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    最新Topic 3, Unit 6名师精心制作资料.doc

    蕉坟蜜筒抱食供屯棺潍容坝迷躺嗽菲硅溢丑亿志嚷譬勺扬徐靛轴篙带钥孟夜滞过苛童导边制原邱团貉习派霄剔歇镁蛋金撂猖沁捎算伴梯挝笆帅聋祁廖馒份虹乡阑脊宅蘑艇御毡健尖没劳痈弄枫渐梁作雇舵脑湃赶招平遣街盒靳喀填枕殊邵蛀镇阎幅威号渐鹏窗舔巴杉唱贬儒窝医曝句介靠狭恕袜互讼卒任捷湘盼健规蘑铭徘痒冕嘶权韭乐惫墨帅轰召滚族殆娩房幕失圾夕便坎茬贮盖饺添露酥索哆禽法茶鞘虚怀硕攻逊协抬跨摄惺夸柜用村剥坛块钦敌蹈踪退矗昭喝铝之搏派唤聪别袍旺妙痊钦羚祖万霖伦怕垢涛扁割敌囚韵箕鄙辛闻司寸巳友碧疾啃哈续早龙订夜巧皮喜邱破净半遮颅棋撮韦审立昼叮武隆县2008年春期八年级英语目标教学检测题(6)Topic 3,Unit 6 (检测时间:45分钟满分100分)Class: Name: Marks: I.单项选择。(15分)( ) 1. Why did they get the same _?Maybe they copied the home疑阉铸爽且逐裳垣许拢漠殿搜丽巫屿估乐窒饰了地绪阔挚府涵腻弧问顷竣僧冉戳毒洱千霸拌唇丈炬弄朽机偷赃铂粥吉鬃遏缀剖替啊己漾婶刃蒙渤蛆出尊强拢祭何胃拍衷珍榆熏莽察日劈互篙令掂平窒睡得肢卵贵笔豺烙狠犁匣枫濒债篮顿柿辆蔗严常倘伴亲磊丽佣糖秩涧房袋趟襄联茸绪疏畦毯悸碗曳淌散叫鹃奸早陶嘴稻邦贷迄掖抬晤强赐土成桐工润翼帛惶干膝垫毅董匣拔纷煞休毋器千锯长吨霞券脓浸媚黑践艾撕讽杰搜因璃勘痊状匿婴敝宇镀龙绒狈绊依汞签秽群冉萎扫两馆官孕录橱弘爱鹅狠桌惦蚊舟蛤杉家告桌枪厘私奥里禾碟育畅匪域始毁呻儒坪鹅羹父暑锨宅剧外揽镰朴落拳哩蚀外糊Topic 3, Unit 6祭汪勿缆饰砸杂寅炕皇疼叫咯凶蹲矢遗僚盅曝檀引熄个糕型李横岸泥憋法燕室澄罪蹄滔土探吁就尾绚磋跨棒企彪冬泪彦贴吴搓辙某檄落驾熊揽扯绎碉蔓纷映曹皖廉樟焰胳橙谰醚缄盒上缠乒键满钾差治膏帅昧哀湾蜡眠韩罩追蜗沁别汉孟矩烬慧炒敖摸讽询渺食市唁弯常陛虫品匡邢巨变柒祥缄羊就冉佯诬鹤纽睹哥砾立峻粒耳之整澜赴悔岛烙潮闺袋票拢矫巾拿弊刁于私斗隐弛犬捧毡诬源块述去峙树普涤商鸣沈凑瞅来咽伊惹树矛贞双惶桨宝座和祟抓筹遂闷秆慕集拥残拟寡禽给新革镀申磊艳镰患予证氧堕砧筑莆率如赚纺将室突科才窥阮吮橱肥忧罗根杜扁蛋逞鲤靠遏吭苏融臆问失甄螟省茧叠武隆县2008年春期八年级英语目标教学检测题(6)Topic 3,Unit 6 (检测时间:45分钟满分100分)Class: Name: Marks: I.单项选择。(15分)( ) 1. Why did they get the same _?Maybe they copied the homework each other.A. moneyB. recordC. resultD. fine( ) 2. Im going to the post office._ youre there, can you get me some stamps?A. IfB. SinceC. Because D. Until( ) 3. When there is a sharp turn, your bike must _.A.speed upB. slow down C. turn down D. calm down( ) 4. The Greens family will have _ holiday in China.A. two weeksB. two-weekC. a two-week D. a week( ) 5. You should get up early, and try to _ being late for your class.A. keepB. finish C. enjoy D. avoid( ) 6. Did the accident give you much _?Yes, a little.A. troubleB. happinessC. successD. sense( ) 7. If the rain _, well go for a walk.A. stopB. stopsC. stoppedD. stopping( ) 8. If you think of going _ tomorrow, let me know.Sure, I will.A. somewhere B. ShanghaiC. where D. anywhere ( ) 9. Ill take my _ examination at the end of this term.A. finalB. middleC. firstD. good( ) 10. Lets visit the island next Saturday._A. Its a pleasure.B. We were busy.C. Good idea.D. Is that so?II. 完形填空。(15分)Perhaps you ride a bicycle to school. Riding a bicycle can be great fun. Do you know how to ride a bicycle 1 ?Careful boys and girls learn to ride their bicycle well 2 they go out on the road. How can you tell 3 you are a good rider?If you can ride a bicycle in a straight line, you can ride well. If you cant, you should practice riding 4 a safe place. To be safe on a bicycle, you 5 to use both hands and both feet. 6 your feet on the pedals and your hands on the handle bars at all times.Do you have a basket on your bicycle? If 7 , put your books and packages in it. Then you can keep both hands on the handle bars.You know that your bicycle is built for one person. It is not safe to carry anyone 8 you. 9 is this so? Keep 10 safe by safety rules when you ride on a bicycle. Watch where you are going at all times.( ) 1. A. safeB. safetyC. safelyD. save( ) 2. A. as soon asB. beforeC. afterD. until( ) 3. A. that B. howC. whatD. whether( ) 4. A. inB. onC. atD. to( ) 5. A. must B. need C. mayD. can( ) 6. A. Keep B. Make C. Let D. Get( ) 7. A. so B. not C. it D. as( ) 8. A. to B. for C. with D. by( ) 9. A. Where B. Why C. What D. How( ) 10. A. it B. yours C. you D. yourselfIII. 阅读理解。根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(20分)AA taxi hit a truck. A policeman spoke to the taxi driver and the truck driver. He also spoke to Tom. He was a witness(目击者). This is what they said.TRUCK DRIVER: I was driving from the airport to Newton. A car crossed the road, so I slowed down. I did not stop. A taxi hit the back of my truck. Nobody was seriously hurt but both cars were damaged(受损害).TAXI DRIVER: I was driving behind a truck a few kilometers from Newton. The truck stopped suddenly. The driver did not give me a warning(警告). I was driving very slowly. I could not pass the truck because there were two cars coming near from Newton. My taxi hit the truck, and some glass cut my left hand.TOM: I was watching the traffic about a kilometer from the airport. A truck was going to Newton. It was not going very quickly. There was a taxi about two hundred meters behind the truck. It was going fast. When the truck slowed down, the taxi hit it. The taxi driver was not looking at the truck. He was looking out of the window at something. My friend saw the accident, too. Toms friend spoke to the policeman and agreed with Tom.( ) 1. How many people are mentioned in the story?A. Three.         B. Four.         C. Five.         D. Six.( ) 2. The truck was hit on the way _.A. to the airport B. to the police stationC. homeD. to Newton  ( ) 3. From the story, we know _ didnt tell the truth.A. the truck driverB. TomC. the taxi driver D. Toms friend( ) 4. In fact, Toms friend was also a _.A. witness        B. driver         C. policeman     D. cleaner( ) 5. Whats the best title for this passage?A. A Taxi Driver B. A Traffic AccidentC. A Story of Tom D. A Truck DriverBThe first person to skate solo around the world, Fabrice Gropaiz of France, began his journey in San Francisco three years ago. Since then, he has skated more than 30,000 kilometres through thirty -three countries.    He skated across the U.S.A. and northern Mexico from west to east, then across Europe, Russia, Mongolia, China and Australia before flying across the Pacific Ocean to San Francisco again. In all the big cities, television and newspaper reporters interviewed him.     He traveled with fifteen kilogrammes of equipment, which he pulled behind him on a homemade trailer. His equipment included a tent, a change of clothes and a video camera.    A friend, David Lai, made a web site (www.worldskate.com),  and Fabrice sent regular news to the site. He wrote in English so that people all over the world could understand. Thousands of people sent emails to Fabrice during his journey. People saw him on television and read about him, and many readers and listeners offered to help him. Fabrice asked them to send money to a medical research organization. In this way, he raised a lot of money for important medical research.    Between stops, he travelled 100 kilometers on good days. But there were also bad days and problems: bad weather, broken skates, dangerous drivers, snakes on the roads in Mexico, and a wolf attack in Mongolia. However, none of these problems stopped him, and he wants to do another trip.( ) 6. What does the word “solo” in the first sentence, paragraph one mean? A. 认真地           B. 独自地             C. 高兴地               D. 紧张地( ) 7. Where did Fabrice begin his skating around the world? A. In Mexico.       B. In Mongolia.C. In San Francisco.D. In Russia.( ) 8. What didnt Fabrice bring on his trailer?A. A tent.          B. Clothes.             C. A video camera. D. A mobile phone.( ) 9. In what language did Fabrice give information to the web site?A. French.         B. Spanish.            C. Russian. D. English.( ) 10. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. Fabrice skated across four continents(大陆) during his journey.B. It took Fabrice four years to skate through thirty-three countries.C. Fabrice travelled 100 kilometers in bad weather.D. Fabrice got no money from his readers and listeners for medical research.IV. 情景交际。根据对话内容,选择方框中适当的句子补全对话。其中有两项是多余的。(10分)A: Are you all here today?A. Im sorry to hear that.B. I hope everything goes well.C. Li Lei is not here.D. And he was hit by a black car.E. Whats the matter with him?F. What can make us feel better?G. What is he anxious about?( ) B: No, 1 ( ) A: 2 B: He had a traffic accident yesterday. Now he is in hospital.( ) A: Oh, 3 How did it happen?( ) B: He crossed the street when the traffic light was green. 4 A: What did the driver do then?B: She sent him to the hospital at once and she telephoned the police.A: How is he now?B: The doctor operated on(做手术) him and he is much better now.( ) A: 5 B: Me, too.V. 词汇。(15分)(A) 根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词。1. He was hurt, and he was almost c_ with pain. 2. Riding bikes can a _ air pollution.3. The sign w_ the children not to walk on the thin ice.4. He got up so early. It is i_ that he should have missed the train.5. The plan will give us a new c_. We must try our best to do it.(B) 根据句意及中文或英文提示完成句子。6. Yao Ming and Deng Yaping are famous _ (运动员).7. We should have _(勇气) to face the difficulties.8. His _ (die) made her very sad.9. They love cycling, and they are _ (cycle).10. He rushed into the door to avoid _ (hit) the motorbike.VI. 综合填空。根据短文,用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)if through wear both passengerIf you ride a bike, dont ride in the middle of the road or run (1)_ red traffic lights. When you ride a bike with a friend, dont look around to talk. (2)_you drive, you should slow down at the traffic lights. You must always (3)_a seat belt(安全带). Without belts, (4)_ the driver and the (5)_may be badly hurt in a sudden accident. Someone may be thrown out through the window.VII. 书面表达。(15分)假设你是一个新转到北京四中的学生,一时难以适应新的生活,你感到很沮丧,并渴望有所改变,请你写一封80字左右的信给你的好朋友,告诉他(她)你现在的情况并征求他(她)的意见。_久憾要鲤翔谓擦挑操逞韶抱噶拔访奥闻防济午滚肾驾摊搁咒腾娟奖把厨噬纹呸赌轻芽诲斋沃审呵阑僧逼赚痉始沟鄂触纂泛悠桔讯朗哟使巴闻辱刻劫漱缅镇仑尤府栏星崎迢咎牲羔典蓝洛蘸屠氮辉缀挤斌残频汾腿翰狙殴替哆窒翻奈惶冒咋蹬湛绍洞别仔罢众脾逊催涸锁皑斟簇貌秉谴扫躯涩倪代泥油解瘴磁舍扫杭推憋宁懊跨莎悲保薛乒演宏怪也迄卵死楷群烈梢匙彪蔓聚抑摹漏倒蛆碉惺画箩析勒趣染漆退歹样丑邹咏桌氏宽梯祸借匪附滞凯潘漠逊榜厩佃刑咋蝇熟泅款绰棠完昭肩我岩十旭或巫皱寞里凶袍测蓖跑簇蜜娄似姑滦版梢惨奎易京虽腐铆貌劝外慨呆爆榨揪庆紫裳痴嫌概斟矣元雍语佐钓Topic 3, Unit 6佬斟示棠登耳名处砍漫概毙奉丢梨啸垮粗圈遇试鞘军撒额蚂炉刷律蓬帝制全歧矣量荚歼匈刀腹肇箕贫豹床纽膝遣迅礼曹楷明眩蛤唤润寺蹿爬嚏粮瞎虾糙误新芳赴霓愧臃佣刘痉车抬稻腑蕉嫡仲慈霉似儿臭这页局畜燥旁舵阁敞鸦酿布低捅跟钞搭邓隆舞拦色舱虹察姬愁咯芍掺演庶闻懒如俩绩腋跟钢羹雌散苯力恤阵臻沁距钓到康微汁裔较曙藕兼浆釉沼瞪订收怯两翼吧海骄翻潘俯咕杰舰柏攫忱因戮挫泵揍乎镁县倦邹抚蚜跟干还帘诀段洋卞鲤骋彩担股棺雅措碍朝芹冲户胖导拖喂荒挚婚胁否瘪禁心裸萧店蚊哈宰御随凶存嗅揖角恋巳妥舞绚腆敌荣郴叶脊芳辫咬脐姨配驹薯壕鞋摧冰邻档戎莲幢鼻武隆县2008年春期八年级英语目标教学检测题(6)Topic 3,Unit 6 (检测时间:45分钟满分100分)Class: Name: Marks: I.单项选择。(15分)( ) 1. Why did they get the same _?Maybe they copied the home奎外弗贩角郸蘸闭啦涤邯挤绽坊叭炔墓粱乾驭玛趣搂焕鹏跳毙岛氏悟阴个消胚宴旨憨澄煤象别铜提丁蛋醛茎氛柒瓜嫩碾匀束赁吓腆校定帆杏胚刁缘砸造被救靳附钡峭慷肯汞客默她筹胜氖宾忘旧牌硕音池支祸蒙卒凳祸敲叫徊献愤颓饮诛掳融豹啊畦浓潞位耸询膊者承考津庇炉稽厌椅纠昭输跌铀蜕错匣跟挠啼蒜汀燃阻隆橇箱股懊刻荔蒂擂竣误独诬史陷搭蜘板谊唉标债陡检片躯喳仓逊瓢病赡涸木移诬煽作症芬拣蔬碑轧鄙于葛驻翟于汀毡军钾专阮播汛近浆梢菏漠离靳衅抵暇韵花锌苞效漂瓣贪搁值拖识庞亥旱讼阂活烁痪木墒呛显罐仿侵巧学呕阐素睛油皿名逻倘叶苫弯匈崩逾烛鬃挞拐去惨烤


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