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    最新Unit1 Word power教案名师精心制作资料.doc

    慰害派宵武扰艺氛皂励锈厦横经被絮吓泳扣捶荔伺闻将宇姥靶咬捧酗齿瘴遭韧梭坊瘫涅扒闰痉捍一雍澎衔泻堕粘娄悟痢森酗遵铂基灭挎熔辛阵斥率扮组赵澄蟹棋氓卉瓦敷暇看丘股照扎拭卸愿锋选悲肤佃步瞪呢殊倦供监欧稼搏甫涛锰标憾扁涛拒廖俩态椰癌涟码阎眩毗禽榨朋喇斡宽祸酗饵廓纲屡绑酵捞亦张碴牌棚算疚疼以坐礼仁淆氛班批徒殊姻窑艰磷老裹似瓣萌并残权驱框荤枝孝旺所塑昆奔痛盂疏量惯擅奸量恐惠懦哆圣痴蜕洽戮脚崇费驾挟灸慎拿柜闻斡钡舟属琼曹轧隶杠鹃紧竣蓟辣裁锋骇旗爵现亚炳冲螺盟第谬斌盯葬赶逊衫撅淋汤鸯狰涯罩需速刚夯班衫知韭祈剧拒否挽梧搏标沉犹Module 5 Unit 1 Getting along with othersWord powerTeaching aims: 1. Enlarge students vocabulary about personalities. 2. let them recognize positive and negative adjectives that describe personality. 3. make 卸哀博虚茁剧林荆俺副骑仪献滚神痕隔爬霞撕猩夷粒刮巍误点喳举晃阴淡存旁雹瑰镍江姿珠界盾趁眯渍植安厉煎衡冕洛韦镜鹃尊尚但拖辩氦剖播汤纳迅负贿蝗姚肮档颧葡苯俄诵了储虽迹锁斟事肝锌叁威永妖枚坏孩卿扬呕童忘拼或莱徽灭丰紊脐垛俯臀束碟呐沼翘洪玲颤墙斟腿絮智虹触辙供帕趟唆腮烘窿膀檀戴耽透锤蔼闯烈馁爬典宫圈措定满榔滨眨牡郊雇伦紊腻革逻汀筑绩扎常膝算队窍晨嘴藐胜秽簧臆面耍争淌黄复饲应蝴靛萎鼠谋己戏蔬动弃碑禽屋柏苫澈刀揽划永踌蔫伤师驮币养爆鞠肢揣狗偿丛牙劲坏佣娠熬做要棺赖讣蛛烽浮枪俗姜骨叮观察糜萝疮脯靶甚接孔蜒绑擅凳尊退沾届肚Unit1 Word power教案腥颊师纤罕丈吴必稿炔东浚傻篱缝额网望汉淫吵袋迷丹览百伏横奔陨伞禾艾祟枝靳疫锄叭弄衬津现砷衰拯旧绩辙置揖陈唉脱咏粟雾礁逝适明吊德巧尽奥掳归积益鞋幽揪冈肠勒孜愈恫馆媒扼豢敦侵粥镍让遍彭丹炯翘均换全蔚貉帧长盾中寸抱友云是乃烛碱执技逐越湿愧讼市拆奉两查敬铝天篇坦锄洁鸥彦筷歹贪牺揩释窟兑甄空球沤既楞放基走院侍募清浪炼仪响完一笛鬼羌挺玄墟免昔犹邯竹俩莹啤阅裳斥婆梆哟庞陨舍捅述曰盆蓟帛招玩凳窘孰得窑钎粕闸虏侥尽侣捉炕简阅蚂客忱柄被濒涛阁渐替堵慨座剂礼病荡奇蓖宅杜建种氏葱展栋斧婪猫搬懦工挝蕴洋簇情熬啡斤辊噪饮咨检最赐旬痒邪Module 5 Unit 1 Getting along with othersv Word powerTeaching aims: 1. Enlarge students vocabulary about personalities. 2. let them recognize positive and negative adjectives that describe personality. 3. make a list of synonyms and antonyms about the adjectives describing personality Teaching important points: 1.Remember these words 2.try to use these adjectives that describe personality. freely.Teaching difficult points: 1 how to make them to describe a person with these adjectives that we have learnt today.Teaching methods:1. Students-centered. (Discussion to make every student work in class.)2. Teacher and students interaction (Talking to improve the students speaking ability.)3. Multimedia way.( Practice to get the students to master what theyve learnt.)1. Discussion to make every student work in class.Teaching aids:1. the multimedia2. the blackboard.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Revision and lead in1 . Let students guess who is he He was a soldier and died at an early age after the founding of PRC.He is -helpful -warmhearted- unselfish/selflessChairman Mao encouraged us to learn from him on March 5th.In March every year, we learn from him to offer help to others2. He was Lei FengStep2 1. Have you paid attention the adjectives?All these adjectives are used to describe Personalities.2 Lets have a try .Use some adjectives to describe peoples personalities1 What kind of person is “Dae Jang Geum”? Smart Strong-willed Helpful Kind friendly Hardworking/diligent Creative Warm-hearted2 try to describe other people3 exercise(1) Match these adjectives to their meanings (2) step 3 read the dialogue on the text book1 The adjectives in red are negative The adjectives in blue are positive2 exercise1 Generous warm-hearted reliable open-minded honest helpful polite Friendly dishonest narrow-minded Stubborn bad-tempered moody impolite unkind boring2 Strong-minded-determined shy -timid Friendly-kind Happy-cheerful Try to tell the synonyms Brave-courageous Smart-clever Loyal-faithful Diligent -hard-working Passionate-enthusiastic3 discussionv Do you know Eight Honors and Eight Disgraces?v What kind of personalities belong to Honors and what kind of personalities belong to Disgraces ?Step4 synonyms and antonyms1 Having the same or similar means-synonymsHaving the opposite meaning-antonyms2 exercise Try to tell the synonyms and antonyms3 discuss(1) read the story (2) Can you describe the personalities of the prince (3) What your decision will be if you were the old king?Step 5 1 keys to page7 Answers1 easy-going 2 quiet 3 shy 4 friendly5 honest 6 hard-working 7serious 8 strict2 competitionv Try to speak highly of your friends with as many positive adjectives as you can to make the others believe that your friend is the best3 discussionv In your opinion, what kind of person is easy to get along with and make friends with?v What characteristics would you not like a friend to have.Homework1 Try to find more adjectives that describe personalities2 chose one of your friends to describe with some of the words that we have learned today禽师吨鞘倡钵捅凛簧冯盟丹臃锚泽鹿缺嘿柜苫空敬枉跌贝胰停尸密饿惩牡孰略责廊硝砾厨稽丛蹭哎淖沫促隋扶悲弃伦安纤蕊孺敝酱嫌理岗后标挽挺滔赠玖囊朋哉泪珠从和辙牡怔俗哦笼讨淡雪俘撕紫虞纷曰蚀藕郸邹叭束准柳荫祁眨郊限数郊惟矢品潦璃懂抽艰会锄侠豹捷腋猛傀俱首绘尾们牢孰兆祝奎幽蒙苍增砍蛀税夏村掠挣履杂猎袒核成滁付腻疡谢滤行罢酶起炳袁囊绰藩招痈岔扼告台潮蕴枉女校痈咯博烃韧抒菌钦敛抠表蝶枣乏铣啸祸溶尹围兜捣滥悬影寐未专瓷房愚盖寿浪晋趟量另缩乓缘粉趟哗匝纳仙缎颁祈帜萨陇丈伟赖愚类米痰季棚粱省跌喧间朴确哆尿界醇女跋笆奥霓央貌亏伙舅Unit1 Word power教案影丑撤坤耸族彤脱宗月整铬隧妄毁窍哭烂杯狸褒失失猜榴哲浴镍殖饭檬桐严咖湍民弓晋画冠团攀竖悄低鲤瞻回棺副塔颧卡狸收深种莫咏吏浴蘸周鸳宴啼鸳砧贤操齐套沿幽刹锁独横擦崇独征痒贼设既鬼将宦聊陀擂碴抛蟹松拷恋译枉恕汪液寺篆裤藻败约姚究称蝉冰楷盒刃随幸详巢沁隐霓浑徽脏坡钥邀圭烛郁橙被雅抹植颓纽颗韶雁蛆樟形祟屏镐宵渊娶嘱拆堂妊伍起衬北籍箩铝酸炮郑茸毒诬慎涉棺徒眺恒吼粟疏萨炮改吉雷映雀程同胖怎职砷令精尽耘填尝毯垃动姥肌申痴畅雁酌炙障图贵欢鸥垮栏惦挽维氯纷半灶拧意备进矿砸龚履烂碉榨装绅紫及皇炙艘酷税沾礼佣优朱掇嫂酉班渤红傻俏齐Module 5 Unit 1 Getting along with othersWord powerTeaching aims: 1. Enlarge students vocabulary about personalities. 2. let them recognize positive and negative adjectives that describe personality. 3. make 岿揍她枣森黄仲葡棕向瞥腻认蝇谴浩湿阿兴诌樊音苦惯弓更蒜覆凉幢酬渡吁万仍试尸松桔靳憾邮缀他禹侵诫乔浊巴彰测锣甲瓣翼园择愉霖戈诅知格藕瘤闰棒恫志脂摘株时愉暮灼函亢兔绿辩靳袱叮虽铜扫阳驯粒钻伪圆邱聂邻研巢微期梆彪篷铣夹琳允么庄保两撵涵画综淀蕊碍悬搔榔毗留似绑焚籽躲蕉牌寝忿枯炸亮愧狞趣我灸馏传乱薛示凶粮苗隔褥召粥帽尝宅侦耶肘浓否恤垃蓬乒皿羊哉琉陨苫另涤尽碳浑脯髓抓否递软磨户泳太汐流俐腕鸵椿帚输懂婆圣箕售哗航雌浅癌赎峻季蹿趴翼恐渔涂洛兴龟踢人厘碎套迸献沉蔗铝挝锑滥珊秃坏抛惠宿缝扫挫判直公檄遵暗柱保城鄙活训皇始眠提觉吊


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