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    牛津高中英语,(模块七 ·高二下学期),搁寺杰仇刽狂姜潮辛西灯纠咒婉墨岭搀老绩炯腥茫悄更予诣孺熟烂抠拥浆Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2,Unit,1,Project 2 板块:教学设计-课件,临贤速义资炽岳呜蔫足灌防岗躇髓抠陈泣晴换赢檄甥萤褥喘官娱浪骇涅钡Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2,Unit 1,课件描述: 这是Project板块的第二课时。本板块的核心思想是让学生运用本单元所学的所有知识和技能,在课堂之外,独立或以小组形式开展项目研究。第二课时侧重语言知识的学习和项目研究的前期准备,如分组、研究重点的确立、不同观点的讨论、小组成员任务分工等。,蚕日侮足免要应烁威紧使疚渺骗玫晰粗伯娇斤新试完勇巍揭券祈诞锄格汗Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2,Important phrases,the Amisha Christian Many people assume have religious reasons for their conventional way of life in truth, vote on whether reject cars they like having tight communities where everyone lives close dislike dealing with value seeing each other face- to- face oppose having telephones in their houses a telephone for emergencies.,哩残窟贱扇业抨删抽槐装喜僻僳炼偶劳胳估刀拣鲍怒凤梆尊酣懈惑站纵那Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2,have a valid point someone accompanying you other disadvantages to the telephone no matter what the circumstances be absorbed in a book destroying whatever peace you might have More problems arises. interrupt the conversation to answer a call for some reason attach greater importance to Most mobile phone calls regard rather small matters. waste your precious time,睁捉罢云市辰软外源肯佣禁胺俺耗鳃称蕊险境厨耀哺妇滥雹描夸疲艰佩都Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2,Girls average 80 text messages a day. at the time focus on building relationships with These relationships are quite shallow. The use of technology for communication rather than talking face to face Real relationships are often sacrificed. in general have a higher degree of mental health have very calm and stable lives they value community and living in peace above all else for good measure rid ourselves of modern technology,迎傅个月驯砾痉予贬象劫吕棒鸿嘿事献根炳聪箩督旧究翟恬栈只黍房僧捶Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2,Key words,reject oppose arise attach sacrifice rid,径蛇哟兽本清娘隔干狭仑雪娩旦弧亿弧二面头酬悉狞骂掌词垒玛吭钒持郡Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2,The Amish reject cars because they like having tight communities where everyone lives close together. reject (v.) to refuse to accept, believe in, or agree with something Sarah rejected her brother's offer of help. reject sth. as sth. Gibson rejected the idea as 'absurd'. to not choose someone for a job, course of study etc. It's obvious why his application was rejected. 3. to throw away something that has just been made, because its quality is not good enough If inspectors find a defective can, the batch is rejected. 4. to refuse to give someone any love or attention Children feel abandoned or rejected if they don't see their parents regularly.,磨蛾谤胎羌垒怜自批茹屿列腮槐详铱趋暇蛔汲堰狠泳研盂厢牌句绒定视红Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2,Since the Amish value seeing each other face- to- face, they oppose having telephones in their houses. oppose (v.) 1. to disagree with something such as a plan or idea and try to prevent it from happening or succeeding Congress is continuing to oppose the President's healthcare budget. 2. to fight or compete against another person or group in a battle, competition, or election He is opposed by two other candidates.,又笑骑茬丧爷滇噬茵茸罐笨竖拿宽馆驾果江翰戏勾罐蒂感镰铲抖磐扣尖绢Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2,With mobile phones, more problems arise. arise (vi.) 1. if a problem or difficult situation arises, it begins to happen A crisis has arisen in the Foreign Office. More problems like those at the nuclear power plant are certain to arise. 2. if something arises from or out of a situation, event etc, it is caused or started by that situation etc Several important legal questions arose in the contract negotiations. arise from/out of Can we begin by discussing matters arising from the last meeting? when/if the need arises/should the need arise Should the need arise for extra staff, we will contact you.,写盐菱存乔小里场痒掉揩颇垄鲤洼莹尤竣休兑棱呸蛋秀颗吓盘菱伤吧焊谤Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2,For some reason, a typical mobile phone call is nearly always attached greater importance to than a face-to-face conversation. attach (v.) 1. to fasten or connect one object to another attach sth. to sth. Attach a recent photograph to your application form. a small battery attached to a little loudspeaker Please fill in and return the attached reply slip. 2. to like someone or something very much, because you have known them or had them for a long time be attached to sb./sth. Its easy to become attached to the children you work with. 3. to believe that something is important attach importance/significance etc to sth. People attach too much importance to economic forecasts.,佩待哩凡污冕砌菇蜂侣蚁湃帚棵儒寒粟登憋唤焚萨骤靛搞拐限长封板填皮Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2,Meanwhile, real relationships are often sacrificed, and whatever personal peace one has is destroyed whenever the phone rings. sacrifice (v.) to willingly stop having something you want or doing something you like in order to get something more important sacrifice sth. for sth. A Labour government chose to sacrifice defence for welfare. sacrifice sth. to do sth. He sacrificed a promising career to look after his kids. sacrifice yourself (for sth.) mothers who sacrifice themselves for their children,玖做巷郝涟豆淤恋禽饿免兢农噶性饶弊欺伪漳馏篡庙敦闺郸兽凄做玲撒鹏Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2,sacrifice (n.) The workforce were willing to make sacrifices in order to preserve jobs. She brought three children up single-handedly, often at great personal sacrifice.,脐菇鳖虑碎纶擎陪哲矗涝棠棒呻凸斡降蹭邱湃芥觉幅撤冷牺醒芒绸话愤噬Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2,Maybe we should rid ourselves of modern technology and return to simpler times. rid (vi.) (rid, rid, ridding) to take action so that a person, place etc is no longer affected by something bad or no longer has it rid sb. of sth. a promise to rid the country of nuclear weapons Will science finally rid us of this disease? rid yourself of sth. He struggled to rid himself of his fears.,傍好祟掸赤诉讽法掀劲蔫皖亭射悄惯橱夜输瀑轻原蓄押食娟惠展杆赊菲娩Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2,Page 15 B. Making a list of advantages and disadvantages,慢列说劳逃亨徐蒲航刁忧杠拍萨普敌犁怯狞跺宗万侩渍综噪列单享旨任辕Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2,1. Planning Our group want to focus on _ (a type of electronic device). We want to find information in / on / from _. We are going to present its advantages and disadvantages by _.,胯害袱缀登臃死烘愧瞩陕初怯武榜葱妥纶镊均受散撒臼诺淤泞膜嗣箩换患Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2,2. Preparing In our discussion, we listed its advantages disadvantages 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. ,荒末逸肝散埂苔会犊蛾中揍彩辕箩逝韭潭篮契捌中涎价抽柠聪茧筷比抬苞Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2,3. Producing _ (Two members) are going to writing up the list. _ (Two members) are going to present our findings to the class. Your presentation is due in a week!,攫擅溅霍凸现磐赵到斥封候摈衍汞辐竣儿愈虎蜜格嚏瑚盐蝗捉限情饺篙韶Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2,Homework Complete the project. Review Unit 1.,粒呛狰括验李邑磅该才八旧鬃驳出莱凡屉拐芥匣找斧磊伶令惊听石豢硬佐Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2Book7_U1_课件课时9Project2,


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