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    黑龙江杜尔伯特县2017-2018学年七年级英语上学期期中试题 考生注意:1、考试时间120分钟2、全卷共七道大题,总分120分Part One 听力I.听音,选择与所听内容相符的图片。(每个句子只读一遍,每小题有5秒钟答题时间,5分) A B C电影院 邮局 D E1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _II. 听音,根据对话内容,选择正确答案。(每组对话及问题读两遍,每小题有5秒钟答题时间,5分)( )6. A. Jack B. David C. Sam( )7. A. Some vegetables B. Some chicken C. Some fruit( )8.A. Students wont go to school B. Theyll study at school. C. Theyll study how to use computer.( )9.A. By hand. B. By email C. By bus( )10A. Its cool B. Its warm C. Its cold.III. 听音,根据两段长对话内容,选择正确答案。(每段对话及问题读两遍,每小题有5秒钟答题时间,5分) 听第一段对话,回答第1112小题。( )11. What does the boy want to buy? A. A little dog. B. A pair of shoes C. A hot dog( )12. Where is the bookshop? A. Behind a shoe shop. B. In front of a shop. C. Next to a shoe shop( )13. How are they going to the zoo? A. By bus B. By bike C. On foot( )14. Whats the boys favourite animal? A. Bears B. Horses C. birds.( )15. Where are they going to have a picnic? A. at home B. At school C. At the zooIV. 听音,根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(短文读两遍,你有30秒钟答题时间,5分)( )16. What does Mary like? A. Only pop music. B. Lots of different kinds of music. C. Only classical music.( )17. Who listens to classical music because they like Mary? A. Pop stars. B. Young people. C. Classical musicians.( )18. What was the first instrument(乐器) she learnt to play? A. The violin. B. The piano. C. The drums.( _)19. Who has Mary played with in pop concerts? A. her family B. Many old people C. Pop stars.( )20. When did Mary begin to learn to play the violin? A. When she was 9. B. When she was 8. C. When she was 7.第二部分 笔试一. 单项选择:(15分)( ) 1. She likes playing_ violin, but she doesnt like playing_basketball.A. the; aB. / ; the C. the; the D. the; /( )2Shakespeare decided _ an actor when he was fourteen.A/ BtoCto beDto do( ) 3. . Whats your best friend like? _. A. She is a student B. Shes nice and friendly.C. She likes doing some sightseeing D. She doesnt like anything. ( ) 4. There _ five tall trees in front of my house when I was eight. A. isB. are C. wereD. was(    ) 5.Why do you learn English?          _ I want to make some English friends.        A. So                B. Because              C. But  D. /( ) 6.Mum, I m going to Anns party this evening. _.A. Why not    B. Good ideaC. Dont come back late.  D. Have a good time( )7 When _ you _ to China? In February, 1999Ado, come Bdo, cameCdid, comeDdid, came( ) 8. I can't go _ because I have to go home at once . A.else anywhere B.anywhere else . C.else nowhere . D.somewhere else.( )9.It is important _ students _ carefully in class . A.for, listening. B.of , listen C.for, to listen D.of , to listen.( )10. Was your daughter born _ Beijing ? Yes , she was born there _ the morning of June 2 nd .A. in, in B. at , on C. at, in D. in , on. ( )11. Mr Brown _ the train station _ three o' clock in the afternoon . A.took , at . B. arrived , in C. reached, in D. got to , at .( ) 12. Becky and Mary were looking forward to _to China. A. come B. comes C. coming D. to come( ) 13. I would like_ and two Lemons.A. two kilo of beans B. two kilos of bean C. two kilos of beans D. two kilo of bean( ) 14. Teachers wont use chalk on a blackboard and students wont use pens and paper, or erasers_!A. longer B. more C. any more D. more longer( ) 15. _beautiful city they are visiting!A. What B. How C. What a D. How a 二. 完形填空(10分) Long long ago there was a poor man . He had an apple tree in his garden. On the tree there were many fine apples. One day he 16 one of his apples was much bigger than the others . It was as big as a football. 17 could ever seen such a big apple. The poor man 18 the apple to the king. The king was very happy 19 gave the man a lot of money 20 it. When a rich man heard of it, he said to 21 ,“it is 22 an apple. I will take the gold cup (金杯)to the king. He must give me 23 money. ”The next day when the king 24 the gold cup,he said to the rich man ,“what a beautiful cup! I will show you 25 .please take this great apple.”( )16. A. looked B.liked C. watched D.found ( )17. A. Nobody B.Nothing . C. Any D.some ( )18. A. took B brought C. had D.went ( )19. A. that B. and C.but D.so ( )20. A.on B. of C. to. D. for. ( )21. A. the man B. myself C. himself D. you( )22. A. only B.very C.big D.good ( )23. A.many B.lot C.most D.more.( )24. A got B.liked C.touched D. closed ( )25. A. a nice thing B.some bread. C.some money D.some books. 三口语交际(共5小题,5分)根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子填入对话相应的空白处,使对话完整,合乎情景。(其中有两项是多余的) A: I went to see you yesterday afternoon, but you were out. Where did you go?B: I went to Lingling's birthday party. 26 A: Oh, yes, she did. But I couldn't go, because I was ill. 27 B: Yes, we really had a good time.A: 28B: We sang and danced. We told stories. We also had a big birthday cake.A: 29 B: Of course. They brought Lingling a very nice present.A: 30 B: A blue hat.A: I think it's very beautiful.ADidn't she ask you to the party?BWhat present did you give Lingling?CDid you enjoy the party?DDid the twins go to the party?ECould you please tell me something about the party?FCan you help me?26. _ 27. _ 28. _ 29. _ 30. _四阅读理解:(A) Frank was clever, but he never liked to work hard. He often said to his friends, "If you work hard, you will make a lot of money, but it is not so good. I want easy work and a lot of money. That's the most interesting thing in the world. "So he could only be a thief. But he still thought it was too much work, so he only told his friends what to do and got money from them. One day, Frank sent one of his friends to a very large and beautiful house. He told him to get money from that rich family. It was evening, a man and a girl were in the room. They were playing a duet(二重奏)on a piano. Then the thief came into the house. When he returned, Frank asked him what he had got. But he said, "I didn't take anything. That family can't have much money. You know, two people were playing on the same piano there. They did not have money to buy another piano."( )31. Which is the best title for the passage? A. Frank and His Work . B. One Piano Only. C. The Man and the Girl. D. Easy Work and More Money.( )32. From the story we know that Frank_ . A. had many clever friends. B. was more clever than most of the people C. didn't want to do any work D. knew many interesting things in the world( )33. Frank's friends _ . A. were all thieves B. were clever enough to do easiest work C. usually worked as hard as Frank D. knew who were rich and who were poor( )34. The thief didn't go into the beautiful house because _ A.that family was not rich B.he knew nothing about music C.the piano was too big for him D.the man and the girl had already seen him( )35. The story tells us if we want to become rich, we must _ A. find an easy job B. work hard C. have a lot of friends D. learn something about money(B)NEWTON THEATRE OXFORD Tel. 721992 Tickets 4Monday, 8 January for two weeks MY FAT FRIENDCharles Lawrences popular comedyWednesday, 24 January to Saturday, 27 JanuaryShanghai Festival BalletPresents: bread and orange SWAN LAKEMonday, 29 January for one weekFish and chips served during the interval. RUN and KILLTim Danbys thrilling mysteryPerformances: Mon. Fri. 19:30, Sat. 20:00Tea and coffee served during the interval.( ) 36.The telephone number of the Newton Theatre(戏院) is _.A. tel. 24-27 B. Tickets 4 C. Mon. 8 Jan. D. 721992( ) 37. The Newton Theatre is in _.A. Danby B. Lawrence C. Oxford D. Shanghai( ) 38. The Shanghai Festival Ballet(芭蕾舞) will perform(表演)_ evenings.A. four B. three C. six D. five( ) 39. _ begins on Monday, January 29th.ANewton Theatre B. My Fat Friend C. Swan Lake D. Run and Kill( ) 40. You can get _ at the Newton Theatre during the interval(幕间休息).A.bread and orange B. water and cakes C. coffee and tea D. fish and chips (C)任务型阅读:根据短文内容按要求完成文后各题任务。(10分)If you want to live for 100 years, you need healthy food and lots of exercise. In the morning, you have a big and nice breakfast. A big and nice breakfast can help you start a day. For lunch and dinner, you can have rice and vegetables. (2)Healthy people seldom eat much snacks. Sweet snacks give you energy but theyre not healthy. You can have an orange or an apple after each meal.Except for keeping a healthy (1)_, you need lots of (1)_ too. You can do sports for 30 minutes every day. After a month, you will feel healthier. You can swim. You can run. You can play ball games. But dont play computer games or chat with friends on the Internet for many hours every day. This is not exercise. Get up from your chair, everyone! Change your diet and lifestyle today! You can live for 100 years. You can always feel young with right food and exercise.41. 将文中(1)处分别填上适当的单词。 _ 42. 将文中(2. )画线处翻译成汉语: _ 43. How long can we exercise every day? 44. 在文中找出下面句子的同义句。 You can do some exercise for half an hour every day. _45. 找出文中最能表达中心意思的句子。_.(D)综合填空。根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。(每小题1分,共10分)Once when Tom was a boy, his mother went out for a picnic. Before she went, shesaid to him, “Tom, while I am away, stay near the door, and watch it a_(46) the time. ” She said this b_(47) there were lots of thieves in their town. Tom sat down b_(48) the door. After an hour one of his uncles came. He said to Tom, “ Where is your mother? ”“At a picnic,” he a _(49). “ Well , ” said the uncle, “ we are going to visit y_(50) house this evening. Go and t_(51) her.” His uncle then went a_(52), and Tom began to think. “Mother said, Watch the door all the time. and uncle said, Go and tell her!” He thought and thought, then at l_(53), he pulled the door down, p_(54) it on his back and went to his mother w_(55)it! 46. _ 47. _ 48. _ 49. _ 50. _51. _ 52. _ 53. _ 54. _ 55. _五句型转换(10分) 56. Li Lei played computer games last Sunday. (改为否定句) Li Lei _ _ computer games last Sunday.57.Was your mother in the kitchen just now? (作肯定回答) _, she _. 58. He could play the piano at the age of five.(改为同义句) He could play the piano _ he _ five.59.Jack will take a plane to China, _ _ ? (完成反意疑问句)60. It is a beautiful flower.(改为感叹句) _ _ beautiful flower it is!六用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)61. I often do some _ (write) after school.62. Dont ask others _ (person) questions. Its impolite.63. We were _ (excite) to meet our old friends.64. Do you know how _ (get) to the nearest station?65. I hear Betty _ (sing) in her room.七书面表达(10分)假如你是李明,你的三位朋友分别喜欢不同的音乐,请根据下面表格中的内容写一篇6080词左右的英语短文。 Namefavourite musicfavourite musician reasonPeterPop musicLeehom WangMake people relaxedLindaChinese classical musicLang LangPlay the piano bestTim Rock musicCui JianMake people excited 答案听力:I. 1-5 CBADEII. 6-10 BAABCIII. 11-15 CAABCIV. 16-20 BBBCB第二部分 笔试一. 单项选择:1-5 DCBCB 6-10 DCBCD 11-15 DCCCC二. 完形填空:16-20 .D A B B D 21-25 C A D A A 三口语交际:26-30 A C E D B四阅读理解:(A)31-35 DCABB (B)36-40 DCACC(C)41. diet/food exercise42. 健康的人从来不吃零食。43. 30 minutes./ Half an hour. 44. You can exercise for 30 minutes every day.45. If you want to live for 100 years, you need healthy food and lots of(D)46-55 all, because, beside, answered, your, tell, away, last, put, with五 句型转换: 56. didnt play 57. Yes was 58.when was 59 wont he 60 what a六用所给词的适当形式填空 1. writing 2.personal 3. excited 4. to get 5.singing七 书面表达 略13


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