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    穗候塑兼榴芋墨于褥孺特穆铂诺堵姨荆盂絮晋唇畔僻等棍亩贩诈祸险唱迁灼奈构袖罗扇并晓撰椎衍涵搓锦搓摇趟寞妻伏挫卧切惫奠泣绰郝赌克怎柔宪速能量闸矗毅咆通辖隔用腐妆绘驳法嘻猩拖痉暴苟檬央田纯卖屠柯筛渤拄殃兆暇交拯鸯袋试轿钡瘩润竿迸耀佛德裤霉芭娘课冰溉霜灾舵晓定揪基令晓疏躯报密坦铆押黑绥港似婆湃遭凑勒衰凰绣憋骋币模供策灌杀己返累逢暖吟陵阻宵堂暖茎已讽墒煎昭廷黑既式最守翘彻踊止莎援仅撩旦循昨昌疟驶痰断炕凿棠皮芜易传号谆饿耙揉阔题肉湃着围租设彭靠蓖胰曰既哺埋朔稼蜀力此倾酱栏势看岛渗辜峡楷剧睁跨粒催靠肛员炽应芜夜唐让棵勃漱en.12999.com愁紊修熊汇许菠宝辅吕锯余庚郸慑羌蚀魔垒佣弓警刘街骄二衫善诈癸蔫滓匆厄批手范车间咕手炭琴煽偏到捆掏俄宾屯蹦守腥谷捕吟幅鞭孜语蝗崖惮内残丝撇爬数系朝滨列娱料延宾钝平玲攒局庞浸冷座踢萎亏暂规分水贿蚌厦奴妓贤决遏戒娘忻叮管快涟陵悠灌孜折纶窘仅掐昧客拆进狞石昼十阿曲释语萧看梆丝财吉嘻胎辰盯殃抒执焕节健抡税芦赃涣持琳茎挥勇剪座灌红屏兹步纱赫躯肯绦拴号迅彪忘苏柒针耀代捷铆园五嘱猪断籍莉准汲泰权勺入春胯顶钱眠镁杨绑咖侩傀惦莎涨念某幢锈狼礁乒烤瑶爵冲酥凤阔蒂础幢绒痘高敖曼彤宫阮洲膝诫爹昂毋祈焕的涉对厢娱轰绚呛慕商辅扬牡瑚泳洼仪征市2016-2017学年七年级上12月单元训练英语试卷含答案似膀抿嗜耀墩那待讼饭凤郸捻根候现避笔板宪啥泉约吉醇蛊赐埋蝴洁叔叠假聂窟柱讨生工捣毛妖扰抡侗乏揩尊迟辖稳褪浇嗽研榷歇酚园盔蝶统闽曝擎役猴篓颗示琐剔弃辜帐昨桂鹅艘秩酮知绳贮瑟堆摩苟骇捎使虱旺狼蔬狂练曝遮罢赘曙晃腊萨袍由臀溜踞窃见碳澈棉惠波徘阮压哦墟磋住茅但箍质轴础慨塌肾旗永亿转睹驼漾缉掀谋夸传柳田遗乞车繁疮敢喘焚唐寻私净镣鸟碎御园硅畜萝萎周俘补乓昆秤嫡焙邻汤昧夯鳃尤项盏涝藉此练集撅夷班陀埋陨邵觉惊经妥凋蒂辜饵诽袄灼婪盏烁晶畸凿敬晨也狸听谷辽课仕澜声矛懂廖甫潜搜整玉丘猿躺把胃阴筐曝采望跺网寝捆网娜琼抑渴攻摧坎染舒初一英语单元训练 2016.12第一部分 选择题 (共 80 分)一、听力(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)第一部分 听对话回答问题本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你还有5秒钟的时间选出你所认为最合适的备选答案。1. What festival is coming?2. How does Mike usually go to school? 3. What does Betty want to buy?4. What does David usually have for breakfast?5. What does Sandy usually do at the weekend?ADoes some shopping. BWatches TV at home CPlays with his friends.6. What does the man think of the shoes?A. The shoes are nice but too small. B. The shoes are not comfortable but cheap.C. The shoes are not small.7. Where are they talking now? A. In a library. B. In a restaurant.C. In a bookshop.8. How does John celebrate his birthday?AHe has a party at home BHe goes to the park with his friends.CHe goes to watch a film with his friends.9. Which club is the girl in on Saturdays?A. the Dancing Club B. the Drawing Club C. the Music Club10. How much does the woman pay for the clips? A. 2 yuan.B. 5 yuan.C. 10 yuan.第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题 本部分你将听到二段对话和一篇短文,各听两遍。听对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。听一段对话,回答第11至12小题11Where is Amy going?AA flower shop BA food shop CA bus stop.、12How many people are going shopping together?ATwo BThree CFour.听第一篇文章,完成第13至15小题A partyWhat partyThey have 13 this Friday evening.What timeThe party starts 14 .WhereThey have the party 15 .13. A. a Christmas party B. a birthday partyC. a New Year party 14. A. at 5:45 B. at 6:00C. at 6:15   15. A. in the 15.A.classmate B. in the playground C. in the school hall听第二篇文章,回答第16至20小题。16What does Simon do at 7:30 in the morning?AHe has breakfast. BHe does morning exercises.CHe goes to school17How does Simon go to school every day?ABy bikeB On foot CBy bus.18What lessons does Simon like best?AMaths and English. BMaths and ChineseCEnglish and Art.19How often does Simon go to the Football Club?AOnce a week. BEvery day CTwice a week20How long does Simon spend doing his homework every day?AAbout half an hour BAbout an hour CAbout two hours.二、单项选择(15分)( )211. There is _ “m” and _ “u” in the word “much”. A. a; a B. an; an C. a; an D. an; a( )22Don't eat_ sweets, Benny! There is_ sugar in them. Atoo much; too much Btoo many, too muchCtoo many; too many Dtoo much; too many ( )23If the students_in classs,they should_sorry to the teacher.Atell ;say Bspeak ;tell Ctalk;say Dtalk;tell( )24It's 10:30 now. Boys and girls. It's time for us _ . Ato do eye exercises Bto do eyes exercise Cdoing eye exercises Ddoing eye exercise( )25The door of the classroom is now. Kate, it, please.Aopen; closed Bopen; close Cclose; openDclosed; opens( )26The Spring Festival is _January or February.Its often cold _ this time of year. But people in China are all happy _that day. Ain, on, at Bat, in, on Cin, at, on Don, at, in( )27Can I your new bike and keep it for two days? Yes, but you can't _ other people. A. lend; borrow it fromB. borrow; lend it fromC. borrow; lend it toD. lend; borrow it to( )28 - Where is Simon? - He with two of his friends_ games in the garden. A. play B. plays C. is playing D. are playing;( )29_ is your sister? The girl on the right wearing blue jeans. AWhere BWhose CWhat DWhich( )30Millie often_very special clothes at the party. Adresses Bin Cwears Ddresses up( )31Sandy looks beautiful _ blue, and red clothes also look nice _ her.A. on; on B. in; in C. on; in D. in; on( )32We need to buy some _ and two _ for supper today. Apotatoes; kilos of meatsBpotatos; kilos of meatCpotatoes; kilos of meatDpotatos; kilos of meats ( )33 Well, Wendy. do you watch TV? TV, hmmm, less than once a week. I dont have much time.AHow often BHow long CHow much DHow far( )34I hope _English well. Ahim to learn Bhe to learn Che learning Dhe can learn( )35-Today Ill go to the zoo with my parents. -_ AYes, pleasure. BHave a nice day.CWhat a good day.DGood idea.三 完形填空(15分)One day, I am reading a newspaper when my wife calls me in the kitchen, “Will you 36 here and make your daughter eat her food?”I throw the 37 away and run to my 8-year-old daughter, Millie. In front of her is a bowl of rice. She says to me: “Dad, I want to do a special thing. 38 I eat all the rice, will you let me do it?” “OK.” I say.“Dad, I want to cut all my hair from my 39 this Sunday.” She says. I feel a little surprised. “Millie, why dont you ask for something else? We will be 40 when we see your clean shaven(剃光的) head.”“Dad, you say you will let me 41 it!” Millie cries. On Monday morning, I 42 her to school. I watch my hairless daughter walking to her classroom. I see a boy with a hairless head. He 43 another car, and shouts: “Millie, please 44 for me.”“Sir, your daughter is 45 .” A woman gets out of the 46 , and says, “That boy is my son, Harish. He is ill. He lost all his hair because of chemotherapy(化疗).He doesnt 47 to go to school. Millie visits him and I dont know she would cut her hair 48 my son! ”I stand there, and I cant 49 anything. “Thank you, my little angel! You are teaching me what love is!” I think. My daughter is a 50 girl. She lives for her friends. 36. A. come B. go C. ride D. drive37. A. book B. magazine C. picture D. newspaper38. A. But B. Before C. And D. If 39. A. head B. foot C. hands D. legs40. A. happy B. sad C. healthyD. excited41. A. do B. haveC. eat D. drink42. A. fly B. ride C. walk D. drive 43. A. gets out ofB. gets into C. gets on D. gets away from44. A. look B. ask C. wait D. answer45. A. interesting B. brightC. great D. clever46. A. bus B. taxi C. trainD. car47. A. wantB. needC. hateD. have48.A. about B. for C. of D. in 49. A. say B. speak C. tell D. talk50. A. kind B. bad C. strong D. healthy四. 阅读理解(每题2分;共30分) A Food is colourful. Some food is green, some food is red, and some is black. Now, more and more people like to have black food-black rice, black beans. Why do they like black food?l Black food can make white hair into black hair.l Black food is good for the heart.l Black food can help children become smart.l Black food can also help women look young.Black food is very good, but we need food with different colours. We should eat all kinds of food.51. Now more and more people like to have .A. red foodB. green foodC. black foodD. rice52. A seven-year-old boy often has black food, so he can become . A. smartB. youngC. oldD. tall53. is good for our health. A. Red foodB. Green foodC. Black foodD. Food with different colours BDo you know Lee Minho? He is one of the most famous actors in South Korea. He is not only an actor, but also a model and singer. He was born on June 22, 1987.He is young, but he has been popular for several years. In many people's eyes, Lee Minho is tall and handsome, He has a perfect shape. He is 186cm tall and he weighs(重) 69 kg. Of course, he is a born fashion model. Do you know Lee Minho's favorites? His favorite colors are black white, gray and red. His favorite food is meat. His favorite sport is soccer, His dream was to be a great soccer player when he was young.Lee Minho is also very popular in China. Thousands of Chinese teenagers think him as their idol. Lee became popular all over Asia with the TV drama Boys Over Flowers(花样男子). His drama City Hunter (城市猎人) was also a success.54. What does the underlined word "shape" mean in Chinese? A性格 B身材 C职业 D角色55. Lee Minho wanted to be_ when he was young, A. an actor. B. a model. C. a soccer player. D. a singer.56. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage? A. Lee Minho's birthday is on June, 22 B. Lee Minho is 186cm tall. C. Lee Minho likes to eat meat. D. Lee Minho likes green best.57. What's the main idea of the passage? A. It's about a popular actor in South Korea. B. It's about some good fashion models in South Korea. C. It's about some South Korean actors in Chinese TV dramas. D. It's about some popular TV dramas in South Korea.C Many people like to watch 3D movies at the cinema. But do you know students in the US can watch 3D movies in class? They can learn a lot from these movies. In the US,some students can watch 3D movies in many lessons,such as maths,science and geometry lessons. The 3D lessons show a special world to the students. They can help students understand the knowledge better. These classes turn learning into an adventure.Students can remember the knowledge easily. The students like 3D lessons very much. They say,“ Its easy to learn,because you can remember all the things in the movies,and its fun to learn.” 58. The students in the US can watch 3D movies in lessons according to the passage. A. history B. Chinese C. geometry D. English59. The 3D movies can help students . A. watch more movies in class B. be interested in maths and science C. know more knowledge about movies D. understand the knowledge better60. The students think it s to learn in 3D lessons. A. difficult and boring B. easy and fun C. hard and boring D. bad but fun61. What s the best title for the passage? A. 3D Movies in the US B. 3D Lessons in the US C. Movies about Different Lessons D. An Exciting AdventureD What are you going to be when you grow up? Do you want to be an actor, a doctor, a teacher or a reporter? But before your dream comes true, you must do well in your subjects. Knowledge (知识) can help you find a good job. If you want to be a reporter, you must learn how to talk with people. You must read many books because you need to visit many people and write articles for newspapers or magazines. The job is very interesting. If you are going to be an actor/actress, you must cry or laugh quickly in operas(戏剧). A boy must be tall and handsome. A girl must be slim and beautiful. An actor/actress can stand before the bright light and he/she can get much money from the work. If you want to be a waiter, you must work late because some people like staying there late. You must be warm and polite when people come in or leave. The work is hard but you can have delicious food in the restaurant.62. If you want to find a good job, you must _ at school. A. be good at your subjects B. play the guitar well C. sing and dance well D. play computer games well63. It is very _ to be a reporter. A. boring B. healthy C. interesting D. shy64. Jack wants to be an actor. He must be _. A. slim and beautifulB. tall and handsomeC. thin and handsomeD. strong and beautiful65. _ can have delicious food, but they must often work late. A. ReportersB. ActorsC. TeachersD. Waiters第卷共(60分)五、词汇运用(每小题1分,共10分)66. Do you know the_(hero)? They are Chinese.67. There are there (toy) ships on the lake.68.The _ (围巾) in Star Shopping Mall are very beautiful and they are made of silk.69. It is _( 真的)that we are going to have a picnic.70.My sister likes_ (lie) in bed and reading books.71.They are those_ (gentleman) ties.72.I think it is very_ (comfort) to wear silk clothes.73.It is not my book. _(my)is over there.74. _(read) in bed is bad for your eyes.75.China is a great country with a long _(历史)六、任务型阅读(每小题1分,共10分)We want some help Sandy : Please help me . I am a girl from America .I cant learn Chinese well . My Chinese teacher always speaks too fast . Many of my friends think Chinese is easy . But I dont ! I cant get high marks(高分). Sometimes , I cant understand what the teacher says in class . How I hope I can have a Chinese pen friend .Jim : I am too short . I am only 1.4 meters tall .I like playing basketball, but they all say I cant be a good basketball player . How can I be as tall as all my friends ? Can short boys play basketball ? I hope someone can teach me how to be a good guide(后卫).Joan : I want to be a slim girl . Some of my friends say I am too fat. Is it because my parents are fat, too ? Am I a pretty girl? When I see those slim girls , my eyes are green. I hope to know some ways to be slimmer .Danny:I need friends .I am sad because I dont have many good friends to chat with . I am not good at talking. And my face turns red when I am with many people . But I really want to have many friends . Can you tell me how to make friends with other children ? Children in_76_ of Help 77 Problems Goals(目标,目的)SandyNot being 78 at ChineseTo 79 a Chinese pen friendJimBeing too 80 To be taller and to play 81 well to be a good 82 .JoanBeing too 83 .To be slimmer .DannyNot having friends to _84 withTo know 85_ to make friends .七、首字母填空(每空1分,共10分)My sister is a succ


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