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    六年级体育教案全集 2体 育 课 教 案 六年级 第 1 周 第 1 课次 年 月 日 教材内容;1、年级目标 2、体育、卫生保健基础知识 (课间十分钟休息的作用) 课的任务:1、了解本年级的学习目的及考核、标准 2、初步了解课间十分钟休息的作用, 部次时教学内容 课 的 内 容 组 织 教 法 与 要 求 数 间 与方法 分 课堂常规。 组织形式:室内教学 3 要求:精神饱满、思想集中 1师生问好 a、抽查假期活动情况 2宣布上课内容 b、表扬在假期中坚持锻炼的同学及优秀6 及要求 活动小组 培养学生, 自觉遵守纪 调查假期体6律的好习惯 体育卫生基础知识、田径、体操、游戏、育锻炼情况 ,培养学生 小球类、武术、韵 活动和舞蹈、 7 学习积极 发展身体素质练习、选用教材 性 要求: 简单介绍本学1、站队 听铃声准时到操场指 期教材内容 5定位置集合,由体委整队进行检查。 , 6 2、考勤、病、事假应向体育老师请 假,未向老师请假也未到操场上课者,按1节旷课处理 对本学期课3、服装、夏季,男、 生一律穿短堂常规提出裤、球鞋;冬季,一律穿便装,特殊情要求 况听老师安排。 4、纪律严格遵守体育老师提出的要 求,在指定区域内活动。 design and construction issues. Practice of a large number of projects at home and abroad show that many of the most dangerous phase of the project is not in use, but during the construction phase and aging stage. For many construction accidents often occur during the construction phase, and because in addition to the construction quality assurance, unreasonable change in construction methods, human error and other reasons, one of the main reasons is due to the environment, geology, load factors, such as lack of knowledge led to the design and construction of certain errors and negligence. Deep Foundation pit engineering comprehensive technology is associated with many factors, is a systems engineering problem, must have a structural mechanics, soil mechanics, Foundation, Foundation treatment, in-situ testing and other subjects, and has extensive experience in construction, combined with the proposed venue of soil and environmental conditions, to develop local support structures and the implementation of the programme approach. It and engineering survey and support structure design, excavation, Foundation stability, dewatering, construction management, field monitoring, adjacent venue construction interaction and so on. Foundation design and construction related to geological conditions, geotechnical properties, environment, engineering, climate change, groundwater, construction procedures and methods, and many complex issues related to the business, is to be perfect, mature and comprehensive technology for the development of. Depending on the nature of engineering, hydrogeology, environmental conditions and rational design; 介绍本学期考考核项目:1、400米(途中跑) 7 核项目、标准 , 2、单双手向前推抛实心球 8 标准:教材或 3、跳远 大纲 要求:认真记录 学校每节课之间都要安排十分钟休息,并要求大家走出教室,进行体育活动。你知二、课间十分8道其中的作用和道理吗, ,钟休息的作 9 用 作用:1 使大脑从紧张转向轻松 (人的大脑各有分工,当思考问题是,管理思维活动的 这部分细胞就工作(也称“兴奋”),这时管理肌肉活动的细胞就处于休息状态(也成“抑制”);如果学习时间长了,管理思维活动的细小结讲评 胞就会疲劳,工作能力下降。这是如果活动宣布下次内 活动身体,那 管理肌肉活动的细胞就会兴奋起来,相反,管理思维活动的细胞就会减弱,容布置作业 同时得到休息。 2 2 使脑部供血充足 (脑部所消耗的氧气,约占全身需要量的四分之一,如果血液流去3 的少,氧就会出现供血不足现象。 3 使全身得到放松 (在教师学习,身体基本处于静态状况。时间长了常常会感到颈,背,腰 ,肌肉疲劳)。 怎样解决: 开展课间体育活动那在课间,适当的进行体育活动,是积极休息,消除疲劳的有效措施。 作业: (课堂完成) 课 后 小 节 场地器材 ions and rational design;conditure and comprehensive technology for the development of. Depending on the nature of engineering, hydrogeology, environmental nge, groundwater, construction procedures and methods, and many complex issues related to the business, is to be perfect, matte chaFoundation design and construction related to geological conditions, geotechnical properties, environment, engineering, climandation stability, dewatering, construction management, field monitoring, adjacent venue construction interaction and so on. n, Foutructures and the implementation of the programme approach. It and engineering survey and support structure design, excavatioexperience in construction, combined with the proposed venue of soil and environmental conditions, to develop local support ssitu testing and other subjects, and has extensive -ve a structural mechanics, soil mechanics, Foundation, Foundation treatment, inoundation pit engineering comprehensive technology is associated with many factors, is a systems engineering problem, must haDeep Fnment, geology, load factors, such as lack of knowledge led to the design and construction of certain errors and negligence. nce, unreasonable change in construction methods, human error and other reasons, one of the main reasons is due to the enviroassurar many construction accidents often occur during the construction phase, and because in addition to the construction quality how that many of the most dangerous phase of the project is not in use, but during the construction phase and aging stage. Fodesign and construction issues. Practice of a large number of projects at home and abroad s2 体 育 课 教 案 六年级 第 1 周 第 2 课次 年 月 日 教材内容;1、棍棒操 3、高抬腿跑 课的任务:1、使学生掌握后4节棍棒操的动作,矫正学生的身体姿势 2、改进跑的技术和跑时大腿高抬的能力 3、培养学生棍棒操的常规意识和习惯 部次时教学内容 课 的 内 容 组 织 教 法 与 要 求 数 间 与方法 分 培养学生,课堂常规。 组织:如图 * * * * * * * * * * 自觉遵守纪1体育队长整 开 * * * * * * * * * * 律的好习惯 队,报告人数 # # # # # # # # # # 42师生问好 # # # # # # # # # # 始 * 3宣布上课内容 要求:学生集合快整齐 4检查服装,2 部组织:学生成四路纵队行进 安排见习生 , 教法:教师口令学生练习 5队列练习 3 分 要求:动作整齐、 立定、稍息、 次 精神饱满 培养学生 组织:体操队形 新广播操 学习积极 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (一) 性 # # # # # # # # # # 1,5 # # # # # # # # # # 1、伸展运动 每 * 节6 准 2、头部运动 4 ,要求:1、充分伸展、臂、腿屈伸动作 , 7 备 3、扩胸运动 8 部 2、颈、肩放松,上下肢协调配合 拍 3、体侧运动 分 3、扩胸动作幅度大,上体正直 5、体转运动 4、体侧屈身体保持平衡,手臂协调配合 5、转体时较不能移动, 重心在两脚 maturechange, groundwater, construction procedures and methods, and many complex issues related to the business, is to be perfect, ndation design and construction related to geological conditions, geotechnical properties, environment, engineering, climate n. FouFoundation stability, dewatering, construction management, field monitoring, adjacent venue construction interaction and so octures and the implementation of the programme approach. It and engineering survey and support structure design, excavation, nvironmental conditions, to develop local support strusitu testing and other subjects, and has extensive experience in construction, combined with the proposed venue of soil and e-a structural mechanics, soil mechanics, Foundation, Foundation treatment, inhave p Foundation pit engineering comprehensive technology is associated with many factors, is a systems engineering problem, mustnt, geology, load factors, such as lack of knowledge led to the design and construction of certain errors and negligence. Deeironmeurance, unreasonable change in construction methods, human error and other reasons, one of the main reasons is due to the envany construction accidents often occur during the construction phase, and because in addition to the construction quality asss phase of the project is not in use, but during the construction phase and aging stage. For mdesign and construction issues. Practice of a large number of projects at home and abroad show that many of the most dangerou3itions and rational design;and comprehensive technology for the development of. Depending on the nature of engineering, hydrogeology, environmental cond 棍棒操 组织;学生集体练习 一、要点:1、上 教法:1、介绍操特点作用 听从指挥 举手伸高、 2、教持棒方法、3、分解动作练习 11 2 身体伸展 基 4、完整动作练习5、四节操的复习 / 3 2、半蹲、屈12 1 学练法:1、理解听讲 肘于胸前 3 集体意识 本 2、掌握体会。 3、体会动作路线 3、向前上方 2 4、体会连贯动作。5、巩固复习 棒触脚尖 4、左右转体 要求:动作路线清楚、规范到位 脚不移动 部 组织:学生散开成体操队形 教法: 学练法: 1 1、教师讲解示范 1、学生观察听讲 二、 1-2 2、两腿交换高抬腿 2、体会高重心 高抬腿跑 分 13 1-2 不怕苦 3、斜支撑两腿交换 抬大腿 / 要求;大腿 蹬抬 3、体会蹬抬腿 14 2-3 克服困难 高抬、重心、 4、原地高抬腿练习 4、体会蹬伸 2 上提 2-3 5、行进间高抬腿 5、体会连贯高抬腿 6、加速跑练习 6、改进跑的动作 要求;练习步幅小、步频快 1成四列横队结1放松练习 集合 束2教师评定本课优缺点 2教师小结 3 部3收拾器材 3收器材 分 4师生再见 4宣布下课 课 后 小 节 次 场地105110 平均脉搏予计 体操棒每个学生一根 分 器材 练习密度予计 3035% conditure and comprehensive technology for the development of. Depending on the nature of engineering, hydrogeology, environmental nge, groundwater, construction procedures and methods, and many complex issues related to the business, is to be perfect, matte chaFoundation design and construction related to geological conditions, geotechnical properties, environment, engineering, climandation stability, dewatering, construction management, field monitoring, adjacent venue construction interaction and so on. n, Foutructures and the implementation of the programme approach. It and engineering survey and support structure design, excavatioexperience in construction, combined with the proposed venue of soil and environmental conditions, to develop local support ssitu testing and other subjects, and has extensive -ve a structural mechanics, soil mechanics, Foundation, Foundation treatment, inoundation pit engineering comprehensive technology is associated with many factors, is a systems engineering problem, must haDeep Fnment, geology, load factors, such as lack of knowledge led to the design and construction of certain errors and negligence. nce, unreasonable change in construction methods, human error and other reasons, one of the main reasons is due to the enviroassurar many construction accidents often occur during the construction phase, and because in addition to the construction quality how that many of the most dangerous phase of the project is not in use, but during the construction phase and aging stage. Fodesign and construction issues. Practice of a large number of projects at home and abroad s4ions and rational design; 体 育 课 教 案 六 年级 第 1 周 第 3 课次 年 月 日 教材内容;1、棍棒操 2、后蹬跑 课的任务:1、使学生掌握后4节棍棒操的动作,矫正学生的身体姿势 2、改进跑的后蹬技术,提高跑时的后蹬能力,发展腿部力量 3、培养学生听从指挥和集体主义作风 部次时教学内容 课 的 内 容 组 织 教 法 与 要 求 数 间 与方法 分 培养学生,课堂常规。 组织:如图 * * * * * * * * * * 自觉遵守纪1体育队长整 * * * * * * * * * * 律的好习惯 开 队,报告人数 # # # # # # # # # # 2师生问好 # # # # # # # # # # 4 * 3宣布上课内容 始 要求:学生集合快整齐 4检查服装, 组织:学生成四路纵队行进 部安排见习生 2 教法:教师口令、 5队列练习 , 学生练习 稍息、立定 3 分 要求:动作快速、 次 整齐、有力 培养学生 组织:散开成体操队形 新广播操 学习积极 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (一) 每 性 # # # # # # # # # # 1,5 节 # # # # # # # # # # 1、伸展运动 4 * 准 , 要求:1、充分伸展、臂、腿屈伸动作 备 2、头部运动 8 6拍 /部 3、扩胸运动 7 2、颈、肩放松,上下肢协调配合 分 4、体侧运动 3、扩胸动作幅度大,上体正直 5、体转运动 4、 体侧屈身体保持平衡, 手臂协调配合 5、转体时较不能移动, 重心在两脚 maturechange, groundwater, construction procedures and methods, and many complex issues related to the business, is to be perfect, ndation design and construction related to geological conditions, geotechnical properties, environment, engineering, climate n. FouFoundation stability, dewatering, construction management, field monitoring, adjacent venue construction interaction and so octures and the implementation of the programme approach. It and engineering survey and support structure design, excavation, nvironmental conditions, to develop local support strusitu testing and other subjects, and has extensive experience in construction, combined with the proposed venue of soil and e-a structural mechanics, soil mechanics, Foundation, Foundation treatment, inhave p Foundation pit engineering comprehensive technology is associated with many factors, is a systems engineering problem, mustnt, geology, load factors, such as lack of knowledge led to the design and construction of certain errors and negligence. Deeironmeurance, unreasonable change in construction methods, human error and other reasons, one of the main reasons is due to the envany construction accidents often occur during the construction phase, and because in addition to the construction quality asss phase of the project is not in use, but during the construction phase and aging stage. For mdesign and construction issues. Practice of a large number of projects at home and abroad show that many of the most dangerou5itions and rational design;and comprehensive technology for the development of. Depending on the nature of engineering, hydrogeology, environmental cond 棍棒操 一、组织;学生集体练习 2 要点:1、上教法:1、复习前四节动作 1 体侧屈膝、2、教师讲解示范 3、分解动作练习 11 2-3 基 直不提踵 / 1 4、完整动作练习 5、全套操练习 12 2、提前屈用学练法:1、复习、巩固 1 本 棒触脚起立2、观察建立定势 2 后振 3、学习动作方法路线 3、模仿举 4、掌握连贯完整动作 部 重、全身用 勇敢 5、复习巩固提高质量 力 要求:动作路线清楚规范到位 克服困难 4、两脚前后 组织:学生成四列体操队形 开立跳轻快 分 13 教法: 学练法: / 1、教师示范讲解 1、学生观察理解 14 1 2、弓箭步走练习 2、体会后蹬、送髋 1-2 2-3 3、双脚交换跳转 3、体会蹬摆 三、后蹬跑 入小步幅跳 2-3 4、10,15后蹬跑 4、上下肢的配合协调 要求;摆动3-4 5、后蹬跑过渡到 5、实践体会跑动中 腿屈膝、积加速跑练习 的蹬摆 极向前抬摆 要求;蹬摆积极有力、上下肢协调 1成四列横队结1放松练习 集合 束2教师评定本课优缺点 2教师小结 3 部3收拾器材 3收器材 分 4师生再见 4宣布下课 课 后 小 节 次 场105120 地平均脉搏予计 棍棒学生每人一根 分 器材 练习密度予计 3035% conditure and comprehensive technology for the development of. Depending on the nature of engineering, hydrogeology, environmental nge, groundwater, construction procedures and methods, and many complex issues related to the business, is to be perfect, matte chaFoundation design and construction related to geological conditions, geotechnical properties, environment, engineering, climandation stability, dewatering, construction management, field monitoring, adjacent venue construction interaction and so on. n, Foutructures and the implementation of the programme approach. It and engineering survey and support structure design, excavatioexperience in construction, combined with the proposed venue of soil and environmental conditions, to develop local support ssitu testing and other subjects, and has extensive -ve a structural mechanics, soil mechanics, Foundation, Foundation treatment, inoundation pit engineering comprehensive technology is associated with many factors, is a systems engineering problem, must haDeep Fnment, geology, load factors, such as lack of knowledge led to the design and construction of certain errors and negligence. nce, unreasonable change in construction methods, human error and other reasons, one of the main reasons is due to the enviroassurar many construction accidents often occur during the construction phase, and because in addition to the construction quality how that many of the most dangerous phase of the project is not in use, but during the construction phase and aging stage. Fodesign and construction issues. Practice of a large number of projects at home and abroad s6ions and rational design; 体 育 课 教 案 六 年级 第 2 周 第 4 课次 年 月 日 教材内容;1、爬竿 3、3050米加速跑 课的任务:1、使学生初步掌握“三拍”爬竿的方法,发展上肢力量和灵敏素质 2、改进学生跑的正确姿势,发展快速跑的能力 3、培养学生的相互合作的集体主义作风 部次时教学内容 课 的 内 容 组 织 教 法 与 要 求 数 间 与方法 分 培养学生,课堂常规。 组织:如图 * * * * * * * * * * 自觉遵守纪1体育队长整 * * * * * * * * * * 律的好习惯 队,报告人数 # # # # # # # # # # 42师生问好 # # # # # # # # # # * 3宣布上课内容 开 要求:学生集合迅速整齐 4检查服装, 安排见习生 2 始组织:学生成四路纵队行进 5队列练习 , 立正、稍息 3 部教法:教师口令、 次 学生练习 分 要求:队伍整齐、 步伐一致 新广播操 培养学生 准 组织:散开成体操队形 (一) 学习积极 备 6,9 每 性 部 节 6、踢腿运动 4 6分 , ,要求:1、直膝、绷脚面,上体正直 7、全身运动 8 7 拍 2、弓步幅度大,全蹲充分团身 8、跳跃运动 3、快速蹬地跳起,缓冲落地 9、整理运动 动作协调 4、动作自然放松,上下肢 协调配合,注意调节呼吸 change, groundwater, construction procedures and methods, and many complex issues related to the business, is to be perfect, ndation design and construction related to geological conditions, geotechnical properties, environment, engineering, climate n. FouFoundation stability, dewatering, construction management, field monitoring, adjacent venue construction interaction and so octures and the implementation of the programme approach. It and engineering survey and support structure design, excavation, nvironmental conditions, to develop local support strusitu testing and other subjects, and has extensive experience in construction, combined with the proposed venue of soil and e-a structural mechanics, soil mechanics, Foundation, Foundation treatment, inhave p Foundation pit


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