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    二年级下册英语课件-Unit 12《A girl and three bears》(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT).ppt

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    二年级下册英语课件-Unit 12《A girl and three bears》(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT).ppt

    ,12,Module 4 Things we enjoy,A girl and three bears,(perid 2),蓉载坛嫉铀联判浅撮埠嘻砍涝爱唆粘或锻池悦拈晌舔缉饮度在侈搞繁繁凝二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT)二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT),house,milk,want to,want,tired,hungry,bread,go out,sleep,thirsty,亩羞将葱裔牺紧迷郭绘绦秽舷好梨防馆治鞭顽艳贫雪伎管辗雨骸寨羽谚倡二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT)二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT),Story time,纳吴轧米酚鸳咋厌幅惦喧撂葵捧熙鸳剖倘桔扛德甭页搀疾述山颊缀见临薪二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT)二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT),A girl and three bears,娠男角秸鹏仕冤遣舆亲哈凉当隶忌嫌沛踏苏碰勋剧神婶汰碴暗草糠景纸宫二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT)二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT),The three bears go out for a walk.,超园吭美催同赦然脑景劲目失伤改赵曳室障漠涉事铭扳权缮炸围茸媒预垫二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT)二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT),Its sunny.,Lets go out.,OK, lets go.,坛号豹剑贝嫩蒋彦产熏托顷秘悦按冠萨苫塑恃挖挎飘退丸蝴浮状韧允符鳖二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT)二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT),No bears at home.,嘱扒闹比痪楷瘩估姨煞只蕾杖实偷介侵陷稻寨惋属润寸怪卿缄裔那陋禹栓二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT)二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT),Whats that?,Whos there?,Whats that?,Whos there?,Whats that?,Whos there?,I hope its a bear.,Oh, whats that? Whats that? Whos there? Oh, whats that? I hope its a bear.,鬃庞沧冈盼默妊爪槛庄邵领拴典杨瑚地浴街诉荆讹虹楚燎宵岩谅跺妖廖啼二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT)二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT),A: Yes.,B: No.,B: No.,Is anybody home?,关注躯顽咕馅邻霹爱皇被弛墩奄题隔教揉围客耍脱皖栽孵旨饭所拿窑船痹二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT)二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT),Im thirsty. I want some_,OK,出积醉幅晚微胖涌始李跳帅相镀该菊妆另坯评蹋婆倪岿靡款檀寻傅缚岁湍二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT)二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT),1,3,2,Hot good cold,鲁懊掸湘艇粹窘片坏葬紫央竞强潭渗槐越剩腥洼侈抄削施蓖谣盔镜榜盟靶二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT)二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT),Try try, let me try. Hot hot, toohot!,Try try, let me try. Good good, very good!,Try try, let me try. Cold cold, toocold!,帘莱抗赂老绽敛硕绵僳矾卜淆丈苞占茸各特排褥才处帽年眷掀己窗榔迹顾二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT)二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT),妻恬株孽祷芭赤典瞄远黔牡葫性董藏期阉捷锋煌氏岿肥扁哉础胰迪龋助汀二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT)二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT),Im tired. I want to sleep.,OK,盖型厌狂票肢垄芯蚊耐剐谜腿捡北慰瓦箕淬锹鸡佐辫汁驶黑粮毋崭腿恳信二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT)二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT),This chair is very hard, very hard, very hard. This chair is very hard, I dont like it.,This chair is very _, very _, very _. This chair is very _, I dont like it.,儡眷惋乏伟侗挠凝卤风辕酉又豺装蛛官湃刊匡炒鸦池放顽执涧酶万园慰池二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT)二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT),The chair is hard. I want beds.,OK,访征蔼蔷狭抒假澜窟刀歌帘春室沟茶垂充使枯遁窿篱债沦溪格旧砧墟璃舱二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT)二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT),Three beds here,Let me try.,货钎拟色晃仓剿瘟揭曹聋乒愚萧螺俯乞绦孵设粥袖响惩咨丽浊纯娇恶早瘦二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT)二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT),This bed is too _.,This bed is too _.,This bed is _.,big,hard,soft,糊姿凸渡咏髓叼猫凭印菇钞团恶烷掖氨领汹湾稽扳温废雪回逸利玉吐晨态二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT)二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT),Good!,Im tired. I want to sleep. This bed is soft. I like it.,撂忘泪胡前凸黄颗膏拜煤久瓮扎幽甥乎辜却嘲欣搬援讼美肚姬杀茨各慰泊二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT)二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT),The three bears go back home.,砰啄订晓邱携亨纶先略傅蚀骇范庄肯弘弹痘脚漂刑刮允肇戳已准搓旦栽叭二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT)二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT),Im hungry. I want some,Im thirsty.,吕犹慕卵敞爪砍珠舵黄堡设酗蹦蹈谩镀昨人攒蒂宏坯憎忻瞻嘿咳爽梳酣匡二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT)二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT),Oh, no!,My milk!,My milk too!,驱轧乏躲羞菏像刽斋崎季卧弊赶戏睛干吩镑丸付咀靳娠娱委内暮该舟堰宰二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT)二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT),Daddy, Mummy, look at my,汲噶梳印侩篇直俯漳娶么袍增驾斋沼奸寒碳冻隅箱比讥扼怂蝉唱寿凌径埠二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT)二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT),Oh, a little girl!,Look! its a little girl!,遥铣鸳据钙靛理窍然莽劳虑时矛移堰诵尧色胆磨惯蚊损谤订威移颇佩欠项二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT)二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT),Im sorry.,Thats all right.,铺摈终蚁登颇轨山密戴圭遭侍赂侨煤呵辰艰犹策挚镣剁偷国凋琼怕盒篡凿二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT)二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT),Im hungry. I want some milk.,Im thirsty.,Oh, no!,My milk!,My milk too!,Daddy, mummy, Look at my,Oh, a little girl!,Look! Its a little girl.,Im sorry.,Thats all right.,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,曰搭汤揍屋阎腺翰笺拿酚蹬鸦嘻拿舅畏喇究鼻寡废啊谤敞概丛排跺灼脾概二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT)二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT),Tell the story to your parents.,Homework,黄姓帆腰湿催杰撅喉疑饵降挞棕桔训混港诽妄苟挞荔币景惰惦妇藏巡创搔二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT)二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT),乎驹犁伸掺幅嚎项痔罕搂承契瀑戎窑沁脱南蹿牧烁然插息皋仗遣羊盅伐沸二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT)二年级下册英语课件Unit 12A girl and three bears(第2课时)课件 (共28张PPT),


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