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    1. 仰角:当从低处观测高处的目标时,视线与水平线所成的锐角称为仰角一、基础练习1. He takes_ active part in_ sports.A. the; the       B. the;/      C. an;/          D./;the2. The teacher came into the classroom, _dictionary under_ arm.A. a; a           B. an; a      C. the; the      D./;/3. A doctor told me to take _medicine three times a day, stay in _bed, then I would be better soon.A. a; the         B. a; /       C. the; /        D. /; a4. The southerners usually have _rice for_ lunch.A. the;the       B. /; a       C. /; /          D. the;5. _Einsteins did manage to send _Einstein to a technical school.A. /;/            B. An; an     C. The; /        D. The; an6. _snow is white. The snow that covers the top of the mountain is _ beautiful sight.A. The; the       B. /; /       C. /; a          D. /; the7. We'll wait for you at the gate of _school on _National Day.A. the; the       B. the;/     C. a; /          D. a; a8. _students in our school are mostly from_ northA. The; /         B. The; a     C/; the        D. The; the9. The overseas Chinese have _great love for_ their motherland.A. a; the         B. an; /      C. the; /        D. a; /10. We walked together _arm in_ arm.A. a; a           B. an; an     C. the; the      D. /; /11. _singer and _dancer has accepted the invitation.A. A; a           B. The; the   C. The; a        D. The; /12. You can write a letter in _ink or_ pencil.A. /; a           B. /; /       C. a;/           D. an; a13. They used to go swimming in the sea in _summer, but during _summer of 2004 they were too busy to go swimming at all.A. the;/          B. /; the     C./;/            D. the; the14. They had to work from morning till _night in order to pay off _ debts.A. the; the       B. the;/      C./;the          D./;/15. _Yellow River is the pride of _People's Republic off China.A. The; a         B. A; a       C. The; the      D/; the16. All of _sudden, we were caught in _rain.A. /; /          B. a; the         C. /;the        D. a; a17. _had been committed was not realized until later.A. How serious a crime          B. How serious crimeC. How a serious crime          D. How crime serious18.We have never seen _man.A. so handsome   B. so handsome a  C. a so handsome  D. so a handsome19. You can hardly hope to succeed where _ has failed.A.  many greater man             B. a many greater manC.  many a greater man           D. many greater a man20. How did you pay the workers? As a rule, they were paid _.A. by an hour                    B. by hoursC. by a hour                     D. by the hour21 It's _great pleasure to go to _cinema after a week's hard work.A. a; the        B. the; a        C. a. a         D. the; the22. As _unemployment is very high at the moment, it's very difficult for people to find _work.A. the;/        B./;/            C. the; a       D. an; the23. -Do you like your school life?-It's hard to say. If there were no _examinations, I should have _much happier time at school.A. an; a         B. /; a          C. a; the       D/;/24. A serious accident happened at _crossroad, not far from _New World Supermarket.A. /;the         B. a; a          C. the;/        D. a; the25. Mr. Smith told us that _gold medal his son had got was considered _great honor to the whole family.A. the; /        B. a; a          C. the; a       D. a; the26. _computer is really _most useful invention in the twentieth century.A. The; a        B. The; /        C. A; /         D. /; a27. All these changes will lead to _stronger and powerful China, _country that can surprise and enrich our planet.A. a; a          B. a; the        C. the; a       D. the; the28-Really? Who will give _lecture? What is it about?-Professor Chen, _president of Beijing University. About pollution.A. the; a        B. the;/        C. a; the       D. a; /29. -Hey, Mr. Smith, you are wanted on _phone.-who is calling?- _Mr. Green. I don't know who he is.A. /; A          B. the;/         C. the; A       D. /; /30. As is known to all,_ tiger is in _danger of dying out.A. a; a          B. the;/        C. a; /        D the; the8、加强作业指导、抓质量。二、提高练习1. Jumping out of _ airplane at ten thousand feet is quite _ exciting experience.   A./; the        B./; an        C.an; an        D.the; the2. Theres _ dictionary on _ desk by your side. A.a; the                B.a; a                C.the; a                        D.the; the3. An accident happened at _ crossroads a few meters away from _ bank.     A.a; a        B./; a        C./; the                D.the; /4.The warmth of _ sweater will of course be determined by the sort of _ wool used.    A.the; the        B.the; /                C./; the                D./; /5.Mr.Li will give us _ talk._ talk will begin at 8:00.A.a; The        B.the; A        C./; /                D.a; A6.The sun gives us _ heat and _ light.A.the; the                        B.a; a                        C.a; the                                D./; /7.What do you need in dinner?     I need _.A.a knife and a fork         B.a knife and fork C.the knife and fork        D.the knife and the fork8._ Mrs.Smith is waiting for you in your office.  A.The        B.A         C.One  D./9.Shes on _ Peoples Daily.        A.the        B.an        C.a                D./10._ Einsteins could not pay for _ advanced education that young Albert needed.      A.The; the        B.A; a        C.An; the        D.The; an11.She is _ newcomer to _ chemistry but she has already made some important discoveries.   A.the; the        B.the; a           C.a; /        D.a; the12.Where is Jack?I think he is still in _ bed,but he might be in _ bathroom.A./; /        B.the; the        C.the; /                D./; the13.I dont like talking on _ telephone; I prefer writing _ letters.A.a; the                B.a; /        C.the; the        D.the; /14.Many people are still in _ habit of writing silly things in _ public places.       A.the; the        B./; /        C.the; /                D./; the15.If you dont like the red coat,take the blue one.OK,but do you have _ size in blue? This one is a bit tight for me.A.a big                B.a bigger                C.the big                D.the bigger16.I heard somebody playing _ piano in _ next room.A.a; a                B.the; the                C.a; the                D.the; an17._ Pacific Ocean is _ largest of all.A.the; a        B./; the        C.the; the        D.a; /18.Great changes have taken place in _ 1990s.A./                B.a                C.the                D.an19.Wouldnt it be _ wonderful world if all nations lived in _ peace with one another?      A.a; /        B.the; /          C.a; the        D.the; the20.Alexander Graham Bell invented _ telephone in 1876.A./                B.a                C.the                D.one21.In 1864,Lincoln was elected _ President of _ United States for the second time.      A.the; the        B.a; a                C./; the                D./; /22.John is _ university student.       A./        B.any        C.a                D.an23.The table is made of _.  A.a wood  B.some wood         C.the wood         D.wood24.We are going to learn _ next week.A.Twelfth Lesson        B.The Twelfth Lesson C.Twelve Lesson        D.The Twelve Lesson25.Id like _ information about the management of your hotel,please.Well,you could have _ word with the manager. He might be helpful.A.some; a                        B.an; some                C.some; some         D.an; a26.Paper money was in _ use in China when Marco Polo visited the country in _ thirteenth century.   A.the; /                B.the; the        C./; the                D./; /27.Most animals have little connection with _ animals of _ different kind unless they kill them for food.A.the; a                        B./; a                        C.the; the                        D./; the28.Alice is fond of playing _ piano while Henry is interested in listening to _ music.    A./; the        B./; /        C.the; /                D.the; the29.Oh,John._ you gave us!A.How a pleasant surprise                        B.How pleasant surpriseC.What a pleasant surprise                        D.What pleasant surprise30._ terrible weather weve been having these days!A.How a                        B.What a                C.How                                D.What31.Many people agree that _ knowledge of English is a must in _ international trade today.    A.a; /                B.the; an                C.the; the        D./; the32.Beyond _ stars,the astronaut saw nothing but _ space.A.the; /                        B./; the                        C./; /                                D.the; the33.Have you seen _ pen? I left it here this morning.Is it _ black one? I think I saw it some where.A.a; the                        B.the; the                C.a; a                                D.the; a34.After watching _ TV,she played _ violin for an hour.A./; /                                B.the; the                C.the; /                                D./; the35.Are you sure to help me find _ bed for my new house?Sure,but not now. Im heading for _ bed and a good sleep.A.a; /                                B.a; a                        C.the; a                                D.the; /36.Charlie Chaplin was considered one of the greatest actors in _ history of _ cinema.A./; /                                B.a; the                        C.the; the                        D.the; a37.What about _ book?   Its too difficult _ book.A.a; a                                B.a; the                        C.the; the                        D.the; a38.Towards _ evening _ cold rain began to fall.A.an; the                        B.the; a                        C.the; /                                D./; a39.She always plays _ football after _ school.A.a; the                        B.the; the                C./; a                                D./; /40._ wheel is thought to be _ invention of _ first importance in human history.     A.A; the; the        B.The; an; the        C.A; an; the                D.A; an; /41.I felt someone patted me on _ shoulder.    A.a                B.the        C.my        D./42.So you are running _ restaurant?Yes,but I dont want to make it _ restaurant only for rich people.A.the; /                B.the; the        C.a; the                D.a; a43.Xian was _ starting point of _ world famous“Silk Road”.A./;/                B.a; a                C.the; /                D.the; the44.It is ten oclock in the morning but he is still _.A.in the bed                B.at the bed                C.in bed                                D.on bed45.More than half of _ water used for drinking,washing and irrigating crops comes from under _ ground.     A.the; /        B./; the         C./; /        D.the; the46.At noon we reached _ small village _ east of _ Summer Palace.       A.the; the; the        B.a; /; the        C.a; the; the        D.a; /; /47.The child had only _ slight temperature,but the doctor regarded _ illness as serious enough for _ hospital treatment.A./; /; the        B.a; /; /                C.a; the; /                D./; the; the48.I had _ lunch at a friends house yesterday._ food was good.A.the; /                B./; /                C.the; the                D./; The49.What is Jack going to do with all his money?He says he has always dreamed of taking _ trip around _ world.A.a; the                B.the; the                C.a; /                D.a; a50.Qingdao is _ most beautiful city in summer.  A.the        B./         C.a                D.one51.Just now you said you always got to work on _ 8 oclock train. But would _ later train get you to work on time?   A.a; a        B.a; the        C.the; the        D.the; a52.The building was completed in _ September of 1956 not in _ October,1955.     A./; the                B.the; the        C./;/        D.the; /53.I would like to have _ room,_ window of which opens to _ south. A.a; the; a        B.a; the; the                C.a; /; /                D.a; the; /54.There is _ house in the picture.There is _ old woman near _ house.     A.an; a; the  B.a; an; the                C.the; a; an                 D.a; the; an55._ Europe and _ America are separated by _ Atlantic Ocean.A./; /; the        B.the; the; the        C./; /; /                D.the; the; /56.There is _“h” in the word“honest”.    A.a                B.the        C./                D.an57._ terrible life people in the small island lived at that time!A.What                B.How                C.What a                D.How a58.Father often says to me,“Be _ honest boy today and _ useful man tomorrow.”    A.a; a        B.an; an        C.a; an                D.an; a59.Things of _ kind come together; people of _ kind fall into _ same group.    A.the; the; the        B.a; a; the                 C.the; the; a        D.a; the; the60._ Suez Canal brought _ east and _ west closer.A.The; the; the                B./; the; the                C.The; /; /        D./; /; /参考答案一、1. C 2. D  3. C 4. C  5. C  6.C 7. B  8.D  9.D 10. D 11. D 12. B 13. B 14. C  15. C  16. B  17. A  18.B  19. C  20.D  21. A  22.B  23. B  24.D 25. C 26.A  27.A 28.B 29. C 30.B二、15 CAABA        610 DBBAA                1115 CDDCB                1620 BCCAC2125 CCDBA                2630 CBCCD                3135 AACDA                3640 CDDDB4145 BDDCD                4650 BCDAC                5155 DDBBA                5660 DCDBA1.概念:一般地,若两个变量x,y之间对应关系可以表示成(、b、c是常数,0)的形式,则称y是x的二次函数。自变量x的取值范围是全体实数。在写二次函数的关系式时,一定要寻找两个变量之间的等量关系,列出相应的函数关系式,并确定自变量的取值范围。tanA没有单位,它表示一个比值,即直角三角形中A的对边与邻边的比;166.116.17期末总复习圆心角:顶点在圆心的角叫做圆心角.应用题(1)相交: 直线与圆有两个公共点时,叫做直线和圆相交,这时直线叫做圆的割线.“成千


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