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    Module 2 Unit 2 Its very old一、按要求写单词。1. new _ (反义词) 2. short _(反义词)3. small _ (反义词) 4. whos _(同音词)5. this _(对应词) 6. ugly(丑的)_(反义词) 二、英汉互译。1. 城市 _ 2. 美丽的 _ 3. 古老的 _ 4. 著名的 _ 5. London _ 6. Big Ben _7. Tower Bridge _ 8. Hyde Park _ 9. Big Ben is old and tall. _10. Tower Bridge is very famous._三、根据情景,选择最佳选项。( )1. 当你想向别人介绍这是海德公园时,你会说:_ A. Where is Hyde Park? B. This is Hyde Park? ( )2. 当你想描述自己的旧书本时,你应该说:_ A. This is my book. It is old. B. This is my book. It is famous. ( )3. 当你想描述大本钟既高大又古老时,你应该说:_ A. Big Ben is big and tall. B. Big Ben is tall and old.( )4. 当你想友人介绍长城时,你会说:_ A. The Great Wall is clever and big.B. The Great Wall is old and famous.( )5. 当你介绍北京这个大城市时,你会说:_ A. Beijing is very big and beautiful. B. Beijing is a very small city.( )6. 当你介绍自己的家乡时,你会说:_ A. Do you like my home? B. This is my home. It is very beautiful.四、连词成句。1. is, this, Ben, Big (.)_2. it, beautiful, and, is, big (.)_3. pen, is, whose, this (?)_4. desk, old, very, the, is (.)_5. London, is, Bridge, down, falling (.)_ 五、根据问句,选择正确的答句。( )1. What is this?( )2. Is it famous?( )3. Where are you from?( )4. Whose book is this?( )5. Are these your ships?A. Yes, it is.B. It is the Queens house. C. It is Peters book.D. No, they arent.E. I am from China.六、阅读短文,判断句子的正(T)误(F)。I am Li Hua. I am from China. I live in Beijing. Its very beautiful. My friend Peter is an English boy. He is from London. London is a big and famous city. Now we are in the same school. Our school is very beautiful, too.( )1. Li Hua is from London.( )2. Beijing is a beautiful city.( )3. Li Huas friend is a girl.( )4. London is famous and big. ( )5. Li Hua and Peter are in the different school. Module 2 Unit 2 Its very old. 练习答案一、1. old 2. tall/long 3. big 4. that 5. beautiful二、1. 城市 2. beautiful 3. old 4. famous 5. 伦敦 6. 大本钟 7. 塔桥 8. 海德公园 9. 大本钟既古老又高大。 10. 塔桥非常著名。三、1. B 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. B 【解析】:1. 英语中常用“This/That is ”来介绍单个物品或物体,故选B。2. “旧的”的英文是old,故选A。3. “既高大又古老”的英文表达为“tall and old”,故选B。4. clever常用于形容人,不形容物体,故选B。5. 大城市用big city来表达,故选A。6. “This/That is ”用于介绍单个物体。Do you like 用于询问别人的感受,故选B。四、1. This is Big Ben. 2. It is beautiful and big. / It is big and beautiful. 3. Whose pen is this? 4. The desk is very old. 5. London Bridge is falling down.五、1. B 2. A 3. E 4. C 5. D 【解析】:1. What is this?意为“这是什么?”答句应为回答的物品,故选B。2. Is it? 单数的一般疑问的肯定回答是:Yes, it is. 否定回答是:No, it isnt. 故选A。3. Where are you from?询问来自哪里,答句应为地点,故选E。4. Whose询问的物品的所属,答句为表示归属的句子, 故选C。5. Are these? 复数的一般疑问的肯定回答是:Yes, they are. 否定回答是:No, they arent. 故选D。六、1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 【解析】:1. 从句子:I am Li Hua. I am from China.可知答案。2. 从句子:I live in Beijing. Its very beautiful. 可知答案。3. 从句子:My friend Peter is an English boy. 可知答案。4. 从句子:London is a big and famous city. 可知答案。5. 从句子:Now we are in the same school. Our school is very beautiful, too. 可知答案。 same意为“相同的”,different意为“不同的”。4


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