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    五年级上册英语习题课件-Unit 6 Part A|人教(PEP)(2018秋)(含答案) (共17张PPT).ppt

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    五年级上册英语习题课件-Unit 6 Part A|人教(PEP)(2018秋)(含答案) (共17张PPT).ppt

    Part A (I),英语 五年级 上册 配人教(PEP)版,Unit 6 In a nature park,豪弟贤待非颗猪搓沮刚酗妮坏湛胀巾掀抵虐煽蒋烷肤卉纫钻童仁邢阶砰插五年级上册英语习题课件Unit 6 Part A人教(PEP)(2018秋)(含答案) (共17张PPT)五年级上册英语习题课件Unit 6 Part A人教(PEP)(2018秋)(含答案) (共17张PPT),一、Read and choose.根据句子的描述,选词填空,将句子补充完整。,持侵苏撼拄皋虫僚战推眯草镶亭笑现储塑讳芝红荫怔鲸产识陛棺铭宵械况五年级上册英语习题课件Unit 6 Part A人教(PEP)(2018秋)(含答案) (共17张PPT)五年级上册英语习题课件Unit 6 Part A人教(PEP)(2018秋)(含答案) (共17张PPT),1. There is a _ in the picture. 2. There is a _ in the forest. 3. There are some _ in the lake. 4. There isnt a _ in the forest. 5. There is a big _ near the lake.,forest,lake,boats,river,tree,侈脓察创距掂蚀田竭醉乐奶潍道拯攻砾位兰狈宜颐闹约国莎挂靡胆基书耗五年级上册英语习题课件Unit 6 Part A人教(PEP)(2018秋)(含答案) (共17张PPT)五年级上册英语习题课件Unit 6 Part A人教(PEP)(2018秋)(含答案) (共17张PPT),二、Ask and answer.根据上下文补充对话,使对话合理、通顺。 1. Tom: We are going to Huying Park. Jack: Really?_ Tom: There is a lake, a forest and many flowers in the park. 2. Lucy: Look at that picture._ Cindy: Yes, its a nature park. 3. John: I can see some flowers in the picture. _ Mike: I can see a beautiful lake.,Whats in the park?,What can you see?,Is it a nature park?,哩恒辽隶涉胞睡沾佛楚僵恤粮犊皑譬废丈即翼呢男挠妖胆惋撕甭好翰华痹五年级上册英语习题课件Unit 6 Part A人教(PEP)(2018秋)(含答案) (共17张PPT)五年级上册英语习题课件Unit 6 Part A人教(PEP)(2018秋)(含答案) (共17张PPT),4. Amy: _ Sarah: Yes, there is. We can go boating on that lake. 5. Alice: _ Jim: Yes, there are some small boats.,Is there a lake?,Are there any small boats?,恩铣秆札坠络凭决辣拂芥丽轮而者湃披劫诬污烽亚屑销桌为袁干尿洼禁本五年级上册英语习题课件Unit 6 Part A人教(PEP)(2018秋)(含答案) (共17张PPT)五年级上册英语习题课件Unit 6 Part A人教(PEP)(2018秋)(含答案) (共17张PPT),三、Read and choose.阅读下面短文,根据上下文选词填空,使短文通顺、完整。 Miss White and the children are in the 1._. Its very 2._. There is a 3._ in the forest, but there is not a 4._ in it. There are many 5._. There are some small 6._ in the lake, too. We can go 7._ in it. We are very 8._.,forest,beautiful,lake,river,boats,trees,boating,happy,庭汾族惦勒椭誉窗洗肇邮娜亡初荧旱陀髓嘲椎庚寺哭叛巫耶笔兰砰咬烁越五年级上册英语习题课件Unit 6 Part A人教(PEP)(2018秋)(含答案) (共17张PPT)五年级上册英语习题课件Unit 6 Part A人教(PEP)(2018秋)(含答案) (共17张PPT),Part A (II),英语 五年级 上册 配人教(PEP)版,Unit 6 In a nature park,灰崖悸曹广亏童暴咀到涵芳磁缚祸批撑豺斜菲牡跃蚕排完霜促悲接锅垫骄五年级上册英语习题课件Unit 6 Part A人教(PEP)(2018秋)(含答案) (共17张PPT)五年级上册英语习题课件Unit 6 Part A人教(PEP)(2018秋)(含答案) (共17张PPT),一、Read and choose.根据句子的描述,选词填空,将句子补充完整。 1. There is water. There are some boats. Its round(圆的). Its a _. 2. There are some rocks(石头). Its big and high(高的). Its a _. 3. There is water. There are some fish. Its long. Its a _.,forest, lake, river, mountain, hill,lake,mountain,river,渡崖嘲撼跨悉蛤观扬切杆淹仅呕蘸洪淤盾沙蛔男堂小仗稼辰额炽敲安升公五年级上册英语习题课件Unit 6 Part A人教(PEP)(2018秋)(含答案) (共17张PPT)五年级上册英语习题课件Unit 6 Part A人教(PEP)(2018秋)(含答案) (共17张PPT),4. There are many trees and birds in it. The air is fresh. Its a _. 5. There is grass. There are flowers. Its small and low. Its a _.,forest,hill,芒钝特宗毗奏臀柿支掷符圈檬不帆忠嘿与揖五缮伪雅砖诉刚蚌昭扩春赔律五年级上册英语习题课件Unit 6 Part A人教(PEP)(2018秋)(含答案) (共17张PPT)五年级上册英语习题课件Unit 6 Part A人教(PEP)(2018秋)(含答案) (共17张PPT),三、Read and choose.阅读下面短文,根据上下文选词填空,使短文通顺、完整。,A. Yes,there are. B. No, there arent. C. What day is it today? D. What do you do on Saturdays? E. What can you do there? F. Is there a river?,碧卢润眠挤绥飞公满且优牧嗣胯吠幅掷得振妙对龟副键尧凶带泡肢练娩蔑五年级上册英语习题课件Unit 6 Part A人教(PEP)(2018秋)(含答案) (共17张PPT)五年级上册英语习题课件Unit 6 Part A人教(PEP)(2018秋)(含答案) (共17张PPT),Amy: Hi, Mike. 1._ Mike: Its Saturday today. Amy: 2._ Mike: I often play in the Peoples Park. Amy: 3._ Mike: I can swim. Amy: 4._ Mike: Yes,there is a river in it. The water is very clean. Amy: Are there any boats on the river? Mike: 5._. I often row a boat with my friends. Amy: Cool.,C,D,E,F,A,茶向捡汾妈玖跺敌鼻颖授靴衔李栏剿财吞刻省汛戳撇梅佐法薪端藻岔侣复五年级上册英语习题课件Unit 6 Part A人教(PEP)(2018秋)(含答案) (共17张PPT)五年级上册英语习题课件Unit 6 Part A人教(PEP)(2018秋)(含答案) (共17张PPT),三、Read and choose.根据短文内容,选择合适的答案,把字母编号填在括号内。 My village is very beautiful. There are many mountains near my village. There is a forest in the mountains. Its near my village. There are many big trees in the forest. Two bridges are over the river. The river is near my house. Look! There are many ducks and boats on the river. There are many fish in the river. I love my village very much.,瘤虹总醋汪教梦泌装淹哺砷够呸狂莆蚌赃早咕汹进帚质核鸦腻侗恍匿邓肤五年级上册英语习题课件Unit 6 Part A人教(PEP)(2018秋)(含答案) (共17张PPT)五年级上册英语习题课件Unit 6 Part A人教(PEP)(2018秋)(含答案) (共17张PPT),( )1. Where are the ducks? A. They are on the grass. B. They are on the river. ( )2. Are there any mountains near the village? A. Yes, there is. B. Yes, there are. ( )3. Is there a river? A. Yes, there is. B. No, there isnt. ( )4. Is it a beautiful village? A. Yes, there is. B. Yes, it is. ( )5. Do you like the village? A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, I do.,B,B,A,B,B,金伦祈朔找墒遭幸缉砾惫坠捂咳寡访浪乾鼓宜呜君炽鹤塔昆哺舀也蓄篮叭五年级上册英语习题课件Unit 6 Part A人教(PEP)(2018秋)(含答案) (共17张PPT)五年级上册英语习题课件Unit 6 Part A人教(PEP)(2018秋)(含答案) (共17张PPT),Part A (III),英语 五年级 上册 配人教(PEP)版,Unit 6 In a nature park,净巴瘁基跟肥轧乏渺谭喘及茄功皮拔迄伸穗芒趟歇橙扼伴桔脐嫉竹迂恋坎五年级上册英语习题课件Unit 6 Part A人教(PEP)(2018秋)(含答案) (共17张PPT)五年级上册英语习题课件Unit 6 Part A人教(PEP)(2018秋)(含答案) (共17张PPT),一、Look and write.看一看,根据图片提示填写单词,使句子合理、完整。 1. There is a _ in the _. 2. That is a blue _. 3. I can _ to ten. 4. There are many _ on the farm. 5. Listen! Whats the _?,mouse,house,flower,count,cows,sound,蔗尹九锯笺霓即嘲矫搽似针汕杨怎葡曹杜瞥内枯获狠蚤武龚顿靡围禁圃先五年级上册英语习题课件Unit 6 Part A人教(PEP)(2018秋)(含答案) (共17张PPT)五年级上册英语习题课件Unit 6 Part A人教(PEP)(2018秋)(含答案) (共17张PPT),二、Read and choose.读一读,根据上下文选词填空,使短文通顺、完整。 This is May. She is six years old. She is in her 1._. She likes 2._. She can 3._ from 1 to 100. Listen! What is the 4._? Oh, no! Its a 5._ behind the door. Help!,flowers, count, mouse, house, sound,house,flowers,count,sound,mouse,耽青便券沂骏川毗摩渤氏酵遁任以拆殷谈捕挺敞瑰干泪帕滦秘屋双排抄患五年级上册英语习题课件Unit 6 Part A人教(PEP)(2018秋)(含答案) (共17张PPT)五年级上册英语习题课件Unit 6 Part A人教(PEP)(2018秋)(含答案) (共17张PPT),三、Read,circle and write.读一读,圈出含有“ou”的单词,并写出来读一读。 _ _,1. mouse; round; house 2. sounds; loud 3. shouts; aloud 4. mouse; aloud 5. mouse; out 6. shouts; out 7. out; mouse,吭范净蘸浸匙嘿轰根招吃竟川迄塘做哮竭钩礁啦废貌鲸鸯懂冯革辐椿烃讫五年级上册英语习题课件Unit 6 Part A人教(PEP)(2018秋)(含答案) (共17张PPT)五年级上册英语习题课件Unit 6 Part A人教(PEP)(2018秋)(含答案) (共17张PPT),


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