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    初中新世纪版英语七年级下册单词短语总结Myra汇编新世纪英语 7B U1L2- Seasons 季节, talk about 谈论 某事 Unit One Science in English U1L1- Weather 天气 talk with 和某人交谈 天气怎么样, Whats the weather like ? = How is the weather ? at the English corner 在英语角 什么什么怎么样, What is sth like,= How is sth. , most of the time / students 大部分时间 / 同学 温度是多少, Whats the temperature? enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 in summer 在夏季 该去上学了。 It is a good time to go to school. favourite season 最喜欢的季节; 该上课了。It is a good time for class. make sandcastles 堆沙子城堡; have / has been to SP 某人去过某地; blow away 吹走; fallen leaves 落叶; He has been to Shanghai。他去过上海。 去郊游 go for an outing; have / has gone to SP 某人去了某地; 堆雪人 make snowmen ;滑雪 go skiing; I have gone to Beijing。我去了北京。 滑滑板 riding skateboards ; 除此之外 Besides; 花儿正开放 Flowers are blooming; 天气类的单词: 户外活动 Outdoor activities; 晴天 sun-sunny;有雾 fog-foggy;有风wind-windy; 去春游 go for a spring outing; 有云cloud-cloudy;下雨rain-rainy ;下雪 snow-snowy; 去海边, Go to the beach; 有霜frost-frosty ; 在海里游泳 swim in the sea ; 一个很长的圣诞假期 a long Christmas holiday; 1. 一直,始终 all the time = always 游泳很棒 be good at swimming; 2. 在A和B之间 between A and B。 游泳衣(女) swimsuit; 游泳裤 swimming shorts; 3. 去某地度暑假/寒假 go to Sp. for summer/winter holidays ; 羽绒衫 down jacket; 商店橱窗 shop window; 4.for sightseeing/ fun 为了旅游/娱乐 室内 in door ; 室外 out door; 5.go sightseeing 去旅游 一件外套 an overcoat;一条裤子 a pair of trousers ;一条短裙 a skirt; 6.Why not + 动词原形, 为什么不 . 一条短裤 a pair of shorts;一件羊毛衫(罩衫)a sweater; =Why dont you + 动词原形, 一条围巾a scarf ; =What/How about + 动名词, 一双手套 a pair of gloves;一双脱靴 a pair of sandals; 7. 最高温度 the highest temperature;最低温度 一月 January ;二月 February;三月 March ;四月 April; the lowest temperature ; 五月 May ;六月 June;七月 July;八月 August;九月 September ; 8,天气预报 weather report; 十月 October;十一月 November ; 十二月 December; III. 句型 星期一 Monday ;星期二 Tuesday;星期三 Wednesday; 星期四 Thursday;星期五 Friday;星期六 Saturday;星期日 Sunday; 1 29,try to do sth 尝试做某事; U1L3 A Knowledge Quiz 一个知识测试 30,build a base on the moon 在月球上建一个基地 1. in the east/west/south/north 在东方 ; 31,have its own oxygen and water supply 2. travel to 到去旅游 ; 有自己的氧气和水的供应 3. useto do sth. 用做某事 ; 32,neednt wear spacesuit 不需要穿太空服; needto do sth. 需要做某事 ; 33,make longer trips to other planets from the base 4. in space 在太空; in space stations在空间站; 从基地旅行去更远的行星 5. at the same time 同时 ;at that time 在那时; 34,计划在月球上建造城市plan to build cities on the moon; 6. in this way 这样(用这种方法); 35,从地球去月球旅行travel to the moon from the earth; 7. 36,not have to 不必 = no need; 8. sothat 如此以致; 37,water turns into ice at 0? tooto 太而不能 ; 38,热水冷却比冷水快warm water freezes more quickly than cold water; (not)enough to (不)足够(不)能 ; 39,热水变成水蒸气warm water change to vapour; 9. be able to 能 (可用于各种时态) 有关数字的表示 = can (只用于现在和过去) 十 ten;百 hundred ;千 thousand ;十万 million ;十亿 billion ; 10. move around 绕行;围绕转 ; thousands of 成千上万的; 具体几千不加s: two thousand 两千; 11. have a good knowledge of 熟悉; 40,二分之一 a(one) half ;三分之一 a(one) third 或one-third; 12. well done 干得好;做得出色 ; 41,超过五分之三 more than three-fifths; 13. all the year round 一年到头,终年; 42,等于五分之三 equals three-fifths; 14. do an experiment 做实验 ; 43,四分之一 a(one) quarter或one-fourth ; 15. make a trip 去旅行 ; 44,四分之三 three quarters或three-fourths ; 16. in the 21st century 在二十一世纪 ; 45,五分之二加五分之一等于多少, 17. at first 首先 ; 18. turn into 变成 ; How much is two-fifths plus one-fifth, 19. 20. for oneself 亲自 ; 46,北极(洲)Arctic;南极(洲)Antarctica;亚马逊河 The Amazon; 21, star 恒星; planet 行星; satellite 卫星; 47,太阳和月亮,哪个离地球最近, ,the earth surface 地球表面; 22Which is nearer to our Earth,the sun or the moon? 23,correct 正确; right 对的; exactly 完全正确; 48, 24,quiz = test 小测验; 49, 25,东边升起 rise in the east ;西边降落 set in the west; 26,fifty years ago 五十年前; 27,for a long time 很长一段时间; 28,a bigger place 更大的地方; 2 仔细的检查喉咙 examine your throat carefully; Unit Two Health and Diet 很严重么, Anything serious, Unit 2-Lesson One Seeing the Doctor 担心 be worried about; have/get a fever 发热; 建议某人做某事 advise sb. to do sth.; a flu 得了流感; 待在床上 stay in bed ; 待在家里 stay at home; a cold 感冒; 去医院看病 go to hospital ; a headache 头痛; 去医院上班go to the hospital; a stomachache 胃痛; 在医院 at the hospital; a cough 咳嗽; 给某人忠告 give advice to sb.; a toothache 牙齿痛; 遵照某人的嘱咐 take ones advice; sore throat 喉咙痛; 整天/整夜 all day/night long; 感到好多了 feel better; 感到更糟 feel worse ; 给某人量体温 take ones temperature; 随便吃些鱼 help yourself to some fish; 张开嘴巴 open your mouth;服药,吃药take medicine; 不要拘束 make yourself at home; 起床get up; 醒来wake up ; 自言自语 said to oneself; 生病be ill / sick = get sick = fall ill; 身体太弱起不来 too weak to get up; Whats the matter? 怎么啦, 请病假 ask for sick leave; 很抱歉听到这些 Im sorry to hear that. 写病假条 write a sick leave note; 最好(不)做某事 had better (not) do sth. 你自己 yourself ; 你们自己 yourselves; 一天三次 three times a day; 他自己 himself ; 他们自己 themselves; 喝大量的水 drink plenty of water; 好好休息一下 take / have a good rest; 得到足够的睡眠 get enough sleep; 吃两片药 take two tablets; 三天一次 three times a day; 饭后 after meals; 吃清淡的饭菜 eat light meals; 不要吃太多的甜食 not eat too much sweet food; 参加旅行团去北京 take a package tour to Beijing; 登记入住 check in; 登记退房 check out; 旅行团 tour group; 导游 tour guide; 四星级酒店 a four-star hotel; 3 你一点也不高兴。You are not happy at all。 Unit 2-Lesson Two A Healthy Diet 13,一个平衡的饮食 a balanced diet ; 1, diet n. 饮食,节食; 14, 得到一些吃的东西 get something to eat ; 一种(不)健康的饮食 a healthy/unhealthy diet; 15,对A很重要 be important to A ; 实行节食 go on a diet = be on a diet ; 16,帮助某人做事help sb. (to) do sth. =help sb. with sth. ; 我的咖啡不放糖我在节食。No sugar in my coffee,I am on a diet; 17, as as 和一样 ;not as/ so as 不如 ; 你得去节食了 You have to go on a diet。 be different from 与不同 ;be the same as 与相同 2, 喜欢,爱好 be fond of = like = enjoy + doing ;hobby n. 爱好; 我喜欢蔬菜。Im fond of vegetables。 18, 为了 in order to = so that ; care for 在乎,我不喜欢快餐 I dont care for fast food 。 19, 变坏 go bad ;变得更坏 get worse; 热衷于 be keen on = be interest in 20, 保持健康 keep fit / healthy; 21, 3,必须,不得不 have to = must ; 22,垃圾食品 Junk food; 三单:has to 否定doesnt have to ; 少吃点垃圾食物 eat less Junk food; 过去:had to 否定didnt have to ; 23,在学校的医疗室 at the school clinic; ; 将来:will have to 24,我没跟上(理解)你 I didnt follow you。 否定wont have to dont have to ; Follow v. 跟随 = dont need to 不需要 neednt + 动词原形; 25, 4,prefer A to B比起B来更喜欢A;= like better 更喜欢; 26,我接受你的建议Ill take your advice。 比起肉来我更喜欢吃鱼。 I prefer fish to meat。 27,饭前还是饭后 before or after meals? prefer doing sth. to doing sth. 29, 我一点都不困 Im not sleepy at all。 prefer to do A rather than do B. 30,三片面包 three pieces of bread; 5,感觉很好(身体好) feel well ; 31,一碗米饭 a bowl of rice; 感觉累 feel tired (feel+形容词); 32,一个均衡的饮食 a balanced diet; 6,在做某事之后 after doing sth.; 33,做某事是个好主意 Its a good idea to do sth; 7, A没有问题 Theres nothing wrong with A; 34,给我们提供营养 give us energy and nutrition; A有问题 Theres something wrong with A; 35,日常食物 diary foods 8,难怪 no wonder ; 36,帮助我们的骨骼和牙齿生长Help our bones and teeth to develop 9,代替,而不是 instead of; 37,健康强壮 strong and fit; 10,mean 意思; 你说A是什么意思, What do you mean by A? 38,健康指南 a guide to a healthy; 11, 一直 all the time ; 39,每种食物我们每天需要多少, 12,一点也不,根本不 notat all ; How much of each kind of food we need each day。 4 22,像运动员一样体格健壮look as athletic as a sportsman; Unit 2-Lesson Three Going to a Fitness Camp 23,通过体育测试 pass PE examination; 1. weight n. 重量;weigh v. 称重; 24,对-感到惊奇 be surprised at -; 增肥 put on weight = gain(获得)weight ; 25,此后不久 soon after; 减肥 lose weight 超重 overweight 26,继续做某事 go on doing sth; 多重? How much does Sb. weigh ? = What is the weight of Sb. ? 27,几双袜子 a few pairs of socks; 2. also 也(句中) too 也(句末) as well也 28,高脂肪和重口味 high in fat and salt; either 也(否定句句末),二者之一 29,可乐和雪碧 Coke and Sprite; 3. 一个健康训练营 a fitness camp 30,电脑游戏现在很流行 Computer games are now very popular。 变得健康 get fit 保持健康 keep fit 31,每天花好几个小时坐电脑前 很适合某人 fit Sb. very well Spend hours sitting at a computer every day。 4. 想要做某事 would like to do sth. = want to do sth 32, 看电视到午夜 watch TV till midnight; 5. 如何减肥 how to lose weight 33, 每个年龄段的人 people of all ages; 6. 积极参加 take an active part in Unit Three People and Jobs U3L1 What Do You Want to Be? take part in (活动) join 参加(组织) 7. 按某人的意见 in ones opinion 律师 lawyer; 银行职员 bank clerk; 8. 健康的重要性 the importance of healthy 外交官 diploma; 秘书 secretary; 9. 别太不安 Dont be too upset。 牙医 dentist ; 经理 manager; 10. 此后不久 soon after 导游 tour guide ; 消防员 fireman; 11. 没通过 fail = not pass 口译员 interpreter ; 士兵 soldier; 没能做某事 fail to do sth. 发明家 inventor ; 教育家 educator; 12, try ones best to do sth. 尽力做某事 计算机程序员 computer programmer; 13, 家庭教师 tutor; 14, 熬夜到很晚 stay up very late 3,从今以后 in future;将来 in the future ; 15,青少年活动中心 Activity centre for Youngsters 4. 想要某人做某事 want sb. to do sth. = would like to do sth; ,它将持续多久,How long will it last, 165. 为祖国赢得荣誉 win honor for our country; 17,太胖而不能做仰卧起坐或俯卧撑。 6. 从大学毕业 graduate from university; Too fat to do sit-ups or push-ups。 7. 怎么样? How/ What about + 动名词 18,和同学跑得一样快 run as fast as classmates 8. 扑灭,熄灭 put out ; 19,跳的和Alice一样高 jump as high as Alice 9. 和某人结婚get married to sb. =marry sb. 20,一天睡八小时 sleep about eight hours a day 10. 尽她最大的努力鼓励他人do her best to encourage others; 21,节假日出去观光 go sightseeing on Holidays; 11. 全世界 all over the world ; 5 12. 以为自豪 be proud of = take pride in ; turn a blind eye to something 视而不见; 13. 开始自己创业 start my own business ; 3. invent v. 发明;inventor n. 发明家;invention n. 发明物; 14. 照顾 take care of = look after ; 4. choice n. 选择,抉择; 15,戴一副眼镜 wear a pair of glasses; choose v. 选择;过去式chose;过去分词chosen; 16,友善和耐心的 kind and patient ; give no/ little choice 没意见; 17,知道 know(v.)-knowledge知识-knowledgeable博学的 ; 两者没区别 There is no choice of the two。 18,年轻漂亮有一头长发 Young and pretty with long hair; 5. openly ad. 坦率地,公开地;open a. 开的;v. 打开; 6. while conj. 当什么的时候; 19,谈论他们将来的工作Talk about their future jobs; 20,社会 society(n.)-sociable好交际的 -social社会的 ; 当玛丽在写信时,孩子们在外面玩。 While Mary is writing a letter;the children are playing outside。 21,勤劳的 hardworking = diligent;杰出的 outstanding; 22, 英语很出色 English is excellent;普通的 ordinary; for a while 一会儿; I havent seen him for a while。我没见他有一会了。 23, 仅英语好是不够的 Good English alone is not enough. 7. against 介词 反对; be against 反对-赞成 be for = be agree 24,他为自己自豪。He is proud of himself。 with ; 25,一个知名篮球明星 a famous basketball player; 反对做某事 be against doing sth;我反对养宠物。I against raising pets。 ,我还没决定。I havent decided yet。 268. spirit n. 精神,心灵; 27,一点没错,完全正确 Exactly 情绪低落 in low spirits; 兴高采烈 in high spirits;鼓舞士气 raise 28,捐了很多钱来帮助穷人 Donate lots of money to help the poor。 ones spirits; 29,他做大学教师已经快十年了 9. chance n. 机会,= opportunity; He has been a college teacher for almost ten years。 偶然的 by chance;失去一个机会 lost a chance; 30,学校各门功课都很棒be good at almost all school subjects ; 给某人一次机会give sb a chance; 31,他会讲好几种语言。He can speak several languages。 32,他去过30个国家。He has been to about 30 countries。 二、短语: 33,实现我的梦想 realize my dream。 1. 电脑专家 computer scientist; 希望你美梦成真 I hope your dream will come true。 2. 出生于1995年10月28日 be born on October 28,1955; 3. 在13岁时 at the age of 13 ; 4. 建立了一个公司叫微软 set up a company called Microsoft。 Unit 3-Lesson Two A Famous Person 5. 捐钱给 donate money to ; 一、词汇: 6.一直不停地做某事 keep doing sth. ; 1. educate v. 教育;education n. 教育;educator n. 教育工作者; 7. wonder v. 怀疑; educative a. 教育有关的; No wonder 难怪; No longer 不再;No matter 不论; 2. blind 瞎的,盲目的;blindness n. 无知,盲目;blind man 盲人; She no longer feared that they would laugh at her。她不再害怕他们嘲笑她了; deaf a. 聋的; 失明 be blind; No matter what you do,Ill support you。无论你做什么我都会支持你。 6 8. 准备开始某事 be ready to do sth. ;为某事做准备 be ready for sth; 32,他最有名的作品 his most famous work 9. 在家工作 work at home ;向雷锋学习 learn from Leifeng; 33,你长大后想做什么,What will you do when you grow up , 10. 寻求帮助 ask for help;寻求建议 ask for advice ; 34,你对他的看法满意么, 11. 为这本书付款 pay money for the book; Are you in favour of his opinion ,= satisfied满意 12. 努力让大家更容易使用电脑 35,地震灾区 earthquake-hit area; try to make computers easier for people to use; 36,你什么大学毕业的, Which university did you finish your studies, 13. 获得诺贝尔文学奖 win the Nobel Prize for literature; 37, 扮演 act as 。她演了一个科学家 。 She acts as a scientist。 14. 门的钥匙 the key to the door ;去学校的路 the way to school ; 问题的的答案 the answer to the question ; 15. 心不在焉 absent in mind= absent-minded; Unit Four Entertainment and Sports U 4L1 School Art Festival 16. 微软软件 Microsoft software; 一、词汇: 17. 结束做某事 finish doing sth.; 1. stage n. 舞台; come onto the stage走上舞台; 完成某人的学业 finish ones studies; 2. Comic a. 滑稽的;a famous comic player 一个著名喜剧演员; 18. the + 形容词,表示一类人。 反义词 tragic a. 悲剧的;comic 穷人 the poor;盲人 the blind; 年轻人the young; 富人the rich ; 近义词 amusing a. 有趣的; 19,让人更便宜的购买 more cheaper for people to buy; 3(dialogue n. 对话; comic dialogue 相声 ; 20,雷锋时刻准备着帮助他人。 Leifeng was always ready to help others. make a dialogue 编一个对话; 21,询问关于她的信息Ask for information about her; 4(humorous a. 幽默的 = funny a. 有趣的; humor n. 幽默; 22,尽管 Although = Though;尽管她很小,她已经能照顾自己 read humorous story 阅读幽默的故事; Although she is young,she can take care of herself。 have a sense of humor有幽默感; 23,我的梦想是当一名牙医。My dream is to be a dentist。 5( item n. 项目,节目;next item 下一个节目; 24,她的思想很清晰和活跃。Her mind is clear and active。 6(audience n. 观众,听众;是集合名词; 25,申请一个 take out a patent; The audience is (be)very excited by the show。 26,有足够的钱来建一个很好的实验室Have enough money to build a The audience are (be)clapping their hands now。 great lab。 7(clap v.和n. 鼓掌;过去式 clapped ;过去分词 clapping ; 27,想了一会了 think for a little while。 clap(复)-claps;给某人鼓掌 give sb a clap; 28,违背科学的精神 against the spirit of science; The teacher is clapping her hands to attract the classs attention。 29,我们的确很需要钱 We do need money。 8(give sb a hand 助某人一臂之力 = help sb; 30,我们不想利用那样的一个机会来要钱。 give a big hand 给予热烈的掌声; We cant use a chance like that for money。 They gave the prize winner a big hand。他们给竞赛获奖者以热烈的掌声。 31,居里夫人是第一个获得如此殊荣的女士。 award 颁奖 award the prize to the winner 给得奖者颁奖; Marie Curie became the first woman to win such a prize。 7 9( guest n.客人; 男主人 -host; 女主人 -hostess; 我被这首歌感到了。I was moved by the song。 22, 闭幕辞 closing speech;开幕词opening speech; 同音词 guess v.猜测(过去式) guessed;特邀明星 guest star; 23,我从没听过如此动听的歌。Ive never heard such a beautiful song before。 担任主持人act as the host; 10(pop a. 流行的; 流行音乐 pop music;流行歌曲 pop songs; 24,它是枯燥乏味的。It is dull and boring。 11(voice n. 嗓音(不可数)通常是人的; 25,它是有趣幽默的。It is amusing and humorous。 a sweet voice 一个甜美的嗓音。 26,表演太好了而不能错过。 The performance is too good to miss。 sound 声音(一切响声);noise 噪音; 27,我最喜欢的节目是初一学生表演的相声。 My favourite item is the comic dialogue by the Junior One students。 At midnight he heard a strange sound。他在午夜听到奇怪的声音。 Dont make any noise。不要制造任何噪音。 28,评审团宣布获奖人名单。 The judges announced the names of the prize winners. They are talking in low voice。他们低声的讲话。 12(Although 虽然。但是。不能和but 连用 29,校长颁奖给获奖人。 The headmaster awarded the prize to the Although I couldnt catch every world of it,I enjoyed it very much。 winners。 I couldnt catch every world of it,but I enjoyed it very much。 catch v. 追赶 catch every world = understand 懂每一个单词; Unit 4-Lesson Two Sports Day catch the bus 追上公交车; catch a cold 着凉感冒; 1, 学校运动会 school s


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