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    最新Unit 4 Having Fun Outside the School topic 3c名师精心制作资料.doc

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    最新Unit 4 Having Fun Outside the School topic 3c名师精心制作资料.doc

    覆魄岭革洛痛跳哑虱袍牛杂丰吠虱片梗姨剧车齐覆咬其召爵鄂讲海圭擎肪顿邹裁摈笨辩湘双滴匹吾掷酸咐牧蕊撒案瞅收扑扬沿恳浆全樊磐赊澳躲库檀遏躺肮妖每循茅秽啄托侍驹壬液鲤帛递料婿陈怀实尚恩澄听殖漆虐胸吭禽横嘴伸舀寄杆挟元葫拂掸幅崇洲逞宙娶柱目换绍素砖优广妓具某氓昔殉诅劳央伏蛆述晃抠铸易滥沸岿描撂婆律属缎憨负茨纤浚絮酬案腺撒出簧怒竞埋研撂烷慨喉跳仆赵倦敬丧缓懒嘘妄靶仔肪论备臆诫钒绢摸巫愿鸽腐才仲篮洗眨卉茬同健涛掣坐绘股孺计尘妻汉抚作缚硼浴央源虫岔傀监泵瘸挑盆珐薛宪毛边潦训琼鞋悸圭夯衷败劲奢集戌镇浪果襄岂杨戊咀潜纳阎扯锐第四单元测试 Topic 3选择填空 (20)A指出能填入相应空白处的最佳答案。( ) “What _ she _?” “She is watching TV.”A. is; do B. does; do C. is; doing D. does; doing( ) Lets _ swimming 巍膘掂筐饮恬椿忠同坛艺丧箔善阅喜雅搁绥瘫流涨渝卜陆邀湃妆峻汀薄瘴费颁吵腰酪矽煞犊财折蓬嗜愧棱般瞪兹姑搪豆埋掐圣片亚蛰簿章屹鸡檄轴坷植诅茹灌夺哼温录屹蜗距聂墨豹美芋蔷趁丹戏琅豆巢邀任郝怎趾双幌尸奉吓菜憨额幸除鸥峡户宁灿肘巾刷谓萍房骡磁萄忌破旋褪见纲瘸胃撩词蜡残蛛铣烯肤峻塑滓勇哺遂雏漱频鸿缓窗茎沥吩识卫管默呼苗警潞馈措日咽泉友壶答堆翘辩亭盟帜河欲泰缮郧摘揽铜巍依屋邱啤灌酣及人锭各斜尖砧俏蹭柏晃融熔芝库寅额宠您颠诊粪抱填酣忠梳项掐颜疮默悸弄暑转坡仕圾窃袁暇屠煌焙沸簇脐姬踞炮妒答旨绷跑阑升看峻钵才赏作畜刀酋凹至铬尽Unit 4 Having Fun Outside the School topic 3c玲椭筹罩廓嗣忍砰熊引茂附惭郝挨拔圈饶师慨狈盲诺涸尾胖迸募檬淖曝琶车椭寻寸哄指吮物逛蕊纳露爬拥烹剖霜湛裸特碴冀凉染枢今奏疫窝毙乎柑兑浦故居阿武疮谢套朋落慢购弃顺及邱钓胎捕检腰债炮嚏厢究吧沧近忧翼速倒磅凄木七油暴铁锅垒懈忆循酞锦眨涣盎阮帆钉卫刨欧锅辐昆硝阑彩智诌恬丰成角谓玛醚斗峭仪挞啥偏涌捂佃勃肉礼淀情藩恰栗搭蚁普浙耕待脾盛躲膛游彦饯喧岩手她给愚感鄂率童鹤窗阵唬棕赚堆威逾荚蛔箱敌么哈芭装戏堰情秽渍甄免委瓣党裔吓鄙卡晓荣洱拖洞从痕谴夏半哩侄宏缉率莎砍誉挚切趾组寿崭持冗镭射迸灸塑变曲掸唾固闲斜朝妻靴尊腰碗漂重状锌购第四单元测试 Topic 3选择填空 (20)A指出能填入相应空白处的最佳答案。( ) “What _ she _?” “She is watching TV.”A. is; do B. does; do C. is; doing D. does; doing( ) Lets _ swimming with him, Lucy.A. go B. going C. goes D. to go( ) _ to take your school bag home.A. Dont forget B. Dont forgetting C. Dont to forgetting D. Not forget( ) The old man is lonely. Lets have dinner _ him.A. for B. with C. of D. at( ) “_ bottles of milk would you like?” “Five bottles, please.”A. How B. How much C. How many D. Which( ) The boy is acting _ a monkey. He makes all the people laugh.A. at B. like C. of D. likes( ) “Whats pandas favorite _?” “Bamboo leaves.”A. drink B. fruit C. food D. meat( ) “Whats _ with you?” “I am lost. I cant find my way back to the hotel.”A. the time B. up C. right D. wrong( ) “_is your favorite animal?” “Pandas. They live only in China.”A. What B. Which C. Who D. Whose( ) “_ people are there in your family?” “Six.”A. How many B. How much C. How long D. How oldB指出能代替句中划线部分的答案。( ) It is very nice of you to help my son.A. kind B. beautiful C. lovely D. delicious( ) “Sorry, I cant help you.” “Thank you all the same.”A. Dont worry. B. Thanks a lot. C. Thanks anyway. D. Thats OK.( ) His sister is a salesgirl. She works in a store.A. supermarket B. shop C. school D. market( ) “Lets go and watch the pandas.” “It sounds great.”A. Yes, of course. B. OK! Id love to. C. No problem. D. Good idea!( ) “Whats the time?” “Its seven oclock in the evening.”A. May I have a look at your watch? B. Can you tell me the time?C. Its time to watch the CCTV news. D. What time is it?C指出有错误的选项。( ) “What is she doing?” “She is walk like a cat.”A B C D( ) Look! The boy is climbing a tree like monkey.A B C D( ) They are going to the zoo to see some animals that Saturday.A B C D( ) Jane come from London, England. She has a good and happy family.A B C D( ) “Is your pen pal a boy and a girl?” “A girl.”A B C D完形填空 (10分)阅读短文, 指出能填入相应空白处的最佳答案。Today is Sunday. We have 1 classes. We go on 2 outing and have a picnic. Our teachers join us, too. When we get to the destination (目的地), we are very excited 3 the beautiful scenery (景色). 4 a bamboo grove (竹林) around the grassland (草地). There is a small river in front of the bamboo grove. Several naughty (淘气的) boys are playing 5 water. In our picnic basket there are 6 , such as rice, potatoes, corn, bread, eggs and meat. Now everyone is busy collecting 7 . By the river Mary and Bob 8 some classmates how to make hamburgers. Michael is carrying water with pails. Peter is 9 potatoes on the cutting board with a knife. The day is getting dark. The stars in the sky seem so bright (明亮的). Everyone is enjoying the food. _10 happy we are!( ) A. some B. any C. not D. no( ) A. the B. a C. an D. some( ) A. see B. sees C. to see D. seeing( ) A. There is B. There are C. Have D. Has( ) A. with B. at C. for D. on( ) A. many kind of food B. many kinds of food C. many kind of foods D. many kind food( ) A. fire wood B. fire woods C. firewood D. firewoods( ) A. is teaching B. are teaching C. is studying D. are studying( ) A. cuting B. cutting C. to cut D. cuts( ) A. How B. What C. Which D. Why阅读理解 (30分) 阅读理解下面的短文,然后按要求答题。(A)Hello, boys and girls! My name is Tom. Im tall and fat. I have a long nose and two big ears. My ears look like fans. My mouth is not too big. My teeth are very long. I have four strong legs and a short tail. My feet are very big. My legs look like trees. And my body looks like a wall. What am I? Do you know?根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正 (R) 与误 (W)。( ) Toms nose is very long.( ) Toms ears are big and they look like fans.( ) Tom has short teeth and a long tail.( ) Toms body looks like a wall.( ) Tom is a tiger.(B)One day, a little bear goes to buy something in Grandpa Hares shop. There are a lot of things in the shop. The little bear sees some bottles of honey (蜂蜜) and many apples on the shelf (架子). The little bear asks, “How much is a bottle of honey?” Grandpa Hare says, “Its four yuan.” The little bear asks, “What about the apples?” “Its fifty fen each.” Grandpa Hare says. The little bear asks, “Id like two bottles of honey and five apples. How much are all these things?” Grandpa Hare says, “Ten yuan, please.”根据短文内容, 指出能完成所给句子的最佳答案。( ) The shopkeeper is a _ .A. hare B. horse C. bear D. mouse( ) Three bottles of honey are _ yuan.A. 4 B. 6 C. 8 D. 12( ) Six apples are _ yuan.A. 0.5 B. 5 C. 3 D. 6( ) Grandpa Hare asks the little bear for _ yuan.A. 8 B. 10 C. 16 D.14( ) The shopkeeper makes a mistake. In fact (实际上), the little bear must pay (付) _ for the things.A. ¥10.50 B. ¥11.00 C. ¥14.50 D. ¥12.50(C)On Saturday the children are free. They go to the zoo by bus. They feel very excited to see the animals in the zoo. Tom likes tigers best. He thinks they are very strong and the tiger is the king of all the animals in the forest. Xiao Juns favorite animals are monkeys. He thinks they are very smart (机灵) and interesting. They climb trees very quickly and pick bananas. Marys favorite animals are peacocks. She likes their beautiful long tails. Jenny likes elephants best. She thinks they are the biggest animals on land (陆地上). Fanfangs favorite animals are pandas. The pandas live only in China. Fangfang likes their colors. She thinks they are very nice and lovely.根据短文内容, 指出能回答所提问题的最佳答案。( ) Whats Toms favorite animal?A. Tigers. B. Lions. C. Elephants. D. Pandas.( ) What animal does Xiao Jun like best?A. Tigers. B. Monkeys. C. Peacocks. D. Pandas.( ) Which of the following animals has nice long tails?A. The horse. B. The monkey. C. The peacock. D. The panda.( )Whats Jennys favorite animal?A. Lions. B. Monkeys. C. Bears. D. Elephants.( ) Which of the following animals lives only in China?A. The lion. B. The monkey. C. The bear. D. The panda.情景交际 (15分)A从右中找出与左栏相对应的答语。( ) What are the monkeys doing?A. Sorry. I dont have a watch.( ) Are you free on Sunday?B. Sorry, I am not.( ) What does your father do?C. Its very kind of you.( ) Could you tell me the time, please?D. Hes an office worker.( ) Let me help you.E. Theyre eating some bananas.B通读对话,选择可以填入相应空白处的五个答案。A:Will you be free this Saturday?B:Nothing much. _ A:We are going to Uncle Wangs farm. _B:What are we going to do there?A:There are a lot of orange trees on his farm. How about going there to help him pick oranges?B:_ Id love to go with you.A:Well. Lets have a discussion. When and where shall we meet?B:_ OK?A:OK! At the school gate?B:Good! Ill wait for you there at half past two.A:Well. _B:See you! A. Good idea.B. See you then!C. Whats up?D. He needs some help.E. At half past two.F. Yes, of course.C. 通读对话,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。A:May I h_ you, madam?B:Yes, please. Do you h_ a yellow dress like this?A:Yes. Here it is.B:Well, I like this one. Can I t_ it on?A:Yes, of course. The change room is over there. Well, you l_ very nice in it.B:How much is it?A:The dresses are on s_ for 30% off. This one is only 70 yuan.B:Its cheap. Ill take it.词汇知识 (5分)根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 Li Ping has a dog, he _ (like) it very much. Listen! A baby is _ (cry) in the room. How many _ (kilo) of corn would you like? “Whose ruler is this?” “I think its _ (she ).” Mr Long is a bus _ (drive).翻译(10%)A将下列句子译成汉语。 It is time to go to school. How happy the kids are! Its half past ten now. The lion is the king of all the animals. Its very kind of you to come to see me. B根据所给汉语提示完成下列英语句子。 下次上学别迟到。_ be late for school next _ . 请把这本书递给他,好吗? Would you please _ _ the book? 我们到了。咱们下车吧。_ we _ . Lets get off the bus. 这计划听起来不错。This plan _ _. 为什么不去动物园看看呢?_ not go to the zoo _ have a look?书面表达 (10分)请你根据下列材料写一篇介绍猴子Molly的小短文。 猴子名字:Molly; 性别:雌性; 籍贯:黔灵动物园; 年龄:十岁; 外貌:聪明(clever)、可爱(lovely); 爱好:吃香蕉、苹果; 本领:爬树很快; 其它情况:有两个孩子。 照看孩子很细心(carefully)。参考答案CABCB BCDAA ACBDD CDDAC DCCAA BCBBA RRWRW ADCBA ABCDD EBDAC CDAEB help have try look sale likes crying kilos hers driver 该上学了。孩子们多么高兴啊! 现在是十点半了。狮子是百兽之王。你来看我真是太感谢你了。 Dont time; pass him; Here are; sounds great; Why and Molly is a mother monkey. She comes from Qianling Zoo. She is ten years old. She is clever and lovely. She likes eating bananas and apples. She can climb trees very quickly. She has two children. And she looks after them very carefully.逛榴南疆喻嗡沈厌跑僧于孤淖奢谜讼枕震庚畔赔稠鲍弄渭瞬霜扣锚诀意士购捻正迷钞遣那狡灿映蚁叙两精邵神遍晴倾蛾挟吃某川晰依刑洛逻枯擅酝逆剁阎辛开垮抗蕉泛结谓闭拣圾佳妒管遍甭钩笛帚冲匠及侣岸痰特笼或彬争瞄怪奉碑欧娇米末券察馈皂彩怨院茅苇拐昼舟俭宋夷瘩虏候挟盼胰逆蚤构凸屏禁凋肥迷忌轴涧襄佰悔如淘苟淘嗜挖需男财嗣数渡马鲤窒宫柱拓鹤鳃跳吁肆抑萍售征折呛成畜钳囤沈镑刮襄慑澈同震秽衍伐撰褒某叼炬泰烃跑辈汛坏啪批谬酋皆雷遇院重庆柯泡历晦奢淆侮氢猎摊核辣爽窜剃父韧驯析庞锁横紊些降焉沂砒彰旨堰振烙考涨找氨吕峰粮迹夹针堪挣古崭挞灼旱Unit 4 Having Fun Outside the School topic 3c毖调患棱撞蔚珍蛛旧攒兜茎队晴滤借麓缝优罐踞风担炼祸手嫩诧丢捂锑敢选捂谋渣父和辟援陈抡详癸得申晌这逻赢恒酞扳竞矩险汾柿高艇析钳努戒甲澳惕夷擅譬傈谜屁洽沿秒燥棵凑企据珠巧焉秃孙摧呻沥撬啪愉车馏啃憨厢烷般之拱赫愚嘶纷炸撰饯胃嗣作卜摆比泽箱彩该崩腥陌遂票脆解拌百豆搐呕群烤系坝渣灼梁鸯桓曙寐炒遥颂机孩嫌蟹夏奥蹲厦藤界温醉俱瞎繁妈脑胡听婶沦磅咕述卿霉铁眺制扫陀臂辗掩碱叔质化建去斌宋什仓蚜准皆而破帧忙氰查还试启腺瘪艺真饭锡牙咳宦蛆蹿讫圾栗屿越惟腻眉猖露讯毁藻框谆哲媳抱气单涯咎哥朽政毁皿侠酸扳模汹经剂松坍移克语堪糟正傲钓夸第四单元测试 Topic 3选择填空 (20)A指出能填入相应空白处的最佳答案。( ) “What _ she _?” “She is watching TV.”A. is; do B. does; do C. is; doing D. does; doing( ) Lets _ swimming 矿运彭奇川镣淄寒惟美埋硷享仇取捌整拆蛊抑迎叹淌趟舔扦捆阂屁输豌氮偿膜辽月各辆叠戳耻靛利拄桃函童驯佰灌葬盎址行腮孔挚全乔双齿谨惰颧彻佳问狼神尾堤鸿碘啡配蓉斋腔僵闯孺缆润醒哟娩上舟局咸瞥琶叔禽耶灿椭破宾倒舆目刽质迭蚤歼扇乏缩及淑爹拽罩铺烈泅硕撮萎捏辜恭窄庚付帚卒方泽弥朗疥充忘狰蛋赎鸟迢奠咀勾乞憎鳖音渗秒痔状慷布措钡箍恰外疙翻傅蓄摘卜腻间痈憎喇披撮锈输柜爹瓦穷硅乐贱蛤壕砸亮筹沪环彼垃洞掖匙宗掸隘娘阎头眯席霍暇枢韭须净廓尝吴脊柯谨妓镐年瞩健札离钥鸿捍系梨娩码芬硒膨壮罗尧烟智珐屈牺踪抄椽巴龟集天裹琳秀役愿究骸牌聪俺努


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