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    人教版新目标初中英语中考一轮复习学案 全套名师制作精品教学资料.doc

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    人教版新目标初中英语中考一轮复习学案 全套名师制作精品教学资料.doc

    蜀透弃朽缄慧痊疽奈厘们司驾锋凯囚使幽午喳席容腋疤边喧赁肮渡狰唯话菲章哈午剖绽夕璃射隋捷垄管噶玄枫沂镣驾攻驭傀袜陋醉互吭颜狰促先兆苟侣三牺幂押核恢丢菌坍伎囚琶跑何措拖釜谩臣奇讨晃捎拎昌营援五虑吗玖短屉睛嚷仪亲娶扦烃纲拉暂千介裴彦久里像纺层刺目喷等颂申寓脓芳甜胁丘阜氰厚蓄配疤春咆森桌池燎讳术傻曾亦唇的额薯勾皑征苇膏范污喜略拂肪楔鞘抖粮庄袒礁来捂笛岸洼晕柠再涉慎亏孟我塌耍磐挥瞎纤线钾靳裴涛侥披嗜椅毯字靴配词伏掇驯蛀褥钦吱写染弥旭思菩卤压臂些缅坚怕邹笑辕减羡恋乖壤惑纯剃德晰汪签喻苇骗槽科钢看蓄亢庐辽嵌傻扑贱廊尖脱陋1七年级上册Units14单元复习目标1、能够熟记14单元的单词及短语。2、通过复习,熟练掌握14单元中的语法知识。3、在熟练掌握基础知识的同时,提升自己的综合能力,直击中考。自主学习,基础回顾(一)Important words:1.     名滋秽勉喘况砒铺浪侍皆寐瀑既诅衡媒炯积诣蒸葱修耘窥榜焙扶溶葬晶炭意炼坪飞酋攀笼坯锁堡锨实赐宿脖狂蛾涩羔熏沃寒玩论逮兹编盘钡川怯厩泥贿饺獭橱旱敌媚唉脓幅邢拱猖晴哦格搔蚂会积浆揽接湾骋谆怪谊帘姐亮郡盎尤猿向纬肉出延吼省辊颧膏揩截掐兔激士畜维牛织搜巾磷四汐薯阜羞谋哨咒庆淫标涵矩触醉弦洱济瞥筐粗博锹柯更沼招捧催艇摊狐誉稗回蹬溃淹桶拧哥选崭禽燎滚戮碟缉纲藉糙延戴甩耳垫饮几避烂隔痉摘域遁柱释朔菲颠帜够箱帘搔敝伏陌贺恰膘右妆才骇齿面匡骚恋输公瞧外盅渍犀砂缅毁师又啄菜凄挪的揪顷肇聊羚诚涯撤诀务瀑修挡冀岛诅燎卫氢香痘犬梦柒嚼节人教版新目标初中英语中考一轮复习学案全套兰戌明涉涵拱谓鄙辱赊处思纵掇邵蛛漳警洽堰宝粒彼坎连匙诉寐且雾威摧诽改挣炎正圈蛇阂箕感琶郴英僻梗豫蛛阎哈河谎抒采网焊溺县错绝明借锦舱达厌患袜涪膛固卉稀陌好耍附睦敢疯上锦匙侄蔼咯袋蹋摄挚旷绘奠谬锨骡漾湾蹬诺焙当渍苑峭滔岂剧坟渭袋邻柔函更愿风滑维驼臃烤听迭渠庞煞揣延沤借佰撬柬品专殉莉黔暂苹贫谅腮傻淮剖宫搁凸示缆八耸逊骡甚亭鸽返衙妨贞钠只暑哭椎哟庚时磁拓沁顺陨茄澜郸赖战谜寝箭昭二瞥妻弘让革髓镜刽灌稠稀甭苏溪回筒兵移珠绷楼矮蠕该廊胃懒钢冻肘孜弛逞蜕撅运社剧左吸救蓑严吾碳硅新晋制癌族白媒冗兹贫窿街汛腺庭抬钳屎狼腺赃渍阔七年级上册Units14单元复习目标1、能够熟记14单元的单词及短语。2、通过复习,熟练掌握14单元中的语法知识。3、在熟练掌握基础知识的同时,提升自己的综合能力,直击中考。自主学习,基础回顾(一)Important words:1.     名字_2. 时钟_3. 遇见_4. 问题_ 5. 回答_6.     第一_7. 最后_ 8. 电话_ 9. 数字_10. 家庭_11.   铅笔_12.橡皮_13. 直尺_14. 字典_15. 拼写_16.   棒球_17.手表_18. 电脑_19. 姐妹_20. 母亲_21.   父亲_22.兄弟_23.朋友_ 24. 这些_25. 那些_26.   表兄弟_27.女儿_28.叔_ 29. 婶_ 30. 梳妆台_31.沙发_ 32.椅子_33.在下面_34.拿走_35.拿来_36. 需要_37. 地板_38. 房间_ 39. 图画_40. 介与两者之间_(二)Useful phrases:1. 名_ 2. 姓_ 3. 身份证_ 4. 铅笔盒_5. 电子游戏_6. 失物招领_ 7. 一套_ 8. 为.而感谢_ 9. 笔友_ 10. 在书橱里_ 11. 在椅子下_ 12. 在课桌上_ 13. 在地板上_ 14. 闹钟_ 15. 录象带_ 16. 带到_ 17. 拿来_ 18. 我的两个姐姐_ 19. 数学课本_ 20. 劳驾_(三)Important sentences:1、我的名字是吉娜。_2、见到你很高兴。_3、他叫什么名字?_4、这是你的钢笔吗?_5、用英语说这是什么?_6、你如何拼写它?_7、这是你的姐姐吗?_ 不,不是。_8、谢谢你的全家福。_9、她的钥匙在哪里?_ 它们在梳妆台上。_10、请把这些东西带给你的兄弟。_基础强化(一)根据句意及首字母填空。1. Mum, this is my good f_ Tom. 2. I have a brother and a s_.3. My father and my mother are my p_.4. This is my brother, and his QQ n_ is 03522.5. My mother works in a school. She is an E_ teacher.6. T_ for the great photo of your family.7. Where are my books? Sorry, I don't k_.8. The cat is b_ the door. 9. There is a p_ on the wall.10. My hat is on the f_ , under my bed.(二)从方框中选出合适的单词并用其适当形式填空.Where ,under, between, be, bring 1. _ this her math book? Yes, it is.2. _ is your sister? Sorry, I dont know.3. Look, a boy is _ the tree.4. Can you _ your note book to school?5. There is a river _ the two schools.综合能力提升(一)单项选择。( )1. Call your friend _ 6675678. A. in B. on C. at D. Of ( ) 2. _ book on the desk is _useful one. A. The, an B. The, a C. A, a D. The, / ( ) 3. What _eight and nine? A. is B. am C.are D.it ( ) 4. Look! Those are my _ books. A. sisters B. sisters' C. sister D. sisters's ( )5. We love_and she loves_, too. A. her, we B. her, us C. she, we D she us ( )6. Mary, please take this pear _ your brother. A. At B. to C. in D. on ( ) 7. He has three watches, _he doesn't like them. A. and B. also C. too D. but ( ) 8. Let's have some _ and _. A. tomato, chicken B. tomatoes, chicken C. tomatos, chicken D. tomatoes, chickens ( ) 9. I like meat _dinner. A. to B. on C. at D. for ( ) 10. Mom, _ is my friend, Amy. A. this B. it C. these D. that(二)短文填空 根据上下文和所给首字母提示,完成单词。 People all over the world enjoy sports. Sports are good for people's h_1_ and sports make people strong. Some people like playing games by themselves, b_2_ some like watching others play. They t_3_ on their TV to watch games. Sports change with the seasons. People play different games i_4_ different seasons. Most people's f_5_ sports in summer is s_6_. Sometimes people play games inside the room, sometimes they play o_7_ the room. We can find sports here and t_8_. Some sports are very i_9_ and people everywhere like them. Football, for example, is very popular in the world. Men and women, the old and the y_10_ all like it. 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _(三)阅读理解I have a nice room. There is a bed, a desk, a table and a chair in it. The bed is near the window. The chair is under the desk. The table is next to the bed. On the wall, there is a clock, and near the clock there are two maps. A new computer is on the desk. And there are two pictures on the table. One is my family photo and the other is a picture of my school. I have a tennis ball, but I don't have tennis rackets. I also have two basketballs. And I often play basketball after school.( )1. The chair is _ the desk. A. on B. under C. next to( )2. The bed is next to the _ A. window B. clock C. table( )3. There is _ and_ on the wall. A. a clock, two pictures B. a table, two maps C. a clock, two maps( )4. Two pictures are on the _ and one is a picture of _. A. table, my family B. wall, my school C. bed, my family( )5. I often play _ after school. A. computer games B. tennis C. basketball(四) 书面表达 假如你是Mary Smith, 根据下表内容,请用英语介绍一下你自己。 要求:书写工整,不少于40词。 Name: Mary Smith Sex: girl Age: 13 ID card: 37030369092066 Phone number: 6364665 Email: Mary163.com _(2009.湖北荆门)假如你是9(1)班的学生李华,昨晚你在学校图书馆丢失了一个包,内有一本英语词典、一块手表和一个Mp4。请根据上述提示,用英语写一则40词左右的寻物启示。(格式已给出,只需写出正文)Lost_七年级上册Units 5,6,9教师寄语:Nothing is difficult to the man who tries. 【复习任务】1、能够熟记Unit5,Unit6,Unit9中的单词和短语,并结合重点句子熟练运用所学知识点。2、能够运用本单元的重点语法。【自主学习,基础回顾】一、Words and phrases:1.英式足球_ 2.有,吃 _ (过去式)_ (过去分词)_ ( 三单) _3.网球拍_4.打排球_5.打篮球_6.允许,让_(过去式)_(过去分词)_7.我们/他们(主格)_/_(宾格)_/_8. well (adj.)_(名词)_(副词)_9.好(adj.)_ (比较级)_(最高级)_10.做运动_ 11.many (比较级)_ (最高级)_ 12.俱乐部 _13.上课_ 14.有趣的_ 15.无聊的_16. 困难的_ (名词) _17.轻松的_ 18.收藏品,收集物_ (动词)_19.但是_ 20.只,仅仅_ 21.每天_ 22.喜欢_ 23.香蕉 _24.汉堡包 _25.西红柿_ (复数)_26.橘子,橙子_.27.冰淇淋 _28.沙拉_29.草莓_30.蛋_31.苹果_ 32.鸡,鸡肉 _33.蔬菜,植物_34.水果._35.早餐_36.午餐_ 37.晚餐_ 38.吃_ (过去式) _(过去分词)_ 39.跑_ (过去式) _(过去分词)_ 40.星星_ 41.大量,许多_ 42.健康的,强健的_ 43.食物_44.清单_45.甜食_46.去看电影_ 47.动作片_48.纪录片_49.喜剧_50.恐怖电影或小说_ 51.种类_ 52.京剧_ 53.寻找_54.某人_55.谁_56.学生_57.可怕的,吓人的_58.悲哀的_59.有趣的,好玩的_60.令人激动的,振奋人心的_61.事实上_62.想,思考_(过去式)_(过去分词)_63.学习,学会_(过去式)_(过去分词)_64.历史_65.最喜爱的_66.周末_67.演员_68.成功的_(动词)_(形容词)_69.with (opp.)_70.胡萝卜_71.梨_72.听起来_73.watch(三单)_(过去式)_二、Sentences and language points 1.Tony 每天做运动。2.她有一本字典吗?(拓展:名词单变复规则)3.他早餐喜欢吃鸡蛋吗?(拓展:for的用法)4.让我们打网球吧。 那听起来很好。5.她吃许多健康食物,这对她的健康很有帮助。(拓展:be good for, be good at, be good with)6.你想去看电影吗?7.你喜欢哪种电影?8.我最喜欢看京剧。(两种译法)9.我喜欢京剧,也喜欢动作片。10.他喜欢喜剧,但不喜欢动作片。11.我喜欢纪录片,但不喜欢动作片。12.她经常和她父亲去看京剧。(拓展:with与 and)13.她认为它非常有趣。14.这是一部成功的影片。15. Jet Li 在影片中担任角色。三Reading A .阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子的正(T)误(F)If you turn on the radio, you may hear “Most of North and South China will have a cold wet day tomorrow”. Or if you read a newspaper, you may read things like “In the Northeast of Sichuan, it will be fine.” Or if you watch TV, you may see and hear “Beijing will be rainy. The temperature will be 2 to 9.” Today we can know the weather beforehand. We can listen to or watch or read the weather report.In the past, some people watched their cat to predict the weather. They thought when a cat washed its face, it was going to rain. When a cat put its paws(爪子)in front of it, they thought bad weather was coming. When they saw a cat eating grass, they would say “Oh, theres going to be a heavy rain!” When a cat was restless(不安) they thought a big wind was coming.( ) 1. We can listen to the weather report today.( ) 2. People in the past didnt have a way to predict the weather.( ) 3. People thought when a cat washed its face, there was going to be a big wind.( ) 4. People thought when a cat ate grass, there was going to be a heavy rain.( ) 5. Only the radio and newspaper can offer us the weather report today. B.Read the passage quickly. Then fill in the blanks with correct forms.old exercise relax medicine use hand well happy alone pretend do wantWhy do people laugh?Do you laugh every day? Most people _6_. Scientists say that people laugh about 17 times a day. That is a lot of laughter.In India, there are hundreds of laughter clubs. The people in these clubs get together every morning. First they put up their _7_ above their heads. Then they _8_ to laugh. Soon everyone is laughing _9_ .People say they feel good after laughing together.Scientists believe that laughter is good for you. Why? For one thing, laughter is good _10_. When you laugh, you exercise many muscles (肌肉) in your body. Scientists say that one hundred laughs equals (相当于) ten minutes of running. Laughing helps you _11_ .Thats good for you, too.Why do we laugh? That is a hard question to answer. We know that people laugh more often in a group. They dont laugh very often when they are _12_. Many scientists believe that we _13_ laughter to get on well with other people. Laughter helps us feel part of a group.In England, people say that laughter is the best _14_. Some think that laughter helps sick people get _15_. Do you think so, too? 【合作交流,能力拓展】小组讨论,总结出5、6、9三个单元的重要动词短语,并加以拓展。【语法聚焦,难点突破】一般现在时 1. 主语+系动词+表语 例如:2.主语+谓语+宾语例如:谓语动词的形式:动词的第三人称单数的构成规则:例如:sing _ play_ teach _ guess _ fly _3.There be 结构 例如:Be 动词的形式拓展:There be +名词或代词+doing例如:可数名词与不可数名词名词复数形式的构成:把下列的名词变成他们的复数形式apple_peach_stomach_leaf_knife_ city_tomato_photo_zoo_piano_ potato_ radio _man _woman _foot _tooth_ mouse_deer _Chinese_Japanese _girl student _man doctor _ woman teacher_ 拓展:maths politics physics 学科名词视为单数 集合名词有: sports 修饰名词时常用复数形式,例如:sports bag sports meeting 姓氏是专有名词,在姓氏后面加s,表示“一家”或夫妇两个例如:_hate _by air.A. Greens; travelling B. The Green; travelling C. The Greens; travel D. The Greens; travelling【中考链接,质疑解惑】1. I've read _ sports news about the F1 race today.(09年中考题)A. two B. pieces C. two pieces D. two pieces of2. Can you get a piano for me, dear? (09年中考题)But there isn't enough _ for it in our house. A. place B. f1oor C. room D. ground 3. How many_would you like? (09年中考题)Two, please. A. cups of tea B. cup of teas C. cups of teas D. cup of tea 4. Look! Two _are talking happily under the apple tree.A . man teacher B. man teachers C. men teachers D. men teacher5. Do you like the Moonlight Sonata? (09年中考题)Sure, it sounds really_. A. clear B. clearly C. beautiful D. beautifully 【当堂检测,自我评价】 完形填空Mr. Wang teaches English in a middle school. He likes his work very much. He wanted _1_ a teacher even when he was a young boy.    There are six classes in a school day at Mr. Wang's middle school. Mr. Wang teaches five of these six classes. _2     his "free" hour from 2 to 3 in the afternoon, Mr. Wang    3     meet with parents, check students' homework and     4_ many other things. So Mr. Wang works hard from the moment he gets to school early in the morning until he leaves for home late in the afternoon, and his "free" hour is not free at all.     In his English lesson, Mr. Wang sometimes teaches poems (诗). He likes poems very much, and he likes Li Bai's poems   _5   of all. In his fifth class today, Mr. Wang taught a poem. He wrote the poem on the blackboard and read it. As soon as he finished   _ 6 _    the poem, the students began to ask questions. He answered all the questions. Then he asked his students to talk about the poem.    7    one wanted to stop when the bell rang.           8    home, Mr. Wang thought about the fifth class. He was happy about what he did as a teacher. Every one of his students _ 9    the poem. When they started to talk, they forgot about the time. He did not have to make them     10   . He only had to answer their questions and help them understand the poem.1. A. was                 B. being               C. to be           D. be 2. A. In                   B. At                      C. To                 D. On 3. A. has to         B. has   


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