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    Unit 14Unit 14 I I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. Unit 14Unit 14 第 4 4 课时(Section Section B B 2c-Self Check2c-Self Check)测试卷 测试时间:2020分钟 I.I. 阅读理解 For American teenagers, doing a part-time job is an important part of growing up. They can learn some important skills by doing a part-time job. They can also make some money in this way. Many teenagers believe that making their own money brings them pride and freedom. American teenagers can do part-time jobs at the age of 14. On weekdays, they may go to work a few hours a week after school. They usually work for longer on weekends. In summer, American teenagers are excited if they find part-time jobs at camps, swimming pools and amusement parks. These jobs can bring them too much fun. Some of the most stressful (有压力的) jobs include teaching, nursing, and police work. But these jobs can be useful for their future. When they grow up, the students with work experience are more likely (可能的) to succeed than those without work experience. A favourite job for many teenagers is taking care of babies, and they can start before the age of 14. What they only do is to stay in the house and make sure the kids are OK. At the same time, they can do their homework, watch TV, or talk on the phone with friends. It is important to balance (平衡) school, homework, and a part-time job. Many American teenagers agree to do a part-time job and they value(珍视) their work experience and the skills from the job. 1. The American teenagers do a part-time job for _. A. talking on the phone with friends B. learning skills and getting money C. helping their families in the future D. doing anything they like 2. _ is less stressful for American teenagers. A. Working at police B. Nursing C. Working at camps D. Teaching 3. Which kind of part-time job can a 13-year-old girl do in America? A. Working at parks. B. Working at a swimming pool. C. Looking after babies. D. Doing the dishes in a restaurant. 4. The American teenagers may work for _ a week after school on weekdays. A. one hour B. one day C. a few days D. a few hours 5. Whats the passage mainly about? A. American teenagers and their part-time jobs. B. Some popular part-time jobs among American teenagers. C. How to make more money and learn more skills. D. Whether American teenagers should work after graduation. II.II.书面表达 “马上要初中毕业了,假如你有机会负责组织你们班的 毕业派对”,你将会如何构思设计 出一个充满创意、情感和品味的毕业庆祝活动呢?请写一篇 80 词以上的短文,介绍你的毕业 派对计划。 1 内容要求:1.简介大致的构想; 2.分点列出派对流程; 3.小结活动的主要特色。 注意:短文中不允许出现与考生本人相关的真实姓名和校名等信息。 _ _ _ _ _ 2 参考答案 I.I. 阅读理解 1. B 细节理解题。由文章第一段的“They can learn some important skills by doing a part-time job. They can also make some money in this way.”可知,通过做兼职,他们不但可 以学会一些技能,还能赚到一些钱。故选 B。 2. C 细节理解题。由第四段首句 Some of the most stressful.可知,A、B、D 三项是压力 最大的兼职,故排除这三项。结合第三段可知,野营很有趣。故选 C。 3.C 推理判断题。由倒数第二段第一句可知:在 14岁以前可以从事这项兼职(照顾小孩)。故 选 C。 4. D 细节理解题。由第二段第二句 On weekdays,. a few hours a week after school.可 知,在工作日,可以每周工作几小时。故选 D。 5.A 主旨大意题。本文主要谈论了美国青少年和他们的兼职,并介绍了兼职的种类和意义。由 此可知 A 项最符合题意。 II.II.书面表达 答案 I have a plan for the party that divides into three parts. Theyre picture show, talent show and senior high message. Part1. picture show We bring some photos taken with our teachers or classmates and describe the photos with a good story about our school lives. Part 2. talent show We can share our hobbies with our classmates. We can show what we can do in music, art or sport. We can also show other special abilities like playing magic and so on. Part 3. senior high message Each of us prepares a big card, and then writes down a message for senior high on the card for each other. So everyonecan exchange the best wishes with his or her classmates. In this party, all of us can share our wonderful experience in the past three years. We can present what weve learned and how much progress weve made, too. And finally we may look forward to the future with lots of encouragement or advice. 3


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