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    高中英语同步教案unit5 music(听说课)(人教新课标必修)x-x高中英语同步教案:Unit5 Music,听说课,人教新课标必修2, Book 2 Unit 5 Music Period 1 warming up listening and speaking 教学设计 教 学 内 容 分 析 教学内容 英语必修2 Unit 5 Music 音乐 课 型 听说课 授课时教学对象 高一, 7 ,班 40分钟 授课教师 长 本单元话题是“音乐”和“音乐类型”。 本课为单元第1课时。是由“Warming-up,热身,”, “Listening,听力,”和“speaking,口语,”三部分整合而成的一节关于“音乐教学内 以及音乐风格”的听说课。在“Warming-up”和“Listening ”的过程容分析 中,老师培养学生对某一话题的总结能力以及在听力过程中“速读,预测,定位,速记,精听”的能力;在“Speaking”的过程中提高学生的口语表达能力。 1. 学习并能运用有关音乐以及音乐风格的词汇 Classical music, Rock n Roll, Orchestra, Rap, Folk Music, Jazz, Country music, ChoralRhythms, musical instruments 语言知识2. 学习一些英语句型 目标 Pop music makes me feel happy/ cheerful .I prefer/hate classical music because it makes me feel calm/ sleepy.教学目标 I enjoy/ appreciate the song because 1. 通过学习,培养学生关于描述音乐以及音乐风格的英语语言运用能力; 能 力 目 2. 通过课前的探究以及知识测试,培养学生收集、整合标 信息的能力。 3. 通过听力指导,培养学生“速读,预测,定位,速记”的能力。 4. 通过小组讨论,培养学生的自主学习不合作学习的能力。 5. 通过“学生汇报”的活劢,培养学生组织语言运用语言的能力。 1. 让学生了解音乐,热爱音乐。 情感态度2. 提高学生的音乐鉴赏能力,促进学生热爱生活。 目标 任务型教学习方技巧指导,学生讨教学方法 教学媒体 幻灯片 学法 式 论 教学重点 音乐风格介绉以及测试,听力练习。 教学难点 教授如何运用听力技巧,完成高难的听力练习。 1,不同音频介绉音乐。 课堂活动 2,学生表演。 课 堂 教 学 过 程 时 步 教师、学生活动 设 计 意 图 间 骤 教师用几个问题和1首歌 导入新课 T: Morning, Guys, what would you like to do if you were free today? 1.通过一首歌引入教师说:大家好,如果今天放假,你想做什么呢? 导 话题,激发学生5 T: Maybe, you can listen to some music while you 入 的兴趣。 分 are free. Now, lets enjoy a song-<Lemon tree>. 新 2.通过这首歌的风Can you guess what music style it belongs to? 钟 格引入 “音乐风课 教师说:也许我们可以在放假时听听歌,现在我们来欣格”的话题。 赏一首歌-柠檬树。你们能猜测这首歌属于什么音乐风格吗? 学生活动:听歌,进入话题的讨论及学习。 1.通过图片以及文字介绉各种音乐风格 1.通过图片和文字音10 介绉让学生对各乐2.通过音频播放,让学生进一步体会,分辨不同的音乐分 种音乐风格先有风风格。 一个了解 格钟 T: Guys, can you name more music styles? 介2.通过听音乐,让绉 Now, lets come to more information about 学生学会赏析以different music styles. 及分辩各种音乐风格。 教师说:你们能说出更多的音乐风格吗? 我们来进一步了解这些音乐风格吧。 ( 1) Choral 合唱 (2) Country music 乡村音乐 (3) Rap 说唱 (4) Rock n Roll 摇滚 (5) Classical music 古典音乐 ,6,Orchestra 交响乐 ,7,Jazz 爵士乐 ,8.,Folk music 民乐 学生活动:全班通过图文以及音频介绉,总结各种音乐风格。 T: Different people may like different music styles, while different music styles may have different effect on people. 听学生完成“ 莫扎 Have you ever heard of the “Mozart effect”?力特效应”的听力Today, we are going to do a piece of listening 练测试同时,进一about it. 习11 步了解古典音乐以 分的作用。 及教师说:不同的音乐风格会对人们产生不同的影响。现钟 技 在我们来完成课本69页关于“莫扎特效应”的一个听巧通过听力练习,力。 指进行听力技巧指学生活动:忚速回答问题。,老师适当加以补充, 导 导。 听力3个部分练习 Pre-listening: Skim & predict While-listening: Locate answers Post-listening: Intensive listening. 听力技巧总结:,Review of listening strategies, 听1. Skim the key words. (速读) 力让学生巩固“听22. Predict the main idea. ( 预测 ) 技前”,”听中”, 分巧“听后”的技 3. Locate the signal words. ( 定位 ) 钟 总巧。 4. Quick answers. ( 速记) 结 5. Intensive listening. (精听) T: Do you believe in the Mozart effect? Do you like 1,通过小组讨论小classical music? 不汇报,加强学组Lets have a discussion! 1. What music style do 生的英语交流,讨10you like? Why? 小组合作的能论 分力。 2.Can you share one of your favorite 钟 及songs? 2,鼓励学生学会汇鉴赏音乐,并分教师说:你们相信“莫扎特效应”吗?你们喜欢古典音报 享自己最喜欢的乐吗? 我们来讨论一下:1.你喜欢那种音乐风格? 音乐。 2.请介绉分享一首你最喜欢的歌曲。 Play a video You Raise Me Up, and make a 2总conclusion. 分 总结升华 结 钟 视频播放你鼓舞了我,总结音乐在生活中重要性。 作Homework: Finish more information about your 课后作业 业 favorite music or songs.必修2 Book2 Unit 5 Music教学反思 This text is a type of listening and speaking, which provides students with an example of how different multiple intelligences can work together to help the way students learn. In this exercise, students discover the connection between musical and mathematical intelligence. First of all, I want to talk about the advantages of this lesson. I offered different kinds of pictures for students to review some kinds of music styles and provided some key words for students before their listening. I also gave Ss some background information about Mozart and Mozart Effect so that Ss could easily get a better understanding of the content of this lesson. Before their listening, I taught Ss some basic listening tips which would be helpful for them in their listening. After listening, I organized Ss to make a dialogue with their partner so that they could practice their speaking skills and put what they have learned into practice. Secondly, there are also some disadvantages in the lesson. Firstly, there was not enough time for Students to demonstrate their dialogue. Secondly, It took lots of time for me to lead in the lesson, which should be shortened next time in my lesson planning. Thirdly, some of the listening questions were a little difficult for Ss. So next time I should pay attention to making assessment carefully. x-x高中英语同步教案:Unit5 Music,学习语言,人教新课标必修2, Unit 5 music Using language教案 Teaching goals 教学目标 1. Target language目标语言 a. 重点词汇及短语 stick to, ability, perform, above all, come up with b. 重点句型 1) Im honored that. 2) As you know, our band was formed in an unusual way. 2. Ability goals 能力目标 a. Enable the students to write an e-mail. b. Enable the students to write a passage to introduce folk music. Teaching important points 教学重点 1. Get the students to be familiar with the steps to write an e-mail and a passage. 2. Get the students to write about some music. Teaching difficult points 教学难点 1. How to write a good e-mail. 2. How to write a fluent passage. Teaching methods 教学斱法 1. Task-based method to help the students to organize their writing. 2. Pair work or group work to get every student to work in class. Teaching aids 教具准备 1. A projector and some slides 2. A multiple-media computer Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程不斱式 Step ? Revision Greetings Revision Step ? Writing Task 1 Read Freddys reply write an e-mail T: Please turn to writing. Lets read the instructions. You and your friends want to start your own band. However, you have never played before. You write an e-mail to Freddy for his advice. Now first lets read Freddys reply and answer the questions: 1. How was Freddys band formed? 2. What advice does Freddy give? After several minutes T: Have you found out your answers? Any volunteer? S1: His band was formed in an unusual way. S2: First he advises Li Hua to think what kind of music he would like to play and decide on the name of the band- something different. Then he advises him to make a special time for practicing and stick to it. At last he advises him to give some performances to get some ideas on his musical ability. T: Now Id like you to discuss the questions you want to ask Freddy in pairs, make a list of them, and write Freddy a letter to ask him for his advice. First discuss the questions you want to ask in pairs. Usually we write a letter according to the following tips. Show the following on the screen. Writing tips 1. Think of some questions you would like to ask Freddy. 2. Make a list of them. 3. Use each question to start a new paragraph. 4. Add some extra information to show Freddy why you need some help. 5. Finish the letter politely and thank Freddy for his help. T: Could you tell me the questions? S1: How was his band formed? Should we play only one kind of music or not? S2: How to get some ideas on our musical abilities? S3: To form a band, what is the first thing for us to do? T: Good. You have come up with the questions that you want to ask Freddy. Now make a list of them and write your letter. Pay attention to the form of an e-mail. Possible version 1 Dear Freddy, My name is Li Hua. Im beginning a band with my friends. However, we have never been in a band before. Could you please give us some advice? I would like to know how your band was formed. I think it is difficult to form a band. Could you please tell me how your band was formed? I think you must have done lots of work. We enjoy music and being famous, but that is not enough. There is a lot of work to be done to form a band. Should we discuss with each other about the music that well play? We enjoy performing music, but we are not sure how well well perform. Whats your opinion about it? Could you give us some advice? Well be grateful for your help. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, Li Hua Possible Version 2 Dear Freddy, My name is Li Hua. Im beginning a band with my friends. However, we have never been in a band before. Would you please give us some advice? What should we do first? We can play several kinds of music. Is it necessary for us to play all of them? We want to get on well and enjoy all the claps after the performances. If we are to form a band, what should we do next? Sometimes we are not confident about our performances. Once we put on a good performance but we are not quite sure about our abilities. Could you give us some good advice? Well thank you a lot for your help. Im looking forward to your advice. Yours sincerely, Li Hua Language focus 1. Im honored that . means that I feel it is an honor that. Im honored that you come to our party. 2. As you know, our band was formed in a very unusual way: You know that our band was formed in a very unusual way. 1) As we all know, the earth travels around the sun. 2) As is known to us all, Lu Xun was a famous revolutionary writer. 3. come up with: think of You have come up with a good idea. 4. stick to: be faithful to Whatever you say, Ill still stick to my plan. 5. above all: more than anything else We mustnt waste anything. Above all, we mustnt waste time. Step ? Writing Task (page 74) Task 2. Discuss the best way to tell a foreign friend about one kind of Chinese folk music and then write a paragraph telling your friends about the type of Chinese folk music you have chosen. In this part, the teacher can ask the students to discuss in pairs about the questions on page 74. Make sure they list the points of their discussion, and then ask them to write a passage. T: Turn to page 74, lets look at the writing task here. Id like you to discuss the following questions in pairs: Show the questions on the slide and allow the students enough time to do this work 1. How to tell a foreigner about one kind of Chinese folk music? 2. What do they need to know before they can enjoy it? 3. Why do you like it? 4. Who is your favourite singer? T: Have you finished your discussion? S1: Yes. I think we should tell them folk music is best liked in China. Before they enjoy it, they need to know the types of Chinese folk music. Born in the North, I like the north folk music in China, and I like its content which reveals the life of the people in the north. Peng Liyuan is my favourite folk music singer. S2: Yes. I think we should tell them how folk music was developed and what it is about. I like the south folk music. I like to learn about the culture in South China. Li Shuangjiang, Jiang Dawei, Peng Liyuan, Song Zuying are my favourite folk music singers. T: Now list your points and write a passage to tell your foreign friends about the Chinese folk music. Possible version 1 Chinese Folk Music Folk music is one kind of music that Chinese like best. Some tells us something about interesting places and exciting things to do. Some tells about people at work, at play, and in workshop. Other music tells about love of country, love of nature, and love of home. Usually there are two major styles, when we discuss Han Chinese Folk music. One is the north and the other is the south. The north is cold, dry, and windy. The hardships of life are reflected in the high-pitched, tense, and agitated style of folk song. The south, on the other hand, has mild weather and much rain. Life seems to be easier, and the folk songs of the south are generally lyrical and gentle in nature.I like the folk music in North China. From the songs I can see people in the north are hard- working and brave, they love our motherland, and in the songs they express their deep feelings. Peng Liyuan who is famous for her song Mount Yimeng Manor, Whoever Doesnt Say Our Home is Good and Song Zuying who is famous for her song Good Times are my favourite folk singers. I like listening to their voices and their songs sing out our feelings about our country, our life, and our dreams. Possible version 2 Chinese Folk Music Folk music is a kind of music that has been passed down from generation to generation. At first it did not appear in the written form, but in the oral form. People learnt the songs from their relatives, neighbors and friends, not from the book. Early performers used to learn hundreds of songs by heart. Most of the songs were about country life, the seasons, animals, plants as well as love and sadness in peoples lives. Because I like to learn the south culture, I like the south folk music. There are lots of famous folk music singers in China, for example, Li Shuangjiang, Jiang Dawei, Peng Liyuan, Song Zuying, etc. My favorite folk singer is Song Zuying. Her voice is very sweet. Most of her songs are about the life of the people in South Chinese and are very popular. She expresses deep feelings in her songs. Step ? Assignment Consolidation: T: Today weve learned how to write an e-mail and the steps to write a passage. After class, please finish the following homework: 1. Go over this unit and finish the work: SUMMING UP on page40. 2. Preview Unit 11. x-x高中英语同步教案:Unit5 Music,打包,人教新课标必修2, Unit 5 Music 教学设计 Period 1: Warming up and reading Teaching Aims ?To learn to talk about kinds of music ?To learn to read about bands ?To study The Attributive Clause (in/ for/ with/ by,which/ whom) ?To learn to write an e-mail Procedures I. Warming up Warming up by describing Good morning, class. Today we are going to talk about an interesting topic - music. As we know, music is a kind of art of making pleasing combinations of sounds in rhythm, harmony and counterpoint. Music can produce a lively and happy atmosphere and bring people relaxation after hard work, which can reduce the tiredness. Listening to music also makes people feel happy and nice. How many do you know about music? Can you tell about different kinds of music? Now turn to page 33, look at the pictures, read the captions and listen to the different kinds of music. See if you can guess which music matches with which picture. Warming up by discussing Hi, everyone. Do you like music? How much do you know about music? Can you tell about the different kinds of music? Please turn to page 33. Look at the pictures. Lets listen to some music. Lets see if you can guess which music matches with which picture. Classical music Country music Rock n Roll Rap Orchestra Folk music Yes, you are right. Im sure you will really enjoy yourselves after listening to all these beautiful music. What kind of music do you like better, Chinese or W


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