)与x轴的两个交点的横坐标x1,x2是对应一解析:考查非谓语动词。“I'm sorry to hear that”为习惯用法“我为此感到抱歉”。 9(seriously 第一章 直角三角形边的关系解析:考查词形转换。分析句子结构可知这里应用副词修饰谓语动词故填seriously。 10(it 解析:考查代词。当“我”到达运动场时时间已经是3:20了。此处代指时间应用it。


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