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    Module 10 Unit Module 10 Unit 2 2 Sam had lots of chocolatesSam had lots of chocolates 1 1 教学目标: 1、知识目标 (1)学习不规则动词 have的过去式及用法。 (2)学习常见的身体不适状况(stomach ache cold headache fever)及原因的英文表达。 2、能力目标 能正确描述自己和他人身体不适的状况及原因。 3、情感目标 引导学生养成良好的饮食习惯,保持身体健康;培养学生的合作意识。 2 2 学情分析: 本课的教学对象是四年级学生,通过前两个模块的学习,大部分学生已经对一般过去式有了初 步了解,能使用 be动词及规则动词的过去式来描述一些过去发生的事。在 Module10 Unit1 中 学生也已经学过好多不规则动词的过去式,本课学习的是不规则动词 had的用法,相对 Unit1 中的过去式要简单,学生对 have的用法也应经学过,因此,掌握起来并不难。 3 3 重点难点 1、教学重点 描述自己与他人身体不适的状况及原因。 2、教学难点 谈论自己与他人身体不适的状况及原因。 4 4 教学过程 活动 1【导入】热身 Step 1. Warming- up 1. Greetings. 2. Chant. Boys and girls, do you like singing chant? OK, Lets chant together. 师生一起拍手唱 Chant. We walked and walked. We talked and talked. We looked and looked. We laughed and laughed. We played and played. We danced and danced. We jumped and jumped. We hopped and hopped and hopped and hopped. And then we stopped. 活动 2【讲授】新授单词 Step 2. Presentation Today we are going to learn Module10 Unit2Sam had lots of chocolate.(教师板书课题) 1. Leading in. (1)课件出示图片香蕉,问学生 Whats this? Do you like banana? I like it too,so, Today I have a banana.教师出示 Today I hav e a banana. 这句话,并做吃的动作帮学生理 解句子。引导学生读这句话。 (2)课件出示图片西瓜,问学生 Whats this? Do you like watermelon? I like it too, so, Yesterday I had watermelon. 教师出示这 Yesterday I had watermelon 这句话, 并 做吃的动作帮学生理解句子。引导学生读这句话。 (3)引导学生注意 have- had 板书 had ,问学生这两个词的相同点和不同点是什么?(他们都 “”表示 吃 , have 是现在吃, had 是过去吃。Had是 have的过去式。) (4)Look at the pictures and say it . Eg: today I have ,yesterday I had. 出示巧克力,Today I have a chocolate,教授单词 chocolate 并且把的单词卡片贴在黑板 上。接着说 I had chocolate yesterday. 出示 Sam 吃巧克力和胃疼的图,并说 Yesterday, Sam had lots of chocolates.(课件上显示 这句话),So He had a stomach ache. 然后出示胃疼的图,学习单词 stomach ache 并贴单词 卡片。短语 had a stomach ache. 句子 Sam had a stomach ache.(stomach ache 这个单词 是本课的新词,教学时教师采用先教读再轮读指名读再齐读的方式教授,同时加上胃疼的动作 帮学生理解意思) 2. New words. This class well learn some other words about ill. Look at these pictures.( 教师 依次出示感冒,发烧,头疼的图学习单词 cold fever headache 及短语 had a cold/ fever/ headache, 学习这些单词的流程同 stomachache。) 边教授新单词贴在黑板上。 (1)Now lets read the new words together. (2)Play a game, look my mouth and say words . (3)play a game. Up and down. (4)Look at the pictures and say the new words. 课件快速展示四幅图,看谁能又快又准的说出单词。 (5)教师和学生一起 chant. Cold, cold, she had a cold. Fever, fever, he had a fever. Headache, headache, shes got a headache. Stomachache, stomachache, hes got a stomach ache. 活动 3【讲授】学习课文 3. New text. 1、一听课文。 Listen to the tape and circle the new words “chocolate、had、headache、cold、 fever”. 2、再听课文 Listen and circle the answer, 1. What happened to them yesterday? 2. Whats wrong with them today? 学生回答(课件出示): Sam( had) lots of chocolate yesterday. Today hes got a stomachache 。Daming had two watermelons yesterday. Today hes got a stomachache. Amy had a cold yesterday. Today shes got a headache. Lingling had a headache yesterday. . Today shes got a fever . 3、Listen and repeat. 4、read the text together. 5、Chant.(work in group 4) Now work in group 4 and read the part1. (四人一组,讨论学习第一部分的韵律诗。) Ok, lets chant.(课件出示) We had a picnic yesterday. We p layed games all the day. And I ate a very big cake. So Ive got a stomach ache. 6、Now lets translate some sentences. 1. Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits yesterday. ( ) 2. Daming had two watermelons yesterday. ( ) 3. Amy had a cold yesterday. ( ) 4. Lingling had a headache yesterday. ( ) 活动 4【作业】家庭作业 Step 4: Homework 1.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.每天一个苹果医生将会远离你。 2. Listen and read Unit1 5 times, then copy new w ords 5 times and translate it 1 time.(抄写五遍,翻译一遍)


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