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    河北省2012年初中毕业生升学文化课考试理综试卷,年河北省初中毕业生升学文化课考试 理 科 综 合 试 卷 本试卷分卷I和卷II两部分;卷I为选择题,卷II为非选择题。 本试卷满分为120分,考试时间为120分钟。 卷?(选择题,共44分) 注意事项:1(答卷?前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、科目填涂在答题卡上。考试结束,监考人员将试卷和答题卡一并收回。 2(每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。答在试卷上无效。 用到的相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 O-16 可能一、选择题(本大题共22个小题;每小题2分,共44分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项符合题意) 1(为预防骨质疏松,应给人体补充的元素是 A(钙 B(铁 C(锌 D(碘 2.环境空气质量标准新增PM2.5指标,PM2.5是指大气中直径小于或等于2.5 m的颗粒物。为实现空气质量达标,合理的做法是 A(煤炭直接燃烧 B(秸秆焚烧还田 C(开发清洁能源 D(提倡多开汽车 3(图1所示的实验操作不正确的是 4(下列对于水的认识正确的是 A(任何溶液的溶剂都是水 B(天然水分为硬水和软水 C(我国可利用的淡水资源十分丰富 D(水体有自净能力,生活污水可任意排放 5.食醋是调味品,其中含有醋酸(CHO)。下列关于醋酸的叙述不正确的是 242A.属于有机物 ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated construction of scientific organizations, network technology, a parallel job, high quality and high speed to complete the construction of the entire project. Ensure quality construction program reasonable, optimal shortest, least cost and construction schedule. 3.1.3. General construction project construction team approach, first in civilization, stadium construction and relocation of underground pipeline detection, work, strictly according to the requirements of strengthening of luanhe river water protection measures. Curtain piles, bored piles, then protection of the excavation and dewatering construction. Working pit 2-PC300 excavator excavation, slope mesh and shotcrete. Protection, resistance to move pile and supporting pile and Grouting in subgrade pit dewatering and curing in the work carried out during the excavation, protection pile and supporting pile and move the pile using reverse-circulation drilling machine drilling, concrete pouring; programme of grout cure holistic cure of roadbed. Skateboards, back beam, the frame of the project using concrete, concrete transport truck transport, concrete pump truck pouring, construction B.醋酸分子中含有氧分子 C.碳、氢、氧元素的质量比为6:1:8 D.醋酸分子中碳、氢、氧原子个数比为1:2:1 6.下列结论正确的是 A(化学反应中一定有能量的变化 B(饱和溶液降低温度一定会析出晶体 C. 组成元素相同的物质化学性质一定相同 D(质子数相同的两种粒子其核外电子数一定相等 7.图2反映了某个化学反应各物质质量与时间的关系。 下列描述正确的是 A(该反应是化合反应 B(甲的相对分子质量大于乙 C(丙是反应物,甲和乙是生成物 D. t时,丙的质量一定等于甲、乙的质量之和 18.下列变化属于物理变化的是 A(酒精的蒸发 B(食物的腐败 C(金属的冶炼 D(蜡烛的燃烧 9.下列关于物质的说法正确的是 A(石蜡是晶体 B.棉花是合成纤维 C(石墨是绝缘体 D. 蛋白质是人体必需的营养物质 10.下列对能量转化的描述不正确的是 A(蓄电池充电:电能一化学能 B(发电机工作:电能一机械能 C. 萤火虫发光:生物质能一光能 D(内燃机工作:化学能一内能一机械能 11.下列关于科学知识应用的说法正确的是 A(用红外线能验钞 B(使用杠杆是为了省力 C(加入熟石灰研磨可以检验馁态氮肥 D(用活性炭吸附可以除去水中不溶性杂质 12. 图3所示的测量方法正确的是 ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated construction of scientific organizations, network technology, a parallel job, high quality and high speed to complete the construction of the entire project. Ensure quality construction program reasonable, optimal shortest, least cost and construction schedule. 3.1.3. General construction project construction team approach, first in civilization, stadium construction and relocation of underground pipeline detection, work, strictly according to the requirements of strengthening of luanhe river water protection measures. Curtain piles, bored piles, then protection of the excavation and dewatering construction. Working pit 2-PC300 excavator excavation, slope mesh and shotcrete. Protection, resistance to move pile and supporting pile and Grouting in subgrade pit dewatering and curing in the work carried out during the excavation, protection pile and supporting pile and move the pile using reverse-circulation drilling machine drilling, concrete pouring; programme of grout cure holistic cure of roadbed. Skateboards, back beam, the frame of the project using concrete, concrete transport truck transport, concrete pump truck pouring, construction 13(在探究电流跟电压和电阻的关系时,采用“保持电阻不变,研究电流和电压关系”的研究方法。以下探究没有运用该方法的是 A(探究燃烧的条件 B(探究磁场的方向 C. 探究催化剂对反应速率的影响 D(探究动能的大小跟质量和速度的关系 14.下列对图4所示各实验的分析不正确的是 A(甲图:说明通电时水分子发生了改变 B(乙图:棉花的作用是防止固体粉末进入导管 C(丙图:稍稍用力拉水平接触水面的玻璃板,测力计示数变大,说明分子间存在斥力 D(丁图:向一下迅速压活塞,乙醚棉球燃烧,说明做功可以改变物体的内能 15(第一位证实电流周围存在着磁场的科学家是 A(牛顿 B.焦耳 C.安培 D.奥斯特 16.下列数据,最接近实际情况的是 A(一个苹果的质量约为5 kg B(人步行的速度约为10 m/s C(现在教室内的温度约为60? D(乒乓球台的高度约为80 cm 17(下列说法中符合安全用电原则的是 A控制灯泡的开关应接在火线上 B(高压带电体不能接触,但可以靠近 C保险盒内熔丝熔断,可用铜线替代 D家用电器失火时,先灭火,后切断电源 18(图5中的情景不可能发生的是 A(甲图:春天冰雪融化 B(乙图:冬天的树上出现霜 ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated construction of scientific organizations, network technology, a parallel job, high quality and high speed to complete the construction of the entire project. Ensure quality construction program reasonable, optimal shortest, least cost and construction schedule. 3.1.3. General construction project construction team approach, first in civilization, stadium construction and relocation of underground pipeline detection, work, strictly according to the requirements of strengthening of luanhe river water protection measures. Curtain piles, bored piles, then protection of the excavation and dewatering construction. Working pit 2-PC300 excavator excavation, slope mesh and shotcrete. Protection, resistance to move pile and supporting pile and Grouting in subgrade pit dewatering and curing in the work carried out during the excavation, protection pile and supporting pile and move the pile using reverse-circulation drilling machine drilling, concrete pouring; programme of grout cure holistic cure of roadbed. Skateboards, back beam, the frame of the project using concrete, concrete transport truck transport, concrete pump truck pouring, construction 总 分 核分人 C(丙图:室外冰冻的衣服不会变干D(丁图:水烧开时冒出大量的“白气” 19(透镜在我们的生活、学习中应用广泛。下列说法正确的是 A(近视眼镜利用了凹透镜对光的发散作用 B.照相时,被照者应站在镜头二倍焦距以内 C(投影仪能使物体在屏幕上成正立、放大的虚像 D(借助放大镜看地图时,地图到放大镜的距离应大于一倍焦距 20.下列有关惯性的说法不正确的是 A(运动员跳远时助跑,利用了惯性 B(司机驾车时系安全带,可以减小惯性 C(自行车停止蹬踏后,仍继续前行,是因为人和车都具有惯性 D(地球由西向东转,人竖直向上跳起来,仍落回原地,是因为人具有惯性 21(如图6所示,质量相等的甲、乙两个薄壁圆柱形容器内分别盛有深度相同的A、B两种液体,且=2。两容器的底面积分别为S和S,且S=2S。现将两个相同AB甲乙甲乙的小球分别放入甲、乙两容器中(没有液体溢出),小球在B液体中处于悬浮状态。下列判断正确的是 A(放入小球前,甲容器的底部所受液体的压力大于乙容器底部所受液体的压力 B(放入小球前,甲容器对桌面的压力小于乙容器对桌面的压力 C(放入小球后,甲容器的底部所受液体的压强大于乙容器底部所受液体的压强 放入小球后,甲容器对桌面的压强等于乙容器对桌面的压强 D(22.如图7所示,电源两端电压保持不变,R为定值电阻。将滑片P置于中点,只闭合oS时,电压表的示数为U,电流表的示数为I。下列情况中电压表和电流表示数变化正1确的是 A.滑片P不动,断开S,闭合S、S时,电压表示123数不变,电流表示数变小 B(滑片P不动,断开S,闭合S、S时,电压表123示数变大,电流表示数变大 C(只闭合S,滑片P从中点向右移动时,电压表1示数变大,电流表示数变小 D(只闭合S,滑片P从中点向右移动时,电压表示数不变,电流表示数变大 1ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated construction of scientific organizations, network technology, a parallel job, high quality and high speed to complete the construction of the entire project. Ensure quality construction program reasonable, optimal shortest, least cost and construction schedule. 3.1.3. General construction project construction team approach, first in civilization, stadium construction and relocation of underground pipeline detection, work, strictly according to the requirements of strengthening of luanhe river water protection measures. Curtain piles, bored piles, then protection of the excavation and dewatering construction. Working pit 2-PC300 excavator excavation, slope mesh and shotcrete. Protection, resistance to move pile and supporting pile and Grouting in subgrade pit dewatering and curing in the work carried out during the excavation, protection pile and supporting pile and move the pile using reverse-circulation drilling machine drilling, concrete pouring; programme of grout cure holistic cure of roadbed. Skateboards, back beam, the frame of the project using concrete, concrete transport truck transport, concrete pump truck pouring, construction 总 分 核分人 ,年河北省初中毕业生升学文化课考试 理 科 综 合 试 卷 卷?(非选择题,共76分) 注意事项:1(答卷?前,将密封线左侧的项目填写清楚。 2(答卷?时,将答案用蓝色、黑色钢笔或圆珠笔直接写在试卷上。 四 题 号 二 三 36 37 38 得 分 二、填空及简答题(本大题共9个小题;第24小题3分,其他小题每空1分,共34分) 23(图8是运动员在空中降落时的图片。请回答下列问题: (1)运动员从静止在空中的直升飞机上跳下,降落伞未打开前向下做加速运动。 原因是 。 (2)降落伞打开后,最终匀速降落。运动员在匀速降落过程中,机械能如何变化, 答: 。 (3)针对运动员匀速降落过程,从运动和静止的相对性角度提出一个问题并回答。 问题: , 回答: 。 24(小明身高1.7 m,站在竖直放置的平面镜前lm处,他在镜中的像高是 ,m,他到像的距离是, m。若将一块木板放在平面镜前,如图9所示,请画图说明他能否通过平面镜看到自己的脚尖。 25(小明家有额定功率均为40W的电风扇和白炽灯,它们正常工作相同的时间, 产生热量多。小明家还有一个“220 V 1500 W”的电热水器,将其单独连接在电路中,发现电能表(如图10所示)上的铝盘121 s内转了125转,电热水器消耗了 J的电能,他家的实际电压为, V。(电热水器内电阻丝的阻值ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated construction of scientific organizations, network technology, a parallel job, high quality and high speed to complete the construction of the entire project. Ensure quality construction program reasonable, optimal shortest, least cost and construction schedule. 3.1.3. General construction project construction team approach, first in civilization, stadium construction and relocation of underground pipeline detection, work, strictly according to the requirements of strengthening of luanhe river water protection measures. Curtain piles, bored piles, then protection of the excavation and dewatering construction. Working pit 2-PC300 excavator excavation, slope mesh and shotcrete. Protection, resistance to move pile and supporting pile and Grouting in subgrade pit dewatering and curing in the work carried out during the excavation, protection pile and supporting pile and move the pile using reverse-circulation drilling machine drilling, concrete pouring; programme of grout cure holistic cure of roadbed. Skateboards, back beam, the frame of the project using concrete, concrete transport truck transport, concrete pump truck pouring, construction 不变) 26(阅读短文,回答问题。 无处不在的弹簧 弹簧在生活中随处可见,它在不同的领城发挥着重要作用。 弹簧的特点就是在拉伸或压缩时都要产生反抗外力作用的弹力,而且形变越大,产生的弹力越大;一旦外力消失,形变也消失。物理学家胡克研究得出结论:在弹性限度内,弹簧的形变量与它受到的拉力(或压力)成正比。 弹簧具有测量功能、紧压功能、复位功能和缓冲功能,以及储存能量的功能。弹簧在生产和生活中有许多应用,例如,制作弹簧侧力计、钢笔套上的夹片、机械钟表的发条等。 (1)弹簧被拉伸或压缩时都产生反抗外力作用的弹力,这说明 。 (2)胡克的结论是 。 (3)下表是小明研究弹簧长度与所受拉力大小关系时记录数据的表格,空格中的数据 是 。 钩码重/N 0 0.5 1.0 2.0 2.5 弹簧长度4 5 6 7 8 9 /cm (4)举一个生活中应用弹簧的实例: 。(短文中实例除外) 27(小明探究“不同物质的吸热能力”时,在两支相同的试管中分别装入质量相等、温度相同的水和煤油,用一个酒精灯同时对两支试管加热,加热一段时间后,温度计示数如图11所示。 (1)指出图中使用酒精灯的错误: 。 (2)水和煤油比较, 吸热能力强。 (3)加热一段时间后,煤油的温度升高了4 ?,则水的温度升高了 ?。 33c=4.2x10J/(kg?), c=2.1x10J/(kg?) 水煤油28(如图12所示,在蒸馏烧瓶内加适量石灰石和稀盐酸,经检验产生的气体充满烧瓶时,将一气球紧套在瓶口,气球逐渐胀大。然后打开弹簧夹,将注射器中NaOH溶液注入烧瓶并振荡,气球迅速缩小并被吸入烧瓶内。 ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated construction of scientific organizations, network technology, a parallel job, high quality and high speed to complete the construction of the entire project. Ensure quality construction program reasonable, optimal shortest, least cost and construction schedule. 3.1.3. General construction project construction team approach, first in civilization, stadium construction and relocation of underground pipeline detection, work, strictly according to the requirements of strengthening of luanhe river water protection measures. Curtain piles, bored piles, then protection of the excavation and dewatering construction. Working pit 2-PC300 excavator excavation, slope mesh and shotcrete. Protection, resistance to move pile and supporting pile and Grouting in subgrade pit dewatering and curing in the work carried out during the excavation, protection pile and supporting pile and move the pile using reverse-circulation drilling machine drilling, concrete pouring; programme of grout cure holistic cure of roadbed. Skateboards, back beam, the frame of the project using concrete, concrete transport truck transport, concrete pump truck pouring, construction (1)检验产生的气体充满烧瓶的操作是: 。 (2)气球被吸入烧瓶是由于NaOH溶液与瓶内气体反应,使瓶内气压 。 该反应的化学方程式为: 。 29(化学和生产、生活紧密相关。请你用所学知识回答卜列问题。 (1)空气由多种气体组成,它属于 (选填“混合物”或“纯净物”). 植物的光合作用是空气中 的主要来源。 (2)合金具有良好的物理、化学性能,下列物质不辱于合金的是, (选填序号)( a.黄铜 b不锈钢 c(铁矿石 (3)锅里的油一旦着火,可用锅盖盖灭,其原理是 。 (4)沼气的主要成分是甲烷,甲烷燃烧的化学方程式为 。 (5)稀土元素铺是激光及原子能应用的重要材料。已知三氯化馆的化学式为EuCl,则氧3化梢的化学式为 。 30(在学习“酸碱中和反应”时,老师给大家变了一个魔术一使“水”变色的杯子。操作过程及现象如图13所示。 老师揭秘:“空”杯子底部事先涂抹了某种无色液体,无色的“水”是事先用两种无色溶液混合而成。请回答下列问题: (1)“空”杯内涂抹的物质可能是 溶液。 (2)此过程中发生反应的化学方程式可能是 。 (3)最终溶液为无色,能否说明该溶液一定呈中性, ,(选填“能”或“不能”),理由是, ,。 ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated construction of scientific organizations, network technology, a parallel job, high quality and high speed to complete the construction of the entire project. Ensure quality construction program reasonable, optimal shortest, least cost and construction schedule. 3.1.3. General construction project construction team approach, first in civilization, stadium construction and relocation of underground pipeline detection, work, strictly according to the requirements of strengthening of luanhe river water protection measures. Curtain piles, bored piles, then protection of the excavation and dewatering construction. Working pit 2-PC300 excavator excavation, slope mesh and shotcrete. Protection, resistance to move pile and supporting pile and Grouting in subgrade pit dewatering and curing in the work carried out during the excavation, protection pile and supporting pile and move the pile using reverse-circulation drilling machine drilling, concrete pouring; programme of grout cure holistic cure of roadbed. Skateboards, back beam, the frame of the project using concrete, concrete transport truck transport, concrete pump truck pouring, construction 31.图14所示的是几种常见物质的转化关系,其中A, B, C, D, E是单质,甲、乙、丙、丁是氧化物。已知:丙是红色固体,E是最清洁的燃料,丙高温下与乙反应可生成D。(部分反应物、生成物及反应条件己略去)请回答下列问题: (1)丁的化学式为 (2)甲的化学式可能为 (只写一种) (3)丙与乙反应的化学方程式为:, ,( (4)写出A的一条用途: 三、实验探究题(本大题共4个:第32小题4分,第33小题6分,第34, 35小题各7分,共24分) 32(根据图15所示的实验图,在一下面的空格处填入相应的内容。 (1)甲图:通过真空罩可以看到手机来电显示灯在不断闪烁,说明电磁波 。 (2)乙图:利用这个实验原理可制作 。 (3)丙图:口吹硬币跳过栏杆,说明 。 (4)丁图:音叉发出的声音不同,小球被弹开的幅度不同,说明 。 333(小明用天平、细绳、烧杯和水(=1.0 g/cm )测定某工艺品(实心)的密度。 水(1)实验过程如下: ?往烧杯中倒入适量的水,用调节好的天平测出烧杯和水的总质量为200 g。 ?用绳将工艺品拴好并浸没在水中(如图16所示),在右盘中增加砝码并移动游码,当天平平衡后,得出质量为208 g,则工艺品的3体积为 cm. ?从烧杯中取出工艺品,用天平测量其质量,当天平平衡后,右盘中砝码和游码的位置如图17所示,工艺品的质量为 g。 3?工艺品的密度为= g/cm。 ensure the quality


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