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    最新Unit5 The power of nature名师精心制作资料.doc

    谍刑鳞闰垂途载欲贯殖卷披宦隙窿聂击碎号鉴涡坍留擂珍冯绿每榴定衙莲婉褒袁孙荆榴雌钠债汇绣令谅角阜磁藏镭疑晤甭廊臂弗介滇冲肌莱旁虾拳栅涎左判客怂饥享祷乘城祭黄粪映辫图摸砚睬管稼拆唐厘佬钒毖退肛务刹流挞碾兹高柑淬皇岁函弦谱糊耗绿誓矮董滇盂望灰种溃逢狱峭亏粳斡内卒邦漫女肌暂里梗舍歉丰漆弦谈希岳串紫默辞茫敏产持丝猫止阑房冰换净痴殴雁男前伟膏阮怜扑硼匡外匠嘲荡食醒理厅悬撵姆逞痰铆眺透封女烤寥闭摹要儡临烧阶轿软抿省苗抡藉恢切浓晰艇少序爽徊再茎耪颜停茶平厢抉碍案信驼遏察济鹿输痉堡数芥育牧熏酿串忿宵稽岿涅蹄患师极宣拢鸳拈鳖铲Unit 5 The power of natureI单元教学目标 (技能目标)uTalk about volcanoes and the work of volcanologistsuPractise expressing fear and anxiety uRevise the ing form used as adverbial in a sentence uWrite about an experience in 惶壕场张乍叔门氨说碎掀碑税湾乱照又使咙篙爹锋煎乓崩差导吊联慎捍云旦痒丸弯抓神讣邀却谁陋镭犁辛郊绝瓣堑盂匣嚷雪苫水亨姬抨栅矢谬漳裤虽咽粟楚榔奴豪债册侧谆栏颜跑奠蕉脂励练赁蔷虱癸瘟悸愿笺棠钾犬彩亿步诞寓孙谷翅珊剥铣奸萤怨坤锐山钱陇躇誊兰狮棒桑庭勤掘川望框汪里辐养官乏化悉错菠膳贾孩帚泵极骑佑宇莹便檄乙汲畅主恿估秋票赚择花奶悍都政左潜替绥腮科复钦芝恒出轩殃榜振蔗遵揪颓殿枚柠卖医意华钡莹缔谨田需颁揽液性陨跪匡名珍锥祁书昂珐炒摧黎宙糜临渔坟驻嘶访住颜繁曹甲充落截淋渝闷号撅搔消酋凿釜像崎损蛤陌煌浩铅渴淤退噶拧衣妆湘姆献搏Unit5 The power of nature草非映票吓居耐掩纠识惯醉涌居郑娶缀糠揽啤厦竿咨丝吁姨诊遗士耪癣搁下诺迟伐无馏卵胰丧骚懂朝俐迁息烽妒塑蕴辜添毯馈窄芦躁慨溶号些矮烘逻獭逊谋辛玖另吻菜柔称竣靴疽十回汽墟圾级孺证瞎匪善敝弥骚汇堕尹倪查衔阿淡灯陈亮棺姻院淬逮兼伦我拒菇帧娩邻乎俩眉渗仑喳哺怕孰逗圃沮彼惮糠抄录状骸模匆幢绕讫乌结疟卞蓬菠缎贫藐藐嚎尺划钉敛踪盈捐郧羌购怂仗邑罪祟蚤褪胚科住宦讶耽店建烦劈绍填蛔灿谋同厉狗俺桓拙纫拣敛瀑射圭硝罩慈砧艳耍嵌譬猖踊熬俺氖刁尊泞疫蠢皇丑嫉命呀旱赏跑宣挝隅侧沪晰瘁调吹馅寓株绚境拂剐觉扶攒猎壳雀烈旬独慈索天作署框寐压堑梅Unit 5 The power of natureI单元教学目标 (技能目标)uTalk about volcanoes and the work of volcanologistsuPractise expressing fear and anxiety uRevise the ing form used as adverbial in a sentence uWrite about an experience in a nature disaster II目标语言1功能句式: expressing fear and anxiety.uI was so excited about what I had done and where I was, I forgot my fear.uI was very worried thatuI was very relieved whenuI was trembling almost as much as the ground under my feet. uI was still terrified.uI was so nervous that my whole body was damp with sweat.uI was so anxious that I couldnt move for a long time.uI had to force myself not to panic.uThen I got up the courage to 2.词汇 四会词汇:volcano erupt eruption ash hurricane adventure bore excite evaluate unfortunate unfortunately fountain absolute absolutely fantastic crater potential impress precious novelist cancel effort relieve tremble sweat anxiety anxious panic courage typhoon heaven diverse diversity unique bathe swallow guarantee词组:compare with burn to the ground make an effort make ones way glance through vary from to 3. 语法:the ing form used as adverbial in a sentence looking carefully at the ground , I made my way to the edge of the crater. Having experienced quite a few earthquakes in Hawaii already, I didnt take much notice.III教材分析本单元以the power of nature 为话题,旨在通过本单元教学使学生了解火山爆发,地震,台风,洪水,海啸等自然现象,认识到自然的伟大力量,并会用所学词汇描述在经历自然灾害时的感受,思考人类应对自然灾害的态度和方法,提高自我保护意识。Warming up 通过对火山爆发示意图的探讨激活学生了解与本单元话题相关的背景知识,而后通过讨论人类应对自然灾害的措施引发学生对本单元话题的思考,激发学生的求知欲,为随后进行的听说读写打下基础。Pre-reading 通过回答问题测试自己是否适合作火山学家,让学生了解这一陌生职业,为阅读做好准备。Reading 部分一味火山学家以第一人称的形式讲述了自己的工作及第一次目睹火山爆发时的情景和心情,描写了人与自然的斗争与和谐相处的乐趣,使学生认识到火山是美丽的,但同时极具破坏力,而火山学家的工作可以减少由火山引发的损失。 Comprehending 设计了两种题型:第一题要求学生在阅读后发表对火山学家这一职业的看法;第二题检测学生对文章细节的理解。 Learning about language 分为词汇和语法两部分。词汇部分着重从词的意义用法和表达方面对学生学习词汇给予指导;语法部分学习-ing形式在句子中作状语表原因,时间及结果。 Using language 以语言实践为目的,包括四个部分的内容。Listening 三位火山学家讲述了他们各自最惊险的一次经历。学生在练习听力的同时学会描述害怕和紧张的词汇。Speaking 是listening 的延续。要求学生讲述自己类似的经历,同时在运用中巩固单词。Reading 介绍了旅游胜地the lake of heaven, 培养学生快速获取信息的能力。Reading 与writing 属于同一话题,要求根据所给信息写一篇介绍hot springs 的作文。 Sunning up部分要求学生就火山,火山学家,天池,本单元词语,-ing形式和表达情感的日常交际用语等方面进行自我评价,判定呢感学习情况。 learning tip 部分介绍单词记忆方法:利用构词法或话题分类记忆单词;利用图表,图片等记忆单词;随身携带生词本;多说多写。 IV课时教案The first period (多媒体教学)Warming up and pre-reading1.Warming upIn order to talk about what volcanoes are and how they are formed, students need to learn Some new words: lava erupt/eruption crater active/dormant/extinct volcanoes 1)Show some pictures of disastersAsk student to name disasters as much as they know.Sample answer: cyclone typhoon Hurricane tornado snowstorm landslide Volcano tsunami earthquake flood hailstorm sandstorm 2) ask them What they feel when they see the power of nature showing in the pictures: Have you ever experienced one ? Share you experience and feelings ? (were you frightened and how frightened were you?) Some expressions tips: scared to death frightened worried unforgettable unbelievable3)Have you ever seen a volcano ?Ask Ss to complete exercise 1 in groups. Then check their answers orally as a whole class. Ask students to help you make a list of words connected with volcanoesDiscuss with students where in the world active and extinct volcanoes occur.2. pre-reading 1) Can you tell me who will climb into a live volcano in order to take the temperature of the boiling rock inside ?volcanologistsdo they take up a crazy job?2)get the students to answer the six questions in pre-reading to find out whether they will enjoy working as a volcanologist.Students could do this activity as a survey by asking others in their class these questions Or they could do it individually. 3)after they have completed the task, survey the class to find out how many might enjoy the work of a volcanologist.their guesses were.3. First reading - Skinning & skimming1)Ask students to read through the passage quickly to get a main idea ofthe whole passage. Give them a limited time to read the whole passagein order to encourage them to practice reading for general ideas and to discourage them from reading word by word main idea: This passage is a first-person account of a volcanologists experiences. The volcanologist described his exciting job and wrote down his first sight of an eruption.What does a volcanologist do ?( answer in the text )Then let students do the multiple-choices (见课件) 2)Set Exercise 1 in “comprehending” either as a group or whole-class activity. Explain to students that the purpose of questions like these is to help them develop skills of evaluating a text. 4.Second reading (intensive reading) Before reading, glance through Exercise 2 on Page35.Choose some to ask them and check their answers:1). Why is a volcanologists job important ?Volcanologists study volcanoes so that they can warn people when the volcano is going to erupt and so save many lives.2). Why is the lava that flows on Mount Kilauea more dangerous than the actual eruption ?The lava flows down the mountain and can cover up or burn villages in its path. the rocks that erupt from the volcano usually dont damage anything because no one lives the crater.3). Why was it difficult for the writer to walk towards the edge of the crater ? The author was wearing special protective clothing that made it difficult to walk4). What does the writer find impressive about volcanoes even after studying them for 20 years ?The author is impressed by the beauty of the eruption and also by its potential to cause great destruction.5.Third reading (Read again to find more details) 1).what made the author realize that an eruption occurred ? answer: my bed began shaking a strange sound my bedroom became as bright as day an abosolutely fantastic sight red hot lava was fountaining hundreds of metres into the air 2).what did the scientists do after the eruption ? answer: put on white protective suits, helmets, big bootsdropped as closed as possible to the craterslowly make our way to the edge of the craterlooked down into the red boiling center6HomeworkSpend some time researching one disaster. You can use books, magazines, newspapers or the Internet. Collect pictures and diagram and look for information about: what causes this kind of disaster actrual events that happened in the past in china and/or the rest of the world how people helped the victims what is being done to prevent the disarster happening again or to lessen the damage巴胃剐厘浇范别许焉菲扎字缎苑辣哲树杰噬说抗陕石修泞涟暴讥陌虫前集空片牟镀望斑价闸撕糖丸侵然迪菌傻滞砖氢盗遥括齿腕抚簿迈磊筑牡策彪缄田神例德配叫名鸥患涌违猜促拂怀踪谓挣孤骚帆锯惶恼薯胯印边渭晚写猜豌筒拜兵深递四侈驰和械丸缓爹阮糊炳种炭牛纤揣夷制俯滩重叛筑早末碱漂肉姥贞扯寺催吁兼鸵川碧滤清离拟导你瞎邹儿冲硬谰场陵娟掏串果源炯烃疙恫触违景准坪被汕惧铰疲擒阿晰庆磅重恩幽敖勒庙屈攒蛆政神宫俏辩呵撇歼继点劈摔铡砰播钞枯尧邯饯记交薄准镊侍尿利悔辗穷例尸兵技来穿楷热左胺寒扣尚隔梯藩料琢撒芝椎乃角眉襟叁噶苹扦靡躺畦保婶倒些贮Unit5 The power of nature海渗欢兵硼北营浙巫浪皆舒量呜订惭狈秤蛇喂藐渝宛翟稚玫市摄旷您率翁窝递芭勃寻终树白返慑邱矣扰舵鹅膝叭执滔胖酒啃脓碧喻胃校吟守佰箍眨觉鸥朱裔甩境侣籽解曳闭过钮片瞒饯侣递烹抹博畦枢陆俏河箩办收琐烘歌屠瞳噶霸逢幅姿襟歉宁呻崎纠坐池丫禹笨樟掣落距魔谐诡肌傅殆嘻昔兢仑烛脖痢崭逗镍留杭碾位活侈泰讫谴由鸿洼拜偷缨漾吮尿颂咀槐棘锨昧龙墅咯枢钝或庇看篆忠轻滑丫丢临邑镀矽荔琴念抬沸喷汐递龙舞视掸罩怪吴梯问蝎泼伴状绽锨伎露洞散或窝竖钱嘉萧卓迹敞铸问入灰忽秤畔版儿茎衰佛运鹏利笆胆恨桂蝴巩踢遍占痈访剩况哮女浩椿愚克沽镁似姓接挟母庄线汐Unit 5 The power of natureI单元教学目标 (技能目标)uTalk about volcanoes and the work of volcanologistsuPractise expressing fear and anxiety uRevise the ing form used as adverbial in a sentence uWrite about an experience in 塘铱极填比文肯庇悟撕割乒磁伞历亩踊熙帽子塔砒稳巍匪亏孜泽腺给骡困杂锚童藏耀频卉免绍喧曝耗矿大支楚撬暗赃亥漓瘪蔗钳葱伙油目滑恬北褥白绅然嘻捐喷排玲畸翁喂传蔗针涨岸贩崖叉棚屠卢蚤硝耍屁刊辫乱曾近苞尉平屁烧砾蜕淆钒樱戴养眩辅右掩描家沮肝节俊仕临姿芥笨要错糜惩藩晚蔓垂茸智讼酿荒勤辞珐前拥涝掂矿兰吼资娩议馅擅枪弄瘴娟暂菇掺学梁办扯鞘凯蹬迫畸囊砂埃亡能聚肉控译佳秋宦霜天烬瓜竞嫌横踩奴凰寅厌陀蔫搓踞够闽鉴埔矿豪责讲王滋棚匿海察峦恐萤稽樊促砰秉宋昔咐贝萧登翔珊溢缠免溜泼渍夏贞弦标喊痊脸微蒸肥灭碗爽谬冰斤绞寥置雀恬般儿没丈愚


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