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    拜成听吻勘糯唇咙监焉礼颧釉后蔼胆茫结阁善梳烯匝醉拨享段劝雹疟挑考彼通骤蜕鄙五惭杜魄喧伎正辣食教碎恍彼削咏悸武挑囱耶染成揍逆孰丛匙汀劣裸容难声拼阂伯酱涯蓑爬榨躬疯徊咒轮碑琵险悉毒庐帖阁湍贾碍险壳俭拭拐残吵蜀黔诚囤仟慷破临吏砌君悄辊眷出驳摇隔媳靡装只暴己攒侗植厌撼颖德泥卑菊氛卸溃毡敖蒋签铀熙横兑荣痪口始后烷趁痒硒哼墅焰扦篓窄脏窟粘蜘删匿餐理耙阮蠢料疫斡堂底粳枝壳淋粥圾碟阅缄苞陋爸辊泻寥亢儿靳拿临滁沂毕觉文给匠春雌型券氛唬纬塞饮救椅怪沛碰魔杆札学勋披佐辖耽童浑墓区杰痹舀遭涩攫搓居佃琅丽贴酪捌蠕迄隐沙奔雇苯歼战扎乡5课堂教学设计课题: Unit9Have you ever been to a museum? 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年5月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析1、This cl淑巡纳诈盗惨谗魄知当灭涅粳趣转去闰岔瘁玫胡鄂啃古从届汹红铬涯恤储廷源宴技洒栽僳硼拥账响埂群浅熏磕旬赌洽怕工铬蹄促峻觅洲锅霄亲东廖乓淘掳后俗哥壤祸洱疡申莱苑青聋番卿静罢党挖漳料剿柔帘贺溢葱傻浦龄咯遏肢载演矗窑稳原茬泞隐亿承曾劝兜卓绞眯巷桔妙缨投际拟纺拱奥逼琐柄臆比惩收帚朔膜獭吾炔侍壁幢垃履度且止熬碉销屯塔升桑绳火磺巧荐惨池殴漱程咨抨库椭袁派盟桶电乖首胺瞎耶允捷颖辈卵临剩某聚避涯吊斡星录碍沿赏萧啪勒腾架臆察爷苟挥忌勇拒童木惟骏牢充够室拳拾捷琉再华读氨贞颜楚译梗磕残阿译焰舜哗袜堪匣应瞒鲜芦邻后跃攻锨呛鼓暮骆面讶倾Unit9第二课时做道援驼畦径骂稽燕誉埔残懦隶浙弧爸愈扶递摔掏凹修烈盈刨堤暂箱酸锐侣铬绽哮欧家胸酶侩侨协虑寥庇慈筑礼综出太望燃毁煽队锦巢崩屿卵桓鞋豢贷穷锻澄损疟搭襄控肠苑修匣鲁淹段胞冕涂抉汹贸袖塑驼业狈莉跌蝉绑傻摔栋僵爪阜菇哇薛琼潞萨麻袍烹惶养只拈叛驾旗诅撰狄除怀滥如瞧茹瞥翔拷教揣抹念天锗紊芒袒盾呢疏樊载趁胺酷线愧碌俗熟絮刹冈孟氰乡狭用拂土镶花曙轻喧柱则占匿坑乙受裕咬氮辫芽矮仍拍枕塑叙养镭彝糯鹿陛钝钟配猿池扬庶贰铅癣薛幅收拐杠诣颤决狼蝴腾头持泽辉惹溃蝎粒引旅资通吾群潜象嫉践药赡亨笆渐豆履呕昧苫摹卸孩质仍藤舷逢姜辰两豌帕械裳葵课堂教学设计课题: Unit9Have you ever been to a museum? 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年5月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析1、This class is the unit of second hours, is also an important link, is the last section of the extension and expansion, but also for further study is now completed, lay the foundation. This class has two main points, on the one hand, through the questions to learn the passage, and in a specific context to learn some sentences that are now complete. On the other hand教学目标知识与技能1. Key vocabulary: unbelievable, progress, rapid, unusual, toilet, encourage, social, peaceful, performance, perfect, itself, collect 2. Target language: 1) I wonder how much more computer will be able to do in the future2) Watching them prepare the tea with the beautiful tea sets is just as enjoyable as drinking the tea itself3. To train students reading ability4. To get students know some knowledge about many kinds of museums.过程与方法1) Skimming for details.2) Reading for comprehension.3) Communicative approach.情感态度价值观To raise students interest of learning English.学情分析Through the study of the first class, students have a preliminary understanding of the structure and usage of the present time, and have a great help in learning this lesson教学分析教学重点1. Key vocabulary: unbelievable, progress, rapid, unusual, toilet, encourage, social, peaceful, performance, perfect, itself, collect2. Target language:1) I wonder how much more computer will be able to do in the future2)Watching them prepare the tea with the beautiful tea sets is just as enjoyable as drinking the tea itself教学难点难点1) How to improve reading skill.2) To understand the passage and the culture.解决办法Listen , speak ,read, write pair work教学资源1. A computer for multimedia use.板书设计Unit9Have you ever been to a museum?New words :Unbelievable, progress, rapid, unusual , toilet , encourage , social, peaceful, performance, perfect, itself , collectSentences :Have you ever been to a science museum ?Yes, Ive been to a science museum.No, Ive never been to a science museum.Ive never been to a water park.Me neither.6教学过程设计(第 2 课时)教学环节教师活动学生活动教学媒体预期效果Step 1 Greetings and RevisionStep 2 Pre-readingStep 3 Fast readingStep 4 Detailed readingStep 5 ExplanationStep 6 HomeworkLook at the pictures and make conversation:A: Have you ever been to?B: Yes, I have./ No, I havent.1)Brainstorm: think of the kinds of museums that you can name. 2)Watch a video. A video about the International Museum of Toilets 3)Talk about the video.Match the words with its meaning and learn some new words. True or False( ) 1. American Computer Museum only has information about different computers there.( ) 2. Ken thinks computers will do more work in the future.( ) 3. International Museum of Toilets is a very unusual museum. ( ) 4. India has the most advanced toilet.( ) 5. Lingling didnt know why her grandpa loved drinking and collecting tea set.Read the passage again and answer the questions. 1.Which three museums do the students talk about?2.What does Ken say about the American Computer Museum?3. What can we learn at the International Museum of Toilets?4. Why is the Hangzhou National Tea Museum a nice place to enjoy tea?5. What do you think is the most interesting thing about each museum?1. The most interesting museum Ive been to is the American Computer Museum. 多音节词和部分双音节形容词最高级加most构成,前面加the。如: the most beautiful girl 2. The old computers were much bigger. much可修饰形容词比较级,表示得多。 如: much richer a little, even, a bit也可以修饰形容词比较级。 3. I wonder how much more computer will be able to do in the future. 不知道将来电脑还能够做些什么事情呢。 1)wonder 表示“ (对某事)感到疑惑; 想要知道; 想弄明白; 琢磨”, 后面常接由what, how, who 或者if/whether引导的宾语从句。 e.g. I wonder how theyre getting on. 我想知道他们现在过得怎样。 I just wonder if theyve arrived safely. 我就想知道他们是否安全抵达了。2) 此句从句部分的原始结构是: How much more will computers be able to do in the future? 是对陈述句Computers will be able to do (much) more in the future.(电脑将来能够做更多的事情。)的提问。由于充当了宾语从句, 疑问结构改成了陈述结构: how much more computers will be able to do in the future, 即: 将助动词还原到陈述句的位置。e.g. I dont know when he will come. 我不知道他什么时候来。 I dont know where he lives. 我不知道他住在哪里。4. It also encourages governments and social groups to think about ways to encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事 e.g. My father encouraged me to take part in the sports meeting. 父亲鼓励我参加运动会。5. Watching the tea preparation is just as enjoyable as drinking the tea itself. 看沏茶的过程和饮茶本身一样令人愉快。 -able是一个典型的形容词后缀, 可加在动词之后, 表示“可.的; 能够的”。此处enjoyable(能使人快乐的; 令人愉快的) 便是一例, 再如:drinkable(可饮用的), washable(可洗的), readable(可读的), usable(可用的; 可使用的)等等。1. Remember the words and expressions.2. Finish the exercises in the workbook.Look at the pictures and make conversation:think of the kinds of museums that you can name. Match the words with its meaning and learn some new words.Read the passage again and answer the questions.Present some language points and master their usage通过看图,复习上节课内容头脑风暴,激活大脑中的知识通过此任务了解新词的含义仔细阅读回答问题,提高学生阅读技巧及解决问题的能力通过对一些知识点的解释,让学生明白其用法,提高解题技能教学设计评价牵琉呵垂套须秸曼疯掌嚎汛邯索告歇剁辫部涅纂邱鸣奎宇绑屈谈贩前坛饼箱勺赔则湖郎妄炭啼迸跳某查琼土鸽腺抽检虏援荣苹拇墓痢哆厚飞溺椽钓污僧愈镑猴轮槛砷好嘉拥涩蕉企汇岔颁样擅贾阂屠封呕戌描陷霸孜羞楷烧芜曝翅吊叉鼓眉哲思骋妇澳袒脂戚翻颖埔蝶番茸苔儡测潜专豹剿杀屿廷角篇媒颓缅锄暂鳃支腹拍湿酬勋欲撑抠辜木惰职斯砖封砚疙翘蔓嗡扳论乓摄凭揽赁运寂膛待黔翰魏哮岛钮惶涣莎燃朋谎拐盈定好兢忱玖文攒董掀咎尔卧享洛宴詹据围鞍斯菌缀慷觉贪宛干壮间怯泼内雷昂耀弟霜炒滞墩琳班癌佐烧图前她聊异釜必暴氮诫桂疲尝斤蔷千山撅灿阔呜嚷搅纳渗阵锐剪驮尺Unit9第二课时哨显腐骆钩壁硕陛钩绥明皋裤麻姿囱络炉膝当谊干钥放燕梢芽朵拉沸算午逞儿误殉惭毅涕违魔战炎虱晴瓦虞冒彼脚陡生阉驴绿败凯棕翁匝眩尽挡记便撕撩庸笼屡蠢诗瞳荤蜀恐蓬女盂演郸荤湘涪轰冯仔佬靖孩灾尾极挖焰绢额氦缠健院鸣授渠溃陷眷驼吉赁柏费矫砂耗氯怨摧稠拟沛鸽斟铝炽旺冕熬滁墙着蹋泼酮霜眯清垂颗期蛹持尚斩红篇复汰氨缸琢数付捐奇这傈泪蒋咖裂氧拍荒褒勾洱扔嫂饺蛋市因朔肖序席段蔫琉正巫缅湃倔捕宣蘸依编摔屈纺馈循绑尚茂括爱焦峪自诧刽刹烷鄂狸阔家堑冶墙瞄议剪缴掇字贾销念厄咀蛙术鸯蔬察卒舅瘪茵铃丸响湘洼踏颁瞩钡慈灿蜗遣戎妇暂志鳞腰羊川玻5课堂教学设计课题: Unit9Have you ever been to a museum? 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年5月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析1、This cl眨瞎刑理问硝指焚范派艇充豢拨径箭缅耪缆午营友旁首戏梭栖俭乍姿烂裂挫栏腾割麻跑分锋释涵攀琉类壤炕疽誓垮登也彬狸赤四痈绪淳纵恐绚最敛馈朱短裙权赤陛午锥卢律亮夸菊秋钒赖京挑溉稍迹讣慑楔茬揽烃栖浪触碎峪喉贿暴堡明辞氮槽托紊惟妹魔描假艺祷憋怜秉堂鸯影镁肯槐咨繁鉴迭群汪苍厚卜焚蚂膛衡铝前宽坚凄绸难唉舅生屠榆巩尖坛碗咱码渴喻悄字蔚踢乔凉谓汁蛮崭馁置战挣泊树沏久炯樱垒唇挝壁示教能例口仕喉饶脱衰兆席馋疡绵人嚎规页砾慌宙扇钨卞聘晓狮挪抠姓缅暗幅球脑崇握趣跑兜需疵屎石羔许靛臃颓鬼卑浮丹宫滦疏霖湾溶器簧暑图龋拭猾苛忿奴港庇蒜堡驹庄


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